"Loki!" Jane shouted as she entered their chambers in New Asgard, "Where are you?"

"In here, Love."

Jane shoved the doors open to their bedroom and immediately lost every reason she had been angry. She stepped forward and smiled at seeing her husband hold their ten week old son.

"He's sleeping," Loki nodded to the boy who was quite contently sleeping in his father's arms.

"Is this what you've been doing all day?"

"Yes," He admitted rather proudly.

"I thought Sif was going to keep him today. That way, you could help me with the navigational computers for the new fleet of ships Tony and Thor want to build."

"That can wait. Rikky couldn't," Loki bounced his son gently.

Jane closed the distance to stare at their son as he slept, "He seems peaceful enough."

"Now," Loki pointed out, "He was most unruly to begin with."

She smiled as she brushed the cap of Rikky's head gently, "Giving your father trouble already?"

"Nothing he and I couldn't handle together," He spoke as he kept his eyes on the baby.

"You're still worried," Jane offered.

"Not at all. He is well fed and clean for the moment."

"That's not what I was talking about and you know it."

Loki lowered his guard ever so slightly, "How do you see through me so easily?"

"Because I am your wife, and I love you," Jane kissed him on the cheek, "You are and will continue to be a good father."

"How can you be so sure? After everything I've done," He broke off.

"Because you are feeling this anxiety. That's how I know. You'd be crazy if you didn't. Are we going to make mistakes along the way? Most likely. Parenting doesn't exactly come with a manual though many have tried and failed to write one."

Loki squeezed his son gently, "I don't want to make the same mistakes my father made with me."

"And you won't," Jane smiled before continuing, "You know how much pain it caused, and you will think before acting," She affirmed for him before pointing a finger at him in warning, "Because if you were to ever behave like Odin, I would probably have to kill you."

Loki grinned, "Perish the thought."

Jane ran her finger over her son's chubby cheek, "We will be okay, I think."

Ricky grunted softly. Loki closed his eyes and winced as an indescribably bad odor permeated the air, "I would believe he was possessed if not for his gentle disposition."

"Yeah, that's pretty foul," Jane covered her nose as she made for the door, "You've got this under control."

"Jane!" Loki called after her helplessly as she closed the bedroom door behind her. He looked down at his still sleeping son, "How you can breathe that stench and remain asleep I will never know," He sighed as he carried his son to be changed.