First off I would like to say sorry to you all. Y'all deserve better than a hiatus, but I just can't write at the moment.

I could go on and on about the stresses and events I have in life, my struggles with writing the story, but I doubt you'd want to hear that. It's all just excuses. The simple answer is I can't write right now, and I can't repay you all for the kindness and support you've shown me.

Before I started writing here I hated it, but y'all gave me a passion and hobby I love, and I wish I could pay back the favor, but I simply can't right now.

For the fans of my writing: thank you. If I'm granted the opportunity, I'll start writing another story before I return to The Eclipse. If you have ideas for a story you'd like to see, leave them in a review or PM, it might help me kickstart my writing. I'll be responding to messages.

Goodbye, for now.
