A/N: Guess what idiot came up with another story?! This one right here! So now… I'm juggling four stories. I need an intervention; I have a problem.


Chapter One: Terms of Punishment

Six months ago, New York was devastated by the Chitauri invasion led by Loki. The death toll was estimated in the thousands; the numbers were still rising. Things were far from being back to normal. It was slow, but the restoration was progressing in bringing the city back to life.

As for Loki, he was brought back to Asgard to be tried for his crimes. The trial was long and heated. The evidence was overwhelming against him. When the deliberation was about to start, Thor was there to bargain for a lighter sentence. Whether or not Loki was found guilty, he believed his brother was not of the right mind to be considered sane under the events. Thor listed off countless times Loki has struggled

Shockingly, Thor's pleads did lighten the sentence. Instead of isolation for eternity, Loki was given the chance to redeem himself.

But the case wasn't all that simple. Odin sentenced Loki to be held on Earth as a prisoner to the Avengers. There, he would make up for the casualties and destruction he caused by whatever means the Avengers deemed fit.

At first, the Avengers were against it. They- and all of Earth for that matter- didn't want the god anywhere near them. Thor, on the other hand, was for it. He wanted his brother to have a chance to turn his life around. If that means Loki is a servant to his team, so be it. Thor wasn't concerned about Loki's well-being with them. He trusted his teammates.

While Loki was held in the prisons of Asgard, the fight to where he'll end up continued. Thor desperately tried to convince his friends this was a good idea. If he couldn't do that, Odin said that Loki would be forced to stay in the prisons forever. And of course, Thor would never want that.

In the end, the Avengers agreed to the terms, on one exception. If they take Loki, they were allowed to keep the Tesseract to study it. Tony and Bruce were very intrigued by the cube and its power. They thought if they could harness it, it could help them protect the Earth from future alien invasions.

So, unfortunately, with the Tesseract, came Loki. Before Loki's arrival, Tony built a cell for him out of one of his spare suites at the Avengers tower. He originally wanted to just stick the mischievous god in a metal box, but one look from Thor changed his mind. So, Loki got a decent living arrangement from it. That was the only perk that came for him. There were plenty more things in place to ensure the god could cause trouble. In Asgard, Loki was forced to wear a pair of magic-inhibiting bands around his wrists and ankles. All of which used strong enchantments to link together as restraints, if necessary. These binds will be forced to stay on him on Midgard as well.

This was all three months ago. Presently, Loki was now situated in the tower under the careful eye of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Unfortunately, not all the heroes were present at the tower. Both Black Widow and Hawkeye were not stationed at Avengers tower as of late. They had been pulled by Fury to help in the recovering of any alien tech left on Earth after the attack. That meant the only ones residing in the tower were Steve, Bruce, and Tony.

If it made any difference, Thor was always there. Part of Thor's bargain with Loki's lighter sentence was that he would stay with his brother on Earth and serve as his keeper. Which wasn't too much of a bother for the thunder god since he planned on staying on Midgard anyway. He, along with the other Avengers, helped with the projects of rebuilding the city- both physically and politically.

As far as who knows Loki is imprisoned on Earth at the tower, it's only the Avengers- minus Clint and Natasha. The team has yet to decide whether or not to notify Fury and SHIELD their new resident war criminal. Problem was, Fury wouldn't give a damn about Odin's sentence for Loki's redemption. They knew if SHIELD were to find out, they would take Loki by force, possibly try to kill him. No one would really care- except Thor. So, of course, Thor wasn't going to let that happen.

So far, Loki has yet to prove himself redeemable. The trickster has made it his mission to make the Avengers lives a living hell. Unfortunately for him, it was harder to do than expected. The Avengers never let him out of the cell, much to Thor's dismay. Loki's room was under 24/7 watch of JARVIS. So instead, he tried to cause subtle chaos within his walls. His latest attempt was to try to escape by blowing up a hole in his bathrooms wall. To this day, none of them know how he did it. Loki enjoyed the fun while it lasted until the punishment came. Now, the bathroom door was locked at all times and he needed to be supervised if he wanted to use it.

With slowly getting his freedom stripped away, Loki started to rebel more violently. Multiple times he's tried to attack Thor when his brother delivered his meals to him. Or when he'd grow frustrated and have tantrums, followed by throwing objects; in turn, the objects were never replaced. It was a blessing that Loki was forced to wear the cuffs- restraining him was a lot easier.

All this proves that Loki wasn't the most stable creature. He was more of a psychotic, ticking time-bomb than a god. Loki could range from sarcastic and oddly polite, to violent and downright crazy. It all depended on Loki's mood that day… or week. Loki once tried to go on a hunger strike. It lasted a week before they finally intervened. The end result was Loki being held down while being force-fed through a tube. After that, he never tried it again.

On those very bad days, the Avengers sometimes regretted their deal. However, they knew the Tesseract was too important to go back on. Tony and Bruce didn't make much progress in studying it. The energy signature of it often shorted out any of Tony's equipment he put onto it.

If this indeed had power over space, their theory was to be able to create a wormhole to prevent dangerous pivotal moments from happening; for example, the Chitauri attack. So far, it seemed like it was going to take a while for that. Nonetheless, Tony and Bruce didn't give up trying.


Loki sat on his bed flipping through one of his books. Thor was sneaky enough to return to Asgard and retrieve some of Loki's belongings, books, and clothes. Although never going to say it, Loki was thankful. He dreaded the thought of having to wear Midgardian clothing. Thor didn't bring any of his brother's regal wear, but at least a supply of tunics, trousers, and under-dressings was sufficient.

It was very boring as of late, the whole bathroom shenanigans really made them mad. Now he was paying for it in boredom and loss of bathroom privileges.

The god threw down his book in frustration and begin to pace. With no windows in his room, it made his cabin-fever worse. Sure, he had an amazing room: from a king-sized bed to a sofa with a coffee table and lamp (lamp was destroyed in a tantrum), and a small table and chairs for dining. This was luxury compared to the dark, dreary prisons of Asgard.

Before he could wear a hole in the floor from the pacing, he stopped to the sound of a knock at the door.

"Loki, it's me."

Thor... Loki muttered to himself.

JARVIS slid open the bullet-proof, metal door and allowed Thor to slip inside before locking it behind him. His older brother was carrying a tray with him- Loki's supper.

"Good evening, brother!" Thor smiled, setting down the tray at the small table by the door, "How do you fair?"

"Bored," Loki responded bluntly.

Thor shrugged off his brother's bad mood and sat down on one of the two chairs at the table. He grabbed the plates and silverware off the tray and started to set the table. Of course, Loki had to use paper plates and plastic utensils. An incident with a butter knife was all it took to change it to that.

"Captain Rogers outdid himself tonight," Thor said enthusiastically, "I thought I'd sneak you some and we can feast together!"

Loki frowned, "I highly doubt that mortal could make anything edible…"

"You'd be surprised. The Captain is quite resourceful."

Thor pulled up the metal dome covering the tray to reveal the meal. It was two sizzling, juicy steaks glazed in a mushroom sauce. They were mashed potatoes piled high next to them, also coated in the same thick gravy. It was all sided with steamed vegetables and bread.

The smell hit Loki like a brick wall, his mouth immediately started watering. They usually forced him to have some cheap TV dinner. Loki refused to eat them at first, but obviously, that didn't end well. He ended up having to pick at it and stomach as much as he could, which wasn't a lot. But this… this was something he hasn't had in who knows how long- actual subsidence.

"Come join me, Loki!" Thor gestured to the other chair, "I brought plenty!"

Loki had to force his eyes away from the meal. It was all too tempting. Even his stomach tried to reason with him to eat it.

"I do not need your pity food."

"Nonsense, brother! You are too thin," Thor frowned, "You must eat."

"I don't recall you becoming our mother."

"No, but as your brother, I care about your well-being as well."

Loki opened his mouth to say something cruel back, but Thor beat him to it.

"Must we repeat the process we were forced to do last week."

The trickster's memory flashed back to that feeding tube. An invisible shiver ran up his spine at the very thought of it. He'd rather not have that happen again.

Loki muttered under his breath and gave into his brother's commands. He was mad, but secretly excited, to eat something that wasn't overly processed goop. Once Loki started to come, Thor's face lit up. Ever since coming back to Midgard, he's been worried sick about his younger brother. Clearly not in the best mental health, Thor feared the isolation in this room might worsen it. He made it his goal to visit Loki as much as possible. Sometimes that proved difficult with his Avenger duties, but he always came in at least three times to deliver his meals.

Once his brother sat down, Thor immediately started to pile Loki's plate high with food. It was an absurd amount that in no way Loki could ever eat. Thor then served himself the same potion. No sooner were they situated, did the thunder god start digging in.

Loki was more hesitant to eat the food. At first, he thought it might be poisoned, but obviously, Thor was eating it too. He slowly picked up his plastic fork and scooped up some of the mashed potatoes. Loki gave one more look at his brother out of nerves. Thor was far too busy scarfing down his meal. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, Loki shoved the fork in his mouth quickly to get it over with. He had to hold himself back not to moan in delight as the gravy-covered potatoes filled his senses. Loki immediately went back for a second bite, then another. He didn't even realize he was being watched as he continued to try everything on his plate.

"Seems like you don't think Rogers cooking is all that bad now, do you?" Thor laughed.

Loki almost choked on his mouthful of steak. He struggled to swallow it as he looked to Thor. His older brother had far finished his meal by now. He sat with his elbows on the table, leaning his chin on his laced fingers, smiling wryly at his brother.

Trying his best to not get embarrassed, Loki immediately looked away and wiped his face with his napkin.

"… his cooking is adequate," He mumbled.

"Well good, I'm happy to see you interested in a meal for once."

Thor's annoying, caring attitude was really ruining Loki's appetite.

"I'd be more interested if I wasn't lock in this room…" the younger god responded back.

This was a common response to anything positive Thor would say. Loki was forever bitter about the circumstances he was under.

Thor sighed, "Loki, you know all of this is out of my control. Father-"

"Your father," Loki was fast to correct.

Thor took another deep breath, trying to keep his cool. This was a losing conversation.

"Very well. Odin delivered the sentence. Though I fought hard to make it more pleasant."

"Pleasant?" Loki scoffed, "I hardly find this pleasant."

"Is this not enough for you, brother?!" Thor raised his voice and gestured to the room, "You have clothing, a bed, your own personal bathing chambers, and hot meals?!"

"All while confined to a room under lock and key…" The younger god added.

"I would allow you out of this room if I trusted you!"

Loki raised his brow, slightly surprised.

"You would?"

"Of course, I would," Thor repeated, "That is my wish!"

Loki rolled his eyes at Thor's "wish".

"Truly, brother," the older god said, "My goal is to help you redeem yourself and join me and the Avengers in protecting the Midgard."

Thor was thrown off by a cynical laugh from Loki.

"You really think I'd want to become part of your insufferable group of mortals who think they can save the nine realms all on their own?"

"I don't see why not?"

"I think you have forgotten my past doings. Why would any of them even want my help?"

Thor thought for a second.

"Maybe with the Tesseract?"

The very thought of the cube perked Loki's interest he wanted the Tesseract. Not just to escape, but for its power.

"Stark and Dr. Banner have been working on harnessing the power of the Tesseract," Thor said, "So far it has proven difficult."

Loki smirked.

"These men think they could control a self-sustainable, pure energy source using their primitive Midgardian technology? Pathetic."

"I thought I could approach them with the idea of you helping them."

"My help?"

"Yes, you know more about these items and their magic more than anyone else,"

"How do you know I just won't take it and flee?"

"Do you forget you are bound with unbreakable Uru metal that blocks your magic?"

Loki did indeed forget about that for a second. Only the power of Odin, and maybe Thor, could remove them. Any disobedience or attempts of calling his Seidr would set off an electromagnet charge through the binds. Loki has learned this time and time again with his tricks and outbursts.

"Very well. Let us stop it here," Thor said, "I will clean up here and allow you to ready yourself for bed. JARVIS?"

-Right away, sir.- JARVIS obliged and the door to the bathroom slid open on command.

Pushing up out of the chair, Loki was still deep in thought from Thor's suggestion. Whether or not Loki could help them wasn't his goal. The god just really wanted out of his room. Still plagued with dreams and flashbacks of his time in the Void with the Other, enclosed spaces were anxiety-inducing. It was torture nonetheless for him.

"Is everything alright, brother?"

Thor's voice brought Loki out of his thoughts. He found himself still standing at the table, hands curled up in tight fists. His brother was still sitting across from him with a worried expression.

"Everything is fine," Loki replied, quickly turning on his heel to go into the bathroom.

Loki couldn't shake off the feelings of the Void. As soon as he got to the sink, he immediately turned on the faucet and splashed his face several times. As long as he keeps busy, those memories stay away. It's easier said than done when you're locked in a room by yourself all day.

After brushing his teeth and relieving himself, Loki exited the bathroom. Thor had already finished gathering the plates back on the tray and was waiting patiently for Loki to emerge.

"Are you finished?" The older god asked politely.

Loki fought the urge not to turn red in embarrassment. Having to now ask to go to the bathroom was extremely demeaning.

"…yes," he grumbled.

No sooner did Loki respond; JARVIS locked the bathroom door.

Thor smiled and got up out of his seat. Picking up the tray of food, he made his way to the door.

"I enjoyed dining with you tonight," he said turning around to face his little brother, "I have missed having our time together."

"You live too far in the past, brother."

"Maybe I do. But do you blame me? Those were cherished times."

"I don't know if I would call them that…"

"Would you like for me to join you again in the morning to 'break of the fast'?"

"If that means I don't have to eat slop, I suppose I can tolerate your company."

"I am happy to hear that, brother," Thor grinned, "I will make sure to bring good food again next time. You could use more meat on you."

Loki just scoffed, crossing his arms. His older brother chuckled. Before he left, Thor turned back around.

"Please think about my proposition with aiding my friends with the Tesseract."

He bid Loki goodnight and disappeared out the door. This left the younger god alone again in his room… his cell. It was odd for him to feel exhausted from doing nothing all day. He assumed it was just the comfort of a good meal that made him sleepy. Deciding against reading for a bit, Loki just decided to go to bed.

He pulled off his tunic and kicked off his trousers. Planning on just sleeping his undershorts, he picked up the fallen clothes and draped them neatly over a nearby chair. The bed was looking more and more inviting by the second. It was far better than the lumpy cot in the prisons of Asgard. Once again, he begrudgingly was thankful for Thor's overly protective care. Loki eased down comfortably onto the bed. He snuggled down deep within the layers of silk sheets and blankets. The warmth was inviting as JARVIS slowly dimmed the lights for him.

Considering Thor's proposition, Loki wasn't sure about how to take it. Clearly, the Tesseract was the key to escape. However, Thor was right… only he could get his magic-binding cuffs off. Loki realized he needed to gain their trust. If he proved himself, there was a possibility they'll remove them. In theory, it all seemed easy; in reality, that seems impossible. No one's going to trust the God of Lies and Mischief.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Whether or not the plan will work, the god had to try it. If he succeeds, then from there he'll figure out what to do next. Until then, Loki had to suck it up and obey the Avengers, in turn, gaining their trust. He knows it won't be easy with his- sometimes uncontrollable- Silvertongue, but the end result is what he'll have to keep in mind.

The anxiety of all exhausted him. Loki was struggling enough as it is. His past still haunted him, making him weak and unstable at times. Those inner-wounds are still raw with fear and anger. He thought running from this life is the only way to find peace. The constant confinement has driven the- already mad- god up a wall.

The thoughts became too much to bear for Loki. Dizzy with exhaustion, he finally allowed his eyes to slip closed. He was thankful he is a light sleeper, otherwise, he'd never let his guard down to sleep in enemy territory. Loki's only issue now was- if he could even sleep- if his mind would drag him back to the nightmares that plagued him every night.

Maybe tonight will be different…


Next Chapter: TBD

Word Count: 3,402

Written On: 11-2-19

Updated On: xxx

Posted On: 11-5-19