Well, this is awkward. I don't really even know what to say here. I mean, this is my first fic, and really my first time publishing anything that might be read by the masses of people on the internet. Oh god, you're all going to judge me, aren't you? Welp, before my confidence leaves me and I lose the nerve to publish this at all, welcome to Criminally Good.

This is mostly a crime drama, following Jaune as he dives into the criminal underworld. I'm sure that I've messed up somewhere and that Jaune is incredibly OOC, and that most of the characters are, but who cares? You might find it interesting regardless, I know I like where I'm pushing the story to go.

Well, my rambling and awkward attempts at being a vague conversationalist aside, let's get right into the fic, and your judgments of me and my writing. This'll be fun, right?

[Chapter 1]

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?"

The older man behind the counter sounded absolutely terrified. "Please, j-just take my lien and leave…"

"Shhh, shhh. Calm down, we're not here for your money." I stood ramrod straight. Of course, I'm in a dust shop that is getting robbed. Why was I even in a dust shop? It's not like I have weapons that use dust. Or a weapon at all for that matter. "Grab the dust."

I glanced down to the short girl flipping through a weapons magazine next to me. She had headphones on, completely oblivious to what was going on around her. Fantastic, really. She doesn't even know what's happening. I felt a pair of eyes drilling a hole into the back of my head. I swallowed nervously and looked over my shoulder.

I saw a rather tall man dressed rather fashionably in white and black, spinning a cane idly in his hand as he approached. His lips were twisted into a saccharine grin as he eyed me closely. "You know, it's dangerous for a pair of kids to be out so late. Never know when something unfortunate might happen."

My mouth felt dry. I knew that this guy was robbing the shop, and probably wasn't intent on letting either me or this girl go without an issue. I had to try though, right? "Heh… uh, well… I mean…" Great, fantastic job, you moron. Way to sweet talk your way out of the problem.

"Come on, kid. If I were going to hurt you, I'd have done it by now. Why don't you do me the fantastic favor of taking Little Red there with you on your way out. You walk away, I walk away, everybody's happy." The man paused to take a puff off his cigar. "I'll even leave you both with your lien." He smiled charismatically as he leaned on his cane.

Okay, Jaune. Deep breath. He just offered you a way out, and a chance to get an innocent out with you. You got this. Deep breath, and go. I offered up what I thought was a confident smile, though in reality it probably came off as more forced, strained, and terrified than I'd meant it to. "I-I, th-thank you?" The criminal looked thoroughly amused, though made no move to leave.

I looked back to the short, crimson cloaked girl. I began to chew on the inside of my cheek. So, what's the plan here? You don't know who this girl is. She's not even acknowledged your existence since she entered… Then again, she hasn't acknowledged the robbery going on at all. I sighed, tapping the girl on the shoulder. She looked back with a curious gaze, tilting her head slightly as she looked at me.

I tapped at my ear in attempt to tell her to take off the headphones. She nodded and brought them to rest around her neck. "What's up?" She asked with a cheerful smile.

I coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck. You gotta get her out of here, Jaune. Better start thinking fast. "Well, uh," I stopped a second to look around the shop. Most of the men in dark suits were packing up their take from the shop. "The, uh, t-the owner is c-closing up a b-bit early. H-he's asked us to leave so he can f-finish up." Genius plan, Jaune. It's not like there's at least half a dozen other people in this store with you two, no not at all.

The girl frowned and closed her magazine, putting it back on the shelf where she got it from. "If he's closing up, why does the shop seem so packed?" There was no accusation in her voice, which caught me off guard.

Behind me I heard the head thief stifle a chuckle, seeming to enjoy listening to me fail miserably at this simple of a job. I pursed my lips and looked around. I had heard about a string of robberies going on, almost all of it dust related. "Well, t-these are his security… I mean, b-better safe than sorry, wh-what with all of the d-dust robberies happening in town…"

The small girl nodded at my story, smiling cheerfully back at me. "Makes sense. Have to protect your livelihood and all that." I let out a breath that I wasn't even aware I'd been holding. I turned to look at the well-dressed thief who shrugged, taking a puff off his cigar and moving back to the front counter. I felt her tap me on the arm, getting my attention again. "We should go, yeah?" I nodded wordlessly.

As the two of us made our way out of the store, I felt the criminal I had spoken to watching us. The door swung shut, and the small girl turned back to look at me with a smile. "So, why were you in a dust shop? I mean, you don't really look like you have a weapon that needs dust. You don't even look like you have a weapon at all… Ohhh, let me guess, it's something super compact that hides in your outfit, isn't it? Can I see it? Please? I'll show you mine!"

Before I had an opportunity to answer any of her questions, the diminutive girl produced a scythe that was taller than she was, red and silver in design. "This is my baby, Crescent Rose. I made her myself, a scythe/ high impact sniper rifle combination." I blinked several times, not at all sure of what to say in response to that.

"I, well… I mean, that's cool." I mumbled out.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Mhm! Now, show me how you hide yours in your outfit. My sister does something similar, hers look like simple bracelets though deploy into a pair of awesome shotgun gauntlets."

I shuffled awkwardly, looking away from the girl for a moment. "I, uh, well… I don't really have my weapon at the moment… It's in a shop at the moment…" I managed out.

"Ohhh, getting it repaired, or upgraded then? That's cool. I personally don't trust shops like that to touch my baby, but if you're comfortable with it, then that's cool too." She folded her weapon back into its portable form and stowed it away on her back.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Getting it upgraded. Let's go with that…" I trailed off. Smooth, Jaune. Smooth.

The girl smiled and shrugged. She stopped to look around the street. I had steered her away from the street that the shop was on, not wanting that criminal to find us standing outside. I wasn't one to tempt fate like that, no thanks.

"Oh, crap! I never introduced myself, I'm Ruby Rose." She smiled warmly at me.

I nodded, rocking back on my heels. "Yeah, uh, nice to meet you, Ruby. My name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls right off the tongue. Ladies love it." I internally cringed at the lame line I just delivered.

Ruby giggled and tilted her head to the side slightly. "Do they really?"

I laughed nervously and shrugged. "I mean, well… I guess? I don't know, i-it's just something I say…"

A loud, low rumbling came from down the street, as well as a single headlight. I looked up, shading my eyes from the light that had blinded me. The vehicle came to a stop right next to us, revealing a much taller girl to be the rider of the motorbike. She looked me over up and down with a frown visible on her lips.

She dismounted and took off her helmet. Her long blonde hair seemed to be glowing in the night, seemingly outshining the overhead streetlamp. "Ruby, who is this?" She asked, staring me down as she approached. Her eyes were blood red. I found myself backing away, glancing over my shoulder. I could make a run for it. I might be able to drop into an alley and lose her if I have to.

"Yang, leave him alone! That's my new friend, Jaune. I met him earlier tonight in a dust shop." Ruby approached Yang's side and tugged at her wrist. The tall blonde gave me one last glare and relaxed. Her eyes that had once been red turned to a rather pleasant shade of lilac, and her hair seemed to dim.

Yang looked me over once again, shaking her head. "Whatever. Ruby, we've gotta head home. Dad's gonna lose it if we're out any later than we already are." She turned away and walked back to her bike. Ruby followed the tall blonde, looking over her shoulder and offering a wave to me. I nodded and waved right back.

I watched the blonde kick the bike into a low rumble, turning into a roar as it sped off into the night, leaving me to my thoughts. I sighed and looked around. Well, now what? You wasted the whole evening standing around a dust shop, and then avoiding getting robbed by the grace of a criminal. I found myself wandering aimlessly, as I tended to do most nights anyway. I didn't have anywhere to stay. Well, I could admit defeat and go back home. You know they'd welcome you back with open arms. Open arms that'd beat you senseless for stealing, and then selling your father's family sword, but open arms none the less.

I sighed and shook my head. I wasn't going home. I found myself stood before a large building that proclaimed itself simply as 'The Club'. Heh, creative naming by the owner. Bet he's got a load of wit. I knew I had some lien left in my pocket, and who knows. It might help to sit down and have a drink or two. Might be that I'll clear my head and figure out where I'm going and what I'm doing after this.

I pushed into the building, and it was quiet by a club's standard. The music still blared, though the dance floor wasn't literally wall to wall bodies, and the bar staff actually moved about, delivering drinks to people sitting at booths and tables. I made my way to the bar and took a seat.

It didn't take long for the barkeep to come along. He was tall and broad shouldered. He didn't dress like most of the staff, sticking to a black best and white dress shirt, rather than the simple black suits of the rest.

"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking, kid?" The barkeep asked me, looking me up and down.

I sighed and shrugged a shoulder. I glanced back to see one of the staff walking past. The man was dressed in a black suit, red tie, and red sunglasses, despite the fact that it was night, and that they were inside. Wait a minute, I've seen that getup… Oh shit. I looked back to the large barkeep who had a brow perked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I… I mean…" The barkeep sighed and looked over to one of his staff members, jerking his head in my direction. The suited man approached casually, hands in his pockets.

"Sorry, kid. I'm gonna have to escort you out, we're not in the habit of serving minors here." He looked impassive behind his red shades. I sighed and got to my feet. The man nodded and started moving towards the door. Can't even get a drink. 'Not in the habit of serving minors', but perfectly willing to rob a dust shop. Sounds logical to me.

The doors burst open, and a familiar face greeted me. It was that of the criminal who had robbed the dust shop not but thirty minutes ago. The man escorting me paused, and I froze in place as the criminal locked eyes with me. His gaze slithered to the man escorting me. "Jerry, buddy, what's going on? How's the divorce coming along?"

My escort sighed and shook his head. "My name's not Jerry…" Heh, Not-Jerry it is then.

"Of course it is, Jerry, quit pulling my leg." The criminal took a puff of his cigar as he looked Not-Jerry up and down. Not-Jerry grumbled something to himself. The well-dressed criminal leaned forward. "What was that, Jerry? I couldn't quite catch that."

Not-Jerry looked up to the man. "You're an asshole, Roman."

The criminal – Roman, I guess – chuckled and nodded. "You are right, Jerry. I am an asshole. How astute of you." He shifted his gaze back to me then. "Now, Jerry, what's this fine young man here done to get thrown out?"

"He's a minor. Junior told me to have him escorted out." Not-Jerry said, glancing back at me.

Roman laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, that's all well and good, but I'll take him off your hands. He's with me." He took a puff off his cigar and rocked back on his heels. "Now do me a favor, Jerry, go run and tell Junior that I'm here." He waved Not-Jerry off and then turned to me. "As for you, kid, can't say as you strike me the type to frequent shady clubs. Then again, you did get almost thrown out. You're welcome, by the way."

I stood there, staring at Roman. He'd already shown me kindness in letting me go completely free from that robbery. Now he's stopped me from getting thrown out of the club. Something didn't seem right, not at all. I didn't like it. Roman pushed past me, moving to take a seat at the bar. He looked back to me and perked a brow. "C'mon, kid. I'm the one who's let you stay in the club. It'd be rude not to have a drink after I went through the effort." I coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of my head and moved to join Roman at the bar.

He had hooked his cane on the lip of the bar, letting it hang freely as he leaned forward. The same rather large barkeep who had approached me earlier came to be standing in front of myself and Roman. "Kid, I thought I had you thrown out." He said to me, cleaning out a glass absently. I doubted that it needed cleaning, just something to keep himself busy I suppose.

"You tried, Junior. Though the kid is with me now, so you'll serve him." Roman took a puff off his cigar, flicking the ash onto the bar top. Junior's brow twitched at that, though he said nothing. "Now, onto some business." Roman produced an envelope and slid it across the bar to Junior. "It was a pleasure doing business, Junior." The barkeep – Junior – looked up at Roman, and then to me, and back to the envelope. He took it and nodded.

"You sure it's alright to be talking with this kid here?" Junior's gaze was pointedly focused on me. Roman looked over and rubbed his chin idly, looking me up and down.

"Mmmm." Roman seemed lost in thought. "Perhaps you're right, Junior. We can discuss business later. I'd like to have a conversation with the kid." Junior shrugged a shoulder and made to leave. "Though, Junior, do bring me a couple of glasses and some top shelf whiskey." Junior rolled his eyes and left to bring Roman what he'd asked for.

I fidgeted on my stool anxiously, unwilling to look at Roman. Junior returned with the glasses and a bottle. I heard Roman pour some into both glasses after Junior left. "You know, kid, I can do this all night." I finally shifted my gaze from the bar top to Roman. The man looked relaxed, taking a sip from his glass. I let my eyes shift to my own untouched glass. "Go on, kid. I didn't get two glasses just for the shits and giggles."

I nodded, taking the drink hesitantly in hand. I took a mouthful, swallowing quickly. The burn hit me and I found myself coughing violently, setting the glass down as I felt tears come at the corner of my eyes. When I drank, I went for fruity crap, something to mask the awful taste of the alcohol. Roman was laughing next to me, shaking his head.

"First time around the block there, kid? You'll get used to it, eventually. Call it an acquired taste, I suppose." Roman took another sip of his drink and then set it down, leaning against the bar as he turned to be facing me. "You gonna say anything tonight, or are you too star-struck at meeting the one and only Roman Torchwick, criminal mastermind of Vale?"

I found myself chewing on the inside of my cheek as I stared him down. "I, uh, well, I mean… I don't really… I don't know what to say, I guess?" Roman chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on, kid. If you want an autograph, all you have to do is ask. I don't bite, I promise." Roman's lips were curled into a grin as he watched me shift uncomfortably. "Here, how about this, why don't you give me your name, since you know mine. Sound fair?"

"I, well… Sure? The name's Jaune. Er, Jaune Arc." I said timidly, taking another swig of the glass. It still burnt on the way down, though I wasn't coughing this time. Roman's smile faltered ever so slightly, then returning to its previous state.

"Jaune Arc, you say? Well, Jaune, I've got a few questions to ask, and we can be on our way. Consider it you paying me back for the drinks." Roman posed, taking another slow drink of his whiskey as he watched me. "I suppose the first thing is why're you in Vale, Jaune? You grow up here, or you from out of town?"

"I'm from out of town… Just some backwater middle of nowhere, really. As far as why I came… Well, I wanted to attend Beacon and become a huntsman, just like my dad."

Roman narrowed his eyes. "Wanted, you say? I take it that didn't go well for you, then?"

I laughed bitterly. "Yeah, you could say that." I took another drink from my glass, finishing off the contents. Roman poured me another. "Beacon turned me away, told me I didn't have what it takes."

"Alright, sure. Happens to the best of us, don't always succeed at first. Any reason you haven't gone back then?"

"Why haven't I gone back? You know, Roman, great damn question. I haven't gone back because I'm scared." I paused to take another drink, letting out a slow sigh. "I'm scared to face my family after I stole from them, ran away to do what they all told me I'd fail at, and because they were right. They told me that I'd not make it at Beacon, that I wasn't cut out for it."

Roman rubbed at his chin as he watched me. I felt like shouting, I felt like breaking something. I didn't care what, really, I just wanted to do something other than sit here and be a failure. "You said you stole from them. I'm sure they'd forgive you if you just went back and apologized."

I snorted and shook my head, draining my glass for the second time. Roman filled it once more. His first wasn't even half empty. "Doubtful. Not only did I steal almost all of the lien we had in savings for a rainy day or whatever else we might need it for, but I took my father's sword." Roman perked a brow at that. "It's a family heirloom, been in the Arc line for… Shit, I don't know, generations."

Roman frowned. "I fail to see the problem. Just go back home with the sword."

I laughed again, shaking my head. "That's just fucking it, Roman. I sold it. I don't have the sword anymore. And maybe, just maybe, they'd forgive me. But you know what, I don't deserve it." I took another long drink from my glass. "Not only am I a liar and a thief, I'm a goddamn failure. And my family knew it. They knew I was a failure, that I wasn't gonna amount to anything of importance." I was vaguely aware of the effect that the whiskey was having. Everything felt a bit hazy, though I felt warm.

Why are you telling him all of this? It's not like he cares, or can do anything about it. Part of my mind pointed out to me. Yeah, he doesn't care, and I don't give a damn. It feels good to just vent, to get it out. Maybe once I've gotten the frustration out of my system, I can set out to become something.

Roman drummed his fingers against the bar top as he took a drink. He tilted his head slightly as he eyed me over. "A liar and a thief. Wonder why that sounds familiar… Oh wait! You're talking to the king of liars and thieves, not to mention crooks and other general criminal elements."

"What's your point, Roman?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the kingpin.

Roman's lips curled into a grin as he finished his whiskey. "Why, I'm glad you asked, Jaune. I am a liar, a cheat, a crook, and a thief. The difference between the both of us is one thing. I'm not a failure, nor do I see myself as one. Society might label me as one, they might see what I do as an admission of failure to do what I want through legal means."

I finished off my glass. Roman didn't move to refill it, so I reached out and poured myself a rather shaky glass of whiskey. He does have a point. Society labels him a failure because of society's view of his methods. Yet, he does what he sets out to do, does that not make him a success by nature? Doesn't society failing to stop them make them the failures in this image?

"That could hardly be the case. See, I took the easy route, that of least resistance. I could have spent years and years of my life toiling away to become rich, powerful, and respected. Instead, I took the fast route. Society hates me, they find me a menace, but that's only because they can't control my success. I operate outside of their rules and regulations. Does that make me any less of a success?" Roman asked, his eyes locked onto mine. I shook my head. Roman's grin could've split his face in two. "Exactly. I am a success, and you are not. Not yet, at least."

Jaune, you do know that he's a stereotypical bad-guy, right? He's a criminal kingpin. You don't want to become a criminal, you never did! You wanted to become a hero, to be the one to defend the people! One part of my mind argued. Yeah, you wanted to be a hero. See how far that got you? Absolutely nowhere. Your desire to be a hero didn't stop you from stealing from family. Get this as well, remember that robbery? You were damn near an accessory to it, covering for the robbery and claiming it was security. You helped to protect an innocent, and you did it while breaking the law. Another part argued in return.

I met Roman's gaze once more, the man held his grin still. "All you've got to do, Jaune, is make your own success. Who gives a shit if society tells you that you're a failure? They've been telling me that for years, yet here I am, practically on top of the world." I found myself nodding along with Roman, a small smile creeping on my lips. This is a bad idea. The ethical side of my brain called out.

"You're right, Roman. You're absolutely right." I took another long drink from my glass, finishing it off. I had stopped counting how many I'd had a while ago, and that was probably a bad thing, but oh well.

Roman poured me another glass. "Now I've got an offer for you, Jaune. One of a lifetime." I nodded, tilting my head slightly with a smile curling on my lips. "Why don't you come and work for me? I can teach you everything you need to know, and then some. Alone, you might become a good criminal. With me, you'll become a great one."

I chuckled and nodded. "You've got a deal, Roman. You've got a deal." I raised my glass and clinked it with his. This sounds like the start to a very profitable, and beneficial relationship.


I awoke with a hair-splitting headache, wanting nothing more than to crawl under the covers and die quietly, if only to ditch the headache. I am never drinking that much again. Period. End of story. I rolled over onto my stomach, covering my head with the cool side of the pillow. I thought for a brief moment that I'd be able to go back to sleep.

Oh, the fool that I was.

Not but thirty seconds later, a series of loud thumps against my door could be heard, along with the voice of my new employer. "Rise and shine, kid. We've got work to do." His voice was muffled through the door, making it all that much easier to ignore. Roman was silent for a time, then I heard rather quiet words being said by him. I couldn't make out a thing he said, only that he was talking to someone.

My door remained closed, and I thought, if only for a moment, that there was a merciful god out there.

Twice, I was made a fool.

Rather suddenly, I had blankets ripped off the bed, and was met with a kick to the gut, sending me tumbling out of the bed, clutching at my stomach. I growled and glared up at the perpetrator, expecting to find Roman. Instead, I found a rather short girl standing on my bed, a parasol in hand as she looked down at me with what could only be called a sadistic grin. Who the hell…?

Roman entered the room with a small smile playing on his lips, taking a draw off his cigar. "Well, I see you two have been introduced. Jaune, that's Neo. She's a…" Roman trailed off for a moment as he looked at her. "We'll call her my partner."

I looked between the girl who couldn't be all that much older than I am, if that, and Roman. Damn, Roman, you sure like 'em young don't you. "Right… Sure, why not, I guess…" I sat up, rubbing at my temples that felt like someone was attempting to beat a hole through them. "Is there any real reason that I was thrown so violently from my bed?" I asked, glaring at Neo still.

The girl tilted her head to the side slightly, grinned sadistically – She's definitely nuts, Jaune. This is what you signed up for. – and shook her head. I looked then to Roman with a perked brow. "What, kid. I banged on your door and told you to get up. When you didn't respond, I thought I might let Neo have a try."

"You… You knew she'd do something violent, didn't you?" I asked with venom in my voice.

"At least I told her she couldn't stab you, kid. I dunno what you're so upset about." Roman responded smugly. He turned to leave. "Get yourself dressed and come on out when you're done." He left the room, Neo hopping off my bed, and onto my lap. Her foot 'just so happened' to land on my crotch, which she used as a springboard to leap off into the hallway, strutting away.

I groaned, in all kinds of unspeakable pain as I pulled myself up. You asked for this, moron. You signed up for this. You're working with Vale's most wanted, as well as what appears to be a psychotic, sadistic woman with a flare for violence. I shoved those thoughts down as I got dressed in last night's clothes.

I made my way out into the rest of the hideout. Now that it wasn't some ungodly hour of the night, and I could think at least somewhat coherent thoughts, the hideout was relatively barren. It was an apartment in one of the seedier parts of town, the kind of place where people don't ask questions as long as you've got lien.

In the middle of the room was a dining table which Roman and Neo were both seated at. Off to one side was the kitchen which had a pot of coffee brewing, while on the other side was a simple black leather couch, a matching recliner, and a TV set. I went into the kitchen and rummaged around until I found where the mugs were, then joining the duo at the dining table.

"Fantastic, now that sleeping beauty over here is awake, we can get to work." I rolled my eyes, though didn't say anything.

"We've got a heist tonight, and you'll both be present. Neo, you'll be acting as our escape should we need you. Otherwise, don't get involved." Neo nodded, though was leaning back, her feet up on the table as she fiddled with her scroll. "As for you, Jaune, you'll be on the scene with me. Reality is, this shouldn't be anything too difficult. We're hitting another dust shop, just about the same size as the last one."

I frowned for a moment and leaned forward. "So, what do you need me for, then? You and Junior's boys had it handled just fine last time, not like I've got much to add." I pointed out, and Roman nodded.

"You're right, kid. You don't have much to add. I'm going to change that. You've got to learn on the job. That's how I did it, that's how you'll do it." Roman tapped his chin as he looked me over. "You'll need a weapon to replace your sold sword."

I shrugged a shoulder at Roman. "Yeah, a way to defend myself might be appreciated. Never know when someone here might get a little stabby." I said glaring pointedly at Neo who was innocently, and silently whistling.

Roman chuckled and shook his head. "Stabby, murderous, painful. That's her whole shtick. You'll get used to it." I sighed and shook my head. It wasn't likely, but whatever. I'd figure it out. Or I'd get stabbed. Huh, when put like that, figuring it out sounds like a much better idea. "Let's see here. You need a weapon, and a new getup. Can't have you bumbling around, robbing a shop in a hoodie and jeans." Roman took a puff off his cigar as he thought.

I relished in the silence, nursing my coffee, and hoping against all hope that the hangover went away. You know, on the upshot, most of last night is a blur. That is if forgetting all the details in an upshot, along with finding yourself apprenticed to a criminal kingpin. Granted, it could've been worse. Could've gotten robbed. I was brought back from my thoughts as Roman got up from the table. "Got an idea there, chief?" I asked with a perked brow. Please say no and let me sit in silence again.

"Yes, Jaune, I do believe I do." I groaned and pushed to get up. "We're going back to Junior's." I groaned a second time. "Oh, come on, you had fun last night, and got a job that lots of people would kill for." I downed the rest of my coffee and moved to join Roman.

"Why are we going back to Junior's, exactly? It's too early to start drinking." Roman chuckled and shook his head.

"First off, kid, it's four in the afternoon. Second, we're heading to Junior's to get you a weapon and a suit." Roman moved to the door and ushered me out. "You know where the heist is happening, Neo. Meet us there." He didn't bother to look back and confirm her acknowledgement.

Once the two of us were out of the apartment I looked to Roman with a perked brow. "What's with Neo? She doesn't talk, nor do you want her directly involved with the heist?" Roman glanced at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, she's got a particular set of skills, kid. I keep her out of most things because I'd like to keep her off the wanted list for as long as possible." It sounded logical, sure. "Far as her not talking, she can't from what I've seen. Known her a few months now, never heard her say a word, or make a sound for that matter."

"And she's your partner? Aren't you shooting a little young for your age, Roman?" I was promptly hit square in the back of my head. I groaned and rubbed it, glaring back at Roman who just chuckled and shrugged.

"It's not like that, kid. Think of it more as a father-daughter relationship we've got going."

Kinky. "Damn, Roman, that's kinky of you." I was promptly hit again, earning another groan from me. Did you really expect a different response? Maybe running your mouth like a moron isn't a good idea?

"Har dee har, kid. You're a laugh riot." Roman said with a roll of his eyes.

"Mhm, and you're the patron saint of Vale."

"Patron saint of criminals, maybe."

Roman and I approached the Club and pushed right on in. Several of Junior's goons were milling about aimlessly, lounging about in booths, and trying to look busy. I recognized Not-Jerry working behind the bar, stocking shelves by the looks of it. I approached the bar with Roman and leaned against it, Roman taking a seat next to me.

"Hey, Jerry, buddy 'ol pal of mine, wanna do me a favor and fetch your boss?" Roman said taking a pull off his cigar. Not-Jerry visibly slumped and turned to look at myself and Roman.

"My name's not Jerry, asshole." He said looking pointedly at Roman.

"Alright, Not-Jerry it is, then." I said with a slight grin. Roman chuckled and Not-Jerry growled lowly before leaving to find Junior.

A few moments later, Junior returned with Not-Jerry in tow. "Roman, kid." Junior nodded to the both of us. "Something I can do for you gentlemen?"

Roman nodded. "Yes, well, you can do lots of things, Junior. What I need you to do is get Jaune here a suit and a weapon. Nothing fancy, what you suit your goons in will do just fine. Far as a weapon, get him a handgun and a short sword. That'll cover the bases I think." Junior nodded and looked me over. He turned and left shortly after.

"Really? No questions asked and he'll arm and dress me like that?" I asked to Roman as I took a seat at the bar next to him.

Roman shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, he's got a good idea as to why I'm here. We're gonna need muscle if we're pulling this off. He'll be happy to add your armaments onto the end of the tab for use of his boys. Consider this an initial investment in your future."

I hummed, nodding as I looked about the room at various goons lounging about. It was still too early for the Club to be getting any business, that'd be expected in another four hours or so. Junior returned with a black suit in hand, along with the hat and shades. Laid on top of the outfit was a revolver and a short sword.

I went and got dressed, finding that the suit was a size or so too big for me, though it was manageable. The sword hung familiarly at my hip, the revolver tucked into a holster at my side. I rejoined Roman and Junior. Roman nodded, looking me over.

"It's definitely a bit big, and it looks tacky, though I can't say I expected anything else from you, Junior." Junior rolled his eyes and sighed. "Regardless, it'll do. Throw it on the end of my tab for the use of your boys tonight."

Junior perked a brow at Roman. "Two nights in a row? You've got some balls, Roman. You know that your little heist last night is all the news has been on about all day, right?" Roman looked unimpressed, taking a puff off his cigar.

"I'm just about all the news gives a damn about, other than the newest scandal with a celebrity. My name being in the news is nothing new."

"You're right. Then again, you don't usually do back to back heists like this. Just saying that you're taking more of a risk than usual."

Roman shrugged. "I am, but I've got a goal to meet." Junior sighed and shook his head. "I'll get your boys back in one piece, don't worry, Junior."

"It's not them I'm worried about, Roman. You've taken in a stray here," he said nodding his head to me, "and you're just going to throw him into a trial by fire? Sounds like you're asking him to get killed or arrested to me."

I blinked, looking between the two men. "Uh, you guys do know that I'm standing right here, right?" They both nodded, still staring one another down.

"The kid will sink or swim, Junior. He knows the risks. The only way for me to teach him is to throw him into the deep end."

Junior sighed and looked to me then. "Listen, kid, I don't care what Roman says. Be careful. You've got to learn, sure, but don't get yourself killed or arrested doing it. Back out before things get too bad."

Roman snickered and perked a brow at Junior. "Since when were you the sentimental type, Junior? And for a kid you don't even know at that? What's gotten into you?"

Junior sighed and shook his head. "I can be as sentimental as I damn well please, and I can offer my advice to whoever I damn well please as well. Now scram, you two are gonna start scaring customers if you hang around too long."

Roman chuckled and nodded. He got to his feet and surveyed the goons gathered behind him. "Alright, boys. We've got a job to do." Roman spun his cane in hand as he pushed past the small group. I moved quickly to catch up with him.

"Don't listen to him, Jaune. You've got me and Neo at your back." I nodded, resting my hand on the hilt of the sword.

What's the worst that could happen?

Well, that's done. I've probably made almost all of my characters horribly OOC. I mean, drunk Jaune has a spine, Roman and Junior both seem to care? What is this? At least Neo is still mute and more than a little aggressive. I don't promise that this'll be out every week, but that's the goal. I've got this whole story outlined, it's just a case of keeping myself focused and writing each chapter out.

Till next time, this is Valres signing off.