Here is a new concept. What if Leonard was working at Cambridge and Penny took acting school in London? Enjoy as I do not own most of these characters except Justin and Millie.

Who Knew

Chapter One

Leonard Hofstadter was not much for the night scene but after two weeks working at Cambridge University his flat mate Justin insisted they take a train to London to have fun for once. Leonard could not say no. He did kinda deserve a small break all the work he had been doing there and plus even Professor Hawking told him to enjoy himself this weekend. How could you say no to Stephen Hawking?

"Come on Leonard, live a little bro!" Justin proclaimed as he nudged Leonard as they walked down the streets of London late at night to find a night club.

Leonard gave his flatmate a side smile and a quick nod. "I'll try but not really into going to parties unless it involves costumes and has the word Con in it."

"Oh come on bro! I love those things too but you got to break out fo your shell some time cuz!" Justin said with excitement as he patted Leonard on the back.

Leonard frowned slightly as he lost his balance since Justin was six foot four and built like a house. He was huge compared to Leonard. Except for being tall and back in high school days Justin would have fit in with the jocks. But Leonard liked Justin and was completely different than his roommate back in Pasadena CA, Doctor Sheldon Cooper. The next three and half months were going to be bliss and hard to go back after having Justin as a flat mate. Justin was laid back and go with the flow kinda guy. It might have helped Justin was from Hawaii and enjoyed life. It puzzled Leonard how a guy whom went from surfing from the day he could walk to becoming an Astrophysicist. Also to Justin he played basketball and football growing up. But yet he fell in love with the stars and wanted to understand the universe, along with the discovery of Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Another thing Leonard liked about Justin, since he was engaged back home, Justin was going to be his wing man this weekend and help Leonard pick up girls. Leonard just hoped he was better than Howard and that the woman was no spy.

"Alright alright, I'll give tonight a shot." Leonard replied to Justin as they walked in line at a night club. But as they did Leonard felt more out of place than his entire life. Tonight was going to be a long night of rejection.

Just a few feet in front of him stood nineteen year old Penny. With dating losers and her dreams of going to California and even New York City seemed dim, thanks to her drama teacher from highschool she was helped to have a serious acting career. So after applying for applications for schools, loans, scholarships, and a student visa, Penny was on her way to London. It was hard for her parents to say goodbye but was better than moving to California with her ex boyfriend who loved to cheat on her multiple times.

"So are we man hunting as you call it, tonight?" Penny's friend, classmate, and flatmate Millie asked.

"Damn straight! Millie your man just cheated on you and Hunter couldn't handle this wild American girl. So tonight I am going to teach your proper British ass how to pick up a man..." Penny winked and nudged her friend only making Millie burst out laughing.

"Any man in particular Penny?" Millie asked giving her friend a smile.

"Nah not really... Just someone who will have a smile on his face and a bite marks on his hiney in the morning..." Penny admitted with a huge grin.

"You know after living with you a year there is so much I have to learn from you. Even though my parents think you are a bad influence." Millie told Penny as they moved up the line.

Penny adjusted her dress to make sure her breast her firmly in place and her dress was just the right length so her little black dress showed off all the right places to earn free drinks. She then made sure Millie's dress was the same way. "Well you know after you dumped that pompous ass it's about time you learned from the best. And as for your parents what they don't know won't kill them. But I am pretty sure I am the reason my dad went grey and bald up top sooo..."