Celestia wasn't a woman to get jealous so easy. Truth be told, she still wasn't jealous. Not even as she watched another woman throw themselves at her hero. She of course knew she didn't have many feelings for him yet. He was cute and nice. A little bit of a pervert but honestly, she liked men who were honest about that. Right now she only felt slight annoyance. She guessed she wouldn't have any knight in shining armor for herself. Oh well. Perhaps that would change but for now, she was content with teasing him. All she cared about at the end of the day was Equestria's safety. As long as that happened, she'd be happy.

The teasing team mom wasn't a bad position all things considered. His blushing and anxious face was oh so enjoyable to witness. As was Sassy's slight look of agitation. She was enjoying this too much. The three of them were in the same tent, preparing to sleep. Both of the women were on each side of the hero, trapping an arm in their bosoms. Suffice it to say, Celestia was sure her arm was much 'deeper' inside her own breasts then her opponent.

"Are you comfortable?" Celestia asked.

Saito shyly nodded, "U-Um, y-yes." He stuttered, gulping as his blush raged across his face. This earned him a giggle from Celestia and a slight frown from Sassy.

"Of course he is," Sassy pulled herself closer to him. "He's with his maiden after all."

"I hope you two have a wonderful night's rest," Celestia said, smiling eagerly at them before shutting her eyes.

Sassy could be heard grumbling to herself before she too fell asleep. As it turns out, Celestia actually found Saito to be a very comfortable pillow. A hero was a grand thing. She just hoped he enjoyed his pillows as well~

The mage rubbed his hands nervously. Before him was a ball of throbbing black magic. He had been throwing more and more energy into it, twisting and contorting the image. He was surrounded by a number of knights. Only about ten of them but it was nice to have some meat shields in case something bad happened. He didn't want to die, even if it was in the service of his majesty. He may be a creation of dark magic, but he wanted to serve for a real long time.

So he had concocted a plan to create a being that could solve his problem for him. If all things went well, he would be handing Celestia over to Queen Umbra. Then she would reward him handsomely. She may even make him her right hand man. Now that would be something. He couldn't help but cackle in delight at the thought. He would live forever as her warrior. Using his magic, he would impress and delight his queen. She would never think to get rid of him after his success here tonight.

Yes, he was going to be victorious. The black magic he was feeding to the ball before him was several different types of spells. He knew what they would create. An offshoot of himself. One of no mind but of a singular purpose: to obey him. Yes, the creature he was crafting would be his ticket to success. A shadow warrior. A being of darkness, more so than anyone present. The perfect assassin.

He felt it was ready. Now he just needed the last ingredient. He eyed his warriors, sensing their energy. He raised his hand and pointed to one of them, "Come here."

The warrior obeyed. He walked right up to the ball and turned his head. It seemed the warrior was confused by what he had to do. The mage's eye twitched. Truly he was surrounded by idiots. So he walked behind the warrior and pushed him into the ball of darkness. The warrior screamed in pain as the ball twisted his form and became one with him. The dark mage cackled in vile delight as he watched the process unfold. It lasted for a couple of minutes before the form stopped shifting.

Before him was not an armored knight. Now it was a 'man' shaped creature of darkness. Nothing but pure energy with glowing purple eyes. The creature opened its maw which seemed like it was ripping apart its dark 'skin' to do so and let out a horrifying wail that scared away anything close by with its wrongness.

The mage cackled, "Yes. You will do. You will do nicely." He played his fingers against each other in delight, "Soon I shall have the princess and that hero will be dead. Our queen will love me for my hard work. Everything is coming along perfectly."

Saito couldn't sleep. Not one little bit. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't just fall asleep as he was now. Why? Why was it so hard for a hero like him to sleep? He had fought against entire armies and battle hardened mages. Even elves. Nothing should be too hard for someone like him. Yet there was one thing Saito could never conquer. That would best him every time until the end of his days.

Boobies. Saito's cheeks were blushing as he looked between the two lovely ladies nestled beside him. Each side. Each arm. They were pushed up against their generous bosoms. It was even worse with Celestia. Her breasts put everyone he knew to shame with how perfect they were. Their size. Their shape. The way they bounced when she walked. They were sublime. Better yet, he knew she wasn't wearing a bra. Given his time around so many lovelies, he had grown to tell about such things. So he had to keep on a brave face.

He failed of course. Saito couldn't win against perfection. The other girl, Sassy, was nice, but she wasn't too big. Not small but not even on Kirche's level of bustiness. Still great to feel however. All boobs were splendid, even tiny ones. He would never say it out loud since Louise was conscious about it, but he found her small size sexy. He could pick her up and carry her easily and, well, he liked holding her against himself. He just had a bad way of showing it and he liked teasing her too much.

Granted it usually backfired, but he was sure it would work out well in the end. Louise did love him, in her own strange way. As well as the other girls. Now he had another girl with Sassy, if her crush stayed. Some girls fell off the 'Saito train' and he wouldn't lament it. He had enough girl troubles as is but it seemed life wanted to throw more his way. He inwardly sighed. Being a harem protagonist was a tough job.

Still, being up allowed him to think on his own. There wasn't anything new to ponder over. He had thus far concluded he wasn't going anywhere until he beat this Queen Umbra. If that was the case, it was simple. The knights and mages here were certainly powerful. They didn't seem to use wands or other such tools to channel their magic which meant he couldn't disarm them so easily. However, he could 'kill' them. They weren't human. They were just monsters. While it made him a bit queasy to do it, he wasn't going to complain. He had a job to do and he was going to complete it.

As he inwardly mumbled over some of those thoughts, he looked down and his breath hitched slightly. He didn't move. He didn't want to move. Everything started to feel a bit colder. The reason why he was so anxious was right there at their feet. Growing larger was a swirling bundle of darkness. Given how pure it was, the only reason he could see any of its shape was due to some moonlight and the fire raging outside. Even then, it was still hard to make out. The shape finally stopped moving and then had an eyeful of a man sized shadow with glowing purple eyes.

A part of him pondered if this was a dream. That was instantly shut down. He couldn't go to sleep. This was real and they were in danger. He was thankful he hadn't moved his head. The creature may have attacked him already if it saw him moving. It walked right up to his feet and looked down at him. It was a tense silence. Dragging on for a whole minute. He refused to gulp in fear. He shouldn't make a sound. Then the shadow raised its arm which started to form into a saber like shape. Okay, so it definitely wanted to kill him. Joy.

"Huh," Derflinger spoke up, "Can't believe I was woken up from a good nap by a stupid shadow. I'd throw shade at this situation but I'd be a shadow of my former self for stooping so low."

The shadow creature turned its gaze towards his sword. The girls started to groan as Derflinger wasn't exactly being quiet. Then the creature turned back to them and struck. Luckily for them, it had targeted Saito. In the few seconds the shadow creature had looked at Derflinger, Saito had moved himself so as to get some space in between the two beauties. So when it struck, he had an easier time rolling over Sassy and grabbing his sword.

Saito stood his ground as he glared at the shadow creature, "Leave or-"

He had to block as it struck, trying to cleave off his head with its shadow arm sword. He broke through the thin layer of the tent's wall as the shadow kept pressing him. As he was outside, the shadow kept going at it. This time it had shifted its second arm into another sword-like protrusion and was using both to try and stab or cut him to pieces. It was only thanks to his Gandaflr powers that he was able to survive the level of tenacity this opponent had. It may seem like a monster but there was a mind in there. He would have to be smart about this. He couldn't just smash it to pieces.

Derflinger caught a purchase on one of the sword arms and cut it off.

Well, maybe he could smash it to pieces.

Saito grinned, "Not so cocky now are you?"

The creature had taken a step back to look at the damage. It tilted its head before the shadow arm thrust itself forward, easily replacing the lost limb.

Saito frowned, "Damn it. Not playing fair, are you?" He rushed to strike it.

The creature blocked his sword and again, the two parried and struck at each other. Neither having the strength to break the other completely. He couldn't believe it. Not even the shadow knights before had this much finesse or might. Not even that big lug.

A bolt of electricity hit the shadow creature dead on, sending it flying away. Saito blinked a few times before he turned his head to see Tempest Shadow angrily stomping her way through the camp. Lightning played around her as she powered up her spells.

"Can't a girl get a night's sleep around here?" She scowled.

"Glad to see you," Saito grinned, "I could use a little help."

"You-" Her eyes widened before she pulled him back. The creature had formed itself from Saito's shadow behind him and made to stab him. Tempest forced him back and made to punch the creature. The shadow beast stabbed into her first. She didn't relent. She glared at the shadow and blasted it with a load of electricity, sending it back with a horrifying screech.

"Are you okay?" Saito came to her side, gazing at her hand in worry.

"It's fine," Tempest said with only a hint of annoyance. Two of her fingers had been cut off and much of her hand had been shredded. Yet it didn't seem to curb her anger. In fact, Saito wasn't sure if it was the night obscuring it, but he didn't see any hint of blood from all that damage. "Let's kick this guy's ass and get some shut eye. You can worry about me later, hero."

"Right," Saito nodded as the creature stood back up. It tilted its head before seemingly turning into liquid and falling to the ground. "Shit, really?"

"Guess this guy can pop up wherever he wants," Tempest tried to follow the shadow creature's strail, but the living shadow seemed to vanish. "Watch the shadows."

"As if I'm not already doing that," Saito shot back before he blocked a strike from the shadow as it had popped up from a shadow cast by a rock. He struck and tried to stab it before it disappeared again. "It won't stand still."

"Because it's not stupid," Tempest quickly ducked and kicked the creature as it made to stab her after jumping out of a shadow. It disappeared once more. "Makes for a harder foe but I'm up for a challenge."

"Well I'd prefer-" Saito spun around and slammed his blade into the shadow's own. It howled in fury as it wailed on him, furious that it had not killed its targets yet. Saito saw an opening and slashed through the creature's left arm.

It howled and jumped back before giving a cry of defiance. Its arm grew back and it slammed it into the fire, cutting out the light. The other pointed to the sky and shot up a wad of darkness. It covered the night's sky, blotting out the stars and moon. They were in complete and utter darkness. It's territory. Saito really was feeling out of his element here. This was nothing like in Halkeginia. He just hoped he could make it back there alive and in one piece.

"Well me boyo," Derflinger spoke up, "Seems we've been blindsided by the enemy."

Saito really didn't have time for his puns, "Derflinger, can you see in the dark?"

"About as well as you," Derflinger said, "But I can feel some energy moving-Behind you!"

Saito moved forward and turned, deflecting a blow meant to end him. "Thanks."

"It's not perfect," Derflinger explained, "I can only vaguely sense this guy and it's giving me the creeps. Glad I can't sweat or the ground would be wet by now."

"Then I'll let you guide me," Saito turned as he heard and saw lightning being thrown around. The electricity allowed small glimmers of light to flash. Each time, the creature would howl.

"Hero, if you're worth anything," Tempest Shadow shouted, "Kill this beast now. It's going to just get more clever."


"Right," Derflinger called out.

Saito turned and blocked a strike, but the second arm must have gotten through because he felt it slashing through his upper arm. He let out a small cry of pain before hopping backwards. He touched the wound. It wasn't too deep. He could still move his arm fine but it hurt like hell.


Saito blocked again. As he did the shadow cut into his other arm. This one was a bit deeper but his arm could still move. He was thankful for that and hoped it wasn't just because the shadow being was toying with him. That would suck.

Another bolt of lightning. This time, he caught a glimpse of it. He charged and cut into its stomach. It howled and slammed the side of a blade into his head. It hurt and dazed him slightly but he blocked the next strike and moved.

This game of cat and mouse couldn't go on forever. He didn't even know if stabbing it in the heart or head would kill it for good. They needed something to stop it. Permanently.

"Got any plans?" Saito called out as he heard Tempest fighting.

"Get a lucky hit and hope it dies," was her answer.

"Not very helpful," Saito muttered before he awaited the creature trying to strike him once more.

"Behind you!" Derflinger shouted.

Saito turned. The shadow blade cut across his brow, causing blood to spurt and seep down. He pulled back and wiped away the blood.


He blocked a blow but it cut into the back of his hand. Then the creature left him be like it did before. It didn't want either to get a sense of what it's strategy was and keeping them away from one another. This wasn't going to last. They were being whittled down. Saito could only guess he didn't hear Tempest's cries of pain was because of her training. Must have been really good. She was a tough woman.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" A powerful voice boomed into the air. It sounded like Princess Celestia but Saito could never imagine a sweet woman like her sounding so fierce and loud, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"

With that said, a magical light as fierce as the sun itself shone about the area. Nothing was left uncovered. This included the creature. It cried out in pain. The light seemed to hurt it as its form seemed to quiver and shake, having a hard time keeping its control. That's why it seemed to try and go into its liquid shadow form. They needed to act fast as it was right between him and Tempest.

"No you don't," Tempest cried out.

She was closer so she got the fight strike. She smashed a fight into its face, pushing back the creature. It screamed in her face, causing her to flinch. It used that opportunity to stab her. Fortunately, she crossed her arms in front of her. Unfortunately, the blade cut through both arms and almost hit her face. It didn't cut all the way through.

Tempest smirked as it tried to pull away, "You're not going anywhere."

With that, she used her magic to electrocute it. It screamed in pain, unable to shift while being attacked so. Whether this was her plan to trap its blade in her arms or not, it was working.

"Stab it now," Tempest called out to him.

"On it," Saito raced forward and without further ado, stabbed it where its heart should be.

The creature let out a cry of agony before Saito slashed upwards, cleaving its chest in two. For added measure, he cut off the head. The shadow creature convulsed and then seemed to dissipate. The night sky returned to normal. It was done. The creature was dead.

Saito let out a sigh of relief before looking at Tempest's arms. A large hole was in them, almost enough to cleave them both in pieces. "Your arms." He made to grab them.

Tempest snarled and pulled away, "Don't touch them."

"But you're hurt," Saito said, "You need to get them fixed."

"I'll fix my arms on my own damn time," Tempest growled, glaring down at him. "I don't need a punk ass hero to do it."

"Tempest Shadow," Celestia walked up to them, "That is no way to talk to a hero as well as one who helped save our lives."

Tempest snorted but relented, "Fine. I'm sorry, hero. These guys are just getting on my nerves is all."

"Celestia," Saito moved forward, "Can you fix Tempest's arms? She could die."

"I can't die from this," Tempest's scowled, "I'm not bleeding you idiot. They're fake." She turned her head away, clearly ashamed by it.

Saito blinked in confusion, "Fake? Those are… robo arms?"

"Metal constructs," Tempest moved her arms, "I know. I know. It's freaky to have something like-"

"That's so cool," Saito's grin went from ear to ear. He had heard about stuff like that in sci-fi manga. Those kind of characters with cyborg parts were always so awesome. "I've always wanted to know what they were like ever since I was a kid."

Tempest blinked in shock, "You… you think they are cool?"

Saito nodded, "Of course," he punched the air a few times, "If anything, I'm jealous. I love my arms and wouldn't trade anything for them, but if I had to lose them, I'd really want some epic metal arms like yours. Helps you're such a good fighter. You must be one of Equestria's best."

Tempest quickly turned away, not letting him see how red her face was at that moment, "I-I see. Well… I'm going to bed now." She almost ran off back to her tent, past Raven and Flare.

"Well, well," Celestia chuckled, "You have a way with words."

"Is she going to be okay?" Saito asked.

"Yes," Celestia nodded, "She always keeps enough spare parts to fix her arms. It's what Dusk wrote to me a few times before. Now though, she might ask you to help change them… privately~"

Saito blinked a couple of times before blushing, "Okay, it's nothing like that. I was just being nice and-"

"My hero~" Sassy glomped him and kissed his cheek a few times, "I was so worried about you but you pulled through. You truly are Equestria's greatest hope of victory." She pulled back and gasped, "You're bleeding!"

"Nothing serious-"

"I must heal you," Sassy pulled him back to their tent, "Don't worry. I just need you to strip and I'll make you feel better."

"Ooooh~" Celestia's grin grew at that. Raven and Flare decided it was a good idea not to get involved and went back inside their tents. "I can certainly help with that~"

Saito sighed. This was his life with women it seemed.

The area around the dark mage was floored. The trees around him had been cut down. He hadn't been stupid enough to kill his remaining knights in his tantrum, but he felt like it. He was so close to killing something. So close to his goal yet it had been snatched out of his hands.

"Damn it," he stomped a foot onto the ground, "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it."

"Boss," one of the knights spoke up. "What is the plan now?"

"Let me think," the dark mage glared at the knight into silence. "My loyal shadow assassin is dead. Impossible I say but those blasted heroes pulled a win out of their butts. They got lucky but next time they won't be. I've got a few plans to kill them. Yes, they will die and Celestia will be in my hands. Our Queen's victory is still assured…"

He rubbed his chin before thinking of the local wildlife. There were a number of beasts about. If he could possess them, they could whittle down the heroes. He grinned. Yes, that sounded perfect. He chuckled. He could turn this around easily enough. The night was still young after all.