AN: I want to start this by saying I'm sorry. For a lot of things. I feel like the quality of this fic has declined a lot as it's gone on. I started this fic while I was deep in an Aladdin hyperfixation after seeing the movie, and that lasted for several months, but it was inevitable that it had to fade eventually. Then I was stupid and decided to try to write two multiple chapter fics at once (which I will never be doing again) and I know that didn't help. Then schedules and stuff got super crazy, which isn't on me, but I know that it still really sucks. However, that being said, I really have enjoyed writing this, and idk when, but eventually, I'm going to write more Aladdin fic. I have a ton of ideas that I really love, I just have to be in the zone to write them. In the meantime, you can read any of the gazillion MacGyver fics I've written, or my other Aladdin fics, or my Kingsman stuff, or what I'm currently writing as well as this, a Blue Bloods fic. Once I finish that one, I will likely be writing for Prodigal Son, since that show is my new hyperfixation lol. If none of that strikes your fancy, that's fine too. I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during all this corona stuff. And as always, I hope you enjoy, and please leave a review!


Aladdin smiled as he took in the sight before him: Rajah, Carpet, and Abu playing with little Tiahna in the courtyard. He was watching the little girl while her father moved the rest of their belongings into the palace. After Aladdin woke up, it hadn't taken much convincing to get Ahmad to take a palace job and live there. He insisted that it wasn't charity, since Ahmad would have to work just like everyone else, but even if it was a generous offer, there was no one else more deserving. Ahmad had helped to save his life, and that was a debt that Aladdin believed he could never truly repay.

Tiahna loved every moment. From playing with Rajah and Abu and Carpet, to dragging Dalia everywhere she could, to playing in the fountains, the little girl was in paradise. Aladdin could see the way that Genie and Dalia looked at her, and he could tell what they were planning. He would have been lying if he said that he and Jasmine hadn't talked about having a little one of their own in a few years, and it was an idea that both terrified and excited him. But then again, all the greatest ideas were both of those things. Still, he and Jasmine both had some growing and maturing of their own that they needed to do before they added a child to the mix. They were young monarchs, and that came with a lot of challenges. Dalia and Genie didn't have those challenges. If they did, they certainly wouldn't be leaving to see the world in two days.

At first, Aladdin had felt bad about it. They had been planning on leaving nearly a month ago, but both had vehemently refused to leave until they were sure that he was okay. Aladdin had felt fully recovered for almost two weeks, and they still weren't departing until the following week. Once enough time had past that Aladdin was beginning to grow annoyed with their good-natured pestering when it came to his well being, he knew that he couldn't call it his own fault anymore.

"Guess what Dalia just told me," came his wife's voice from right next to him. She had crept up behind him at some point, and was now bouncing on her toes in excitement, a wide smile on her face. He turned to face her a little bit, but made sure to keep some of his attention on Tiahna. He was supposed to be supervising her while she was with Rajah, after all. It wasn't that Rajah would ever try to hurt her, but he was a tiger, and tigers were just a lot bigger than toddlers. Supervision was just a good idea.

"Don't tell him before we can," came Genie's voice from down the hall. He and Dalia were walking quickly towards them, massive smiles on both of their faces. Jasmine smiled widely once again, grasping Aladdin's hand in hers, quickly intertwining them. Aladdin smiled at his wedding ring, firmly back where it belonged.

"It's the best thing ever," Jasmine said, clearly having a rough time holding her excitement. Aladdin had a feeling that he knew what Dalia and Genie were going say. There was only one thing that could make Jasmine so ecstatic, and put those smiles on Dalia and Genie.

"Oh my," he started, his jaw dropping. He quickly glanced between Genie and Dalia, again and again, his gaze settling on neither one. He quickly remembered to spare a glance back at Tiahna, who was still having the time of her life. Rajah was lying on the ground, seemingly content to let her climb all over him. Aladdin looked back between Genie and Dalia once more. "Are you- is she- are you-?"

"Yes!" Dalia exclaimed, not even giving Aladdin the chance to finish forming his question. She and Jasmine were both giddy with excitement, while Genie had this look of awe and wonder on his face.

"We just spoke with the physician, and it's official. We're having a baby," Genie said, his smile never falling.

"That's amazing!" Aladdin replied, quickly pulling both Dalia and Genie into a hug. "I'm so happy for you guys!" he said once he released them from the hug.

"We're gonna do as much traveling as we can, then briefly settle down somewhere to have the baby, then we'll be back," Dalia said with a smile. Nine months was a long time to not have Genie with him, but Aladdin wasn't going to sour the moment. Besides, he would be fine.

"Okay, but before you leave, there is so much we have to talk about," Jasmine said, gently taking Dalia's arm and leading her away. Aladdin and Genie couldn't help but laugh after them.

"You're gonna be an amazing father," Aladdin said to the man in front of him. He didn't say that he already was one, being the only father figure that Aladdin could remember. Genie should already know that, anyway. Some things just didn't need to be said.

"Aww, thanks, kid," Genie said, his smile finally fading ever so slightly, but likely more from his face getting tired than anything else. The thought made Aladdin smile a little more. "And they're gonna love you," he continued, lightly punching Aladdin in the arm. As simple as it was, the physical gesture meant everything to him. Everyone had spent so much time treating him like he was some fragile thing that was going to fall apart after what Fahad did to him, and that simply wasn't true. He'd been on the street his whole life. He was made of tougher stuff. That wasn't to say that there hadn't been some rough nights, but after a week or so, it had gotten better, and Aladdin knew that he was going to be just fine.

"I don't know," Aladdin replied, shaking his head just a bit. "I don't have much experience with kids."

"You're selling yourself way too short, kid. You go out of your way to help out basically every kid you've ever seen in your life," Genie said. Aladdin rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help the small laugh that escaped. Genie stepped to his side and swung an arm around his shoulders, and gave a soft sigh. "I know this is gonna be a long nine months for you two, but I'm so proud of you."

"We don't have to-"

"Hey, let me finish, this is important," Genie interrupted. Aladdin help up a hand placatingly. "I'm not just talking about the stuff with Fahad, I'm talking about the whole time I've known you. You have this kindness and mercy that few possess, and it's part of what makes you the great kid you are." Aladdin ducked his head, blushing. "You always do the right thing, no matter what, and I am so, so proud to call you my family, to call you my king." Genie emphasized his words with a squeeze on his hand on Aladdin's shoulder.

"I don't- uhm, I don't know what to say, Genie, I mean, a lot of that is because of you," he replied. "I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for you, so, you've only got yourself to thank," he said, looking up at Genie with a grin that he hoped would lighten the moment. He wasn't good at these conversations.

"Then, you're welcome?" Genie said hesitantly, then broke out into a grin himself. He ruffled Aladdin's hair, earning himself a light punch the shoulder in return, the moment over.

Aladdin looked back over to Tiahna, who had fallen asleep on Rajah, the tiger looking pretty content himself. Dalia and Jasmine were nowhere to be seen, but Aladdin figured they were somewhere talking all things baby. Taking stock of things, life was better than Aladdin would've thought it could be a month past his ordeal. Life was better than Aladdin almost thought was even possible, but that certainly wasn't something to complain about. It was something to treasure, something to remember, even on the bad days. Aladdin had never exactly been one to take life for granted anyway, but he certainly wasn't going to start any time soon.

He breathed in the wonderful spring air and reveled in the warmth of the sun. Yeah, life was pretty good.