Reviews for Who Knew
Warriorcreed chapter 14 . 6/28
Hopefully this incident Millie had with her boyfriend will end it finally between him, his abusive behavior is really dangerous for Millie and it would be better if he gets locked up. Hopefully Penny doesn’t run into the jerk because the laws in England don’t allow for self defense so if she had an altercation with him she could end in trouble, too. If this incident has any kind of silver lining it is that Leonard was there to help Penny to try and take care of her friend and was as supportive as he could be, which has to be at least noticed and appreciated by Penny.
Richard76410 chapter 14 . 6/21
I do enjoy this story and use of characters. Will Penny find Millies ex? Maybe even Leonard. As always waiting impatiently for your next posting.
bamadude chapter 14 . 6/21
Well, Millie's ex is a woman beating ass. I can't believe her and his parents except his behavior, Hopefully he'll get arrested and thrown in jail.
Warriorcreed chapter 13 . 6/7
Well like last chapter, I still think Millie’s boyfriend is a jerk and I can’t believe that he would be a loving person to be married to, he may even be abusive. I’m happy to see in this chapter that Leonard told Penny about her good qualities and that he thought she had courage, it makes her see that Leonard admires her and she has things to offer him and that should help to reduce her concerns about the both of them being so much different in other ways. I chuckled when Penny didn’t want to leave at the end because she expected a fight between Millie and her boyfriend, that is so in character for her and reminds me so much of Penny from the show. Hopefully Leonard and Penny have a nice evening and when they come back to the room they find out Millie has dumped that jerk she was planning to marry.
SRAM chapter 13 . 6/6
It is good to read that Penny and Leonard were able to get through the difficulties of the last chapter and get back into a good place in this chapter. Leonard telling her how he feels had to help some, especially telling her that it took a lot of courage to come to another country and work two jobs to pursue her acting, that has to mean something to her hearing that from him. This serious discussion they had this chapter and their being able to continue after it has probably strengthened their relationship and brought them even closer. I also think Penny really likes the way Leonard treats her and how lovingly he looks at her, this might be because he is the first guy that really cared for her like that, so it is new to her and she enjoys the feelings it gives her.
Richard76310 chapter 13 . 6/6
Wow Penny wining and sulking because she didn’t get to Watch Millie tear into her fiancé. So when does Leonard mess up and propose to early and in bed? Or how about Penny shouting out I love you marry me during sex and mean it.
bamadude chapter 13 . 6/5
Well, Millie's fiance definitely is a piece of work. Loved Penny not backing down from and letting him have it with both barrels. I'm happy the Beverly experience is over with them still together. Great Chapter!
SRAM chapter 12 . 5/13
Well so far Leonard’s trip to see Penny is not working that great partially due to dear old mom and his unexpected running into Penny. I thought that maybe Penny’s concerns from the previous weekend would be forgotten once she had him for a weekend in her environment but it seems now she has more concerns about him only wanting her for her looks. Leonard doesn’t end the chapter too happy either, Millie’s boyfriend making fun of him being with Penny, like he was below Penny’s standards, especially after having a difficult time with his mother and Penny meeting has to be weighing on Leonard’s mind, too. Hopefully when they get back together, them just being together will alleviate some of their concerns and unhappiness in the next chapter.
Warriorcreed chapter 12 . 5/8
I could understand Leonard being confused and not understanding exactly what to do when he was surprised by Penny working at the cafe but he really didn’t handle it well by hurrying out of there and it is no surprise that Penny concluded that he was embarrassed of her. It is a good thing Penny likes him a lot but it would be still appropriate for Leonard to show her that he is attracted to her for more than her looks and is not embarrassed by her. After all Penny coming to England for her acting is a very brave thing to do and shows determination, so she should be recognized for that. Penny’s friend Millie sure seems to a strange relationship with her fiancé, it seems they are getting married based on family wants instead of love, maybe Leonard needs to introduce her to Raj because her fiancé seems like a jerk.
bamadude chapter 12 . 5/8
Interesting. You had to bring Beverly in the story. Now things willbe strange and awkward between Penny and Leonard.
SRAM chapter 11 . 4/30
Well at least the weekend had a satisfactory ending but it does make you wonder how Penny will process all that happened that weekend during the next week. Will her insecurities about not being right for him occupy her mind, along with that Jill may actually be better for him? It is probably good that is Leonard’s turn to make the trip the next weekend to visit her since he has no doubt about seeing her again and will not hesitate to come. Also, since they will be meeting in her environment there should be no indicators of why she may not be right for him so this next visit should only positively support a relationship between them. It will be interesting to read what happens when they get together again.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/29
Hard to express my feelings. Have always been a Leonard and Penny “shipper” . So into rooting for them. While Penny is no shrinking violet in defending herself her concern for Raj and then her insecurities over Leonard makes her real girl not a “mean girl or just a pretty popular girl”. From a 36 hour sex weekend to a relation for Penny is great. So do they get to meet Hawking? Will Sheldon show up or she goes back with him? Or does he leave and finds her his next door neighbor?
Warriorcreed chapter 11 . 4/27
Well maybe the problems with Jill are over, however I expect Raj is going to be devastated after Jill explains their hookup to him. Maybe Leonard can take Raj with him during his next visit to London to see Penny, if he makes arrangements before he shows up. Leonard and Penny seem to be getting closer with each visit and their desire not to go home seems to get stronger with each encounter. It makes you wonder if one of them is going to make the sacrifice and move in with the other as their yearning for each other continues to grow.
bamadude chapter 11 . 4/27
It's great to see Leonard have the talk with Jill. Hopefully she will take it to heart. Great to see Penny and Leonard happy together. Great Chapter, can't wait to read Chapter 12.
Warriorcreed chapter 10 . 4/23
Jill showing up in Leonard’s apartment was a big surprise and the real reason she did it, to sort of spy on Leonard and Penny, really is starting to take her into the stalker category. I’m not too worried about Raj, if he is anything like the Raj of the show, he will just brag he got laid and tell Leonard he is in love with Jill and that Leonard should stay away from her since he has Penny. It might actually be to Leonard’s benefit if he did try and get Jill and Raj together, at least if he did she wouldn’t be stalking him and getting Penny upset.
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