Adopted from chachingmel12! How Queen Beryl would get Mamoru to marry her.

Warning mentions of Rape.

Do not own Sailor moon.


Queen Beryl sat on her throne hidden in the deep tundra in deep thought. All her dark generals were gone, she had been too hasty in killing two of them. The second to last one was killed by Zosite and the last one was killed by the Sailor Brat.

It was not a good day for her.

Her master was still screaming at her to get the crystal. Thousands of years of imprisonment for both of them, and now it seemed their final chance was crumbling before Beryl's very eyes. The situation was grating down on Beryl's nerves, as she massaged her temples in agitation.

The only good thing about this situation was that she had obtained the body of the reincarnated, Prince of Earth, Prince Endymion. Memories of her first life flew through her mind. Being so in love, and with a man who was constantly her patient. He would be carried back from battles, asking for her right away. She was always ready to heal him. Always thrilled to see him smile at her even when he barely had the strength to. Looking at his reincarnation's body, even now, Beryl's desire had never faded for him. The very man she had fallen in love with all those years ago that she was sure she would have married if not for that blasted Princess.

Well, in her mind anyway.

So what to do now?

The obvious choice would be to revive him and brainwash him to be by her side using magic, but who was she fooling? Her magic wasn't immune to the Silver Crystals rays. Neither was her master's own. It would be all too simple for the Sailor Brat to wave that pathetic excuse for a wand and free him from her control. Child though she may be, the weapon she wielded was a powerful one. Queen Serenity had used the Moon Crystal and Wand to not only save her daughter, but everyone present at that disastrous ball. Including Beryl herself.

To Queen Beryl, it seemed like the universe itself had given her this second chance. And being a good girl, this time, was not going to cut it!

She had been there along with the Earth's rebellion. Yes, Endymion had broken her heart, even while she was still human. She worked close with the Royal family back then, helping those in the kingdom with her knowledge as a Sage. She healed, made their medicine, gave advice, gave comfort; all out of love for her Prince. She could recount at least five times when she had pulled him back from death! Yet... all the same, Sage Beryl was no match for the beautiful Princess of the distant Moon.

It was only a matter of time before he left her again. Queen Beryl was not unfamiliar with the phrase 'those who don't follow history are doomed to repeat it'. Before, she had tried to force Prince Endymion to come back with her, and the people, but he was stubborn and proud. From her gathered information, he seemed to exhibit those traits in this new life.

That meant he had to join her freely.

But she knows, he won't join her freely, he would run to the Princess and be by her side in a heartbeat. Heck, he would probably be the one leading the charge to kill Queen Beryl and her master. Not like that Princess could do anything on her own. Like. A. Child!

But then what was she going to do?

How can she revive him and let him go back to the Princess that ruined her life? Queen Beryl had the magic to bring him back, and that would mean the memories of his current life would be the only ones he remembered. He would only want to be with the Moon Brat, and would do everything to get back to her.

She would sooner be dead before she let that happen.

The only way for her to get him by her side is if he joins her willing, but that was impossible.

Or was it?

Her mind went to work with different ideas, mostly to do with blackmail or threats, but she know the moment her back was turned and she let her guard down, he would backstab her with a smile.

So how?

How can she get him to actually love her without trying to kill her or run away?

There must be some solution. If not from the past, perhaps the present could provide it!

Using her crystal ball, she searched throughout the earth hoping to find an answer to her problem. She concentrated her thoughts, looking for individuals who have been captured, and willingly remain so. That's when she discovered the cases of people who have been kidnapped for ten years or more!

Her search found a psychiatric student who was, of all things, doing research at the same college her beloved Endymion attended. The phrase the student used sounded more like a disease symptom called: Stockholm Syndrome. It had a truly bizarre name in Beryl's opinion, but what mattered is that it was exactly what she had been looking for!

The unknowing student revealed that attachments they all developed with their kidnappers and how they seemed to forget everything else. 'In the final analysis, emotionally bonding with an abuser is actually a strategy for survival for victims of abuse and intimidation. The human survival instinct becomes a psychological conditioning that in some cases makes the hostage absolutely believe they are in love with their kidnapper..."

And then it hit her.

Endymion was a human.

No matter how many times she tried to deny it, the person she was looking at was human, not a person of the Silver Millennium, and that meant his brain worked the same way as any other human did!

And that meant he had a breaking point.

If isolated enough with only one person to lean on and the stress level is high enough, than sooner or later his world would be so narrow that he would only see her.

Forgetting about everything else.

Meaning he would forget about the princess.

The crystal only eliminates what magic has done, not what was phyiscally done to the mind through torture and isolation!

She felt like bursting into song.

This was what she was looking for!

With that thought she started gathering books on the human mind, reading about what makes it tick and how to make it think a certain way. The remaining minions were surprised, but relived, when she ordered them to retrieve items from book stores and libraries. The knowledge they held would make wonders beyond what Beryl could perform with magic alone on her love.

Like loving her back and ignoring the Brat who didn't know when to die.

She also did some research into the Prince's own background and found out that his parents were killed in a car accident leaving him the only survivor as a child. He must have started to have dreams or visions about the Princess around that time and became dependent on her since she had given him a purpose. No wonder finding the Princess had become his reason for living, he wasn't fed any alternative!

Thinking she had read enough for now, Beryl went to the room with the glass casket where her dark-haired beloved lay. She used her master's power to revive her crush back from the dead, but she didn't use the dark power to brainwash him.

She wanted him to be all there when it happened.

A/N: Well, I hope I did it well! Please leave a review below!