I do not own Overlord

Gazef Stronoff rode up to the village expecting the worst.

Over the last few days, he had ridden to numerous villages on the outskirts of the Re-Estize Kingdom and found numerous ones burnt to the ground. Survivors spoke of bandits in fine metal armor, he assumed they were knights from the Baharuth Empire. Although he knew it wasn't the Empires style to attack small villages.

He was down to twenty men from the original fifty he rode out with since he sent small groups of them to escort villagers to E-Rantel. With a diminished fighting force and the lack of the kingdoms treasured weapons and armor, the odds were against him from the very start.

When he saw the look of the Carne village he feared the worst. There were obvious signs of battle with several of the buildings burnt down. The fact that most of the buildings were still standing allowed him to hope.

He loved his King and his Kingdom and was proud to serve them, but he found the politics of his nation infuriating. He wanted to ride out with a thousand seasoned men but due to politics and the machinations of the nobility he had been sent out with a tiny force and he had been stripped of the kingdoms treasured weapons and armor which he wore into battle.

"Politics..." Perhaps in another life, he might have had a keen mind for politics or at least the patience to deal with them, but he was a soldier through and through. He wished to see his enemy and fight them head-on. In politics, you never knew who your enemy really was. In the end, all he could do was bow his head and obey his king's orders.

He looked at the remains of the buildings before him and stifled his doubts. "I'm a soldier, it's not my place to question, it's my place to obey." He whispered under his breath, softly so that his men wouldn't hear him. As he rode into the village he prepared himself to see many things, as a soldier you had to expect the unexpected. However, he never expected to see the figures that stood before him in the village center.

"Angels..." He whispered as he gazed at the beings before him. He never would have guessed that he would see angels standing in the village square. At least four of the figures were angels. The other two appeared human with one being a human villager and the other being an armored figure who lacked the wings of the other angels.

Gazef heard his men muttering as they were unsure of the situation. He signaled for his men to wait behind him while he rode up and asked what was going on. Several of his soldiers protested him but he silenced them.

Gazef had spent a great deal of his life trusting his instincts and his instincts were telling him that the people in front of him were not hostile.

"I am the Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom. By order of the King Ramposa the Third I have been ordered to exterminate the enemies of the kingdom who have been attacking villages on the Kingdoms outskirts. Are you friends or foes?" He asked as he gazed at the beings in front of him.

"Friends." The dark angel answered. Gazef looked at the being before him and studied the man. His armor was high quality, better than that of the King himself. The intricate designs of the gold, the scythe he wielded was an item that he was sure the smiths of men would never be able to craft, and everything else about his appearance made him realize that this was a being beyond his comprehension.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, I'm a traveling caster who saw this village when it was under attack and decided to help."

"If that's the case then I thank you Sir Ainz, although forgive me but I cannot help but feel that you are not a mere caster." Gazef had seen angels himself numerous times. Once when the King was entertaining a delegation from the Holy Kingdom he saw that they used angels as bodyguards and as a specialized summons that were a special force within the Holy Kingdoms military.

"Did the wings give me away?" Ainz asked in an attempt at humor. "You're correct that I'm not a mere caster, I'm an Angel."

"So I see..." Gazef was struggling to figure out how to deal with this situation. It wasn't every day you ran into an angel that could talk. "I won't pretend to understand what's going on here...but I thank you for protecting these villagers."

"It wasn't a problem."

Gazef got down from his horse and walked up the Ainz. The angel's face was shrouded in darkness and the only features he had were a pair of glowing blue eyes. It made it nearly impossible to read the beings expression. Throughout his years of service to his King, he had met numerous strange beings. He had escorted his King to the elven kingdom and witnessed the beings that lived in the elven forests. He had escorted a delegation to the Dragon Kingdom and gazed upon the humans and dragons within it. Yet he never dreamed he would meet a sentient angel. The Holy Kingdom and Slane Theocracy believed angels were servants of the Gods while his own Kingdoms priests mostly believed them to be a type of specialized summons. He wondered what those groups would say about these angels.

'If I were a religious man I might have fainted.' Gazef thought as he looked at the being before him. He wasn't religious and didn't even both going to the temple.

"As the Warrior Captain of his majesties soldiers, I will thank you on the Kings behalf." Gazef extended his hand forward and held it in front of him, offering to shake Ainz'z hand.

Gazef watched as Ainz gazed at his outstretched hand and he wondered if the angel understood the gesture, his fears were unfounded as Ainz accepted the handshake.

"There's no need to thank me." Ainz replied. "As a friend of mine used to say. Saving someone who is in trouble is common sense."

Gazef smiled at that statement, it looks like his instincts were right about the being in front of him.

"Its good to know that there are good people out in the world." Gazef had a million questions he wished to ask, however as a servant of the King his main objective was to figure out what happened here, not satisfy his own curiosity about the being in front of him.

"Well, I am an angel..." Ainz stated in a tone that implied it was half a joke. "I understand you no doubt have numerous questions for me, but I'm afraid your arrival here means we are going to be attacked by a stronger force. You're the reason that all of this is happening I'm afraid."

Those words made Gazef freeze, some of his men claimed that the mission was an obvious ploy for the nobles to have him killed.

"For some reason that doesn't surprise me."

"You're a man with many enemies it seems." Ainz replied. "Let's head over to the village headman's house. I'll tell you everything I know."

Gazef obeyed the angel and signaled for his men to follow him. After going to the village leaders house he sat down and had a long discussion with Ainz and the information disturbed him.

"So the soldiers were really theocracy men dressed as knights from the empire..." Gazef leaned back into the wooden chair he was sitting in and mulled over the information he had learned. "All those villages burned and all those people slaughtered just to lure me out."

"Indeed, it seems you are quite the hated man." Ainz responded casually from the opposing chair. Gazef gazed into the angel's eyes but couldn't read any of the angel's emotions. "The soldiers I had interrogated claimed you're the strongest man in the Kingdom and your death would weaken the King."

"Its true, I guard the King against all threats, I've saved his life numerous times over the last few years. I don't mean to sound prideful but theirs a reason he has me be his shield and not someone from among the knighthood."

"What types of enemies does the King have exactly?"

"You must not be from around here if you haven't heard about the problems with the Kingdom." Gazef sighed. "It would be easier to ask what enemies the King doesn't have. There are the nobles who plot against him, I've slain numerous assassins from both the Theocracy and the Empire, some days I even think his own children are out to get him."

"Sounds troubling...also you are correct on me not being from around here." Ainz responded casually as he took a sip of wine. One of the first things the angel had done when they sat down to talk was to bring out refreshments. Gazef refused since he didn't want his sense dulled if there was an attack.

"Might I ask where you are from?" Gazef asked. "I've met Dragons, elves, and numerous other strange creatures, yet I've never met an angel that could talk."

"I'm from a place far away from here, I and my subordinates were transported to these lands by magical means." Ainz responded casually with all the gravity of a man discussing the weather.

"Care to elaborate on that?"

"Not really."

Gazef had to suppress his annoyance, while he was curious about the origin of the angels he had to focus on the task at hand.

"Fine, I won't pry into your personal matters. Although I would like to speak with several of the Theocracy soldiers you captured."

"Hmm..." Ainz responded as he took another sip of wine. "That will be difficult, I'm afraid a great many of them aren't in any condition to speak...although..."

Gazef watched as Ainz fell silent for about thirty seconds. Gazef was about to ask what the problem was when Ainz beat him to the punch.

"I'm having some of my subordinates prepare one of the more cooperative ones for you. Just wait a moment and I'll have him here."

Before Gazef could question him a black gateway opened up in the main room of the house and a man stepped out of it. The man was wearing simple clothing made of wool, the types of clothes one would expect a prisoner to wear, yet the clothes seemed to be of high quality. The only other sign the man was a prisoner was a set of chains that bound his hands.

"Come here Belius." Ainz ordered and the man quickly obeyed as he stood before Gazef and Ainz. "Belius, this is the Head Warrior Gazef Stronoff of the Re-Estize Kingdom. He has some questions for you."

"Of course Lord Ainz, I will tell him anything he wants to know." Belius answered in an obedient tone of a man who had submitted completely to his captor.

Gazef questioned the main for several minutes but didn't learn much more then what he already heard from Ainz. It wasn't until he began asking specific questions about who wanted him dead that he made real progress.

"Who among the noble faction wants me dead? I was sent out from the Kingdom without the Kingdoms treasured artifacts at the behest of the nobles. They knew this would happen and that I would most likely fail." Gazef said sternly, steel entering his voice as his anger at the nobles surfaced. "I need specific names."

"I don't really know." Belius responded nervously. "I was told that we were to lure you out at which point one of the six scriptures would ambush you. I think I overheard one of the commanders mention the name Blumrush, I don't really know anything about the politics of your kingdom but Blumrush isn't a Theocracy name so I'm guessing my commander was talking about an informant from your kingdom."

"Blumrush..." Gazef growled. "The King has long suspected him of treason but there was never any proof." He turned to Ainz. "Will you release this man into my custody? His testimony could help my King in cleaning out some of the court."

"I'm afraid I must refuse you." Ainz responded. "I gave Belius my word that so long as he cooperated he wouldn't be harmed. I can't guarantee his safety if I release him into your custody."

"I understand." Gazef didn't like the response but he understood it. He might not be a knight but he understood that a man's word was important. "If he doesn't know any more names then I have no further questions, I've heard quite enough."

When it was clear Belius had nothing else to say Ainz sent him away in another gateway. Leaving Gazef to ponder this new information.

He didn't have long to ponder when one of his men came bursting into the village headman's house.

"Casters are surrounding the village! And they're summoning angels!"

Nigun Grid Lewin muttered a silent prayer under his breath as he prepared himself for the inevitable battle. His men had spread themselves out and soon their prey would come out to them.

He and his men had already prayed before deploying but he felt the need to pray again, asking his Gods to grant him the strength to see this job through. His unit, the Sunlit Scripture often had to deploy to the roughest of battlefields and conduct activities many would consider distasteful. A good example was his current mission.

While Nigun would see this mission through he saw it as a terrible waste. While Gazef Stronof was a heretic and a soldier in service to a heretical King of a worthless country he was still a human who's strength was on par with members of the Black Scripture. If Gazef had been born in the Theocracy he would probably be in charge of a Scripture or a general of the army, a man who would aid in the salvation of humanity. Instead, he was born into a heretical country whose leaders sought to destroy him.

It was such a waste, and it was only possible because of how corrupt the Kingdom was.

The Kingdom was broken up between the Kings faction and Noble's faction. Both factions fought over power and influence within the Kingdom and as a result, they endlessly sabotaged one another. The nobles hated Gazef and sold him out and sent him out here to die, their hatred stemming from the fact that he was a commoner and got his position by strength and skill alone.

Their hatred had made them sell out their best warrior and trump card to die.

The idiocy of it all made Nigun want to tear the hair from his head.

Without Gazef the empire would destroy the Kingdom, when the man was equipped with all the Kingdoms treasures he was an unstoppable soldier who had cut down legions of the empire's troops, yet the nobles sold him out over the pettiest reasons and doomed themselves in the process.

Nigun would never claim the Theocracy was perfect, yet despite the fact that there were six factions within the Theocracy they still worked together. One reason they worked well together was that they respected one another's Gods, and the other reason was that they knew they had to stick together for humanity's survival. Around the human Kingdoms lay numerous non-humans and monsters would be only barely held back by each nations military force. The average monster was far stronger than an average human by far. The farther one traveled from the human kingdoms the more common it was for humans to be little more than slaves or a food source to monsters.

He had seen such things. One of his jobs was to secretly aid other nations such as the Dragon Kingdom in their seasonal wars with the monster tribes that plagued their kingdoms borders. He had seen the horrible things that monsters did to their human captives. He saw the mountains of human bones that lay outside most monster villages. He heard the stories from prisoners that he and his Scripture had saved, about baby's cooked and eaten by monsters while their parents were forced to watch. Stories that seemed so outlandishly terrible that he would never have believed them if he hadn't seen the atrocities with his own eyes.

"That's why this must be done, for humanity to endure and survive places like the Kingdom must be eliminated." Gazef's death would weaken the King and allow the Empire to prevail in the next annual war. With the empire annexing the Kingdom humanity as a whole would be stronger. Then humanity could focus on the true enemy, rather than fighting each other humanity would be united against the monsters that threatened them.

Nigun traced the scar on his face. While he could easily have it removed with magic he chose to keep it to remind himself why he had to do these sorts of things. The woman who gave him the scar was a human, a traitor to her own race. Not only was she a priest who worshiped a false God but she and her companions had stopped them from eliminating a village of demi-humans, even having the nerve to call him evil.

"Blue Rose..." He muttered as his gaze shifted to Carne Village. "The rest of humanity is blind, but we will show them the true path."

"Those are definitely angels." Gazef confirmed as he gazed out from the shadow of a house. He saw three casters in light armor walking towards the village and hovering above them were the armored figures of their summons, angels. "I don't suppose those angels are friends of yours?"

Gazef smiled as he turned towards the Angel next to him, he couldn't see if his joke had any effect on Ainz since the man's face was shrouded in shadows.

"Hardly." Ainz replied as he stared at the angels in what Gazef could only assume was great interest. "Those angels don't even seem sentient, unlike my followers. Although they do look like angels that I've seen once before..."

That answer raised numerous questions that Gazef wanted to ask but he chose to ignore it in favor of the situation at hand.

"Can I count on your aid in the coming battle?"

"You seem quite eager to recruit the aid of someone you barely know. You also seem quite convinced I will march into battle alongside you."

"You are an Angel, shouldn't you aid people in their most desperate hour?" Gazef asked in a half serious half joking tone. "If I had my equipment with me I might stand a chance against these odds even with my forces being so small. Without my gear and only twenty men, it will be a slaughter."

"Indeed it would be a slaughter." Ainz paced around the room for a bit as he seemed to consider Gazefs words. "As for me being an angel who helps those in need...If you want that kind of an angel you should seek out an angel of mercy, or justice."

"If you aren't that kind of an angel then what kind of angel are you?"


The answer was so quickly given and said in such a monotone that Gazef knew that the angel standing across from him was being serious, and yet…

"Do angels of death usually go out of their way to save villagers from raiders?"

"When they feel like it."

"Sir Gown, I won't pretend to understand you or even comprehend what you are." Gazef stated in a serious tone. "If you won't aid me and my men in our time of need then I ask that you protect the villagers while my forces go out and meet the enemy."

"If you go out there with such a small force it will be certain death."

"All death is certain." Gazef answered. "As an Angel of Death, you probably understand that better than most. When I became a warrior for the Kingdom I knew that I would someday die, If I can lay down my life for King and country then I will do so without hesitation. An enemy that threatens my people stands before me, I will meet them in battle no matter the odds."

Ainz began to laugh, it was a hearty laugh that seemed so out of place with his voice. Gazef's first instinct was to get angry and yet for some reason he felt that Ainz wasn't laughing at him or his words.

"My apologies Sir Gazef." Ainz said after getting over his fit of laughter. "Your words reminded me of a friend of mine. Seeing you be all serious and noble made me feel like I was standing before my old friend. He would often say such noble things."

"I'm guessing he was one of those angels or justice or mercy you were talking about?" Gazef offered, trying his best to guess what kind of friend an angel of death would have.

"He wasn't an angel but...he was one of the best of us." Ainz replied in a voice so melancholy that Gazef guessed the friend that Ainz was referring to was no longer of this world. "He was known as The Paladin of Pure Silver, a World Champion warrior who had no equal in battle."

"He must have been amazing to earn such praise from someone such as you." Gazef gazed once more to where the enemy was. They were summoning even more angels and Gazef knew his odds of survival were near zero. "If you won't fight alongside me then I ask that you please protect the villagers. I will lead my men into the battle, perhaps you and the villagers can slip away while I have the enemy distracted."

"I never said I wouldn't fight alongside you." Ainz piped in casually in a chiding tone. "I might not be an angel of Justice or Mercy or some other noble-sounding noun but I'm not so heartless that I would let a man like you go to certain death."

Gazef chuckled.

"So an angel of death is going out of his way to save my life, almost seems like you're going against your job description."

"Nonsense." Ainz replied in a tone that made it sound like what Gazef said was absurd. "It simply isn't your time to die, I can't say the same for the people who are threatening this village..."

Captain Nigun of the Slane Theocracy stood on the battlefield with the setting sun at his back. He was confident in his coming victory, he had the high ground, the superior forces, and the setting sun would give him a slight advantage as enemies would be blinded by its light as they came at them. He and his men could also use magic to give themselves night vision if the battle occurred at night.

He expected Gazef to come charging in with his men in some valiant attack of desperation. However much to his surprise, three figures were walking towards him and his men. He first thought was that maybe Gazef was trying to negotiate but he knew the man couldn't be that stupid.

His attention was drawn to the other two figures, one was a figure clad from head to toe in black armor. Just from gazing at it he could tell it was armor of the highest quality. The person wearing the armor was also female judging by her figure and in her hand, she carried a large battleax.

The other figure intrigued him even more. It was a male in armored robes, Nigun felt a twinge of jealousy surge through him as he gazed at the man's equipment. The cloth that made up his armor seemed to be made of the finest black silks and has intricate designs on them made with gold cloth. The same went for his armor as the black metal had golden designs embedded within it. He had no weapons yet Nigun could tell by the way the man carried himself that he was a warrior of some sort. The mixture of robes and plate reminded him of some of the Theocracy's battle-mages and warrior clerics, individuals who mastered both close combat and magic. He tried to see the man's face but his cloth hood was pulled up and he could only see shadows beneath the hood.

Nigun had his angels form a defensive wall in front of him and his men yet had them hover above them so he could maintain a clear line of sight with these new arrivals. They didn't show any sign of fear and seemed to stand with unusual confidence in front of his superior force, it unnerved him but he refused to show it.

"Gazef Stronoff." Nigun announced as he named the one person he did recognize. "What is going on here? Have you come to surrender yourself? Perhaps barter with me in an attempt to save your life and the lives of the villagers?"

Gazef didn't rise to his taunts and seemed perfectly calm as he responded. "So it is my life you're after...I never figured the Scriptures would sink so low as to become tools of men like Blumrush. Truly the might have fallen, or perhaps the Theocracy is so desperate for coin that you people work for my Kingdoms nobles."

Nigun felt a twinge of anger, both at Gazef knowing about the nobles who sold him out and insulting the Theocracy.

"Don't be naive Gazef, your Kingdom sold you out and we are just here to take advantage of that fact. Blaspheme all you want, it won't change the fact that you will die here today. In a way, I feel sorry for you. But then again there are many men like you out there in the world. Good men in service to bad causes." Nigun sighed as he looked at Gazef. "I would rather be exterminating monsters from this world, but its the will of the Gods that heretics like you perish. Take comfort in the fact that your death will serve a greater good, in a way you will be like a martyr."

"If anyone is going to die here today it is you."

Nigun turned to the one who cut in and saw it was the robed man.

"And who the hell are you supposed to be? Some cleric to a false God?" Nigun observed as he looked at the man.

"Forgive my rudeness in interrupting you, My name is Ainz Ooal Gown and this is my companion, Albedo." Ainz gestured to the woman standing next to him. "We are allies of Gazef Stronoff and the ones who eliminated the advance force you sent in ahead of you. I wish to have a quick word with you if you don't mind."

Nigun grimaced at that information, the men sent ahead of them were basic foot soldiers but they were still competent. It made him consider these newcomers as a credible if minor threat.

"Speak then heretic."

"I simply wish to make an offer. Surrender yourselves immediately and you will be taken into Gazefs custody without any harm befalling you, resist and you will be annihilated."

"….hahahahaha!" Nigun couldn't help but laugh. "Either you're insane or the worst liar imaginable. Before you stands the Sunlit Scripture, the elite force of the Theocracy! We have slain dragons and eliminated entire villages of monsters. What hope do you have of defeating us?"

"Impressive credentials." Ainz replied calmly in a tone that cut Nigun to his core. "Listen well, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown, once this name was feared across all nine realms and beyond. I have slain Gods and Demons, Dragons and angels. The Allfather and his pantheon, Surtyr, Jörmungandr, Freya, the eight Dragons, The Lords of the Seven Deadly Sins, Sephira and her ten archangels and numerous other beings have fallen before me. Do you think that you and that rabble that follows you will stop me?"

The names and words were strange to Nigun, yet he could tell the man was being serious. While he felt the man was bluffing he couldn't help but feel some amount of fear course through his body. He began ordering his subordinates to attack the madman. "The mans clearly delusional. Attack the Heretic! Forget Stronoff and focus on the caster!"

Two of his angels were faster than the others and flung themselves at Ainz. Their blades of holy light pierced through the caster who had simply stood still and offered no form of resistance.

Nigun and his subordinates were surprised but that surprise quickly turned to ridicule.

"Is that the best you had? Looks like you were all bark after all..." Nigun would have continued to insult the man but he saw that the two angels who had attacked Ainz were standing in place and seemed to be struggling. "What's going on? Pull those angels back-" He realized the angels were flapping their wings hard, like butterflies trying to escape a spiders web.

"I haven't seen an Archangel flame up close in years. I remember back when I was starting out I used to summon these guys to cover Tabula's back when we would level up together." Ainz's quiet voice reached Nigun's ears and sent a chill down his spine.

"No way..." One of Nigun's men muttered as he looked at the sight before him.

"He should be dead..."

"He has two blades in him but doesn't seem hurt him..."

"Don't be so surprised." Ainz spoke up as he grasped both angels by the neck. "I took Greater Physical damage immunity-Its a passive skill that nullifies damage from low-level creatures. You have to be at least level 60 to cause me any real damage. Plus my racial levels make me immune to holy and unholy damage for the most part. But I've prattled on long enough, these angels are in the way."

Ainz took both angels that he was holding and smashed them into the ground with enough force to make the earth tremble. The angels died and turned into countless particles of light which drifted away.

"Gazef, Albedo, both of you stay back and don't get involved unless I say otherwise."

"As you command Supreme One."

"As you wish Sir Gown."

"All angels attack now!" Nigun ordered as panic overtook him. The archangel flames all headed for Ainz, in total they had summoned around forty of them.

"Death and Decay!"

A strange fog appeared in front of Ainz and as the angels flew into it their bodies melted away as if they were rapidly decomposing. It only took a few seconds before all the angels were nothing but puddles of goop that melted into the grassy field.

"Impossible!" Nigun screamed as fear overtook him."You...you can't exist!"

It was impossible.

Nigun couldn't comprehend someone wiping out so many angels with one spell, he wasn't even sure if members of the Black Scripture could accomplish such a feat. As he tried to comprehend the scene in front of him his men began casting spells in an attempt to bring Ainz down.

"Charm person!"

"Iron Hammer of Righteousness!"


"Fire Rain!"

"Emerald Sarcophagus!"

"Shock Wave!"

"Stalagmite Charge!"

"Open Wounds!"





The spells flew towards Ainz who still kept up his relaxed attitude. As the spells impacted him they seemed to bounce off of an invisible shield as they each were rendered useless.

"You seem to know more spells then I initially thought, and all of them from Yggdrasil. Although none appear to be above tier 3...how pitiful."

"He can kill angels and is immune to magic." Nigun muttered as he watched his subordinates spells bounce harmlessly off of Ainz. He couldn't decide what to do so he turned to his own summon.

"Principality of Observation! Engage!"

Responding to Nigun's hoarse cry an angel that had been hanging back the entire time spread its wings. Principality of Observation was a fully armored high tier angel. In one hand it wielded a holy mace and in its other was an oval shield.

This angel hadn't engaged since its special ability was that it raised its allies defensive stats merely by watching them. However, it was a high-level angel and Nigun hoped it would be a match for his opponent.

The angel flew forward and brought its mace up as it lunged at Ainz. Ainz for his part simply blocked the mace with one of his hands. The impact would have shattered a normal man's bones but Ainz didn't so much as move as he held the angel's mace with his left hand as he brought up his right hand.

"I guess I should fight back." Ainz opened his right hand.

"Drain Soul."

Nothing happened and the angel simply struggled to free its mace from Ainz's grasp.

"Interesting...so I guess this doesn't have a soul and the spell has no effect since theirs no soul to drain..." Ainz opened his right hand once more. "Then I guess Ill fall back on another spell."

"Soul flame."

From the tip of his extended finger a small blue flame flew at the angel, the second the flame struck the angels body the angel was engulfed in black/blue fire. The flames heat was intense enough that Nigun and his men could feel it and they could only watch as the angel's existence ended within a second.


"In one shot..."

Nigun felt his world shatter, of all their principalities the church taught him to summon, the one that was just destroyed was the strongest in existence. He also possessed a talent that strengthened any creature he summoned. That talent along with his natural magic ability is why he rose through the ranks so quickly. To have someone kill such a powerful summon with one shot was unnatural.

"Impossible! Theirs no way anyone can kill a high-level angel in one shot! What kind of monster are you!? Why have I never heard of you before!?" He had lost all semblance of composure. All he could do now was scream his inability to acknowledge what he had just witnessed.

Ainz spread his hands apart, the gleam of the setting sun reflected off his armored gloves so that they looked like they were stained with blood. "Why didn't you think it was possible? It seems to me maybe you're just ignorant. Or perhaps that's really the limits of the magic of this world. Just know that I haven't even begun to show you my true power."

"I haven't shown you my true power either." he turned to his men who he could sense were on the verge of losing hope. "Cover me while I summon the highest level angel!"

Two hundred years ago an evil spirit had been terrorizing the continent, a single angel was said to have destroyed it. Sealed within the crystal was an angel with enough power to destroy an entire city with ease.

His men's flame of hope blazed ass they covered him while he prepared to summon his trump card. While he was preparing to bring forth his only hope he could hear Ainz muttering things he didn't understand.

"So he has a sealing crystal with magic sealed inside? From the sparkle, it doesn't seem to be super tier, yet it appears to be an item from Yggdrasil. The highest level angel would be from a type of seraph, from the first sphere which means it would be one of the heavenly counselors. Still, even if it was a seraph empyrean we would have to fight with everything we have. Albedo use some skills to raise my defense and prepare to use your Wall of Jericho, Gazef I recommend standing back and being prepared to retreat if this is what I think it is I'll need you to go back to the village and evacuate the villagers. This fight will result in a great deal of collateral damage."

"Yes my Lord."

"Understood Sir Gown."

Nigun's hands shook as the crystal melted away and exploded in a flash of light that blinded him. It was as if the sun decided to appear and ground level. The plain was filled with white light and the very air seemed to be easier to breathe. The legendary angel of which numerous tales were told appeared before him and his men. "Behold the noble Dominion Authority!"

The angel was a cluster of sparkling wings. Inside a hand was a scepter of pure gold. The angel didn't appear to have legs as it hovered above them with armor made of silver that looked like feathers. Angels of the higher spheres had more wings and the angel before him was sporting six wings, a symbol of its power. No one could doubt its holy energy, a true testament to the Gods.

Before this supremely good being Nigun's men burst out into applause and cheers of joy, the angel brought them hope.

"That's it? That's the best you can do?"

Ainz's bored tone made Nigun feel a new surge of panic as all the hope he felt from Dominion authority seemed to drain from him. He couldn't believe any being gazing upon such an angel and expressing anything but fear or awe and yet the caster before him was unimpressed.

Ainz continued on, not even bothering to acknowledge the angel. "Albedo you can stand back, I'm sorry for making you take precautions against such child's play. You even used some skills on my behalf."

"Its fine Lord Ainz, It only makes sense that we take precautions if theirs even the slightest chance of harm coming to you."

"You are right of course." Ainz turned to Gazef. "It's best if you stay back for your own safety Gazef, but you do not need to return to the village. It seems the angel he was summoning is nothing to be taken seriously."

"If you say so Sir Gown." Gazef replied in an unsure tone as he gazed at the angel.

Nigun was about to lose his mind, seeing them chatting so casually as they seemingly ignored him, his men, and the highest level angel in existence was driving him crazy. "How can you act this way before the strongest angel in existence?" He bellowed at them as they continued chatting in a leisurely manner. "This angel defeated an Evil spirit, humanity cant stand against it! You have to be bluffing!"

Ainz returned his attention to Nigun and shook his head.

"I could make fun of you right now, but in all honesty, it's just pathetic. You're like a new player who finds a treasure chest in a starting zone and believes he's the richest man in all of Yggdrasil. It's kind of cute actually." Ainz took a more serious stance. "Instead allow me to educate you. First I will need a volunteer."

"A volunteer?" One of Nigun's men muttered as he and the rest of the men had their guards raised.

Ainz turned to the man who had just spoken. "Thank you for volunteering sir." Ainz turned to the now terrified man and held an outstretched hand towards him.

"Drain Soul."

Nigun could only watch as the man who had spoken up let out an unearthly wail as a blue smoke-like substance escaped from his eyes and mouth. The man's body dropped to the ground, dead and unmoving.

Nigun let out a shriek when he realized it was the man's soul leaving his body.

He watched as his subordinates soul flew towards Ainz, the smoke-like substance that flowed towards Ainz was in humanoid form and he saw the mans twisted features reflected in the smoke as it screamed a ghastly scream that drained the life from Nigun and his remaining subordinates. Eventually, the man's souls condensed into Ainz's open hand where it formed into a purple gem.

"He is mine now." Ainz said as he held up the gem. "Unlike the crystal, you used earlier this soul gem will allow me to summon a true angel. The First Heavenly Sphere is a bit of a pain in the ass to summon and we are almost out of daylight, so you'll have to settle for an angel of a slightly lesser caliber. Still, this should be a good educational experience for all of you." He threw the gem into the air.

"Summon High-Tier Angel: Seraphim Ashbringer."

Nigun had to cover his eyes as the plain was once again filled with light, however, this light was unlike the holy white light that the Dominion authority exuded but was rather a glowing orange light like the sun in the middle of summer. He felt sweat beginning to form on his forehead as a massive wave of heat struck him and his men.

When he was finally able to see what Ainz had summoned he felt all hope leave his body.

Standing before Dominion Authority was an angel that was almost twice as large as Dominion Authority which itself was a massive angel.

The Seraphim Ashbringer was an angel clad in glowing golden armor that glowed as if it were superheated. It had eight wings that almost seemed like they were made out of fire and the wings gave the angel a wingspan that was twice as large as Dominion Authority. Above its head floated a halo of fire and it its two hands it clutched a massive greatsword which shone with golden light.

"The wicked shall be purged in fire!" The angel roared in an authoritative voice as it took a few experimental swings with its sword which caused arcs of flame to appear in the swords trail.

"At the risk of sounding crude, mines bigger." Ainz stated which broke Nigun from his trance.

"No...this can't be...its impossible." Nigun couldn't accept this, this couldn't be real. His opponent had to be using illusion magic of some kind. "It has to be an illusion! Dominion Authority, Smite this illusion!"

Dominion Authority let loose a pillar of white light which slammed into the Seraphim Ashbringer, the massive angel took the attack head on and if it took any damage it didn't show it.

"Its attack had no effect?" Nigun wondered out loud as he watched his angels mightiest attack not even scratch his opponent. "It's not an illusion...that means..."

"Holy damage doesn't do much damage to angels, even a noob should know that." Ainz turned to the Seraphim Ashbringer. "Ashbringer, show this lesser angel true power."

The Ashbringer lifted its sword above its head, the sword became engulfed in flames and Nigun was once again hit by a wave of heat as he felt the temperature rise up in the area. Sweat began pouring down his face as he felt like he was standing in an oven.

"BY FIRE BE PURGED!" The Ashbringer declared as it brought its sword directly down on the Dominion Authority.

The Dominion Authority raised its scepter up to block the blow but the flaming greatsword broke the scepter as if it were a twig allowing the sword to strike the angel. The Dominion Authority could only let out a mournful wail as the flaming sword cut it in half from its head all the way down to its angelic skirt of feathers. After being bisected the two halves were engulfed in orange flames and burnt away into ash which was blown away by a passing breeze.

With the Dominion Authority reduced to ash, the plain grew slightly darker, the only real light left was from the setting sun and the flaming Seraphim Ashbringer that stood floating above them all. The only sound was the rustling of grass as the wind passed over it. "What are you?" Nigun asked the impossible being that stood across from him. "I've never heard of a caster like you. Even so, there shouldn't be someone who can command such power by themselves! If you can kill it then that means your even stronger then the evil spirits that the thirteen heroes had to work together to slay. Who the hell are you?!"

"As I've said numerous time before, I am Ainz Ooal Gown." Ainz said once more. "I grow tired of reminding people of this, perhaps I should make myself a name badge." He turned to Gazef. "Is my name truly hard for the people of this word to remember Sir Stronoff?"

"It is a fine name that anyone with any sense should be able to remember." Gazef expressed cordially. "It should be even easier for people of the Slane Theocracy to remember since its similar in structure to their naming conventions."

"I see, then he must be an idiot. Perhaps I should speak slower."

The sun had sunk completely over the horizon and the land was wrapped in darkness. As light left the plain Nigun felt like it was the end. He was about to order a retreat but was stopped by Ainz.

"Just so you know if you try to retreat you will die. My subordinates have already surrounded the area and I've cast anti-teleportation magic."

With his options fading away Nigun felt despair overtake him, he didn't understand how any human could be so powerful unless…

"What are you? Theirs no way a human could be this powerful! You must be an evil spirit!"

"I never said I was human, although one might think that when I choose to hide my wings."

"Wings?" Nigun could only watch as a pair of beautiful blue wings erupted from Ainz's back, they seemed to be made of magical energy and grey fog seemed to surround them. There were only three types of humanoid-shaped beings that had wings. There were harpies, some dragon crossbreeds, and winged nomadic humans who lived on the borders of the Baharuth empire. But none of them matched what he was seeing before him unless. "Are you… an angel?"

"Yes I am, I am Ainz Ooal Gown, Angel of Life and Death."

"No...angels are silent servants of the Gods. The holy books were very clear on that! A sentient angel is impossible!"

"And yet here I am." Ainz replied. "Now as an angel I must pass judgment, and you've been a very bad man."

Nigun was grasping at straws, yet he had one last straw to grasp.

"W-wait! I surrender! A true angel wouldn't hurt a man who has surrendered right?" He looked at his opponent and didn't see any mercy in his now visible blue glowing eyes. "I want to make a deal, all the information I have in exchange for my life! I swear you'll come out ahead. I'll pay you whatever you want if you spare my life! If it's not money you're after then Ill give you influence or magical artifacts, I swear." He turned to Gazef who had been silent through most of the battle. "You want to know which of the nobles sold you out right? I know all their names, spare my life and I'll tell your King everything he wants to know about what the Theocracy is doing to sabotage the Kingdom."

"You assume I need you to tell me information, I have numerous other ways of getting the truth out of you without your cooperation."

"Monster!" Nigun and his men backed away as Ainz began approaching him. "Do you think the Theocracy will stand for this! Kill me and they will avenge me! Even you can't stand against the strongest human nation when its arrayed against you!"

Ainz lifted his hand and Nigun watched as his men began to silently collapse before him. Nigun instinctively backed away and fell over as he watched Ainz approach him.

"The Godkin will stop you..."

He watched as Ainz stopped for a second and cocked his head to the side curiously as if he considered Nigun's words.

"No one can stop death..."

Nigun felt darkness envelop him.

"Don't worry, it was just a mass sleep spell." Ainz said as he saw the sour look Gazef was shooting at him.

"Good, because that mans testimony will be the key to scouring the Kings court clean of traitors." Gazef said as he walked towards the now sleeping form of Nigun. "I honestly thought you had killed them all, especially after you drained that one mans soul and used it to summon...that thing."

Ainz followed Gazefs gaze to the Seraphim Ashbringer which was hovering in the air above the battlefield.

'Crap...I used a soul gem to summon that thing so now its most likely permanent...where am I going to store it?' Ainz wondered to himself. The most likely answer was the eighth floor along with all the other angels, no doubt Victim could use a new subordinate. 'Still, I need to be more careful about what I summon, this is what happens when I try to show off.'

Ainz was broken from his thoughts by the sounds of galloping horses as Gazefs men rode up. They had been stationed in front of the village to aid in its defense in case the Theocracy tried to sneak troops in.

"Tie them up and bring them to the village." Gazef ordered as his men quickly went about following his orders.

Ainz watched as the men tied up the unconscious prisoners. "I would like to take some of those prisoners as well. You can have the leader but I would like at least thirty of them for myself."

"May I ask why?" Gazef asked curiously as he turned to face Ainz. "What value do they have to one such as yourself?"

"Watch your tone human." Albedo spoke up as she faced Gazef. "The Supreme one doesn't need to explain his reasons, he won this battle for you, if anything you should be offering all of the prisoners up gladly and-"

"Enough Albedo."

Albedo fell silent as she bowed her head.

"Forgive me Lord Ainz, but to have a human question you..."

"I meant no disrespect." Gazef added as he bowed his head. "I was merely curious. Aside from the leader I really only needs a few more of them to corroborate his story."

"Its fine Gazef, as to why I want these humans." Ainz turned to the prisoners who were being rounded up and tied to the backs of the horses. "They are the first casters I've met since coming to this world, it fascinates me that they seem to think seventh tier magic is the peak of magical ability. I wish to study their magical abilities and interrogate them for information about the Theocracy. I fear by aiding you the Theocracy has now become my enemy."

"It's a dangerous enemy to have, although I doubt you'll have much trouble. If you can defeat a being summoned with seventh tier magic...It basically makes you akin to a God." Gazef said in a tone that was filled with wonder and worry. "I'm a soldier, I never had the knack nor interest in learning magic. However even I know the highest tier a talented human can attain is the 3rd tier. Those who are truly blessed and are the pinnacle of mankind can cast spells up to the 5th tier maybe even a few of the 6th tier. Anything above that is considered the magic of the Gods...are you a God Sir Gown?"

Ainz saw Albedo was about to interject but he silenced her with a motion of his hand. "Albedo go with the soldiers and make sure the prisoners are secured. I wish to have a word with Sir Stronoff alone."

He could see that Albedo wanted to protest, however, she didn't say anything and instead bowed and followed the soldiers who were hauling the prisoners back to the village. He also sent the Seraphim Ashbringer along with them, he didn't want anyone else around for this. Once He and Gazef were alone he turned to the man.

"Do you believe I'm a God Sir Stronoff? Do you even believe in Gods?" Ainz asked curiously as he watched the sun finish setting. Both he and Gazef were alone in the dark but the sky was still bright and the stars above were becoming visible, bathing the open plain in their light.

"I believe you are a powerful being." Gazef answered with a shrug. "I'll be honest I never had much faith in anything. I once went to the Head Bishop in the capitols cathedral, I asked him if there are Gods who love mankind why is it that there's so much suffering in the world? He answered 'As we sin so do we suffer.' Yet from my worldly experience it seems like its always the innocent who suffer the most and the sinful who live the easiest and most pleasurable lives." Gazef turned to Ainz. "You still haven't answered my question, are you a God? You can cast powerful spells, summon angels of extraordinary power, and you resurrected numerous villagers, a power that I thought impossible to use on such a scale."

"What is a God really?" Ainz asked as he thought of the best way to answer the man's question. "I can cast magic beyond the tenth tier, I'm a being who controls both life and death. Yet..." He shook his head. "To me, a God should be all-powerful and all-good. I am neither of those things, yet at the same time, I dont think there is anything out there that is both of those things. If there is an all-powerful being, then it isn't all-good, if there are beings that are all-good then they aren't all-powerful."

"You seem to have a high standard for what constitutes a God."

"That's just my opinion, but in the end what I think matters little." Ainz shrugged. "To my followers, I am a God, so its a title Ill wear for their sake. It's my responsibility since it was me and my friends who created them." To deny the fact he was a God to the NPCs would be cruel, it seemed like their love for him and his friends and their desire to serve was what they lived for. If he took that away... "However I get the feeling this line of questioning isn't one that's theologically born, I think you're trying to ask me something else."

"I want to know what your intentions are." Gazef answered honestly. "From the things you've said I gather you aren't from around here, indeed you seem to be from another world entirely. You're a powerful being whose magic is on par with the legendary Gods and Demons of old, and you are here on the borders of my Kings country. I think you can understand why I'm concerned."

"Of course." Ainz cursed himself for speaking so freely with the man, but he couldn't help it. Ever since coming to this world he could only have conversations with the NPCs who dwelled within Nazerick. While the NPCs were intelligent and well spoken they weren't very good at conversation since all they did was praise him or affirm their loyalty to him. They also had little to talk about besides Nazerick which limited conversation topics.

Gazef was the first real person he could have a real conversation with. The man didn't gaze at him with awe like the villagers or worship him like the NPCs. Gazef spoke with him rather plainly, it was rather refreshing.

"As mentioned before I was transported here to this world along with my followers. I dont really have any intentions at the moment, today was the first day I've come across humans or any other form of sentient life. Until now I've just been wandering." Ainz answered honestly while trying to keep things are vague as possible. He had no intention of letting Gazef know about Nazerick, however good a man he might appear to be.

"I see..." Gazef seemed slightly unsatisfied with the answer. "I dont suppose you would consider coming to the capital with me? My King would no doubt like to thank you for the aid you've provided. I'm sure he can also offer you hospitality for you and your followers."

"I have no doubt he would be a gracious host but for now I must decline." Ainz felt there was another reason for the offer and had to confirm it. "Before you ask I have no intention of bowing before your king or becoming one of his subjects. An angel such as myself submitting to the rule of a monarch I know nothing about is unthinkable."

"I understand that, and figured that would be your answer." Gazef nodded. "However you are on the King's land. To settle here could create problems with the nobility, you would be seen as an invader of sorts."

"I have no intention of starting any fights, however, know that if your King attempts to remove me from these lands that I will not back down." Ainz answered, if anyone threatened Nazerick they would be dealt with harshly. Of course, Nazericks location was secret and he intended it to stay that way. He had been playing around with the idea of creating a fake Nazerick to keep the location of the real Nazerick a secret. "Also no offense but if you truly are the Kingdoms strongest warrior...I dont think I have much to worry about."

"I know I'm weak compared to you but you dont have to be so blunt about it."

"Sorry, it's just...I have abilities that allow me to sense an enemies power level. If we were grading on a level of 1 to 100 with me being level 100..." Ainz activated his detection abilities to get a closer read on Gazef. His job levels in Archmage allowed him a vast array of spells of every school of magic. In Yggdrasil, a player could gain the ability to use 300 spells on average unless they used cash item upgrades or racial perks. In Ainzs case he had bought every cash upgrade he could be taken numerous job classes and racial classes that increased his spell repertoire and used a racial perk called Elder Wisdom to learn over a thousand spells. After several seconds of analyzing Gaze,f he reached his conclusion.

"You are level 35 with job classes in...hmm interesting build." Ainz muttered as he looked at Gazefs job classes. It really was like the Yggdrasil and yet...different. "You are the strongest human I've encountered today, with proper magical equipment you could fight on par with someone around level 50."

"Thanks...I guess..." Gazef responded. "As I was saying regardless of how powerful you are the King might have to take action if you choose to reside here without paying tribute to him. If he allowed you free reign it would weaken his position and people would believe he was weak and unworthy of his crown."

"I understand that and I can sympathize, but I'm not bowing before him. Nor am I leaving these lands anytime soon."

Gazef rubbed his forehead as if to stave off a headache. "I see...as a loyal subject of the King I cannot give approval of a foreigner claiming lands that belong to the king, at the same time I could offer a suggestion on where you could settle if you wanted to discourage the King and nobility from interfering with you."

"Where would that be?" Ainz asked curiously, his knowledge of this worlds geography was extremely limited. The village headman had given him a vague idea of the geography of the world but the village lacked any sort of significant map. "I must admit I know little of the layout of these lands."

Gazef reached into his pouch and produced a large scroll, he unfurled it and revealed it to be a detailed map.

"Magelight." Ainz muttered as he conjured a glowing ball of blue magic which hovered over him and Gazef. The night was bright but not so bright that they could easily read a map, the magelight gave them the light they needed.

"We are here." He pointed to where Carne village was on the map. "I recommend that you and however many followers you have move over here." He pointed to a place on the map near Carne village.

The Great Forest of Tob

"This is the great forest of Tob, you could dwell here with your followers until you figure out what to do next." Gazef stated. "The King and nobility would be inclined to leave you alone."

"Why?" He saw that the forest was far away from most civilized places with the exception of Carne village. "Doesn't the Kingdom value the forest?"

"Not really." Gazef replied sadly. "Forests are home to powerful monsters and other savage creatures that the average human can't hope to fight. The only value forests have is for brave foragers who harvest plants from them for medicines and other tonics. Foraging is a dangerous job but there's good money in it since its so dangerous. Most foragers end up as food for trolls, ogres, and goblins. But often villagers have little else they can do for money."

"So humans avoid forests entirely?"

Gazef nodded. "Look at the map and where all the human kingdoms are. Do you notice a pattern?"

Ainz scanned the map and looked at the locations of all the human Kingdoms.

"Every single human Kingdom is located on large flatlands." He realized, there were sometimes forests and mountains marked on the map but they were fairly small and inconsequential compared to the massive forests and mountains in the surrounding areas where there were no human cities.

"On the open plains monsters cant ambush humans like me. Without the advantage of ambush, we can rely on numbers and cooperation to overcome monsters who very rarely work well together in large groups." Gazef explained. "If you were to make the forest of Tob your home you would be left alone by the Kingdom. Some nobles might cry out and demand action against you but nothing would come of it. Marching an army of humans into a forest is akin to suicide, human monarchs throughout history have tried to claim the forests but it resulted in massacres each time. Even I would have trouble besting monsters on their home turf. You, on the other hand, would have no trouble claiming the forest as your own."

"I see..." That information gave Ainz numerous ideas of how to go forward, but first, he would have to discuss things with his guardians. "Thank you for the information Sir Stronoff. Would it be much trouble for me to have this map? I can pay you for it."

Gazef nodded "The map is extremely valuable, accurate maps are fairly rare and the one in your hands is among the best the Kingdom has, treat it well. Don't worry about paying me, you saved my life and the lives of my men, I'll take full responsibility if anything bad comes of me giving it away. Also no need to call me Sir Stronoff, I'm not a knight. Only nobles can be knights."

"I see, regardless I thank you." Ainz looked at the night sky and realized Albedo would get worried if he hung out there much longer. "I need to return to my followers. I ask that you stay In Carne village for a few days while I get my house in order. I wish for you to deliver a message to your King and I need time to word it properly."

Gazef nodded. "I understand, my men need the rest anyway. We have been riding for days with little food or rest. I also need time to figure out how I'm going to safely transport the prisoners to the capital. I don't have enough soldiers or horses to escort them safely, and I doubt the Theocracy will just stand-by as I take the leader of one of their Scriptures to the capital."

"I will lend you some of my followers to help you escort the prisoners." Ainz had no intention of allowing Nigun to end up back in the Theocracy after everything he had seen, he also didn't want Gazef dying.

"Id appreciate the help, for an angel of death you sure do act like an angel of justice." Gazef joked. "And that spellcasting, I haven't seen spellcasting like that since I was in the Dragon Kingdom, and even they couldn't go above the fifth tier."

"There's a Kingdom of Dragons?" Ainz looked at the map and saw that there was indeed a kingdom of dragons. "How powerful are they?"

"The Dragons are powerful but they don't flaunt it. Also despite the name most of the population is human." Gazef replied as he seemed to be trying to remember his last visit. "The only ones who flaunt power are the Dragon Priests who have some dragon abilities due to worshipping and gaining power from the Dragons that dwell there."

The term Dragon priest interested Ainz, it was a job class in Yggdrasil available to players. "Interesting I had a friend who was a Dragon Priest."

"You had a friend that worshipped Dragons?"

"He did not worship the dragons, he devoured them." He recalled that one gained special abilities and job classes depending on how many Dragon souls you devoured while using that job class. "But we've gotten off topic, how powerful would you say these Dragons are?"

Ainz recalled in Yggdrasil dragons could be anywhere from level 30 which were whelps all the way up the level 100. Yggdrasil even had dragon bosses that took entire raids to defeat.

"Powerful enough that if you went up against them...I would still bet on you winning but I get the feeling you wouldn't come out unscathed." Gazef said seriously. "Although I've heard that Dragons can use magic called wild magic which is different from the tier magic system most people use. I'm not an expert on the subject, I'm just a soldier. But I heard from the court wizard that the Dragon Queen specializes in that type of magic."

"Fascinating..." Ainz had so many questions, this New World had so much to do and see. "I've taken up enough of your time Gazef, let's retire for now. I'll take my prisoners and head back out to where I'm temporarily staying. I'll be in contact with you very soon do lend you some men to help escort you."

As the two of them walked back to the village Ainz's mind dwelled on the various new places there was to discover in this New World.

Ainz arrived in the throne room accompanied by Albedo. A great many beings were there, down on one knee to express their loyalty to him. No one moved and not a sound was made as he climbed up the stairs of the throne and took a seat in the Throne of Kings.

He gazed around the room and saw a sea of monsters of various shapes and sizes assembled, his friends creations. Practically everyone was here with exception to minions who were needed to keep Nazerick secure while this meeting took place. He noticed none of the NPCs he created were here, no doubt they were busy guarding Nazerick while so many of its denizens were away from their posts.

'I really should see about speaking to them.'

In all the time he had been in this New World he hadn't met any of his personal creations. In part, because their jobs mean they couldn't be away from their posts and in part because he was worried about what they would be like.

Would they have taken traits from him and their other creator? They were the only NPCs he knew of where the work in making them was split nearly 50/50. There was also the fact that aside from Avacyn none of them had very high Karma. Two of them, in particular, would be very evil, albeit in different ways if their backstories came true.

Ainz banished those thoughts as he focused on the task at hand. He gazed once more around the room and frowned when he saw how empty it was. There was a sea of faces in the crowd, however, the Throne Room was so large that it seemed rather empty, he made a note to allow lesser minions and creatures into the throne room during future meetings.

"I'm sure all of you are curious about recent events." Ainz began in a calm voice. "Ask Albedo what happened while we were gone, but there is one thing I want to tell all of you here right now. Greater Break Item!" Ainz cast a spell that could break items up to a certain level. One of the crests that hung upon the throne rooms walls fell to the ground. It was a crest, specifically, it was the personal crest of Momonga.

"I changed my name. From now on call me..." Ainz pointed his finger and gathered everyone's eyes. "Call me Ainz Ooal Gown, Ainz for short." His finger was pointing to the tapestry behind the throne room with the guild's crest. "Anyone who has objections stand up and say so."

No one had anything to say in response. Albedo broke the silence and spoke up. "We have heard your honorable name. Hail, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! To you, the noblest one, Ainnz Ooal Gown, we of the Great Tomb of Nazerick pledge our absolute loyalty!"

The guardians joined in. "Hail Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! The one who brought the Supreme Being together was you. To you we devote everything."

"All glory to Ainz Ooal Gown! Supreme Lord and leader of us all, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! We shall give ourselves completely to you!

"Long Live Ainz Ooal Gown! All shall Know of your greatness across all realms and beyond!"

The shouts and praise of the NPCs and servants thundered through the Throne Room and soon the entire room was bathed in the sounds of praise which Ainz soaked in happily.

He looked at everyone standing below him.

"Make the name Ainz Ooal Gown an enduring Legend!" He slammed his staff into the floor which caused the jewels within the head to glow brightly. "All sentient beings of this New World we have arrived in must know of the greatness of Ainz Ooal Gown!"

Ainz felt prideful and vain saying such a thing but he knew it was necessary. Many of his guildmates had quit the game but numerous others might have been brought to this New World as well. At the very least those who visited him on the last night Yggdrasil was online could have been swept up in the same force that led him and all of Nazerick to come to the New World.

If you guys are out there I'll find you and if not...

Ainz found himself sitting in his personal office, surrounded by his floor guardians and Sebas. He had also ordered Victim to join the meeting since it was a meeting that concerned all floors.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I've asked that you stay behind." He began as he looked at each of them. "First I wanted to thank all of you for the work you've done these last few days. Recent events have been strange and difficult but you have all distinguished yourselves and your services have been most appreciated."

"We are unworthy of such words." Albedo bowed and all the others followed suit. "We were created to serve the Supreme Ones, you most of all Lord Ainz."

"Still, good service deserves to be rewarded." Ainz reached into his inventory and pulled out a large box when he opened it revealed numerous rings which each bore the guild's crest. They were Rings of Ainz Ooal Gown, given to members of the guild which allowed them to teleport anywhere in Nazerick and acted as a sign of guild membership. "In the absence of my fellow guildmates, I will be looking to all of you to fill in their roles. These last few days proves that you are all capable of this and thus I gift each of you a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown."

"We are not worthy!" It was Demiurge who spoke up as he bowed even deeper. "Those Rings are meant only for Supreme Beings. For us to be granted them..."

"You. Would. Be. Granting. Us. Treasures. On. Par. With. Our. Creators..." Cocytus intoned.

"They are right, you can give me a ring when you choose me to be your head wife.." Shalltear smiled as she licked her lips seductively.

"As if he would choose an undead brat like you..." Albedo growled dangerously which earned a glare from Shalltear.

"Better a brat than an old hag who-"

Sebas stepped between them. "Do not put on such an unsightly display in front of the Supreme One." He chided which stopped the oncoming fight.

"One hundred of these rings were made, we only ever had 41 members of this guild." Ainz explained, ignoring the squabble between Albedo and Shalltear. "I won't be giving you the Rings of guild members, but rather those that have never been used. All of you are the creations of my friends, their children. I say you are worthy unless all of you are saying that I'm a liar or a bad judge of character?"

"I would never imply such a thing!" Demiurge quickly stated, bowing his head in apology. "Your generosity knows no end Lord Ainz."

"Truly you are a magnanimous Lord." Sebas agreed as did the rest of the guardians.

"You all deserve it for the good work you've done. I want all floor guardians to have one. Its both a symbolic reward and a practical one since the rings will allow you all to do your jobs more efficiently." Ainz turned to Sebas. "I will be granting you one as well Sebas, you are not a floor guardian but your duties are extremely important."

"Thank you Lord Ainz. I promise your reward will be used to utmost efficiency." Sebas bowed. "I will double my efforts in my work in service to you."

"As will the rest of us." Albedo added which earned vocal affirmations from the rest of the Floor Guardians.

Ainz handed out the rings and each of the guardians thanked him with rather over-the-top declarations of loyalty which made Ainz feel increasingly awkward but he kept his demeanor collected and serious. The rings changed size depending on who wished to equip it so it even managed to fit around Cocytus's large fingers and around one of Victims tiny little limbs.

"The only rule I have regarding these rings is that they never are taken out of Nazerick. If an enemy should get their hands on one they could wreak havoc in Nazerick. Therefore your rings must be left behind any time you must leave." Ainz sat down on his throne. "No doubt you will need them because the next few days will be chaotic."

"You refer to the message we must send to the Kingdom?" Demiurge asked as his glasses seemed to take on a more sinister shine.

"Yes." Ainz needed to play this next part carefully, he wanted to maintain the guise of a competent ruler while at the same time getting as much council out of his guardians. Albedo and Demiurge seemed to be the most intelligent so he would no doubt need their council the most. "When I was the leader of the other members of this guild I would listen to the council of your creators before making any major decision. Sometimes their words would allow me to view a situation in a new light or give me ideas I never would have thought of by myself."

"We are undeserving of such words." Albedo said in a soft voice as she lovingly stroked the Ring Ainz had given her. "I doubt we could hope to match the wise counsel that your fellow Supreme Beings once gave you but we will do our best."

"Firstly not everyone here knows of what happened." Ainz realized he had been rather vague with the information of what happened at Carne village. "Albedo tell the other guardians what occurred."

Albedo described the events of the day in excellent detail although Ainz felt uncomfortable with some of her choices in wording. She would often use words like sexy, handsome, and unbelievably gorgeous whenever describing him to the point where he wanted to cringe himself out of existence.

When she reached the part where she was ordered to escort the prisoners back to the village Ainz picked it up from there and told them about the conversation he had with Gazef, minus some of the more personal stuff the two men had talked about.

"This map is the best the Kingdom has, sadly its rather vague on anything outside the Kingdom." He laid the map on his desk as the Guardians peered at it with interest.

"It has some details about human nations but other than that..." Demiurge adjusted his glasses. "It doesn't even show the entire continent. I'm guessing the humans haven't explored the lands beyond their own borders."

"Indeed, I dont even see a name for the continent," Ainz muttered as he looked at the map. "Gazef said that the nobility of the Kingdom wouldn't bother us if we made our residence the Great Forest of Tob. I think we should publically claim the Great Forest of Tob and create a fake Nazerick there to act as a lightning rod of attention to keep peoples eyes from the real Nazerick. Do we have the resources to create a convincing fake Nazerick?"

"I've scouted out a few places where we could have golems harvest stone." Demiurge pointed out a few places on the map. "Sadly the quality isn't all that good for anything beyond basic foundations. As much as I hate to say it the best resource would be wood."

"A wooden Nazerick?" Ainz had his doubts about making a wooden Nazerick, it seemed so...cheap. However he shook those thoughts from his head, it was meant to be a decoy after all. Wood was also the primary building material of most ancient Japanese castles and most of those were quite good for their time. "Wood will be fine, we can scout the Great Forest of Tob to find an ideal location for it at a later date. Do we have the manpower for it?"

Albedo nodded. "The golem workshop is fully operational and we have hundreds of golems that can begin construction at a moments notice. All we need are supervisors for the labor."

"My demons can help in that department." Demiurge added before turning to Shalltear. "You have elder liches under your command don't you? Both they and my demons should work well together in supervising the construction."

"Of course, I can have Mairon create more should we need them, although we will need some corpses..." Shalltear took on a thoughtful look. "Could we use the humans in the village for corpses? Or at the very least for blood? My vampire servants are growing tired of the synthetic blood we get from the blood fountains."

Ainz felt a headache coming on, not just from his subordinates disregard for human life but also the fact that they had legitimate problems. Regular food wasn't too much of an issue since the guild had numerous magical items that conjured food and basic resources in order to feed NPCs such as the Homunculus maids who required a large amount of food in order to keep working. However, Shalltear and her vampire subordinates needed blood, while the third floor had a blood fountain that conjured blood it apparently wasn't all that tasty to Shalltear or her minions. He also had Kyouhukou claiming his cockroach brood were cannibalizing each other in order to survive. Not to mention the Gashokukochuuou was running out of nesting room.

"I don't want the people of Carne village hurt in any way, I have plans for them and they have various uses." Ainz didn't want the people of Carne village harmed, especially after all the effort, he went through in saving them. "As for the corpses we can use some of the corpses we got from those soldiers to create liches. I would also like to use them in resurrection magic experiments. I managed to resurrect a good amount of villagers in Carne with my best resurrection spell which proves resurrection works in this world."

"A brilliant idea Lord Ainz." Demiurge spoke up. "With your permission, I would like to take the lead on conducting the experiments and handling the prisoners. I have several ideas of how we can make use of them."

Ainz felt unnerved by tone Demiurge had taken. He hadn't read the backstory that Ulbert had created for Demiurge but he knew enough about Ulbert's interests to know that Demiurge was most likely the evilest NPC in Nazerick.

'Still, he is loyal..regardless I should make sure I know what he's doing at all times.'

"Very well Demiurge, I'll allow you to take the lead on this." Ainz nodded his confirmation. "However I ask that you keep me updated with detailed reports on any experiments you run on the prisoners. Also put aside a few of them for the rest of Nazerick. Kyouhukou and Gashokukochuuou in particular."

Demiurge nodded. "Agreed Lord Ainz, I also have a solution for Shalltears blood problem." The demon cleared his throat as he prepared to explain. "While torturing the prisoners for information I learned a great deal about how healing magic works in this new world. Healing spells can restore blood and even regrow lost limbs. If the limb is nearby when the spell is cast it will reattach itself to the owner, however, if it's far away or been turned into mincemeat the person will simply regrow an entirely new limb. I can use this to give Nazerick a nearly infinite supply of human meat. The same applies to blood which can be drained and simply restored with healing magic."

"Sounds tasty." Shalltear licked her lips in anticipation. "I prefer to drink from the source though..."

"Fascinating..." Ainz said, ignoring Shalltears comment. While the details were unsavory he still found the information interesting. He also found himself not really caring about the fates of the prisoners.

'If they didn't want this to happen maybe they shouldn't have been murdering innocent people.' He found himself thinking. 'I care about the people of Carne Village but not the Theocracy soldiers...is it because I'm an Angel now? Or is it something else?'

Ever since his transformation into an Angel Ainz found himself calm and collected, his human form had stronger emotions but even so, he was very chill most of the time. He only really got angry at things like the Theocracy soldiers. Was being an angel making him judgemental?

'I can think about this later, for now, I need to focus on the task at hand.'

"Keep up the good work Demiurge. As much as I would like to continue learning about your experiments we must move on to other matters." Ainz gazed once more at the map. "If labor isn't an issue we can go ahead with creating the fake Nazerick. Aura, Mare, you two are at your best in the forests. I'll be relying on you two to find a good location for a fake Nazerick."

"You can count on us!" Aura replied cheerfully. "My magical beasts will find a good spot in a jiffy!"

"W-we won't disappoint you Lord Ainz." Mare bowed. "What should we do about the M-monsters in the forests?"

Ainz thought about that for a second, he hadn't seen any of the native monsters. Gazef had mention Goblins, Trolls, and Ogres. Were they the same creatures from Yggdrasil or similar inhabitants? So many questions existed in this New World.

"The monsters could act as a useful buffer between us and the Re-Estize Kingdom. However I also dont like the idea of them roaming around freely, we also dont know much about the monsters of this New world..." Ainz rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Gazef claimed they were stronger than humans but by how much? Of all the ones he mentioned goblins were the weakest but they could still go up to level 50 in Yggdrasil if you were facing Goblin generals and warlords. "I want them subjugated, they could prove to be useful pawns. I also want any that resist brought back to Nazerick for experimentation. I want to know if they are similar to the monsters back in Yggdrasil, Ill leave any monsters we capture in your hands Demiurge."

Demiurge bowed. "You can count on me Lord Ainz. I look forward to running similar experiments on them as I will with the humans. They could make a useful control group."

"If Demiurge gets to keep the monsters then I want the beasts." Aura spoke up in childish excitement. "I want to add any beasts we find in this New World to my collection."

Ainz chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. "Very well Aura, I'll allow you to keep one of any beast we find, be sure to take care of them. I doubt they can be resurrected the same way the beasts of Yggdrasil could be." Ainz turned to the rest of his Guardians. "On that note, I would like to bring up the subject of the possibility of not being able to resurrect you should any of you die in this New World."

"What do you mean Lord Ainz?" Albedo asked. "You managed to resurrect those weak humans back at Carne village easily enough with you an incredible display of divine magic."

"True, however I don't know if the same applies to beings originally from Yggdrasil. It worries me especially with individuals such as Victim whos special ability requires his death. While its ebyond useful the fact that we might not be able to resurrect him troubles me."

"Seno emerpup rether eth dna uoy rof eid ot erusaelp saw ti. [It was my pleasure to die for you and the other supreme ones.]" Victim said, his language was Enochian, the language of the angels.

Much to his surprise, he understood Victims words, but that made sense given that he was an angel as well.

"While I'm pleased by your willingness to sacrifice yourself I must ask that from now on you restrain yourself from using any other ability that is triggered by your death. Until we are sure we can successfully resurrect you and your fellow denizens of Nazerick I don't want you taking unnecessary risks." He turned to the others. "That includes the rest of you as well. From my initial venture out into the world it seems as if we are exceptionally powerful compared to this worlds denizens, however, I don't want any of you to travel alone or do anything reckless. Your creators would never forgive me if they returned and learned you were permanently destroyed while following my orders."

"Of course Lord Ainz." Albedo bowed. "We will follow your orders and be careful from here on out. I would never wish for Lord Tabula to be angry at the man I love."

"Same goes for me, I wouldn't want Lord Peroroncino to get angry at the man I love." Shalltear glanced at Abledo as electricity flew between their eyes.

"Does that mean our creators are returning?" Aura asked, which froze everyone ion the room and brought everything to a standstill.

Ainz felt nervous as he gazed at both Aura and Mare. Over the last few days, he saw that in many ways they were children and they viewed Bukubukuchagama as their mother. He was torn between telling them the truth or a lie.

It led to another series of issues. How did the Guardians view him and the others? He knew they thought of them as Gods but how much did they know about them really? Were they aware Yggdrasil was little more than a video game?

"That's a complicated question..." Ainz fumbled for the right words. "How much do you know about me and the other guild members?"

"You're all super strong Gods who killed other Gods!" Aura spoke up cheerfully.

"You're all s-super cool and infinite in y-your kindness and mercy," Mare added.

"You. Are. The. Strongest. Beings. In. All. The. Nine. Realms. And. Beyond." Cocytus answered reverently.

"Gods that even we the guardians can't begin to comprehend." Albedo gazed at Ainz with loving eyes. "Although I hope to comprehend you real soon..."

"You're beings of pure beauty and radiance in an otherwise bleak universe." Shalltear gazed lovingly at Ainz. "Unlike this hairy ape I can appreciate you for your true beauty Lord Ainz, now lets-" She was cut off by Albedo who was radiating an aura of killing intent.

"What did you call me you lamprey?"

"I called you a hairy ape you wide-mouthed gorilla. Reveal your final form and maybe..."

"Enough you two!" Sebas intoned which broke up the coming argument. Once the two of them had calmed down sSebas bowed and gave his answer. "You are our masters and we your servants, beyond that little else matters to me."

"You are world-walkers who create and rule over various worlds." Demiurge spoke up, drawing everyone's interest. "I can't claim to comprehend you or the other Supreme Beings but I know you are immortal beings that take many forms on many worlds. You create and destroy worlds on a whim, you truly are Gods who are beyond the comprehension of lesser lifeforms such as myself."

Ainz assumed by worlds Demiurge was referring to video games. It gave him an idea.

"You are right Demiurge. We are beings who travel to numerous worlds, sometimes we use them as playgrounds to enjoy ourselves. Yggdrasil was one such world." He tried his best to avoid making him and his friends sound like nerds and tried to play up the God angle. "I've been to numerous worlds, some beautiful, some terrible, and others so unbelievable even I can't put them into words."

The Guardians all had looks of awe on their faces as they hung onto every word Ainz said.

"Is Lady Bukubukuchagama on another world?" Aura asked curiously. "Did she get bored of us and leave?"

"No!" Ainz answered so quickly and forcefully that Aura and several other Guardians flinched. Realizing how mean he had said it he bowed his head. "Sorry for shouting, your creators didn't leave you because they grew bored of you. We simply had many obligations on our homeworld...the world where we were born."

"A world of supreme beings?" Aura asked in wonder. "It must be an amazing place."

"It was once." Ainz felt himself growing melancholy. "Yggdrasil was much like our world before...we ruined it. We are beings of great power, the methods we used to achieve such power however destroyed most of our world. Its one of the reasons we spent so much time in other worlds is because ours was so terrible." He let out a tired sigh. Ainz looked at all the guardians. "Your creators loved all of you but they also had obligations on our homeworld. They wouldn't have left otherwise...our lives back home can be very chaotic and difficult."

"Of course, it's not our place to question you or the other supreme beings reason for leaving." Demiurge said. "Although it is a huge relief, I thought they left because we had displeased them in some way."

"You could never displease them." Remembering his friends made him sad and feel rather lonely. "However on that note...I'm going to tell all of you something, however, what I'm about to tell you shall never leave this room. Do not tell your subordinates and refrain from talking about it to each other unless you know you're completely alone...do you understand?"

"Yes Lord Ainz." All the guardians said at once, realizing how serious this matter was to their master.

"Some of my fellow guild members might have been brought to this world along with us." He saw the looks of amazement cross each of the guardian's eyes. Ainz went on to explain how a dozen of his friends had visited him the day Nazerick was transported to the New World, he was vague on what he and his friends talked about but otherwise told the guardians everything.

"Since they were in Nazerick shortly before it was transported to this New World its possible they got caught up in whatever brought us here." Ainz hoped his friends were here, but he also knew there was a good chance they weren't. "My main reason for changing my name and spreading it throughout this world is to let them know that I'm here and that they aren't alone. If they hear the name Ainz Ooal Gown they will surely make themselves known. However there is a chance they aren't here, I dont want to get your hopes up, but if there's even a one percent chance that they are here we must ensure they are brought to Nazerick safely."

"Of course Lord Ainz, we will not rest until every corner of this world has been scoured." Albedo bowed deeply. "Although our creators are surely fine, they should easily be capable of matching any enemies in this New World."

"That might be true but we only know that the humans of this world are very weak, not to mention your creators dont have any magical equipment with them." Ainz felt sick knowing all of his friends gave him their equipment for safekeeping rather than keeping it on their characters. "All of their equipment is locked up in the treasury. Without it they are at a major disadvantage should they come across a powerful enemy."

"I see." Demiurge adjusted his glasses. "So not only does saving the humans aid your other plans but it also spreads your name so that the other Supreme Beings will hear it, assuming they were transported to this world. Your genius knows no end Lord Ainz."

"Thank you..." Ainz wasn't sure what Demiurge meant by other plans but he was happy one of his smartest subordinates approved. "Of course there's a chance they weren't transported to this New World. So I dont want this information leaving the room, I dont want to get all of Nazericks hopes up for nothing."

"So considerate of your underling's feelings..." Albedo seemed like she was about to cry from joy. "Truly you are the one who united and led our creators."

"I simply want to avoid getting everyone's hopes up. One should hope for the best but prepare for the worst" Ainz cleared his throat. "I think that's all for now. I want Albedo and Demiurge to prepare a written statement for the Kingdom, no doubt the Kingdom uses a different writing system from ours so I must pick a messenger to read it to them. I want it clear we have no intention of starting any conflict but will respond violently if they should try to attack us. Make it clear that we are claiming the Great Forest of Tob as our own. Aura and Mare will focus on finding a place for us to build an imitation Nazerick, and the rest of you will perform your regular duties while reinforcing our defenses."

There was nothing else to say and the Guardians left to fulfill their duties which left Ainz alone in his office. The second they were all gone he slumped into his chair.

"Geez….this job just gets harder and harder." He reached into his inventory and pulled out a box of chocolates that he got from his female guildmates during Yggdrasils in-game valentines day holiday. It was a nice symbolic gesture from his friends since chocolates in the real world could only be afforded by the ultra-rich. He popped one into his mouth and enjoyed the sweet flavor.

Ever since coming to the New World he found himself eating quite often, it was something he never really did back on earth where his meals consisted of nutrient paste. "Am I just eating because I'm stressed? I guess even angels can feel stressed..." Ainz muttered as he relaxed into his chair and tried to rest his mind after the day's events.

"Things are only going to get harder from here..." Ainz thought about his friends. "I hope you guys are here, I dont know if I can rule this place by myself..."

Suddenly he remembered speaking with Tabula shortly after the formation of Ainz Ooal Gown as a guild.

You're not the strongest, fastest, or even the smartest, but you are the best leader we could ask for. The greatest Leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets people to do the greatest things.

Ainz shook his head.

"Maybe you're right Tabula, maybe I can lead Nazerick...still...I wish you guys were here."

Albedo walked through the now empty Throne room with the rest of the guardians in tow. Once they reached the area in front of the throne she turned to her fellow guardians and smiled.

"Isn't it wonderful? Even the possibility that our creators are here..." Albedo knew that Tabula would grant her and Lord Ainz his blessing. It was a fathers duty to give his daughter away at a wedding after all.

"I wish we could go look for Lady Bukubukuchagama..." Aura muttered. "I wonder why Lord Ainz hasn't ordered us to scout for them just a little bit...?"

"Use your heads." Demiurge chided. "In this vast world, the Supreme Beings could have ended up anywhere, assuming they even arrived here at all. By spreading his name throughout the world the supreme beings will come to us which allows us to divert our resources elsewhere. Lord Ainz is wise to prioritize securing Nazerick and its position in the New World. I thought I knew the scope of his plans but with this new information...he is beyond my wisdom to even comprehend."

"We simply need to see to our duties and serve Lord Ainz faithfully." Sebas spoke up as he held up his hand which now had a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown on it. "Everything will fall into place so long as we serve, now if you'll excuse me I must see to it that the Pleiades are doing their jobs." Sebas walked out of the throne room and disappeared using the rings teleportation magic.

Albedo smiled. "Sebas is right of course, we the guardians must simply obey him and everything else will fall into place." She turned to Demiurge. "I'll get to work on the draft of our message to the Kingdom, you should see to the new prisoners that Lord Ainz captured. They are all spellcasters and he wishes to know the limitations of their magic. I'll bring the draft of the letter to you later to look over."

"Wonderful, I look forward to seeing how humans with magic will react to my experiments." Demiurge adjusted his glasses. "So much to do and so little time." He muttered as he walked out of the throne room.

"Indeed, we have spent enough time chatting idly. We all know our jobs, let's get to work." Albedo clapped her hands in excitement.

"Dont worry your old hag head off." Shalltear said as she began walking out of the throne room. "I can do my job well unlike some people here. If you dont mind Ill be administering all three of the floors that Lord Ainz has entrusted me with. He even trusts me with one of his own personal creations as a subordinate. The only other person who could claim such a thing is Victim."

Albedo felt anger rise in her throat, while it was true Shalltear was the only guardian in charge of multiple floors it was mostly due to her strength and not because of her actual ability to lead. "Just do your job Shalltear, I'm going to be busy writing up a statement for the Kingdom while overseeing all the floors. Whereas you rely on Mairon to complete most of your duties."

Mairon was the joint creation of her love Lord Ainz and her creator Lord Tabula Smaragdina. He was dutiful and prioritized order over all things, unlike Shalltear who spent most of her day taking baths, doing her nails, and engaging in debauchery with her vampire brides which left Mairon as the true leader of the first three floors. Being a partial creation of Lord Tabula made her view Mairon as a brother of sorts, he was hardworking and ran a tight ship on the first three floors. If it was up to her she would have made him a floor guardian over Shalltear.

"Angry that I have a reliable subordinate? I know how to delegate unlike you." Shalltear replied snidely. "I find it hard to believe you and Mairon share a creator. He's nothing like you, I feel sorry for him, having such an unrefined woman as a sister."

Albedo wanted to reply but Shalltear was already out of the throne room at which point she used her newly acquired ring to teleport away. The others did the same which left Albedo alone in the throne room. Albedo looked down at her own ring, it almost made her cry tears of joy. She placed it on her ring finger.

'Its like we're already married.' She thought happily as she stroked the ring lovingly, it almost made her forget about Shalltears remarks. In truth these insults really didn't bother Albedo so much, it was natural for them to exchange barbs with one another when they were both competing against one another for Lord Ainz's love.

"I will be the one sitting by his side, Shalltear can have a place to stand next to him." Although it was nearly impossible to predict what Lord Ainz's true goals were her and Demiurge had spoken about them briefly before the meeting in the throne room.

"To conquer the world..." Although recent events such as the knowledge of the other supreme beings possibly being in this New World had thrown them for a loop she and Demiurge knew that this was Lord Ainz's true goal. However, his recent actions had made them unsure of how he would go about it which made both of them stay silent on the subject to the other guardians.

'They'll figure it out if they have half a brain-If not it really doesn't matter. No doubt Lord Ainz will reveal everything in time...' She lovingly stroked the ring again.

She would see to it that he would be King of this New World.

"No, not a King, the people of this New World will see him as the God he truly is."

Authors note

Merry Christmas!

I worked extra hard to get this out on time for Christmas, there might be quite a few spelling mistakes because I had to rush it a bit to make it on time for Christmas. Plus this chapter is over 17,000 words which are almost twice the length of a regular chapter so editing it was a nightmare. Sorry for any mistakes. I ran this thing through numerous spell checks and grammarly, hopefully, I got most of the errors. I've been working six days a week so this is the best I can do.

There's so much I want to say...but the main thing is that I feel the need to remind people this is an AU. Nazerick is different due to Ainz having a better character build, in the light Novel its revealed that Ainz's canon build is more for roleplaying and fun, it's not really meant for serious gaming. He is only so awesome because he uses strategy and clever game mechanics in order to defeat foes, at least back in Yggdrasil.

Him being stronger means Nazerick is stronger, might seem far-fetched but if any of you have played an MMO you know that one weak link in a raid means you're going to fail. At least in World of Warcraft everyone in the guild needs to have the best character build, the best buffs, the best potions, and amazing skills in order to defeat bosses in mythic raids...at least for most expansions. THus with Ainz being better the guild as a whole was better and was able to defeat more dungeons and earn more loot.

Some people have expressed concerns about the five level 100 OC NPCs. I added them in for fun but rest assured I will never have a segment from their POV, they are mostly there to bolster Nazerick and allow for interesting character interactions.I dont intend for them to take over the story. That's why they haven't really made an appearance. Also, I will most likely be using NPCs that have only been alluded to in the Light novel. The Light novel hints that Ainz's guildmates made quite a few NPCs many of which haven't made a physical appearance and are only alluded to.

Also people have been picking apart Ainz and his class builds and asking about it in great detail. I now Understand why Maryuyama kept most of Ainz, and all his characters build a secret, it's so that he didn't have to explain himself. I should have left most of his racial and job classes as question marks like in the LN. Rest assured we will see more varied abilities explained later.

Anyway, please leave a review, it helps me get the energy to keep writing. Although dont expect a chapter for awhile. After writing this thing during the chaos of the holidays I need a break. Merry Christmas, if you need me I'll be stuffing my face with ham, turkey, and whatever other food my family is cooking this Christmas. I hope to be in a food coma soon like a true American.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza, and happy whatever the hell you're celebrating this year!