I had a really strange dream the other night... This was it... Not sure if I am going to do anything else with this, depends on the reviews and my creative muse I suppose... At any rate, on with the show!

"Where the hell could he be!?"

Raph punched the wall behind him, for the past three weeks they had been searching for their brother Leonardo, like before, he had been out for a solitary training run and had apparently gotten himself ambushed and kidnapped.

"Thats it man, when we find him he ain't going out by himself ever again, you hear me? I tell you I ain't letting him out of my sight!"

Donny cringed and looked over at master Splinter, it had been at his urging that they let Leo go out alone, he had thought there wouldn't be any danger considering the little activity the Foot had been displaying of late. He had thought it would cheer up his older brother if he could go out and blow off some steam. But then this had happened, Leo never came back, and it was all his fault.

Splinter sighed and ran his long thin hand over his brow. He blamed himself for this loss. They had been all over the city and there was no sign of Leonardo.

Mikey was sniffling in the corner, he had been inconsolable ever since they had found Leo's swords abandoned on that rooftop. Raph threw his hands in the air with a growl.

"I am going out again!"

Splinter stood up in the blink of an eye, his face hard and set.

"No you are not Raphael! You will stay here with your brothers!"

Raph came to stand in front of the rat, a silent challenge.

"Someone has to go find him Sensei, and that someone is gunna be me, I can't wait around here knowing he could be-"

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded from the entrance to the lair that effectively stopped all conversation.

"I'm back guys."

For a moment, there was silence, and then a collective shout came from all four of them.


The three turtles and the rat started forward, ready to welcome back their brother and son who was standing in the shadow of the doorway. Just before they reached him, he stepped into the light.

They all froze.

Leo was fine, a little thin with dark circles under his eyes, but otherwise alright, it was what was in his arms that made everyone's mouth drop open.

There, blinking up at them with identical blue eyes, were two baby turtles the size of human toddlers.

At their incredulous faces, Leo shrugged helplessly.

"I got cloned."