Autor notes:

My first history uploaded. No a great writer if I say so myself and the fact that english is not my mother language is another thing to point out.

I do not own RWBY or any of the characters here.

Chapter 1: I should've played dead.

Yet again another troublesome day, I could just stay home and do nothing at all, study to get a simple job and have a normal life... away from the stress that carries being a huntsman a fighting grimm, risking my life for people I don't know and probably will never know.

That was the first thought that a young 17 years-old teenager Jaune Arc had before finally getting out of bed. Just wanting to be a regular citizen was the master plan of our protagonist in this story, but it was unavoidable. Born from a family of famous huntsman and huntresses his profession had been decided even before he was planned, and constantly showing signs that he was a prodigy made it harder for him to change the course of destiny.

''Are you awake sweetie?'' Asked a well-known voice of the matriarch of the Arc household, Juniper Arc.

Jaune knowing that it'd no good for him to fake drowsiness decided to answer with a simple yes.

''Good, breakfast is down stairs, we'll be waiting for you. Such a special day is to be remembered!'' Exclaimed the upbeat Juniper.

Jaune already showing signs of exhaustion and regret went with the flow and wished for the best. Once he arrived to the table he tried to reason with his parents, keyword being tried.

''Is it really a good idea for me to become a huntsman? I mean, I'm not nearly as skilled as any of my sisters'' Said a hopeful Jaune.

Jaune tried to reply, but he was cut by his other sister.

''Nonsense bro! You show much more promise that any of us, I know that you try to be humble, but you have to be blind to not notice your great potential and all the skill you have showed us'' Said the twin of said Jaune Arc, Johana Arc.

Once again tried to end the flattering, but it went uninterrupted.

''Yeah Jaune, you were able to disarm dad with at so early age, the is no way you'll do bad at Beacon'' Said the 3rd youngest sister, Janet Arc, being only 1 year younger that Jaune and Johana.

At this point Jaune had already surrendered.

The wave of flattery continued by the rest of his sisters, the younger at the tender age of 8 years, Anna Arc; the 2nd youngest with only 14 years-old, Orianna Arc; the 3rd was Janet; the 4th was Jaune twin, Johana; the 5th was 2 years older than her brother, she just graduated from Beacon, Julia Arc; the 6th was 4 years old, Blair Arc, who couldn't be there for work reasons; and last but not least the 7th sister, 6 years older that Jaune, Sophia Arc, whose excuse for not being there was that she was in vacation for his 3 years anniversary her husband.

It wasn't until the very end of this family meal, that the patriarch of the Arc household came in with a gift, John Arc.

His voice boomed through the entirety of the house. ''Son. I am proud to say that you are worthy of welding the family heirloom, Crocea Mors. It is now yours and you shall decide what to do with it''.

''Thanks dad, I can't even begin to express how this makes so me happy!'' Said a Jaune Arc with fake happiness, something he was long used to. ''I never wanted to be a huntsman'' Was left unsaid by the troubled boy.

''There nothing to say thanks for, your earnt it son, make our family proud by welding it in our honor'' Preached his father with more emotion that it needed.

''I guess am on my own for now. Don't worry, I'll text you and call you to stay in contact'' Said Jaune while leaving without giving them a chance to reply ''Or not'' Fell out of his mouth to nowhere as destination.

''Good, I arrived to the plane, now I have to survive to this dead trap'' Lamented a sickish Jaune.

''... I don't want to be the bee's knees'' Was heard from a little young miss, she looked cute and naïve, she also was wearing a lot of black and red.

He spotted another girl beside little red, a busty blonde. She had a great body, but Jaune was never the one to get close to people.

Not even 3 minutes passed and Jaune already felt like shit.

''This is going to be a long ride'' Thought Jaune before throwing up in the nearest trash can. ''Could this get worse?''

''Hey buddy, are you ok?'' Jaune heard a voice behind him, one that he recognized as the busty blonde.

''It just got worse...'' Cursed in his mind. ''Yes, I just like to throw up in trash cans, probably my best hobby'' Joked before throwing up again.

''Hahaha, sure thing, Vomit boy'' Replied the blonde.

''Great, first day and I got myself my own nickname''

''Are you sure you are ok?'' he heard a nervous voice behind the busty blonde, but he could guess who was she.

''No need to get worried over nothing little red. Since you two are so eager to remind me of what feeling fine felt like, why not start introducing ourselves. I'll start, my name is Jaune -arhhhhk'' he was cut by his own vomiting.

''Hahahahaha'' Both girls laugh so hard that everyone started looking that way.

''Haha, well hello there, Jaune Arhhhhk my name is Yang Xiao Long'' Said Yang in a mocking voice while doing her best to contain her laugh.

''Haha... Yang... Haha... Is not nice to laugh at people... haha'' Said little red while doing poorly at not laughing.

After a few minutes the laughter died down and little red proceeded to introduce herself. ''Hi, Jaune, my name is Ruby Rose and this is my sister Yang Xiao Long''

''Who is the adopted one?'' Jaune opted not to say anything and swallow his doubts for the sake of keeping the appeal of a cool guy. ''It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance young ladies'' Said while trying to not vomit again.

Suddenly a holographic figure came out of seemingly nowhere. ''Hello students'' Spoke the hologram.

''Who is that?'' Yang asked to no one in particular.

''My name is Glynda Goodwitch'' Yang realized she'd spoken too soon. ''I am the headmistress of Beacon Academy, and it is a pleasure to have everyone here. If you look outside the bullhead you will be able to see Beacon Academy. You are at about 5 minutes to arrive''.

''Yes! This torture is almost over'' Replied unconsciously Jaune and everyone laughed as they remembered his airsickness.

''No worries vomit boy, we're almost there'' Assured Yang.

''I'm counting on you'' He replied.