Well here we are at the last chapter of this short story. I hope it isn't too sentimental for you dear readers but I just couldn't be cruel to Jane a week before Christmas!

Whose Child is This?

Chapter 4

The Dawning of Reason

Jane turned straighter in his seat, looking for Teresa, and relaxed when he found her hiding by the tree. She mouthed a question. "Gun?"

Shaking his head ever so slightly, Jane sent an unclear message to his worried wife. Jane then turned away from her and spoke to the man again. He seemed to be in a very serious conversation and Lisbon couldn't fathom why he wasn't acting more afraid, or signalling her for help. While she watched, Jane briefly explained his life and experiences to the man, hoping that it would engender trust. The time seemed to stand still for Teresa as she watched her family being held at gunpoint for endless minutes.

"So, now that you know a bit more about me, and my ability to help you, why not drop your weapon and let me come with you to visit your son? Your wife must be so worried about you" Patrick said softly. "No one will ever know you threatened me. I won't tell and you don't have to worry. Let's tell the doctor the good news that the treatment can begin" Patrick said convincingly.

"But we don't know if the insurance company will pay!" Will said again, still not convinced.

"Until they do, and even if they don't, tell the doctors to begin treating your son. The bill will be paid" Patrick told Will.

Will couldn't believe what this stranger was telling him. No one just offered to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to a stranger so his baby could get medical care. No one did that. As he began to talk himself into distrusting Jane his grip on his weapon tightened and he once again shook his head to clear away the stories the blond man had been telling him. It was time to go. Time to leave, forget about this baby, it was a stupid idea. Time to escape this place of forced happiness. If the blond man put up a struggle, he'd have to…

He'd have to…

"Let's get a coffee" Jane said kindly, holding his hand out. Kieran grabbed his fingers and began to suck on them, teething and drooling. Will watched the little boy with love and knew he couldn't harm this man, not if it might endanger this perfect baby. Jane glanced over to Teresa and nodded at her, indicating with a jerk of his head that she should join him and his companion.

Will swallowed hard. Coffee sounded so good right about now and he was so thirsty and tired. He couldn't remember the last good sleep he had had. Not since his boy got sick. Listening to this man Patrick had relaxed him like nothing else had for a very long time. Something about his voice soothed him.

"Jane?" a woman's voice said, concern and caution in her tone.

"Ah there you are! I'd like you to meet a new friend of mine, Will. Will, this is my wife Teresa" Patrick said, introducing the slight young man to a bewildered Teresa.

"It's nice to meet you Will. May I join you?" Teresa asked, willing to let Will be in control, for now.

Will looked up at the attractive woman and immediately thought of his wife Sandy. She was also a dark haired beauty, feisty and adventurous. After all, she had married him! Teresa sat down next to Jane and carefully took Kieran out of his arms while Will watched. Taking a bottle of breast milk out of her shoulder bag, she began to feed the hungry baby and smiled at him as he drank. His own baby Kit had stopped drinking milk days ago, his illness making him throw up and lose weight. Kit was a big baby he now realized, much bigger than this baby. How could he have thought Kieran was a year old? As the reality of the situation finally hit Will he lowered the weapon and buried his face in his hands. Jane carefully lifted the large silver fountain pen that Will had shoved into his ribs to scare him and handed it silently to Teresa, who slipped it into her shoulder bag.

Jane put his hand on Will's shoulder and gave him time to come to his senses and as he did, the tears began to fall, until the young man was weeping openly, large shuddering sobs of sadness and fear and disbelief pouring out of him in waves.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or your family" Will whispered between sobs, not daring to face the man he had threatened so rashly. "I never would have hurt you."

"I believe you Will."

"I was so confused. I really thought my boy was here, in your arms. How could I have thought that? I just planned to come to the mall and trash the place, get my anger out and make everyone else as miserable as I am, but then I saw you, and I got mixed up" Will tried to explain. It all sounded so lame now.

"Are you going to call the cops?" Will asked in a broken voice.

Jane turned to face Teresa. His face told her everything. He wanted this man to go back to his family, not to jail.

"My wife is the police Will, but maybe we can convince her that you are needed back at the hospital. If you let me, I can help you, as I said earlier. But now there is one condition" Jane informed the sombre young man.

"A condition? What?"

"Get the help you need, so that your family can stay together. My wife can give you the names of some doctors who can help you deal with your anxiety and worry. If you promise to do that then maybe she will promise not to arrest you."

Teresa glared at Jane but he stood up and faced Will. "So, coffee? Then a trip back to the hospital to see Kit?"

Will stood up and nodded. Teresa stood up as well, not daring to let her husband out of her sight now that he had managed to disarm Will and diffuse a tense situation. Will should be going to jail, not back home! Gathering up all of Kieran's things, Jane suggested a coffee shop around the corner and wouldn't take no for an answer. Will was ashamed of himself and couldn't face Teresa. He knew she could still put him in handcuffs and his life would be over. Slowly the three of them walked to the coffee shop where Teresa bought drinks for the three of them. Kieran was content now and rested in her arms with his eyes closed.

"What hospital is Kit in?" Jane asked Will as they sipped their drinks. Teresa stared at Jane, finding this situation just too strange to accept. Now Jane and Will were friends? She had no idea about Kit's illness, so she bided her time to get the whole story out of her husband. For his part, Will was completely wrung out emotionally. He had done a terrible thing to this kind man and yet, he was not on his way to jail. It was beyond his ability to understand.

"Austin General, pediatric oncology department."

"I hear that's a very good hospital. Kit will be in good hands" Jane told Will. Will gazed into his coffee cup as if it held all the answers to his problems.

Finally he spoke. " If I was a religious man, I'd think you were an angel" Will said softly, as he lifted his head and looked at Patrick.

Jane snorted at that suggestion and shook his head with humour. "I've been called many things, but never an angel. I don't think my wife would consider me an angel, would you Teresa?" Jane asked, grinning at his wife.

"No. That's not a word that comes to mind when I think of you. Especially now" she said cryptically. Jane had a lot of explaining to do if she was going to let Will escape justice. What was he talking about... pediatric oncology...childhood cancer? She decided to wait for answers to her many questions.

"Patrick? Can I speak to you for a minute? Alone?" Teresa asked her husband.

Jane smiled at her and turned to Will. "Excuse me for a minute. I'm about to get yelled at."

Will grinned, for the first time in a long time, and nodded his acquiescence. Jane stood up and walked a few paces away with Teresa. Kieran was asleep in her arms, tummy full.

"Yes?" Jane asked, all innocence in his demeanour. Teresa squared her shoulders and became the cop she was born to be.

"I have so many questions, but let me cut to the chase. Give me one good reason why I am not arresting that young man right now for attempted kidnapping, assault with a weapon, forcible confinement, intimidation, threatening….I could go on! One good reason Jane!"

"Oh it's Jane again? Not Patrick when I'm in trouble?" Jane smirked. Teresa refused to crack a smile, even though she was overjoyed that her errant husband was safe.

Jane regained control of his expression and looked contrite.

"First of all, he needs help, not jail. Secondly, I was never in any danger."

"You thought he had a gun! I could see it on your face!"

"Yes, well, at first, yes. I thought it was a gun but I soon realized it was a shiny pen. What was he going to do? Write me to death?"

"It was a weapon when he shoved it into your ribs and you believed you were in mortal danger Jane!" Lisbon hissed.

Patrick shrugged and waved away her objections.

"Maybe for a brief moment, but it became abundantly clear that Will was just making it up as he went along. He had no weapon Teresa, he had a pen. A pen! He only got confused when he saw Kieran."

"So tell me why he kidnapped you?" Teresa persisted.

Sighing with frustration, Jane turned her to face the young man as he fiddled with his cellphone. He had made no attempt to flee and escape whatever penalties might come down on his head after his disastrous trip to the mall.

"His name is Will. He hasn't slept in days, maybe weeks. He is exhausted and hopeless. His baby is sick with cancer, leukemia, and he just can't accept it yet. On top of that the insurance company has turned down his request for coverage for his son's treatment."

"Oh God, no…" Lisbon whispered.

"Yes. He was told that his son, Kit, will die unless treatment begins immediately. So, he flipped out, just for a moment. By the time you showed up he was almost back to thinking normally. I was never in danger and neither was Kieran. Now, I think you could be a cop and arrest him for a laundry list of crimes, or, you could come with us and visit his wife and son in the hospital. He needs a friend just about now" Patrick added.

Teresa gazed at Kieran and then Will, and knew she couldn't make this terrible Christmas even worse for the young man and his wife.

"Dammit Jane! How can I haul him off to jail now? How will that help his son?"

Jane took her arm and began to walk her back to the table. "Exactly my dear."

Will stood up and cleared his throat as they joined him at the small table.

"Mrs. Jane, I know you have to arrest me. I was crazy and I know it. I just want to know that my wife and son will be OK while I'm in jail."

Lisbon shifted from one foot to another and then handed a sleeping Kieran to Jane's waiting arms.

"What you did was wrong Will. It could have ended very badly for you and perhaps other people. I could arrest you here, now, for kidnapping, assault, the list is long. But, you didn't hurt Patrick and he refuses to press charges."

Will looked up at Jane in shock and smiled tentatively.

"Now, my husband won't press charges, but I can" Lisbon continued. Will's face fell again.

"However...I don't know what good putting you into a cell tonight will do for anyone. My husband wants to help you through this, and, so do I. So, consider this your first and last get out of jail free card" Teresa said without a hint of a smile. Will had to know she took this very seriously.

Will launched himself into her arms and hugged her tightly, squeezing Teresa with thanks and disbelief. Maybe she was an angel too!

"Um...shall we go? Soon we have to get this little guy home" Jane suggested, seeing that Teresa wanted to be set free.

"Oh yes, of course!" Will said, embarrassed.

"Did you drive over here or take the bus?" Teresa asked.

"Bus. I left the car for my wife. I wasn't thinking clearly" Will admitted.

"OK, well then why don't you come with us and we'll all go and meet your wife and baby" Jane suggested, leading the way with an outstretched arm.

"Thank you, yes. I promise not to cause any trouble" Will said sheepishly.

"Oh I have no worries. My wife has a weapon somewhere in the car no doubt. And she isn't afraid to use it" Jane laughed. Will glanced over at Lisbon with renewed respect, and yes, fear.

They made their way out of the mall and found Lisbon's car. They could come back for Jane's car later. Soon they were at Austin General Hospital taking an elevator up to the pediatric department. Down a long white corridor and around a corner past a playroom filled with pallid children, they eventually found little Kit's room and his anguished mother, Sandy.

"Will! Where did you go? I was so worried about you when you left!" she cried, throwing her arms around his neck.

"I'm OK, I'm going to be OK" Will said softly. When they finally broke their embrace, Will stepped up to Patrick and Teresa.

"Sandy, honey, I'd like you to meet Patrick and Teresa Jane. I met them today at the mall and…" he began, before Patrick cut him off.

"And he told us all about your beautiful son Kit and how sick he is. I understand the insurance company is not being cooperative?"

Sandy shook Jane's proffered hand and nodded, then smiled at Teresa and Kieran.

"I don't think they will pay up. I don't know what we'll do now. Kit's doctor wants to begin treatment tomorrow, but, I just don't see how we can do it" she said before turning back to glance at her sleeping son. He was indeed a beautiful boy, much like Kieran, only older.

Jane stepped over to the crib and ran a finger through the sleeping baby's curls.

"Will was right. Kit is beautiful. I'm sorry for your concerns. I told Will I might be able to help you get through to the right people at the insurance company. Leave it to me" Jane smiled, before he stepped back so Will could bend down and kiss his son's forehead. When Teresa turned to speak to Jane, he had slipped out of the room. As soon as she could politely excuse herself, she stepped out of the room and found Jane at the end of the hall having an animated conversation with a doctor. With much hand waving and head bobbing, the conversation was enthusiastic and when the doctor left, he walked away with a spring in his step. Jane turned and saw his wife staring at him. He raised a hand and gave her a little wave. They met in the middle of the hall.

"Let me guess. You offered to pay for Kit's treatment to begin while you do battle with the insurance company?" Teresa smirked.

"You're getting good at this Lisbon! Yes, I thought I'd just cut through the red tape and get the ball rolling. The doctor told me they had a good chance of curing Kit if they begin his treatment right away. There's no guarantee of course, but red tape shouldn't be the cause of his death. If you disagree I can call him back and tell him to stop."

Teresa leaned into Jane and kissed him. Of course he was going to pay to help Will and Sandy get the care their baby needed. If anyone knew what it meant to lose a child, it was Jane. He had the financial resources to carry the cost of the treatment until the insurance company paid up. And if they didn't? It didn't matter. Kit would live.

"So, when are you going to make the insurance company wish they had never dealt with Patrick Jane?" Teresa asked her smiling husband.

"Tomorrow. Today they can be as smug and horrible as they want, but tomorrow, they will be dealing with me. Should be fun!" he said, rubbing his hands together with glee.

"Shall we say goodbye and head home?" Teresa suggested. "You've had a busy day."

"Sounds good. I'd like a quiet word with Will then I'll be right back" Jane said.

"Ok, don't be long."

Jane kissed Kieran's forehead and walked back into the small private room where Will and Sandy hovered over their son's bed.

Whatever Jane said to them, it resulted in Sandy throwing her arms around his shoulders crying. Will rubbed his face with his hands in disbelief. His son was going to be alright. The money would be there for him and his care. As he tried to digest this miracle, a Christmas carol floated through the intercom system, reminding him that Christmas was just around the corner. The song was something about 'tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy…'

And that is just what he had received. Glad tidings of great comfort and joy.

Jane handed Will his business card so he could stay in contact, then excused himself and walked back to Teresa, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Shall we go and get this guy some food?" Jane asked, putting his arm around Teresa's shoulders.

"That was a wonderful thing that you just did" Teresa said softly, so proud of her husband and his generous heart. He knew what the loss of their child would do to Sandy and Kit.

Jane smiled and nodded.

"Well, I do have to earn my wings" he said as he guided his family onto the elevator. Just then a bell rang somewhere.

"I think they just received your order for wings" Teresa laughed as the door slid shut.

The drive over to the mall was spent discussing the events of the day, with Patrick answering all of Teresa's many questions. He was relieved she didn't press charges herself against Will. Nothing good would have come of it and would have destroyed what was left of his family.

Jane was proud of Teresa's actions, and she was proud of his.

"Let's go home and get ready for Christmas" Patrick said as she dropped him off at his parked car.

"So what happened with the family card? What are you going to do now?" Teresa asked before she drove away.

"Next year. It can wait. Let's just enjoy a quiet Christmas this year" Jane said, knowing that next year would be busier with an older child. It was time to go home.

Merry Christmas!

The End.