A/N: We made it. Welcome to the final chapter. Thank you for all of your feedback, and I hope this chapter is worth everything I've put you through over the past 7 months. The conclusion is long (8,971 words without my notes), and I have a kind of lengthy note for you at the end, if you would like to read a little about my gratitude and my future story plans. Please enjoy, and please review!

Nighting Ryder: Yes, last chapter : ( But I really hope you enjoy it!

Machambaman: I'm glad you liked it and that you were right! I understand this story ending being a bittersweet moment. I hope you enjoy it though!

Guest: Yes, the end is near. I hope you like it!

Wazowski: Woohoo!

Mileven Everyday: It is finally here. I hope it is everything you wanted it to be.

JayneFawn: Thank you for your reviews for the past several chapters. I enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I am glad you liked them! I hope you are happy with how this story ends.

Phieillydinyia: I wish Mike and Max could have a moment of understanding in the show, too. I really hope you like the Valentine's Day date!

Shrike176: Thank you for all your thoughts on this. I agree that the moment between Mike and Max was an important moment in the story. I really hope you like how this concludes. Also, I am happy to hear you've started "Her Worst Nightmare," my first Stranger Things story. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it when you've finished it. Feel free to leave me a review on it, as I still check those!

CalvinHobbesGatsby: Max has definitely matured and learned some things since the beginning of this story. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you like this chapter as well.

Ejbeckmann: Prepare for more feels! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this!

Jane Eleanor Wheeler: I am glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you like the ending of this story!

Grievesforyou: Sadly, yes, it has come to an end. But I hope you enjoy it!

Guester: Agreed. I wish Mike and Max would solve their issues in the show too!

Rumpleteazer: Yes, we've reached the final chapter. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Mileven Forever: Me too! I hope you like this chapter!

Caleb: Thank you. I hope you like this one as well!

Andy: Thank you. I hope you like how this story concludes!

Niko: Thank you. I'm glad you liked it, especially the Mike and Max moment, and I agree, I would love to see something like that in season 4 as well. I hope you enjoy this!

HarleyGrove: I'm glad it has been worth it so far, and I hope you find this final chapter to be a good payoff!

Aqua949: I considered a screaming match, but I thought this way would be better for the story.

Nancython: Thank you so much!

Guest: Writing it made me smile too. I'm glad you liked it!

Jean Sumnerland: I know, so bittersweet : ( But I hope you enjoy it!

Mikeleven83: Thank you so much for saying that. I hope the ending is worth it!

LabAlley: Thank you. I definitely had to put a resolution with Lindsey in there. I really hope you enjoy this final chapter. I will miss this story too!

Afanofstrangerthingsandstuff: Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy this final chapter. Take your time with writing, and my PM's are always open : )

Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or any of its original characters.


Mike was smoothing down his tie against the front of his shirt as he stood in front of his mirror inspecting his appearance. It was the night of his first date with El in six months, and despite their long history together, Mike still felt his stomach doing somersaults as if it were their first date ever. Of course, he knew it was a big night. Tonight was the night that they would discuss how the last two months had been for them individually. Mike would tell her that he was confident in their relationship and that he was ready to fully devote himself again to her and their love.

He sighed and looked his reflection up and down, deciding that he was ready. His black dress pants and white button-up provided a classic look, and Mike had considered simply pulling it together with a black tie, but he saw a dark red one in his closet and decided to add some color for the occasion. It wasn't a bright red, so he didn't feel like he was being cheesy for Valentine's Day or anything… Well, he had some cheesy plans up his sleeve, so he didn't want to look cheesy going into it. Mike was satisfied with his appearance and headed downstairs, running into his mom at the bottom of the stairs as she was rummaging through her purse.

"You look beautiful, Mom," Mike said, his eyes widened in shock at his mother standing before him in a red lowcut dress, red heels, and her makeup done to perfection which included bright red lipstick to match her outfit.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Karen beamed before standing back to look at her son, her warm smile reaching her eyes. "Oh, and you look so handsome!"

"Thanks," Mike mumbled, feeling his cheeks blush at his mother's gushing even though no one else was around to hear it.

"Now remember, your father took a vacation day tomorrow, so we won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. Holly is staying at Alyssa's house tonight, so you won't have to worry about getting her up and ready for school tomorrow, but please come straight home after school so you can be here before the bus drops her off," Karen reminded him of the plan.

"Yes, Mom, I will," Mike said.

"Thank you, honey," Karen smiled, gently patting her son's cheek before removing her coat from the coatrack and draping it over her shoulders.

"Where's Dad?" Mike asked, suddenly aware that his mother was nearly ready to walk out the door without her date.

"Upstairs. He'll be down with the bags any minute," Karen replied, a slight look of annoyance filling her eyes as she glanced at her watch.

Truthfully, Mike was surprised that his dad planned to take his mom out for the night for Valentine's Day. It was no secret that Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler didn't exactly have the happiest or most loving marriage, but Mike decided that if his parents were putting some effort in to their relationship tonight, whether it was truly for themselves or for Holly's benefit, he was happy for them.

Mike stepped into the kitchen and gathered the five red roses he had gotten for El. When he stepped back into the foyer to put on his coat, his mother raised her hands to her cheeks, her eyes shining in adoration at her son.

"I was hoping you would still do that for her, even with everything you two have been through," she beamed.

"It's tradition," Mike shrugged, trying not to make a big deal of it as his cheeks blushed again.

"Michael, she's going to love it," Karen assured him. "And I'm going to love seeing her around again. I know Holly will, too."

"Mom, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Mike warned. "It's just dinner right now. There's no guarantee we'll be getting back together tonight."

While he certainly hoped that wasn't the case, Mike still didn't want to act like rekindling his relationship with El was a sure thing. She had just as much say in what was going to happen as he did.

"I know, sweetie," Karen smiled. "But I'm sure you will."

Mike couldn't help but smile back at his mother's words. He leaned in to give her a hug, and right as his hand was on the front door, his mother said his name, and Mike turned to face her once more.

"Have a good time," she said warmly. "And good luck, sweetheart… And be safe."

Mike was, once again, about to leave when his father finally came down the stairs with his and Karen's suitcase and toiletry bag in hand.

"Ah, Michael, you haven't left yet," Ted observed.

"I'm just about to," Mike said. "So, good night. Have a happy Valentine's Day."

"Well, hold on, now," Ted said, eyeing the roses in Mike's hand. "Who is the lucky lady you're going out with tonight? I thought you and, uh… Leslie broke up?"

"Lindsey and I did break up a couple months ago," Mike replied as patiently as he could. "But I'm actually going out with El tonight."

"El, huh?" Ted asked, raising his eyebrows. "New girl? Between you and your sister, I can't keep all the names straight sometimes."

"Well, Dad, El is the girl I was with for the past several years, so she's not exactly new," Mike said, starting to get annoyed, and choosing not to mention that he and his sister had each only ever been with two people.

"Oh, that El," Ted said as he shrugged into his overcoat. "The one Joyce Byers took in. I thought things ended with you two?"

"They did. But I'm hoping to change that tonight," Mike replied.

"Ah," Ted sighed as he picked up his and Karen's luggage. "Well, son, have a good night. Have fun, but don't have too much fun. And don't forget about your little sister tomorrow."

"I won't," Mike said, rolling his eyes at his dad's comment about having too much fun.

Karen gave her son one last hug as she walked by him on her way out the door. When his parents had pulled out of the driveway, Mike sighed in relief and finally made his way to his own car, ready to pick up his date for the evening.

At the Byers' house, El was putting the final touches on her makeup. She knew this was Mike… he had seen her without makeup thousands of times. But tonight was special, and she wanted to look as good for him as she could. She dabbed the excess red lipstick from her lips, giving them a matte look, and inspected her work in her vanity mirror. She had gone with a more natural look, choosing neutral tones of eyeshadow to blend together and make the hazel pop in her eyes. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and black mascara lengthened her full eyelashes. A light pink blush rested on her cheekbones, and her bright red lipstick was her dramatic pop of color. It was the only red that El was wearing, opting for a black dress tonight. She had considered wearing red, but El didn't want to appear too cliché on Valentine's Day. Satisfied with her makeup, El stood and admired herself in her full-length mirror. Her black dress was made entirely of velvet, had a scooping neckline, full-length sleeves, and the material hugged her body tightly and ended in the middle of her thighs where her fingertips reached. She had curled her hair which draped over both of her shoulders.

"You look gorgeous," Joyce beamed from the doorway of El's bedroom.

"Thank you," El smiled, turning to face the woman who had entered and walked nearer to the mirror.

"How are you feeling about tonight?" Joyce asked, and El automatically smiled at the thought of spending time alone with Mike.

"I'm excited," she replied. "And I'm hopeful that he is ready."

"Oh, honey, I don't think he would have asked you on a date on Valentine's Day if he wasn't ready," Joyce assured her with a smile.

"I know, but I don't want to assume anything," El said with a shrug.

"I understand," Joyce said.

Joyce stood back and took in El's appearance, tears starting to line her bottom lids. She sniffed and turned her head quickly.

"Are you okay?" El asked, concerned.

"Yes, sweetie, I'm okay," Joyce said, dabbing her eyes and turning back to face El with a wide smile. "I just can't believe how much you've grown up. I took you in as a scared, albeit brave, fourteen-year-old girl, and I must've blinked, because now you are a confident, beautiful young woman."

"Mom," El smiled widely. "Don't make me cry. I just finished my makeup."

Joyce laughed, knowing El was only kidding, and the two of them shared a look that they both understood. El could feel how much Joyce loved her, and Joyce could read the love and appreciation in El's gaze staring back at her. El knew she would never be able to repay this woman for everything she had done, and Joyce knew that El didn't have to.

"Well, I hope you have a wonderful night and that things go the way you want them to," Joyce said when her emotions were under control. "Lord knows, after everything you have been through in this world, you deserve nothing but happiness."

El wrapped Joyce into a tight hug, resting her chin on the woman's shoulder and whispering "I love you" in her ear.

"I love you, too," Joyce replied.

They pulled back from their hug right as the doorbell rang, and El's breath hitched in her throat knowing that Mike was here. Joyce beamed at her once more before leaving El's room to open the front door.

When Joyce opened the door, her eyes were drawn instantly to the roses in Mike's hands, and she smiled in adoration as her eyes moved back up to his.

"Hi, Mrs. Byers," Mike said politely.

"You look so handsome," Joyce said, stepping to the side and letting him enter the living room.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"El should be out any moment," Joyce said, and Mike nodded.

He heard her soft footsteps and inhaled and exhaled deeply, waiting for her to turn the corner into the living room. When she did, Mike momentarily forgot how to breathe, and he thought his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. El smiled warmly at him and walked closer until she was just inches away from him. Mike closed his mouth, which he hadn't realized was even open, and cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks blush.

"El, you look… so beautiful," he breathed, his eyes landing on hers.

"Thank you," El blushed. "You look amazing, too."

"Thanks," Mike said, the blush on his cheeks deepening, causing El to giggle. She would never get over how cute he was when she complimented him.

"Oh, these are for you," Mike said as if he just remembered he was holding roses in his hands.

El reached out to take the flowers from him and lifted them to her nose to breathe in the sweet aroma.

"You remembered," she hummed into the red petals. Her eyes landed on each of the five roses, counting them, even though she knew she didn't have to. He knew how many to bring.

"Of course I did," Mike chuckled.

How could he forget? He had always given her one rose for each Valentine's Day that they were together. The tradition had started on their first Valentine's Day in 1985 when he had given her one rose just two months after the Snow Ball. He gave her two roses on Valentine's Day of 1986, three roses in 1987, and so on.

"Thank you," El whispered, the look in her eyes telling Mike that this small gesture meant the world to her.

"Honey, why don't I take care of those for you," Joyce offered, stepping forward to take the roses.

Mike and El both jumped slightly at her voice, having forgotten that Joyce was in the room with them. El smiled and handed the roses over to Joyce who disappeared into the kitchen.

"So, are you ready to go?" Mike asked, and El nodded.

The two of them walked outside to Mike's car, and Mike opened the passenger side door for El who smiled and thanked him sweetly. At first, El could tell that Mike was nervous, but luckily it only took a few minutes before he was talking and laughing with her just like old times.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Mike and El were seated at a circular booth in the corner. They each scooted in, leaving a generous amount of space between them, as neither of them wanted to seem too pushy, knowing they haven't discussed their relationship yet.

After putting in their order, the two of them were immediately lost in conversation. El was telling Mike all about the short stories she had written over the past two months, and Mike assured her that he was happy and proud of her for finding something she was so passionate about.

"It really helps me in a way I never thought I needed help," El said. "I've just… I've seen so much throughout my childhood, and I know I've talked to you about it, but… I don't know. It's almost like this is a way for me to let it out therapeutically without actually talking to a therapist, if that makes sense. It helps me."

"That's great, El," Mike said. "I'm glad you've found a way to express yourself."

"My teacher asked me once where I come up with these ideas… I guess it's best that she believes it's fiction," El chuckled sadly, and Mike reached over to squeeze her hand.

El's eyes widened and looked over at Mike. He immediately thought he crossed the line and started to pull his hand back, and El stopped him by squeezing his hand in return. Mike offered her a small smile and caressed the back of her hand with his thumb, and they sat silently like that until their food was delivered.

"Mike?" El asked as she spun her fork around in her dish of pasta.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, looking over at her.

"When you asked me to get dinner with you tonight, were you nervous?" she asked.

"Of course I was," Mike chuckled. "Do you realize how nerve-wracking it is to ask a girl out?"

"Even me?" El asked, her eyes widening. "You knew I would say yes."

"I didn't want to assume anything," Mike said. "Plus, I guess I was mainly nervous because this is the first time it's been just me and you together, without everyone else, in a long time. I was worried things might get awkward or something… But honestly, it feels just like old times to me."

"It feels just like old times to me, too," El smiled warmly for a moment before her lips curled into a smirk. "Well… maybe not just like old times."

Mike felt the heat on his cheeks return as her insinuation, and he laughed but was also taken aback by her boldness. He took it as a sign that she was ready to talk about them.

"El, I'm really proud of you for taking this time to yourself and figuring out your passions and who you are outside of us," he said.

"It wasn't easy at first, but I am glad that we did this," El admitted. "I feel like I've learned so much about myself, and I feel like I can be a better person for myself… and for you."

"I feel the same way," Mike smiled.

"Did you… did you find some closure with Lindsey?" El asked gently, knowing it was a sensitive subject for him.

"I did," Mike sighed happily. "I was able to apologize for everything, and she forgave me. It was a huge weight lifted."

El smiled and squeezed his hand again, happy that he wasn't carrying around that guilt anymore.

"I also talked to Max," Mike added, causing El's eyes to widen.

"You did? She never told me about that," El said.

"There were just some things that she and I needed to clear up," Mike shrugged. "It's not like I needed her blessing or anything, but I mean, she is your best friend, and… I guess I just needed to know that she understands how I feel about you and that she won't interfere again. I didn't even know I needed that talk until after it happened."

El nodded, still surprised that Max had kept this from her, but glad that it happened if Mike found it helpful.

"So…" she started hesitantly, feeling the nerves dancing around in her stomach for the first time since this conversation started. "How exactly do you feel about me?"

"How do I feel about you?" Mike repeated.

"Yeah… I just figured since you told Max, it's only fair that you tell me, too," El said, trying to lighten the situation, but feeling her stomach doing flips.

Mike rubbed his thumb over the soft skin on the back of El's hand again and smiled, glancing from their joined hands back up to her eyes. He took a deep breath.

"I feel just like I've always felt about you," he said. "I think you are the bravest, most courageous, caring, and beautiful person in the world. I think you're incredibly smart and funny, and I'm so proud of you for everything you've done… And even after everything we've been through the past six months, I am hopelessly in love with you, and I know I always will be."

El tried to blink back the tears, but her vision quickly became blurry, and when the first tear fell from her eye, Mike scooted closer to her in the booth and wiped it off her cheek.

"Th-that… that is everything I've wanted to hear you say," she sniffed. "Mike, I love you too. I am so in love with you, and I love that you pushed me to take this time apart to better myself, but I want more than anything to be better with you."

"I want that too," Mike said just above a whisper.

Neither of them had even noticed that they had been moving closer to each other in the circular booth, but soon, there were mere inches between their faces and Mike's hand was cupping El's cheek as he stared longingly into her eyes.

"I love you, El," he whispered, and his breath against her lips made El's skin feel tingly.

"Kiss me," she whispered, and he did.

El moved one hand into Mike's hair and found his free hand with her other, moving her lips passionately against his. When they pulled back, they both stared into each other's blown pupils, their breath intermingling between their still open mouths, both in awe of what just happened.

"Mike?" El breathed. "Will you do something for me?"

"Anything," Mike answered immediately.

"I want it to be official… I want you to say it, if you're ready," El said, blushing slightly as Mike realized what she wanted.

"I am ready," he said. "I'm ready if you are. I want us to be back together. I want you to be my girlfriend again."

"And I want you to be my boyfriend again," El said quickly.

"Deal," Mike smiled and crashed his lips back into hers as El giggled against his mouth.

They were so wrapped up in each other that neither of them noticed when the waiter came by their table to refill their water and drop off the check. When they finally pulled apart, Mike paid the bill and led El outside to his car, holding her hand the whole way.

As Mike reached for El's door handle, she stopped him by wrapping her arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more. She leaned back against the car, and Mike pressed against her, his hands on her hips as their tongues danced together.

"I've missed this," Mike moaned against her lips.

"Me too," El breathed. "I want you, Mike."

"I want you, too," Mike whispered.

She looked up at him, and Mike could see the fire burning in her big brown eyes. He leaned down and nibbled on her earlobe, and El's body shivered at his hot breath.

"My house is empty all night," Mike murmured into her ear. He planted more kisses along El's neck and felt her nod against him.

"Let's go," she whimpered, already feeling her arousal building.

Mike leaned in for one more kiss on the lips before opening her car door so El could enter. He quickly joined her inside and drive as fast as he could without being pulled over. The drive home had never taken so long, but Mike was sure that was mostly due to El's hand rubbing up and down his thigh while he tried to focus on the road and gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white.

Finally, they reached Mike's house. El hopped out of the car, not waiting for Mike to open the door for her, and nearly dragged him to the front door. She kissed his neck and let her hands roam his back and chest while Mike fumbled with his house key. As soon as they were inside, Mike grabbed El's wrist and pulled her upstairs.

By the time they reached the end of the hall, they were ferociously making out. Mike's hands moved from her waist down to her ass and squeezed it tightly, pinning El between himself and his closed bedroom door. El's hands were around his neck, one moved up into his thick hair and tightened her fist, causing Mike to moan into her mouth. Mike hastily began to fumble with the doorknob behind El, refusing to break their kiss, and a moment later, it opened and the two of them slipped inside.

Once Mike kicked the door closed, El had his back pushed against it, loosening his tie while she started to kiss his neck. Mike moaned and tightened his grip on El's hips, feeling her pressed against his growing erection. She pulled back just enough to slip her hands in between their bodies and made quick work of his belt and pants, sliding them and his underwear down to his ankles as she dropped to her knees in front of him, becoming eye level with his hard dick.

El wrapped her hand around it and began moving up and down his shaft. Mike closed his eyes and leaned his head against the door until he felt the warmth of her breath against the tip of his dick. He looked down right as El began to swirl her tongue around his swollen tip.

"How does that feel?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Feels so good, baby," Mike breathed. "You're amazing."

El grinned and pressed her lips against Mike's tip which was wet with his precum and her saliva, and she parted her lips, taking him into her mouth slowly, one inch at a time. She relaxed her jaw to take him all the way in, and soon his tip hit the back of her throat as her nose hit his pelvis.

She gripped his thigh with one hand and gently took his balls in her other, and El started to bob her head back and forth, sucking hard and gliding her tongue along the underside of his cock.

"Oh fuck," Mike groaned in ecstasy.

He struggled to keep his eyes open, wanting to watch as El licked and sucked his cock, her pretty brown eyes glancing up to meet his and hold his gaze. Mike instinctively placed one hand on the back of her head and wove his fingers through her hair. El remained in control, his hand simply resting on her head, moving along with the pace she had set.

Mike started thrusting his hips forward, matching El's pace and ramming his dick into the back of her throat. They both knew Mike was close to blowing his load, so El lessened the suction and slowly pulled back, gently kissing his tip when he was fully out of her mouth.

"Holy shit," Mike panted, reaching down to take El's hands and help her stand up.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around Mike's neck, their open mouths colliding hungrily. Mike reached to the back of El's neckline and slowly pulled the zipper down to the small of her back. She shimmied her arms out of the sleeves and let the dress fall from her frame down to the floor. Mike dove into her neck, kissing and sucking it while his hands slid down to her ass again.

El was getting wetter by the second. She unbuttoned Mike's shirt and pushed it off of him so their bare skin was finally against one another's.

Mike walked her backwards until they reached his bed. El fell onto her back and Mike crawled on top of her, his eyes locked on her cleavage spilling over the top of her simple black bra. He unhooked the clasp and tossed the garment over the side of the bed, eagerly taking one of her beautiful tits in his hand and the other in his mouth, his tongue rolling over her hardening nipple as he sucked.

"Mike," El whimpered with a sharp inhale and massaged her fingers into his hair.

"You're so beautiful, El," Mike murmured from El's chest as he moved his mouth to her other breast. "So sexy."

El felt chills shoot through her body as Mike traced his kisses back up to her neck and let his hand caress a line down her stomach until he reached her panties. He rubbed his fingers up and down her slit over her soaking panties, and El arched her back beneath him, sensitive to his touch that she hadn't felt in months.

"God, you're wet," Mike breathed against her neck.

"Take them off, Mike," El pleaded.

Mike flashed her a smile and kissed her lips before sitting back on his knees and linking his fingers into the waistband of El's panties. He pulled them down her legs and discarded them as well, leaving her pretty pussy completely bare to him. His cock twitched at the sight, and Mike's hand instinctively moved to it, stroking himself to the view of her folds glistening with her arousal.

"El, I've fucking missed you," Mike growled. He tightly gripped her inner thighs and buried his face in her sweet center.

El cried out at the abruptness of it all. His tongue was everywhere, gliding between her folds, lapping up her juices, swirling around her sensitive clit. Mike still knew every inch of her, and El knew it wouldn't be long before he sent her over the edge.

"I love how you taste," Mike said against her clit before attaching his lips to it, licking and sucking while El squealed and arched herself further into his face.

Mike moved one hand from her thigh and stroked her wet opening before inserting his first two fingers into her pussy.

"Ah! Mike!" El cried out when Mike's fingers hilted inside her.

Mike began to jam his fingers in and out of her, curling them to stroke her soft walls, while licking and sucking her clit.

"M-Mike…" El's voice was shaky and higher pitched. She closed her eyes and spread her legs even wider. "Mike, I'm gonna… I-I'm gonna cum… Oh god, Mike, I'm-"

Her mouth remained opened in a silent scream while her back arched and her pussy clenched around Mike's fingers, covering them in the warmth of her orgasm. Mike moved his tongue down to her contracting opening and gently lapped up her juices after her body finally relaxed.

He crawled up so they were eye-to-eye again and brushed the hair out of her face. El looked up at him as he hovered over her; she was panting and her eyes were still shining full of lust and love. Mike leaned in, sweetly kissing her lips, and El rolled them over so Mike was on his back and she was straddling his hips.

El wasted no time grasping the base of Mike's rock hard dick, lining it up with her dripping wet hole, and lowering herself fully onto it. She moaned and threw her head back in ecstasy, feeling completely full with him inside of her.

"Fuck, El," Mike groaned. He knew he would never get over how tight she felt every time.

El started to roll her hips on top of Mike's, keeping his dick completely buried within her. She leaned back slightly and placed her hands behind herself on his thighs for support, giving Mike a perfect view of her exposed clit and bouncing tits.

Mike's hands were resting on her thighs, and he began rubbing them up and down, sending electricity coursing through every inch of her that he touched. His thumb pressed against her clit and started rubbing circles over it while his other hand firmly gripped her hip. El moaned at the sensation of him rubbing her clit while she rode his cock, and she started bouncing harder on his dick.

"Yes, baby, just like that," Mike hissed, thrusting his hips upward to meet her rhythm.

Mike replaced his thumb with his middle two fingers and ferociously rubbed El's swollen clit while she rode his dick, her tits bouncing, her hair in fallen waves over her shoulders, and her head tossed back.

When she came, El screamed out his name, the only word she could find on her tongue. She collapsed against him, and Mike wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to his chest and peppering her neck and shoulder with soft kisses until her body stopped trembling.

El lifted her head and pulled Mike's lips to hers, engulfing them in a deep, slow kiss. Mike gently shifted his hips beneath hers, lazily thrusting his hard cock that was still buried inside her. She opened her eyes and gave him a look that said she was ready to go again, and Mike gingerly rolled them over again, placing El on her back and not pulling out of her at all.

Mike's body was flush against hers, their chests smashed together, their mouths connected. He continued thrusting into her, tracing his lips from her lips down to her neck.

"El," he grunted near her ear, and El shivered at the sensation of his hot breath against her skin. "I missed you. I missed you so much."

"I know," El whispered, shocked to feel the sting of tears in the corners of her eyes. "I missed you too, baby. And I love you. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too," Mike breathed against her lips before kissing her long and hard, picking up speed as he thrusted between her legs.

Mike pushed himself back so he could loop each of his arms around El's legs, placing her ankles over his shoulders. He leaned forward, pressing her legs up against her own body, nearly folding her in half as he pounded into her.

"Oh god… that feels… that feels amazing," El groaned, liking the pressure and how deep Mike was getting from this angle.

He rammed into her pussy harder and harder, knowing he was getting close. Mike leaned back again and grasped her legs, moving them from his shoulders and stretching them out to either side, spreading them as wide as they would go. El whimpered at the mixture of pleasure and pain and reached forward to grab his hips, digging her fingernails into his skin and pulling him in as far as he could go.

Mike gazed down at her. Her hair sprawled over his pillows, her big brown eyes, her plump lips, her bouncing tits, her flat stomach, her silky thighs spread wide open.

"El, you're beautiful," Mike panted. "You're fucking perfect."

He let go of her legs and let El pull him flat against herself again, meeting her lips and moaning into her mouth as he exploded rope after rope of hot cum into her pussy. El squeezed him tightly, wrapping her arms and legs around him, as her pussy clenched and she came for the third time that night.

El gently stroked her fingers up and down Mike's bare back while she held him in her arms as he panted against her neck. She knew that she was holding her entire world in that moment, and she whimpered as he started to lift himself from her, but El reluctantly loosened the grip she had with her arms and legs.

Mike pulled out of her and rolled onto his side, keeping El pulled tightly against him, not wanting to lose the feel of her soft skin against his. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead, and then on the tip of her nose, before connecting his lips to her own parted lips. Mike kissed her deeply, his hands on her waist as El's fingers gripped his hair.

When they each pulled back, Mike was alarmed to see tears brimming El's lower lids. He cupped the side of her face, letting his fingertips graze her soft brown hair as he looked into her eyes with concern.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked just above a whisper.

El shook her head and sniffed, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Nothing's wrong," she answered just as softly. "I'm just so happy."

Mike pulled her even tighter against his body and pressed a kiss to her temple as El wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too," El said into his chest with a shaky voice. Mike felt the teardrops that had escaped El's eyes drip onto his skin. "Mike, you're perfect. You are enough for me, and I'm so sorry I made you feel like you weren't."

"El," Mike said gently, lifting her chin so he could look at her face. "You don't need to apologize, baby. We're back together, and that's the only thing that matters."

He kissed both of her tear-stained cheeks and then peppered kisses over her forehead, nose, and chin until El started giggling against him and met his lips with her own. Mike smiled against her lips and leaned his forehead against hers, resting in a comfortable silence with the love of his life wrapped in his arms.

Mike rolled onto his back, and El rested her head on his chest with her arm draped over his stomach and her legs intertwined with his. He was softly tracing his fingers up and down El's back while she lay with her eyes closed hearing only the gentle sounds of Mike's breathing and heartbeat. Mike felt like he could stay in this moment of serenity forever, until he remembered that small box resting in the drawer to his side.

"El?" he said softly.

El's eyelashes fluttered against him, tickling his skin. She looked up at him and rested her chin on his chest, humming a response.

"There's something I want to give you," Mike said.

He shifted and reached toward his nightstand, and El reluctantly pulled herself off of him so they could both sit up. She kept the bedspread wrapped firmly around herself, suddenly colder without Mike's warmth against her. Her eyes widened when Mike turned to face her, holding a small jewelry box in his hand.

"Mike, I – I didn't get you anything," she said immediately, guilt crossing her face as she looked from the box in his hand up to his dark eyes.

"Yes you did," Mike smiled softly, knowing that tonight she had given him all he could have dreamed of. She was his again. "You don't need to buy me anything… Besides, when I first bought this, I was going to give it to you on Christmas, but…"

"You kept it all this time? You didn't take it back?" El asked, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yeah, I kept it. I guess I was holding on to the hope that someday I would still be able to give it to you," Mike replied.

El was smiling with tears already starting to sting in the corners of her eyes. She wanted to lunge forward and squeeze her arms around him and never let him go. Whatever was in the box, El was sure she would love, but it was Mike admitting that through everything, subconsciously he had still had faith in their love all along that really made El's heart overflow with love.

"Go ahead and open it," Mike said, holding the box out to her.

Mike watched as El tentatively lifted the lid of the box and her shaky fingers covered her gaping mouth.

When she opened the box, El found herself looking down at the most beautiful gift Mike had ever bought her. Her vanity at home contained several pieces of jewelry he had bought her over the years – earrings of her birthstone, a silver heart-shaped locket containing a photo of them, a necklace with a small diamond snowflake, a simple gold bracelet. But this was different. This was a ring.

Shining back up at her was a white gold band with a diamond-encrusted infinity symbol. Right in the middle of the infinity symbol where the two loops connected, one diamond sat slightly larger than all the others. Her breath was caught in her throat and her vision was instantly blurred with tears as her shaky hand remained covering her gaping mouth.

"Do you like it?" Mike asked hesitantly.

El's eyes ripped from the box in her hand up to her boyfriend's face. He was looking at her as if he actually thought it was possible for her not to love this gift. El suddenly threw her arms around Mike's neck and squeezed him tightly against her. She clenched her eyes shut, but a few teardrops escaped and land on Mike's bare shoulder. El felt him smile against her skin as he embraced her, and they sat in their hug for several moments before El pulled back to stare at him with nothing but love in her big watery eyes.

"Mike, I love it," she said. "And I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled.

Mike reached over and picked up the small box containing the promise ring, and he lifted it out of its velvet padding.

"When I saw this, I instantly thought of you," he explained. "We had been through so much together, even by that time, and we always overcame everything. I thought the infinity symbol was the perfect reminder that no matter what happens, I will always love you and I will always do anything I can to make you happy. And that is a promise."

He shifted the ring so El could see that on the inside of the band, Mike had had the simple word 'promise' engraved in script. She felt her heart flutter at the idea that the simple word that always held so much meaning in their relationship would forever be secretly pressed against her skin under the symbol of their infinite love.

Mike took her right hand and slid it on her ring finger. El noticed that he glanced at the empty ring finger on her left hand as well, and she gave him a knowing smile. They both knew that one day, that finger would also display a symbol of their undying love for one another.

El glanced down at the beautiful ring on her ring hand, and her smile was so wide that her cheeks were beginning to hurt. She couldn't believe that he had bought this for her with so much meaning, even before everything had happened. Then he kept it hidden for months, maintaining faith that someday, he would be able to give it to her. Now that their relationship was fully in tact and stronger than ever, El took it as proof of the meaning of this ring. They could make it through anything.

She looked up at Mike who was still staring at her, and she leaned in to softly kiss his lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he deepened the kiss, eventually laying back and pulling her on top of him.

After making sweet, passionate love, El was cuddled up in Mike's side, resting her right hand on his chest so she could admire how beautifully her new ring shone. She listened to his slowing breath and felt as his heartrate returned to normal before glancing at the clock on his nightstand and groaning.

"I think it's time to take me home," she said sadly, tightening her grip around Mike, not wanting to leave him.

"You could always stay with me tonight," he offered slowly.

El bit her bottom lip and drew circles on his chest with her fingertips while considering his offer.

"You know I would love to, sweetie, but… Joyce…" her voice trailed off, and Mike sighed knowingly.

"Well, she's probably already asleep for the night," Mike began logically. "I could always take you home early in the morning and you could sneak in your bedroom window and get ready for school. She'll never know you weren't there all night."

El looked up into his pleading dark eyes, and it did not take her long to give in. She cuddled into him and closed her eyes, losing herself in his scent and the feel of his arms encompassing her as she drifted off into a deep sleep with a smile on her face.

El was slowly pulled out of her sleep many hours later to what she thought was the sound of a muffled voice. She blinked several times, trying to focus her vision, and when she tried to lift her hands to wipe the sleep from her eyes, she realized she couldn't move her left arm. As her brain began to uncloud, she realized that at some point during the night, they had shifted so that El was laying on her back, and Mike was laying half on his side and half on top of her, his arm draped over her body and his face resting in the crook of her neck. El ran her fingers through the dark hair that fell over his forehead and was captivated by how beautiful he looked while he slept. His long black eyelashes stood out in contrast to his sharp cheekbones that were covered in a maze of freckles. His plump lips were slightly parted, and El could feel his breath against her bare skin as he exhaled in his sleep.

Just then, El heard once again the sound that had woken her up. It was muffled, but El could very distinctly identify the urgent sound of Will's voice surrounded by static coming from under the bed. Will was repeating Mike's name, asking if he copied. El looked at Mike who was still in a deep slumber, and she smiled, wriggling her arm out from underneath him, hoping not to disturb him. When she could move freely, El leaned over the side of the bed and fetched Mike's supercom from where it had ended up under his bed. She glanced back at her peacefully sleeping boyfriend before gently sliding out of bed and quickly grabbing one of Mike's t-shirts from a dresser drawer, throwing it on to conceal her nude body. Then, she stepped out into the hallway and spoke into the walkie.

"Will, this is El. Mike is asleep. Over," she said just above a whisper.

"El! I was calling Mike to ask if you were with him. Over," Will responded immediately.

"Yes, I stayed here last night. Mike is taking me home soon and I'll go through my bedroom window. Over," El quickly explained the plan that she and Mike had discussed last night.

"Don't bother sneaking around," Will's voice came through. "Mom's boss called her last night after you already left and asked her to come in early this morning. She's already left for work… But she checked in on you this morning and saw that you weren't there. Over."

"Did she… seem mad?" El asked, her stomach sinking as she forgot to say 'over.'

"I mean, I don't think she particularly loved the idea, but she knows you and Mike have had many… sleepovers… over the past year. I think she was more concerned with not knowing you weren't coming home. Over," Will explained, and El breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I'll see you in a little bit. Over," El said.

"Before you go… I take it things went well on your date?" Will asked, a smirk evident in his tone.

"Things went really well," El replied, unable to stop the smile from spreading over her face once more.

"Good. I really am happy for you. Both of you," Will said sincerely. "I'll let you go so you can get ready. See you in a little bit. Over and out."

El entered Mike's bedroom again and shook her head with a smile when she saw that he was still out like a light. She crossed the carpet to his bedside and looked at the clock. His alarm was due to go off in two minutes. El quickly disabled it, deciding she would wake him up herself.

She climbed into bed, underneath the covers, facing Mike who was laying on his side. El lifted his arm that was placed on the mattress and scooted underneath it so it was wrapped around her. She lifted her fingers and gently traced over his sharp cheekbones and down to his parted lips. El licked her own lips and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his mouth while weaving her fingers into his soft dark hair.

Mike began to stir, and when his eyes opened, the first thing he saw was El's eyes staring back at him.

"Good morning, sleepy head," El smiled lovingly.

"Good morning, beautiful," Mike murmured, nuzzling into the crook of her neck sleepily and pulling her close.

"Mike, we have to get up now," El said, although she loved how cuddly he was being.

He sighed into her shoulder, knowing she was right. Mike lifted his head to glance at his clock and was about to tell her that he would take her home now, when she smirked and Mike knew the plan had changed.

"Will called," she said. "We're busted."

Mike groaned at the idea of getting his girlfriend in trouble on their first night back together.

"I'm sorry, El," he said.

"Don't be," she smiled. "I'll deal with Joyce later. But that just means I don't have to sneak home."

A mischievous grin crossed Mike's lips as he looked into her eyes.

"It also means you can shower here, and then I can just take you home for a change of clothes," he offered suggestively.

"Hmm, I wonder why you could possibly want me to shower here," El said playfully.

"Hmm, well I was thinking," Mike said, moving his lips to the side of her neck and placing little kisses between his words, "that I could maybe… get in the shower with you… I think we could both… use one… after last night."

El let a content moan escape her lips at the feel of his tender kisses on her skin.

"I like how you think," she sighed. "But you and I both know that if you join me in the shower, we'll end up being late for school."

Mike moved his lips down her neck to her collarbone.

"I wouldn't make us late," he insisted against her skin.

"Mike," El laughed, not believing him.

"What?" he looked up at her and smirked. "I can be quick."

El giggled and rolled her eyes, knowing she had given in.

"Fine," she smiled. "But if we're late for school, you're the one who needs to come up with an excuse."

"We won't be late," Mike repeated, hopping out of bed and pulling her along with him.

She laughed as they hurried down the hallway, both of them feeling genuinely happy after their first full night together in six months.

The bathroom door closed behind them. And of course, they were late for school that day.

Six Months Later

Mike, El, Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Will sat around the bonfire in the Byers' backyard. The evening was winding down, and a thick sadness was starting to descend upon the party as the night came to an end. They had had a fun time of playing cornhole, grilling hot dogs, toasting marshmallows, and reminiscing, but the night was coming to an end, and the unspoken fact that this was the last time they would all six be together for months was beginning to set in.

Tomorrow, colleges were starting freshman move-in weekend, and while they all six were excited for the next step in their lives, none of them were prepared to say goodbye to one another. Luckily for El, she wasn't going alone.

Dustin was moving up to Michigan to attend Western Michigan University, while Lucas was headed to Ohio to attend Ohio State. Max had ultimately decided upon Indiana State University after learning that Robin planned on staying in the area after graduation. The past six months had been new territory for Max and Lucas, as they had had a mature conversation about their relationship and decided to have a more serious commitment. Both of them would be lying if they said that they didn't have concerns about taking their relationship long-distance.

El, Will, and Mike would all be moving to West Lafayette to attend Purdue University. College admissions had become a topic of discussion the day after Mike and El got back together when El had confidently approached him with a plan on how to make their long-distance relationship work when he moved to Chicago. Mike had been confused, and El had told him that Lindsey told her Mike was moving to Chicago for college. Mike had laughed and wrapped El in a tight hug, explaining that he was accepted to Northwestern University, but he had decided not to go there. He told her that he was going to Purdue with her and Will, and El had squealed in excitement and covered his face in kisses.

"I feel like someone should say something," Dustin said, breaking the silence and looking around the circle.

"You act like someone died," Max scoffed. "We'll all be together again for Thanksgiving."

While she acted like it didn't bother her, everyone noticed when Max reached over and squeezed Lucas's knee. He draped his arm over her shoulders but said nothing.

"Do you think things will change though?" Will asked timidly.

The six of them all looked around at each other, unsure of how to answer the question.

"Of course things are going to change," Mike finally said. "But that doesn't have to be a bad thing."

"Yeah. We're growing up. We'll make new friends, maybe join some clubs or something, but this right here? This won't change," Lucas added.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys, though," Dustin said.

"We'll miss you too, Dusty-bun," Max said mockingly, but Dustin only smiled because he knew her words were true.

Mike tightened his grip around El's shoulders, noticing she had been quiet, and looked down at her sad face. She met his eyes and answered his concern with a sad but reassuring smile. She knew they would all be okay.

"Can we just promise to still make an effort outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas?" Will asked. "I don't want to be those high school friends that grow apart and end up only nodding politely at high school reunions or something."

"Will, that's never going to happen," Mike assured his best friend. "Besides, El and I will be there with you the whole time."

"Except for when they sneak off to do unspeakable things to each other," Max chimed in.

"Max!" El hissed, finally breaking her silence.

"All I'm saying is Will should probably knock before entering the room… Or Wheeler should put a sock on the door or something. Though it would probably just become a permanent fixture," Max teased, enjoying how red her best friend's cheeks were getting.

Mike shook his head and looked away, knowing he couldn't really deny Max's words. He and El had been particularly passionate since getting back together in February… but who could blame them? They had six months of being apart that they needed to make up for.

"We should probably get to bed," Will suggested, desperate to change the subject. He started to stand when Lucas stopped him.

"Seriously, though, Will. We won't grow apart," Lucas assured him.

"Of course not," Mike agreed. "We'll always be the party."

"Friends," Max added, making eye contact with Mike and nodding.

"Family," El said softly.

Mike squeezed her shoulders and planted a kiss on her temple.

The six of them went inside and laid down in their makeshift beds in the Byers' living room, trying to fall asleep. It wasn't long before they realized not much sleep would be happening, because they kept reminiscing. Eventually, El drifted off for a few hours, curled up next to Mike, the sounds of her best friends in the world talking and laughing still ringing in her ears. She still felt nerves about leaving Hawkins and starting college, but with her newfound confidence in herself, the strength of her relationship with Mike, and the support from her best friends and family, she knew she could do anything. El fell into a peaceful sleep with a content smile on her face.


A/N: The End. I really, really hope you all enjoyed this final chapter. I tried to have a little something for everyone, and I hope there was enough fluff, smut, and answers to any questions you all had to satisfy you all. I have loved writing this story over the past 7 months, and I truthfully had no idea when I started it that it would get the amount of attention that it did. So thank you to everyone who has reviewed, followed, or favorited this story. Thank you for the PM's I have gotten. I genuinely appreciate all of your feedback. It makes me a better writer, and it makes this a better story. Several things that happened in this story happened because I was inspired by reviews, so thank you all for helping make this story what it was.

I am very happy with how this story turned out, and I am sad to see it end. This story had been with me for 7 months, and so much has happened over those 7 months. I started this story at a time when I was in a very unhappy situation in my own life. In fact, I wrote the entirety of chapter 4 while I was drunk on vacation to Florida, trying to figure my life out. Since then, I have gone through my own breakup of a three-year relationship, moved twice, changed jobs once, and mourned the death of a good friend. This story has been a constant in my life throughout all of that, and I can honestly say that writing these chapters was something that I looked forward to at the end of each day. So thank you for reading them.

As for what I'll be doing next, I actually have a note in my phone where I jot down Stranger Things story ideas as they come to me. Currently, I have premises for six new stories in there. One of those that I am kicking around is a SEQUEL to this story. I'm thinking the sequel can follow our characters through their college years. Mike and El are back together, so I can write happier Mileven moments and include some more smut. I can also have some jealousy or little moments of lasting impact that their breakup had. I also have ideas for development for the other members of the party, so it would likely be longer than this story, and several plotlines would be covered. I don't think a sequel to this story is the very next story I will write, as I am excited about some other ideas I have going on as well. Please let me know your input and what you would like to see!

In the meantime, I plan on working a little on my Mileven one-shot collection, so feel free to check that out. I know not everyone will follow me along to my next story, so if this is where it ends, then thank you again for reading this story, which is my favorite thing I have written thus far. Please remember to review this chapter, give me your thoughts on the conclusion, and let me know (if you want, of course) what you would like to see from me in the future!