First of all, I am INCREDIBLY sorry about being late! Aside from all my usual schoolwork, I think part of me didn't want to post this chapter because then this story will be over ;-; (I'll have an emotional author's note at the bottom ;-; ;-; ;-;)

Special thanks to: whycan'tIfindanamethatfits, ardhoniel. LotRStarWarsNinjago, Inimidesert, Revlis Charm, Spacey no Ocean, KyraPlays, GwenBrightly, Katla1, FullMetalPon-3, kaiawesomelymonsterous, NaninaDaPanda, Andrea Lund, Drawkill Vear and Lycaran, WarriorNerd-000, GameCubeGirl1, PrairieSkies, MightyShipper, WindNinja333, Plumcicle, SpiritDragon, Jadestorm, JBomb217, TheYellowNinja, RandomDragon2.0, FlightOfTheFury, StoriesAreMagic, Rick Riordan1, Guest, IloveDietcokeislife, TheKittenQueen, and Anonymous for reviewing! :D

Replies to guest reviews:

MightyShipper: Yay, I'm so glad! Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

SpiritDragon: Haha, yeah, I know exactly what you mean XD Yeah, that's a good question, but considering Misako stayed with him and they actually got married beforehand, I would think conceiving Lloyd was consensual. I'm so glad you're looking forward to the Five Times! Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

Jadestorm: I'll go ahead and tell you that Morro's going to stick with Morro, though learning what his birth name was HUGE for him :3 We'll... see Morro's father this chapter ;D Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

JBomb217: If anybody ever needed a slap-hug, it's Morro XD I love roller coasters of emotion (obviously), and this won't be the last one! XD Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

TheYellowNinja: Okay, like you so often do, you got EXACTLY (and I mean, EXACTLY) what I wanted you to get out of the chapter! Morro IS accurately describing Mona's son, because he IS all those things! Your review DEFINITELY makes sense, and I am SOOOO happy you loved the whole scene with Morro and his mom! That was one of my favorites to write, and just the fact that you GOT everything I wanted my readers to out of the chapters is just... the best compliment in the world :3 His birth name is definitely something Morro's been wanting to know all his life ;-; Hm, good idea (since I *do* like to tie things together like that ;D) We will see ;D Thank you soooo much for this LOVELY review! :D

Rick Riordan1: YES! One and Only Destroyer of the Ninja's Lives is the HIGHEST honor you can bestow upon me! XD Morro's definitely got some more parent drama to go -_-; Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

Guest: Ah, yes, we will talk about that ;D Thank you so much for reviewing! :D

Anonymous: I'm so glad this chapter could brighten up your day! Morro finally gets to meet his mom, but is not too happy with his father... We'll see how that plays out ;D Aw, I am sooo happy you think I capture all the ninja's personalities well! That is definitely a top priority in my writing! :D Great job on your competitions, and that's SO awesome you got the set! I 100% get what you mean. Ninjago has been a lifeline for me in some really hard parts of my life, and I am so grateful to the show AND to all of my wonderful readers on this site for always being a bright spot in my life :3 And, thank you for saying that about writing with your inner self. I think that is *incredibly* important. I'm so glad you're excited for the upcoming stories! Thank you SO MUCH for reviewing! :D

The Kryptarium Prison visiting area was empty at the moment, Morro the only one sitting on the free side of the glass that separated him from the prisoners. He glanced at the phone hanging harmlessly from the hook at his side, through which he would be able to communicate with the prisoner on the other side.

He heard the door creak open through the glass and he clenched his fists under the desk.

The prison guard guided the prisoner in his orange jumpsuit to the place across from Morro, glancing disdainfully at the wind master as if he wished he could take Morro back into a cell as well.

"Fifteen minutes," the officer barked gruffly before moving to stand outside the room.

He was big. Broad, tall. Someone who wanted to tower over other people. His steel-gray hair was buzzed short, and Morro couldn't tell if there was any hint of green there.

At first, Morro was indescribably grateful that he looked nothing like his father. But, then the prisoner's black eyes fixated on Morro, looking him up and down in an achingly and sickeningly familiar gesture. He had gotten his father's eyes. Eyes that were deep, dark black holes with nothing in them.

Morro reached out and took the phone hanging on the hook, holding it up to his ear.

The prisoner leaned back, a very Morro-like amused smirk on his face, before taking the phone on his side.

"Do you know who I am?" Morro asked.

Morro knew who the man sitting across from him was. His name had been in the police report. King. Miles King.

"You're that kid on the news everyone's up in arms about," King replied, his voice coming out deep and husky, with the lilt of a chuckle underneath the words as if he found this entire situation hilarious. "The one who died and came back to life. Should be impossible. But, when your dad had wind powers and the same green streak in his hair, you learn not to question impossible things."

Morro couldn't mask the miniscule stiffening of surprise. His paternal grandfather. He'd inherited his powers from his paternal grandfather.

"Yeah, kid," King continued. "I know who you are."

The prisoner leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg so its ankle rested on his opposite knee. "You're the spitting image of Mona, you know that? I woulda known who you were even if you'd never been on the news."

Morro narrowed his eyes. "Don't say her name."

"She was my favorite, you know," King continued, unabashed. "By the way, if you're going on this family reunion, you might as well look to see if you got any half-siblings running around out there. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot."

Morro squeezed his eyes shut. King was confident, toying with him, and he hated it because it was so much like how Morro would act in this situation. He would be cocky, unshakeable, the smirk never leaving his face, and Morro hated that he had inherited so much from this man in front of him-

"Shut up," Morro snapped.

"Is that all you came here to say?" King asked teasingly. "What, were you hoping I would give you some fatherly advice on something? Play catch with you, teach you how to ride a bike?" He laughed. "I mean, what were you expecting, kid?"

Morro was quiet for a second.

He looked up, reaching out and tapping his fingers against the glass. "You know, this glass is pretty thin."

A breeze ruffled through King's jumpsuit. The prisoner, confused, looked around for the source of the wind.

"I could break it easily," Morro said, the wind picking up as he sat still. Unshakeable. "I'd be through before that guard could even open the door."

The wind increased to a gale, nearly knocking King off his seat.

"I could snap your neck just like that." Morro snapped his fingers and relished in the way King started. "And, the sad part is that no one would even care."

The wind stopped. King regained his balance. Morro leaned back, taking his fingers off the glass.

"But, I won't," Morro shrugged nonchalantly.

King laughed, though it was less condescending and much more nervous than before. "What, you think you're better than me? You think you're talking to me from some moral high ground? I've seen what you've done, kid. The only difference between us is, you're on that side of the glass."

Morro imagined the destruction of Stiix. The woman who had yelled at him in the diner. Lloyd's panicked mind fighting his…

"You're right. I am like you," Morro replied, leaning forward once again. "But, I am going to spend the rest of my life wishing I wasn't. And, every time I feel like doing something bad, I'm going to think about you sitting there in a cell for over half of your life, a sad, pathetic, old man who was too much of a coward to pick on someone his own size."

Morro slammed the phone back on the hook before King could respond.

He stood up and walked out of the room.

He didn't look back.

Wu looked up from the newspaper he was reading at the kitchen table when he heard the front door of the Airjitzu Temple open and close.

He stood up whenever he saw Morro shuffle into the kitchen, head slightly bowed and gaze averted. He had wanted to go to Kryptarium Prison alone, and the rest of the ninja had explained the situation to Master Wu in the meantime.

"Morro," Wu addressed gently. "How… How are you?"

Morro didn't speak until he came to a stop directly in front of Wu, gaze still on the ground.

"I know who my father is."

Wu nodded, moving to place his hand on Morro's shoulder. The ninja had related the character of Miles King to him while Morro was gone, and Wu knew Morro would be emotionally raw and probably confused when he got back.

The second his hand made contact with Morro's shoulder, though, his first student stepped forward, wrapping Wu in a rare and tight hug.

"I know who my father is."

Morro turned and left the room.

Wu was left standing in the middle of the kitchen, staring blankly after the rarely affectionate wind master.

Then, he smiled. And, the smile did not leave his face for a very long time.

Jay opened his bedroom door when he heard someone approaching from down the hall. Morro barely flinched when the door swung open, and to Jay, he seemed like someone who'd just run a marathon: slumped over with exhaustion and simply trying to find their bed.

"Hey, Morro," Jay greeted, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms in an attempt to look nonchalant. "How's it, uh, going?"

Morro blinked slowly at Jay.

"Er, right, okay. Well, I just wanted to say- well, it's like this… well, I just wanted to tell you-"

"Just spit it out, Jay."

"Right, sorry! So, you know how my dad, Cliff Gordon, died a few months ago?"


"Well, you see, he left me a, um, well, a lot of money, and it's just been sitting there since then, because I don't really know what to do with it."

Jay's blue eyes raised hesitantly to meet Morro's dark brown ones, lightning shooting into a deep dark hole and hoping to hit something inside.

"I thought a good way to spend the money would be to… move your mom closer here. You know, get her a private room in Ninjago City Hospital, provide for all the best care, and maybe even have it on the top floor so you could sneak in to visit her more easily! Or, hey, she could even stay in Cliff Gordon's mansion! I mean, no one's using it now. I could get her a live in nurse and all the medical equipment she could possibly need and… you're… making me nervous by not saying anything."

Morro stayed completely frozen, and Jay wondered if he had offended the wind master in some way.

"You would… do that?"

Jay cocked his head. "Well, yeah. It's what you do for family," Jay admitted bashfully, wanting Morro to know that he regretted saying Morro was ever anything less than family. Suddenly, though, he held up both hands. "Now, it's okay if you still have want to leave- I'm not trying to bribe you into staying or anything! I'd obviously do it either way- but I… really hope you stay."

Morro continued to stare at Jay for a moment.

Then, he nodded.


"Okay… what?"

"Okay, I'll stay."

"Really?!" Jay exclaimed, face breaking into a grin. Unable to contain his excitement anymore, he shot forward and hugged Morro around the neck, taking the slightly shorter ninja off guard. "This is great! I can't wait to tell the others!"

Morro chuckled, patting Jay awkwardly on the back. "And, besides, you doing that for my mom makes us even."

Jay pulled away. "Uh… what?"

"Remember? When you cut me in training?"

Jay concentrated hard, trying to call up a memory from several lifetimes ago. He remembered now: Wu had been stitching up Morro's wound, and Morro had smirked at him and said, "Now, I have the opportunity to get even with you."

Much like he was smirking at him right now.

Morro shrugged. "I told you I'd get even."

And, with that, Morro sauntered down the remainder of the hallway to his own bedroom. Jay was still sputtering in the threshold when Morro closed the door.

"C'mon, c'mon, let us see, let us see!"

"Okay, okay, don't rush him!"

"Stop crowding me, Kai!"

"I want to see too!"

"Alright, alright!" Morro called. He was standing shirtless in front of the bathroom mirror with the rest of the ninja squeezed into the doorway.

He hooked his finger under the bandage covering the tattoo on his ribs. "Ready?"

The ninja all held their breaths as Morro slowly began unraveling the white bandage wound three times around his body.

Whereas ninety eight percent of the population hated Morro's guts, the ninja had more or less stumbled across a die-hard, counter cultural, emo fanbase that all but worshipped the ground Morro walked on. Although they were probably more of a cult than Morro would like to admit, they had been ecstatic to give Morro any tattoo he wanted- and the wind master had kept the design between him and them. The ninja had no idea what he had finally decided to get forever imprinted on his body that had unfairly gotten him out of training for over two weeks.

Slowly… slowly… the white gauze fell away...

"The anticipation is killing me!" Jay exclaimed, earning a smack on the back of the head from Cole and a "shh!" from Zane.

Finally, Morro unwound the last layer of gauze.

It was a black, ornate compass spanning the right side of Morro's ribcage, perhaps four inches in diameter. The four cardinal directions were denoted by arrows about a finger's width, while the intermediary directions were demarcated with thin triangles. Only one direction was labeled: NW.

"Ooh," Nya commented first. "I love it!"

"Yeah, it's awesome!" Cole gushed as he studied the design.

"Why northwest?" Lloyd asked. "Why not north or some other direction?"

Morro smirked, arching an eyebrow. "Who said NW stood for northwest?"

The ninja shared mildly confused looks as Morro pulled on his shirt, but the wind master didn't elaborate.

Kai shrugged it off first, clapping an arm around Morro's shoulders. "Well, c'mon! Let's go catch you up on all that training you've missed."

"Morro will still be sore for quite some time, Kai," Zane reminded the red ninja.

"Why do you think he wants to spar with him?" Cole asked, flicking the fire ninja in the back of the head. "This is the only chance Kai has to actually beat Morro."

"Hey, at least I didn't lose to him in three seconds!" Kai retorted.

"That time didn't count! The sun was in my eyes!"

"Hey, sore or not, I'll take any of you on any day," Morro stated challengingly, crossing his arms.

"Even me?" Lloyd asked, his playfully cocky side peeking out. It had been shy around Morro before, but slowly, slowly, it was making itself known to him, just like it had all his other brothers.

Morro smirked.

"Especially you."

"Are you sure this is what you want to do, Gem?" Corrine asked, reaching over to pat the girl next to her on the knee. It was odd, seeing a six year old at a table in a casino.

"Yeah," Gem said quietly, smiling gently at the free ghosts streaming about her, running for the doors, jumping and yelling as they exercised their control over themselves again. "It's been long enough."

"I still can't believe the Bone Keeper agreed to let all his ghosts go," Lydia commented, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. "I mean… he's the Bone Keeper."

"Well, when he was faced with losing his daughter or losing his workers, he decided which one was more important to him," Dr. Julien explained. "I guess he decided that the one person he needed to find was the one person he never looked for."

"That was beautiful, Doc," Cliff Gordon complimented, reaching over to take Lydia's hand and force her to stop crossing her arms. "You sure you're not a poet?"

The inventor chuckled in response. "That's quite alright. I'll leave the poetry to your son."

"I've stumbled across one of Jay's love poems for Nya," Garmadon commented. "It was certainly… well, interesting."

Just as Lydia looked about ready to defend Jay as the greatest poet of all time, Gem stiffened and hopped off her seat.

The Bone Keeper had a distinctly uncomfortable look on his face as he watched all of his former slaves stream around him. A purely generous act with absolutely no forthcoming payment was utterly alien to the shrewd businessman, but it had been Gem's one condition in order to accept him into her afterlife.

His casino wasn't shutting down, not by a longshot, but those who worked there had to do so willingly, in exchange for room and board or some other payment. A few of the people he'd freed had even wanted to stay on as employees. Anne, Gouge, Marjorie, Diane- they found they liked their niche in the casino, and the Bone Keeper couldn't help but feel ever so slightly touched by their loyalty.

As he approached their table, the others could see three ghosts behind him.

It was two girls, a dark skinned girl and a redhead, all but dragging the third ghost along between them. She was crying and struggling to get away from them, as if yearning for the darkness of her cell once again.

The Weeping Woman, London, had been given back her Soul Stone, and now she stood in front of the daughter she had killed.

"Mommy," Gem whispered.

London paused, stilled, quieted. She squinted down at Gem, her eyes unfocused and feverishly bright, but she didn't cry either.

"You killed me," Gem continued, her voice whisper soft despite the harshness of the words. "But, I know you were sick. I know you didn't mean it. I know in your own way, you were trying to protect me."

London swayed on her feet, and no one had the heart to tell Gem that her mind was probably so damaged at this point that she had no idea what Gem was saying to her.

The little ghost stepped forward, wrapping her arms around her mother's waist.

"I forgive you, Mommy."

London didn't move. Stared straight ahead.

Then, slowly, robotically, she placed her hand on Gem's head.

Suddenly, Garmadon stood halfway out of his chair. His glare was potent enough to slice through metal.

"What are you doing here?"

Lydia was up and out of her chair in half a second, throwing one arm in front of Cliff and the other in front of Dr. Julien to protect them from…

Lydia blinked.

Wrayth, Bansha, Ghoultar, and the Soul Archer were hovering sheepishly by the entrance of the casino.

Wrayth held up his hands in innocence.

"We didn't come here to fight." He glanced uncertainly at his teammates, as if silently asking if they really wanted to go through with this.

"We came here to work."

Garmadon frowned, crossing his arms. "And, why should we believe that?"

Wrayth looked at his friends again. Then, he removed the hood that covered his entire face. His light brown hair fell unevenly over his pale blue eyes, making him look much younger than he was.

"We're... looking for something," he explained haltingly but earnestly. "And, we're not sure where to find it."

No one spoke right away.

Garmadon looked down when he felt a tug on his pant leg.

Gem was looking up at him with her wide, hypnotic eyes.

"Morro let them go," she whispered so only he would hear. "For this."

Garmadon stared down at her for a moment, forehead creased in consternation.

Finally, he looked back at the four ghosts that had been Morro's generals.

"Someone who's looking for something and doesn't know where to find it?" Garmadon smiled.

"You sound like Lost Souls to me."

The end :D

So... yeah. Let me just say that I've always been intensely private about my writing, so deciding to actually start posting on here was a BIG decision for me! But, all the support you guys have shown has just... made a gigantic difference in my life. Thank you all so much for loving my stories as much as I do, and making me a more confident person and (I think) a more skilled writer :D I know I say this every time, but I am STILL blown away when I think back to how far this story (and the entire trilogy!) has come! I mean, over SEVEN HUNDRED reviews!? I don't think you guys will ever know how much all of your reviews mean to me! :3

SO, that being said, I am going to reply to ALL my backlogged reviews and PMs as soon as possible (I have Spring Break coming up!) and I have more stories in the works! ;D

I'll also go ahead and ask the same survey questions I did at the end of Broken Circle:

1) What was your favorite chapter of Forgotten Memory?


2) Out of the three stories in the trilogy (Lost Soul, Broken Circle, Forgotten Memory), which was your favorite?

Once again, no pressure to respond if you don't want to XD I am also always taking suggestions for Zane's Five Times! :D

Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey! I love you all! :D