Hey everyone. This is my second story it will be better than the last one because I have taken a lot more time in planning this one out. Anyway it's a typical percy is betrayed story but I'm going to throw my own twist on it. All rights exempt for plot belong to Rick Riordan.

The Betrayal

Tartarus 2015

Hello everyone. My name is Perseus 'Percy' Jackson. I am the hero of Olympus twice over, Slayer of the Minotaur twice over, holder of the sky, survivor of Tartarus and several other titles that I don't care about. Like they would help me anymore anyway. I guess I should start at the beginning and then see where this goes from there.

Camp Olympus 2015 days earlier

Standing guard on top of half blood hill a lone man with sea green eyes watched over the fields as his hand rested on a large dragons head.

"I wonder how life will be for us Pealeus. We have only ever known fighting and now that peace is upon us I don't think anyone of us know what to do."

The warriors sea green eyes slid across the field once again as he prepared to move on. Only to stop at the smell of burning wood and grass.

Looking behind himself he saw smoke rising from the clearing that Camp Olympus was in. (The caps are combined) Immediately he took of running to the camp completely abandoning his post wondering 'How did the monsters get in?'.

When he reached the battle he saw the younger demigods cowering from the monsters as the few veterans that rrmained of the two previous wars tried to rally themselves so they could protect the younger ones. The warrior charged into the battlefield cutting through everything in his way and slowly gathering the soldiers, creating a line of warriors between the younger campers and the monsters.

He looked to his left to find a daughter of Ares fighting with an electric spear that he recognized as Clarisse, and then to his right seeing a girl with blonde curls and grey eyes that he he recognized as his wise girl, Annabeth. Together the three nearly single handedly fought back the large swarm of monsters. Ducking in between eachothers slashes stabs and swings they worked together in a show of complete harmony from fighting together for 8 years.

Then disaster struck as the daughter of Ares was struck by an arrow. The sea green eyed warrior reached out grabbing her as she fell. Immediately afterwards a shield of swirling water seperated all the campers from the monsters. The sea green eyed orbs of Perseus Jackson glowed with rage as he looked down at the injured from of Clarisse.

"Annabeth. Get Clarisse to the medical building. I'll take care of this."

The blonde ,Annabeth, stared at him in shock "But Percy...not even you can handle this many monsters!" Percy stood up Clarise still in his hands and handed her to Annabeth

"Go. Now." When he turned around and started to walk out of the small bubnle he made, the water shot out creating a tunnel for the two girls to get through the barrior between them and the camp. As Annabeth ran through the tunnel reaching the wall she turned around about to charge back through only to see the tunnel colapse. The sounds that came from the other side of the wall would forever be etched into her mind as monster after monster was slaughtered in what sounded like increasingly horrific ways as the screeches of terror only grew.

With Percy

I was sick of it. My family being injured or killed Jason Grace.Dead. Bob, Zoë, Silena, Charles, Bianca and so, so many more also dead. I was done. No more will my friends suffer as the past ones have. I charged the mosters no longer caring if they died quickly or slowly as I attacked them, cutting of arms legs and anything that Ibcould reach, becoming what my name implies. The destroyer. As my anger grew the ichor in my veins glowing with power as a hurricane grew around me.

With every monster I cut down I felt the ichor in their their veins raining down on me sinking into my own veins through the cuts I had across me as I continued the slaughter them.

This was the most alive I've felt in years! The power I was unleashing the tugging in ny gut the only thing keeping me grounded but even that was beggining to fade. I knew I should stop but...It felt so good. I felt alive in the thrill of battle. Then I heard it. The tell sign that an immortal had flashed onto the scene followed by a gasp. But I continued my fighting my personal hurricane growing around me as I battled continued my assault.

For what felt like hours I attacked the monsters. Everything in my sights falking to my blade aas the whole army was slaughtered. When yhey all were gone I collapsed and let loose a sob. "Jason… I wish you and everyone else were here with me…"

Then all went black with the sound of a powerful crack the last thing I saw being a pair of saddened silver eyes, as I heard a melodic voice whisper in my ear "Forgive me Perseus."

Camp Olympus Artemis and hunters

Me and my Hunters had packed up csmp as soon as we heard that Camp Olympus had been attacked by a large army of monsters, but when we reached the csmp from me flashing all of us froze at the sight. Perseus Jackson was standing in the middle of the monsters battling them all alone. No, battling wasn'tthe right word...slaughtering was. Not a single monster from empouza to hellhound, to dracnae was spared. All falling to his blade or ice that shot out of the storm impaling them through the stomachs leaving them to lay there bleeding out.

My stomach dropped at the sight of an empouza slashed in half as she tried to escspe the battlefield only for Perseus' heal to be brought down on its head splattering it before it turned to dust.

"Bring us Perseus, Artemis. His power has been unchecked for far to long and he is going to face punishment for abandoning his post and letting the monsters in." Zeus' voice boomed in my mind, and I flinched.

"But father, surely there is a mistake! Perseus' fatal flaw is loyalty after all! Could he realky betray his friends and family?" I responded and all I heard was Zeus' Booming roar of "Bring me the boy, Artemis!" in response. Although I wasn't happy with the way this was going I looked back at Perseus seeing him fall to his knees as the last monster was killed.

I ran up behind him thinking he was injured only to hear his crying before saying "Jason...I wish you and everyone else were here with me."

Looking at the warrior that rested on his knees before me I pulled out my dagger and whipped the pommel into the back of Perseus' head with a sickening crack whispering into his ear "Forgive me Perseus" as I met his eyes when I caught him.


Artemis arrived in the CouncilThrone room on Olympus Perseus stewn accross her shoulders as she stared at the other gods.

She noticed Poseidon glaring at her... no at the demigod on her shoulders. Hephaestus walked towards her a set of chains in his hands as he took Perseus from her and dropped him onto the ground unceremoniously before he put the chains on him. She looked at Perseus sadly again ad Athena's amug and smirking face turned to Poseidon before it dropped at the glare he was sending his only demigod son.

She stared at Poseidon in shock before smiling wickedly as she disappeared with Hermes so that they could bring all the demigods to Olympus.

As the two Olympians flashed back in Hundreds of Demigods from both Romans and Greek gods sat in the section of the throneroom that was specifically made for trials like this. The demigods looked around in confusion before their eyes all shidted to the prone figure in the center of the room as it stirred slowly. As the figure rose to his feet they could tell that he was injured the drips of blood hitting the floor only proved it nore, but what shocked them was the fact that it was a murky golden red color that looked like a mix between human blood and godly ichor.

Then Zeus' bomming voice echoed across the throne room. "Perseus Jackson! You have been called here for treason of the highest degree and are now in trial. What do you have to sayfor yourself?" Zeus spoke a smug grin on his face as he glared down at the demigod. Said demigod just stared around the room lookjng at the demigods, many of which looked disgusted at his pressence while some looked confused. Mostly the ones that had seen him fight for them when the monsters attacked and the handful of vetrans that were in the camp still. Most having long left to start families or joined their brothers in arms in Elysium.

"Well demigod? What do you have to say to the charges traitor?" Perseus' eyes snapped around at the voice that spoke. It was so full of hatred for him that he couldn't believe who it was who spoke even as he met the sea green eyes of his father as he finished the sentance.

Perseus stared at his father not looking at the shocked faces as gods and demigods alike as they stared at Poseidon or Neptune for some of them. He stared and when he went to open his mouth closed it knowing that it's not time for jokes right now.

"I plead not guilty to these charges. I have given my life to the protection of Olympus and my friends, do you trully think that I will turn my back on all of that now? I have a friend in the Apollo cabin right now that I need to know is alright." As soon as he finished he turned ready to leave before the chains arouns his hands stopped him in his tracks. When he looked down at the chains his eyes flashed in anger as they rocketed towards Hephaestus and growled lowly before returning to the center of the room. "Alright so I'm not going anywhere. Fine." He looked through the group of demigods before finally meeting the eyes of Will Solace. " Hey Will! How is Clarisse doing? Please tell me she's not to hurt." He asked as Will's eyes narrowed at him.

"She's fine Jackson. Although she may never be able to use her right arm again unless some miracle happens because of you." Will bit out hatefully.

Percy's eyes widened as he looked at Ill in shock. "What do you mean Will? What happened!?" The chained demigod roared as the chains binding him shook as his anger once again rose before it calmed down almost instantly. "Please Will...what happened with Clarisse?" Most of the gods looked shocked that he cares for his rival so much and a few of the dimigods did as well, expecially the ones that had seen the two but heads.

Will glared at him even harder. "The arrow that hit her grazed her heart. She's stable right now but in order to get it out in time to save her we had to pull it out without checking what type it was. It turned out to be a barbed tip and it tore through all the muscles and veins in her right arm. It is nearly unresponsive to everything we do." Will turned away from the demigod, one that he use to follow like he was a hero, now he was only a traitor in his eyes as he thought of his newest patient and how best to treat her.

The Olympians stared at Percy as he seemed ready to break down in tears bfore his face turned to stone and he looked back to the fourteen Olympians and asked quiety "Can you help her...no that's not the right question. Will you help her?" He glared at the floor but he looked up as Zeus growled as this was begging to get of topic.

"Perseus." Zeus growled "You are here because you are believed to be the one that let the monsters into the camp as well as abandoning your post. What do you have to say to this?"

Percy looked up at the figures of the Olympians seeing Zeus' and his father as well as seveal others glaring at him. Sadly he realised that only Hestia, Hades, and... Artemis? He looked at the last goddess confused on why she was not happy at his pain before shaking it off and smiling thankfully at her. Then he looked through the ranks of demigods barely seeing for that fifty that looked conflicted at him being treated like this. A far cry from the several hundred that were here. Most he probably never met before as they were all younger campers.

Finally his eyes landed on the Seven. Or what was left as Jason was killed. All of them looked like they hated this along with Reyna, Nico, and Thalia. But Annabeth looked conflicted about something as she looked at me then her eyes looked over into the crowd of demigods and he followed her gaze to a son of Ares that he knew well. The demigod looked back at her and smiled reassuringly and Percy saw her immediately relax. He sighed softly knowing that she wasn't his wise girl anymore. But as he looked at Derrick, the son of Ares, he smiled sadly. At least she'll be happy after he's gone.

"Is there any reason for me to say anything Zeus? This was rigged to be my downfall the second I was brought in wasn't it? I'm not as stupid as I may act. This was designed to get me killed. But to humor you Zeus I will ablige. Yes, I abandoned my post. But If you look through Pealeus' memories you will see that I was at my assigned spot the entire damn time up until that moment! As for why I abandoned my post, I looked at the camp clearing when I smelt smoke. I saw black smoke rising so I did the only thing I could think to do. I ran to the camp as fast as I could where I battled with all that I had until Clarisse was hit. Then I sent her and Annabeth back to camp as I slaughtered the enemy to the very last one before something hit me in the back. Then I ended up here on trial. Now what was the punishment you had in mind for me Zeus, because we all know that I'm not going to be getting out of this without taking it."

Zeus looked at the Perseus in shock before smiling wickedly at him "You will be banished to Tartarus Perseus, for the rest of your life. When you fall the blade Riptide will be returned to its rightful owner Hercules where it will be untainted by the foul smell of the sea. I will only allow this one reprieve for you as well as give you partial immortality. We will get great sport watching you as you battle for your life. Now who all agrees that Perseus should be sent to Tartarus for the rest of his days?"

As soon as Zeus finished that question almst every hand exempt for his closest friends flew into the air. Percy looked around and noticed dejectedly that his father had even raised his hand and as he continued to look around the room he saw more and more hands rising until barely twenty were left down. Then finally as he reached the seven he saw Annabeth's hand down and he smiled slightly knowing he still trust her even though she cheated on him, before that smile died as her hand slowly rose freezing slightly before it rose completely.

With that Percy's soul shattered and everyone saw it as his eyes changed color as his anger grew. The sea green became a poisonous color as his veins glowed a reddish golden color. Perseus fell to his knees as pain flared in his body and he let out a howl of pain, but as quick as it started it stopped and his veins quit glowing but his eyes the once beutiful color was polluted in his right eye as it was a dark poisonous green.

"What... what have you done to me Zeus?" The demigod growled as he fell to his hands. He tried to push himself up but something wasn't right. His arms seemed a little bit stronger. His eyes locked on Zeus who flinched slightly at the sight before he growled louder than before "What have you done to ME!?"

Zeus flinched again before he glared. "I have done nothing to you, boy. You are allowed five minutes to say goodbye to those who still care about you then most of the gods flashed out as the demigods left, besides the seven, Nico, Thalia, and, Reyna.

As Percy got his anger under control he turned to his friends. Percy smiled at them as he went to walk over to them only to be stopped by the chains holding him down. His anger flared again as his veins glowed the murky reddish golden coler and his eyes glowed a poisonous green before the chains snapped like toothpicks at the base before he whipped them accross the room with an extension of his arm before pulling them back. "Hmmm. These will do. I will need practice though, a lot of practice." Then he wrapped them around him before tying them to eachother on his back leaving just enough room to move comfortably and still protect himself. Finally he moved over to his friends as they moved to him.

Percy wrapped as many of them in a hug as he coukd before pulling Thalia and Nico to him on their own. Looking at them he smiled a sad smile "You two are truly the only family that I care for. there will always be a special place in my heart for you two." Looking at the reat of the group he smiled "These seven demigods...your my family. Take csre of each other and don't let eachothers sacrifices be in vane if they have to be made. When I am out I will find you all and we are going to go get drunk. Or as drunk as our high motabalisms will allow us before they burn through the buzz... huh thats almost like Barry Allen of the Flash" Percy chuckled along with everyone else at the reference before he turned serious. "Always have each others backs. Tell Clarisse wbat happened and Chris as I doubt he'd be here as he csres far to much for Clarisse to even bother coming to the council meeting. Hey- Nico, what's wrong?" Percy asked as he looked at the son of Hades.

Nico looked at Percy and sighed "Chris, he died in the attack. When the monsters made it in he was the first to notice and called the alarm. It was the only reason anyone even got the young demigods away from the battle. But since Chris was the only one ready to start-" Nico was interupted by Percy who understood where it was going.

"He was tore apart by the monsters. Alright tell Clarisse I'm sorry for not being fast enough, for not noticing the-" Again Percy was stopped mid speaking as a lightning covered fist hit him in the ribs, followed by a shadow covered knee to the head, and finally a flameing ball to the chest.

"That wasn't your falt Percy!" Nico, Thalia, and Leo yelled at the same time. Percy just stared at them before smiling sadly and speaking again.

"Sadly it was, as I was the one on guard duty. But anyway, protect her. She may not want it but until her arm is better she will need it. Don't fail me for this. Please." He pleaded with them as they all nodded.

He smiled and looked behind him seeing Artemis, Hades, and Hestia. As they looled at him he opened his arms smiling as Hestia buried her head in his shoulder crying. He patted her back as he stared at Hades who simply nodded before saying "I would like to give you my blessing Perseus. It won't be much just the power to shadow travel and call shadows to you but it should help." Percy nodded his thanks as Artemis stepped up.

"As would I Perseus. Ive heard you need drastic help with a bow." Artemis said with a snicker as Percy paled and everyone else burst out laughing. Hestia still buried in his shoulder mumbled something through her tears.

Percy just stared down at her and asked "What was that milady?" Hestia's head immediately snapped up as her hand hit him in the gut

"You don't call me Milady! Not after all you have done for me snd Hades! Now I would like to give you a minor blessing as well. Nothing much just fire control and being able to summon home cooked foods. But as with youe powers you have to train with them constantly to get better. If you want to succede you need to work for it." She said as he glare softened. Percy just nodded still trying to stand up straight. After all a god can still hit a lot harder than any monster can.

As the gods took turns with their blessings Percy had to clench his teeth as the pain struck him and made him double over. His powers going haywire as they tried to adjust to the overload his veins once again glowing along with his eyes as he struggled before finally pulling it all in and collapsing. His breathing was heavy as he turned around and smiled at his friends getting one more hug from them all befors he noticed the one lone person in the back. Her blonde curls racked as she was hunched over in her seat not even getting the strength to leave the room after she made her choice. He sighed and went to walk over before thinking better and turning around not looking back as the gods flashed back in not seeing the tears in her eyes as she looked up and watched him turn away from him.

Zeus looked at him "Are you ready demigod for Tartarus demigod?" Zeus daid smugly a insult on his tongue as he waited for Perseus to say something insulting to him and the other gods, but he was shocked when the demigof just nodded. Zeus stared before looking at Ares who nodded and walked up to drag Perseus into the pit that opened up in the floor but was roughly shoved of as Percy stepped up to the pit. Then he turned around wiping his chains at the wall engraving something in it before he jumped into the pit and fell.

Zeus glanced at the wall and froze as did everyone else as they realized what was wrote.

I WILL BE BACK was written across the wall in deep grooves.

All the gods stared at the pit as it closed thinking about the young man they just sentenced to Tartarus.

Several days later Tartarus(Kelli)

Stupid Hyperion. He's making us march through this pit. Apparently this great demigod is coming down here and Kronos wants us to capture him. Hyperions been making us march for weeks down here on end as we check every fucking hole that leads down here. Me ,being the forward scout, along with my sisters usually have to take of way before the rest of the army and stay about half a mile infront of the rest of the army. Now we are at another one of these fucking holes in this pit when I heard the whistle.

I looked around the area not seeing anything, my sisters checking around the entrance area. I Iooked up and saw something glowing with goldish veins on its body and poisonous eyes as it fell. I went to scream for my sisters to move but it was too late as the person hit the ground right next to my sisters. I saw chunks of their bodies fly out as golden ichor covered me, but I was frozen staring at the poisonous green eyes that stared at me through the cloud of dust.