A/N: I wanted to try my hand at a story where Gibbs and Tony are family, still keeping the dynamics of protectiveness and caring. In this story, Tony is 16 years old. I hope you enjoy. And I don't own the characters but sure wish I did!

Chapter 1

It was, strangely enough, silence that woke him up. Jethro lay in bed for a few moments, thinking how the unusual quiet was more disturbing than the more typical sounds of his children laughing or arguing or playing. With a sigh he stretched and then arose from the bed, missing the usual morning kiss and cuddle that he and Jen would share. He glanced out the window and saw that it was going to be a beautiful day, and he wistfully wished his family was all here to enjoy it together. But Jenny and the younger kids were visiting his dad in Stillwater for a couple weeks for a summer vacation. He and Tony would be there now, too, but Tony had recently started his first summer job and wouldn't be free until after his shift today. Jethro grinned as he imagined his dad's house, wondering how his father was surviving the vacation blitz with his energetic children. Even with Jen's steadying presence, he knew how exhausting they could be. His eyes fell on the family photo on the dresser, taken only two weeks earlier, and it drew an involuntary smile. Jen, her red hair glinting in the sun, was sitting with her arms around 8-year-old Abby and 6-year-old Tim (whose smile was endearingly missing two front teeth). Sixteen year old Tony stood next to them, his green eyes alight with amusement, his handsome face sporting his ready smile.

Jethro finished his bathroom duties and then got dressed and headed down to the kitchen for some badly needed coffee. He made a light breakfast and did a little office paperwork that he had brought home. Glancing at the clock, he headed back upstairs and down the hall to Tony's room. The teen was heavily asleep even though the alarm clock radio on the nightstand next to him was blaring what kids today called music; Jethro considered it more along the lines of just loud noise. Tony was sprawled contentedly on the bed, his bedcovers messily half hanging off the bed, his face buried in the soft pillow. Jethro turned off the radio and nudged his son. "Up and at 'em, sleepyhead," he prodded.

Tony slowly stirred, blinking owlishly up at his dad. "It can't be time to get up yet," he protested in a sleep-hoarse voice, pulling the covers around himself and trying to resettle.

"Yeah, it is," Jethro corrected, pulling back the covers. "Now get moving. I'll start your breakfast."

""Mmmff," Tony managed. Jethro shook his head with a smile and headed downstairs.

"C'mon, Tony, get a move on!" Jethro called up the stairs fifteen minutes later, turning back to the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast. He listened for the telltale signs that his son was moving around, but silence reigned. With a sigh, Jethro placed the scrambled eggs and bacon in the oven to keep warm and headed upstairs.

He stood for a moment at the doorway of Tony's room, eying his teenage son. The soft sound of slow, regular breathing told him he was still sleeping peacefully. Jethro went over to the bed and shook Tony's shoulder firmly. "Hey, kiddo, time to get up!"

Tony gave a groan and reluctantly opened bleary eyes. "Aww, Dad, just a few more minutes," he pleaded sleepily.

Jethro shook his head decisively and pulled back the covers, chuckling when Tony made a vain attempt to grab them back. "Now. You'll be late for work if you don't hurry up. Breakfast is ready. Be downstairs in ten."

"Okay." Tony stretched and sat up. Jethro suppressed a grin as he viewed his son's unruly hair, which apparently couldn't figure out which way to lay. He patted his leg and headed back downstairs.

Tony ran down the stairs a short time later, dressed in jeans and one of his father's old USMC t-shirts and looking somewhat alert. He sniffed appreciatively as he slid onto a chair with a murmured, "Thanks, Dad! Smells good. I'm hungry." as Jethro placed a plate in front of him.

Jethro smiled, handing him a glass of orange juice. "You're ALWAYS hungry," he countered fondly, leaning back against the counter as he sipped a cup of coffee.

Tony flashed him a grin, his emerald eyes bright. "Well, Dad, you know what they say about growing boys …"

"Just be sure what direction you're growing!" Jethro returned with a pointed look at Tony's stomach, his blue eyes amused.

"Hey, I am not getting fat!" Tony protested indignantly. "You know, Mom wouldn't let you get away with saying that if she were here!"

Jethro shrugged. "Well, she's not, so deal." After a few minutes he glanced at the clock and drained the last of his coffee. "Come on, let's get going. If we don't leave now you'll be late." Tony was working part-time at a small local sporting goods store only 10 minutes away, and was doing very well there. He didn't yet have his driver's license, so Jethro provided the transportation.

Tony shoveled in a last mouthful of eggs and a quick gulp of juice and stood. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." He grinned and shot a mischievous look at his dad. "It's not like Matt would fire me for being late … I'm his best salesman. I know how to use all the equipment!"

"Go on!" Jethro growled, playfully ruffling the kid's hair.

Tony's eyes widened in alarm. "Dad!" he protested, automatically smoothing his hair. Jethro just grinned and shook his head, nudging his son towards the door.

Jethro pulled up at the East Gate Shopping Center, just in front of the sporting goods store, which was located near the middle of the small strip mall of five stores. "Okay, son, I'll be back at 3 to pick you up," he said as Tony opened the car door. "I want you to mow the lawn when we get back, so don't dawdle!"

Tony grimaced and gave a brief groan but nodded. Jethro reached over and grabbed Tony's arm before he could exit the car. As Tony turned to look at him expectantly, Jethro added, "Love you."

Tony's eyes glowed in response and he replied with a grin, "Love ya too, Dad." Jethro watched as he disappeared into the store before pulling away. His boy was growing up so fast …

Jethro stopped at the food store to pick up a few things, then returned home. After calling Jen to check in and chatting briefly with Abby and Tim, who were excitedly telling him how they were going fishing with his dad shortly, he cleaned up the mess from breakfast and then paused, noting again the intense silence in the house. With Jenny and the youngsters away, the house had never seemed so quiet. He thought he should be enjoying the respite from the constant noise, but he missed his family and, surprisingly, all the commotion and activity that usually was part of the household. He was now wishing he hadn't taken a couple weeks off; being busy at work would be welcome right now. But Vance had insisted that he take some of his extensive vacation time, and he thought this would be a good time to do some things around the house without interruption and the normal distractions his loving family – especially the two youngest – provided. He and Tony would be heading up to Stillwater early tomorrow morning for a long weekend, and Jethro was really looking forward to reuniting with his entire family.

As he headed down to the basement, he felt an unaccountable stirring in his gut. Frowning, he paused for a moment to assess things, running a quick mental checklist, then dismissed it. Everything was fine; he was on vacation and his family was good. His normally reliable gut must just be a little off …