Author's Note : Sorry for such a long delay, after being in quarantine for so long was depressing and I had a difficult time trying to decide how this chapter was going to end. Plus I just got back to work. I honestly got burned out writing so much so fast. I'm trying better to pace myself but thank you for everyone who reads and reviews your support is very much appreciated.

Chapter Six - A Testament of Love

Hinami hated last minute assignments and complications, especially during crunch time. It was a hectic week for Spirit World, Lord Enma is on leave for vacation which resulted in Koenma to pick up the slack while he was away. Her physical body sent her some paperwork to help complete. Even Botan was called away to escort humans to Spirit World, which left her to monitor Yusuke alone. On top of the paperwork, Koenma had sent a Spirit World messenger requesting a report on Yusuke's progress on his trial. There was also the young spirit Sayaka who has yet to move on, it was troubling because it was well over a month since she parted from Shouta. Thanks to Yusuke volunteering to play with her until she was ready, she became very attached to him. It made her worried that Sayaka wouldn't leave without a fight.

It can never be easy. Hinami took a pause in writing her reports to Koenma and silently observed Sayaka drag Yusuke into another game of Red Light, Green Light. Sayaka was playing the caller and Yusuke was the one who had to sneak up behind her whenever her back was turned to him. Each time Sayaka would turn around and yell red light, Yusuke would contort his body in silly positions and his face twisted into hilariously ugly expressions. At first he would pretend to be an ape, scratching his head and picking his nose. Next, he posed like a clumsy ballerina with his eyes terribly crossed. Then, he stood on his head with his face twisting into exaggerated drunkenness and tongue stuck out. Each expression had Sayaka bursting out in giggles as she tried not to let her guard down and catch Yusuke moving.

It was four (long) months since Yusuke's revival trial started, she observed him impulsively carry out several good deeds with misdeeds. He proved to be as reckless as she expected (maybe more so). He took on the facade of a hell-keeper, haunted a man for a night, told a tanuki to cook himself, possessed a girl to beat up a group of delinquents, and provoked an earthbound spirit to attack him. However, he also proved more than the no-good punk society deemed him to be. He helped a young boy gather the courage and will to carry on with his life despite the death of his beloved dog. He cheered up a distraught earthbound spirit when she learned the true nature of her departed love. He silently supported a tanuki's dangerous wishes to repay his gratitude to an old man who saved his life. He helped a rival study for a test and fulfil a promise. Most recently, he took on the task to fulfill a young girl's desire for a friend and passing on cheerful memories before she moves onto the afterlife. Although he underestimated how long Sayaka was willing to stay with him, he was overall very patient and kind despite his rejections to her claims. He never denied playing with her or seriously rushed her into moving to Spirit World.

Based on the guidelines Koenma required for the next Spirit Detective, Yusuke meets the psychological profile he was searching for. The major issue will be his inexperience with spiritual techniques. He will need time to develop his spiritual powers but once he revives he should already have a significant increase in spiritual awareness and power. People who survive near death experiences will sometimes gain an awareness of the supernatural or be more inclined to attract supernatural beings. Since he technically died and is probably going to be revived, all the more potential he will have to grow and develop his spiritual abilities. Although training him and actually prepping him to combat demons will be entirely up to Koenma, that also depends if Yusuke agrees to take on the job. But that was Koenma's problem, not mine. If things turned out well, I can finally be free from babysitting him and return to my already hectic life. Yes, I won't have to continuously keep splitting myself and go back to taking peaceful naps on the porch.

Hinami could see herself napping and basking the warmth of the sun, without having to watch an idiot run head first into danger. Although she is excited to be free from babysitting duties, she still wondered if Yusuke would take the job. He would be grateful of course but she doubted he would take on the responsibility. He will be forced to make difficult choices that are the matter of life or death, his life in particular. She had seen him act recklessly for the good of others, but she worries that there will be some hesitation in him when he will be forced to choose the lives of others or himself. It won't be easy, especially since he is aware how hard it was for him to be revived the first time and he won't get a second chance.

"I'm back!" Botan had flown down from Spirit World and rejoined Hinami's side. Together they watched Yusuke and Sayaka chase each other around, too engrossed in their games to notice anyone else.

"Welcome back." Hinami greeted her tiredly as her hand continued on finishing the report with practiced haste.

"Oh? What's with the long face?" Botan concernly asked, tilting her head. "Did those two caused trouble while I was gone?"

She shook her head and then gestured to the crow, a Spirit World messenger, that was patiently waiting on her. "I'm just backed up on work and Lord Koenma requested a report on Yusuke's progress. It's possible that he will come pay him a visit soon."

"Oh, I see!" Botan said, relieved before coming closer to her and asked quietly, "Does it mean that Yusuke might be revived soon?"

Hinami casually eyed Yusuke who was still engrossed in the game with Sayaka and didn't seem to be paying any attention to them before sliding closer to Botan. "It isn't guaranteed but Lord Koenma may have alternative offers for Yusuke that may allow him to be revived before the Spirit Beast hatch. It depends whether or not he accepts his offer."

Botan's eyes lit up at the information and grabbed Hinami's hand in excitement. "Oh, how wonderful! We have to tell Yusuke-"

Hinami hastily covered Botan's mouth and looked over her shoulder to see Yusuke still occupied in a new game of Red Light Green Light with Sayaka. She gave a sigh of relief before gesturing to keep her silence. "It's not necessarily good news."

Botan whispered worriedly, "What do you mean? Is Yusuke in trouble? Is he going to be revived to be punished?"

"No, nothing like that." Hinami assured calmly and explained in a casual tone. "What Lord Koenma is offering him is confidential but the reason isn't necessarily bad. In fact, I believe he is impressed by Yusuke but it won't be easy if he chooses to accept his offer."

"Oh, what a relief!" Botan's body relaxed at the news that Yusuke wasn't in any trouble but instantly sprung up in curiosity. "Do you know when Lord Koenma will tell Yusuke of this offer?"

Hinami contemplated a bit as she stared down at the reports in her hands. Yusuke's fate was literally in the palms of her hands but it was up to him if he chose to accept it. She handed off the reports to the crow who nodded before taking off to Spirit World. "I'm not sure when exactly but it will be soon but Yusuke's promise to Sayaka might delay that."

Botan nodded understandingly, "I see, then it's probably best for us to resolve any last requests Sayaka may have as quickly as we can."

They pensively watched the crow fly off in the distance and contemplated how they were going to get Sayaka to pass on until Yusuke called out to them. "What are you two doing?"

"Bird-watching." Hinami answered easily, she turned around to face him. He gave an unimpressed look at her answer that said Why did I expect an actual answer from you? Sayaka flew over and greeted Botan with a hug. At first, Sayaka was apprehensive towards the shinigami but saw Botan's cheerful nature and took quite a liking to her.

"Yay, Miss Botan, you're back!" Sayaka enjoyed sitting alongside Botan on her oar, which can fly much faster than any spirit could alone. "And Miss Hinami, you're done with your work too!" While Sayaka obviously favoured Botan over Hinami, they shared a camaraderie in teasing Yusuke, much to his ire.

"Great, you two can take a turn." Yusuke griped. They knew that there wasn't any heat behind his words, recalling how much the two enjoyed playing with each other earlier. "I need to go check on some things."

"Oh? Are you worried about Keiko?" Botan teased playfully. It had been a while since they watched over Yusuke's loved ones, no doubt he was all too aware of it as well.

"N-no!" Yusuke said, flustered at the question. He attempted to play off his stutter by throwing his hands behind his head in a casual manner.

Sayaka saw through Yusuke's strange behavior and asked, "Who's Keiko?"

Botan joyfully chimed in an answer before Yusuke could. "She's Yusuke's girlfriend!" Yusuke didn't take to Botan's teasing well and bopped her on the back of her head. "You jerk! Why did you hit me?!"

"Then stop spouting out lies! Keiko is just a friend. We just know each other for a long time okay?"

Despite Yusuke's words, Sayaka's curiosity was piqued, determination and jealousy filled her eyes. "I want to see her! I want to see what this Keiko is like." Sayaka turned to Hinami, pleading with her eyes.

Hinami casually shrugged in response. "I don't see any harm in showing her, Miss Keiko."

"Righty-o then, to Sarayashiki Middle School!" Botan cheered before she noticed Yusuke turned away from them. "Well, Yusuke? Aren't you coming to see Keiko?"

"You guys can go, I'm staying." Yusuke answered stubbornly. "She's probably just doing something boring at school anyway." His sour attitude ticked off Botan.

"Why are you trying to act cool?" Botan asked angrily, she stepped forward into Yusuke's face to empethesize her point. "You obviously wanted to go see her!"

"Well you're obviously blind!" Yusuke yelled, not backing down from her accusation. "Because you don't get it that just because we're friends, it doesn't mean that I wanted to see her okay?"

"Okay." Hinami said nonchalantly, breaking up the argument between them. "We'll go see Keiko without you then. We'll be back in a bit, don't go cause any trouble while we're gone."

They were stunned at her unexpected answer, and watched Hinami lead Sayaka to Sarayashiki Middle School. Botan was quick to recover and followed quickly behind them. She glanced back to Yusuke and gave a triumphant smile. She waved him goodbye. "See you Yusuke!"

Yusuke ground his teeth in frustration. "Fine! Go ahead and see Keiko! See if I care!" He crossed his arms and watched the group from the corner of his eyes. They didn't take note of his frustration and continued on their merry way. Yusuke's stubbornness wavered the further away they flew. Finally, he gave in and caught up with the group as they stopped by Keiko and her friends walked together to school.

"Miss Botan, which one is Keiko?" Sayaka asked, eyeing each girl suspiciously.

"She is the one in the middle." Botan pointed at the pretty brunette girl with pigtails. Keiko laughed cheerfully at something her friends said, flashing a charming smile. She was the vision of a girl next door beauty.

Sayaka silently scrutinized Keiko's appearance before asking, "Who's prettier me or her?"

"Huh?" Botan took a double take at her sudden question. "What do you mean?"

"Tell me who's prettier." Sayaka repeated, pressing on for an answer from her.

"Ah," Botan stumbled for an answer a bit before saying, "Well that's a subjective question, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all."

Hinami carefully hid a chuckle at Sayaka's childish question. She knew that Sayaka grew close to Yusuke but didn't expect her to be so enamoured to feel that she had to compete for his attention. Sayaka turned to her dissatisfied with Botan's answer. "Miss Hinami, who's prettier?"

"I can't say for sure," Hinami answered lightly but honestly. "You two are both pretty in different ways. Keiko has a very warm beauty to her, and Sayaka has a very adorable charm." She playfully poked Sayaka's pouting face.

Dissatisfied by their ambiguous answers, Sayaka turned to Yusuke with large puppy eyes. "Yusuke-niisan, who do you think is prettier?"

"Huh?" Yusuke was a bit blindsided that his opinion was asked but quickly followed it up. "It's Sayaka, of course!"

"Really?" Sayaka's attitude brightened up considerably at Yusuke's definite answer, much to the dismay of Botan and Hinami.

"Yeah!" Yusuke answered with yes-manlike support. "You and Keiko are miles apart from each other! You're a million times cuter than her!"

"Oh? But she's very pretty too!" Sayaka exclaimed in a failed attempt of humbleness. "Even if she isn't as pretty as me, she's prettier than the normal school girl!"

"No way, she always liked yelling at me and bossing others around." Yusuke squished his cheeks in, creating an ugly and angry face. His voice turned shrill and high pitched. "Hey Yusuke! Shouldn't you show up to school?! Hey Yusuke! You're not wearing the right uniform!"

Botan snapped at Yusuke's dishonesty, "Don't utter crap you don't mean!" She huffed angrily, knowing how much Yusuke truly cared for Keiko and overall frustrated at the denial of his feelings. Not to mention he wasn't helping Sayaka's motivation to pass on. "Don't listen to him Sayaka, he's just nervous talking about things like this. He actually likes Keiko a lot."

"Eh?" Sayaka became downtrodden from Botan's explanation.

Yusuke was quick to defend himself and yelled at Botan, "Hey! Did anyone tell you that you got a big mouth?! Mind your own business!"

"So what?! At least I'm telling the truth!" She barked, standing by her words. They were literally and metaphorically butting heads against each other. Hinami sighed, not really in the mood to break up the fight. She spent most of her mental energy rushing to finish the reports for Koenma, she didn't care enough to pacify them much less stop them. Plus the objective was to help Sayaka pass on.

"Miss Hinami, is it true? Does Yusuke-niisan really like Keiko?" Sayaka asked, confused at the mixed information being thrown around.

Hinami shrugged and casually offered her two cents. "Keiko is one of the few people close enough to him to be considered a loved one, it's safe to say it is at least platonic but whether it is mutually romantic is another."

Sayaka hummed pensively as Hinami contemplated whether she should stop their argument or not. Luckily for her, Sayaka decided to take it in her own hands. "Alright, I will investigate and decide for myself if Keiko is a suitable lover for Yusuke-niisan!"

Sayaka's sudden declaration was enough to stop Botan and Yusuke in their tracks. They watched Sayaka, confused. "Yes, only those stamped with Sayaka's seal of approval will be a suitable lover for Yusuke-niisan!"

Sayaka took off with a determined look on her face, leaving Botan and Yusuke behind to process what happened. Hinami ran a hand through her hair, exasperated at how fulfilling an earthbound spirit final wishes turned into playing matchmaker. "We better follow her, if we don't play along, she'll never crossover at this rate."

They followed behind Sayaka as she closely observed Keiko. Hinami and Botan shared a look of worry. It was already difficult enough for Sayaka to come to terms with passing over without Shouta, but her desire to determine if Yusuke was left in good hands, so to speak, was worrisome. She might continue to stay by Yusuke's side if she doesn't believe that Keiko is fit for him. Meanwhile, Yusuke was still at a loss at why Sayaka was so interested in investigating Keiko.

"What is she up to now?" Yusuke asked quietly, confused at Sayaka's sudden interest in his life and why she seemed to be so fixated on Keiko of all people. Just earlier, Sayaka was so determined to play until she dropped. Now, she was following Keiko throughout all of her classes, something Yusuke still dreads. She would have more fun doing literally anything else before passing on.

"What a surprise! You're still rather dense to these kinds of things, even in death." Botan commented with a sincerity that caused Hinami to stifle a laugh at the bluntness. Botan continued, explaining the situation lossed to Yusuke. "The reason why she is doing this is because she feels like her big brother is being snatched away from her by a mysterious girl. So of course she would be skeptical and be curious about Keiko."

"Wait, why would she be afraid of me being snatched away?" Yusuke asked, still at a loss of the implications.

Hinami chimed in this time, "Don't forget Sayaka was a neglected child, she is probably afraid that Keiko would steal away the attention you've been giving her."

"But it would be fine if you explained your affections for Keiko to her." Botan fussed at him.

"How am I supposed to explain that to a kid?" Yusuke argued, flustered at the thought.

"It's too late for that now. Let's go catch up with her before she does something rash." Hinami said, cutting them off before another fight breaks out. She grabbed Yusuke by the back of the collar and dragged him behind her as they rushed to catch up with Sayaka who flew inside Keiko's homeroom. Luckily, Sayaka was too enthralled with investigating Keiko to take note of their behavior. They watched Keiko go through her usual routine and learned a great deal about her.

Keiko was very bright, proficiently reading aloud from an English scripture with minimal mistakes and mispronunciation. She was also firm in not letting her friend copying her homework yet fair to help them when they asked for help. She not only demonstrated her academic prowess, her physical capabilities weren't shabby. Her fierce right spike and good sportsmanship led her team to victory.

"Intelligent, well-rounded, popular among her peers." Botan said appraisingly, "You don't find wonderful girls like her nowadays, Sayaka."

"Why do you sound like a real estate agent?" Yusuke commented but was ignored as Sayaka added her input.

"Her academics are fine but what's important is her heart!" Sayaka insisted. "This love might be one-sided after all!"

"Pft." Hinami stifled a laugh while Yusuke didn't look amused. "That's true but how exactly are you going to determine her feelings? We can't go up and ask her ourselves."

Interestingly enough, as Keiko was on her way to meet with her friends to walk home together, a rather handsome boy stopped her. He had an air of maturity and calm collectiveness to him, the exact opposite of Yusuke's air of rebelliousness and temperamental attitude. "Excuse me, Miss Yukimura."

Keiko stopped and saw it was one of her classmates, but not particularly anyone she was close with. Curious of what this boy wanted from Keiko, all of them stood in attention. The boy spoke with an easy confidence as he explained himself. "Ever since the start of the school year, I truly admire everything you have done and I was hoping you would go out with me? I promise to never let you down."

Curiosity piqued by the situation, they watched in anticipation of Keiko's reaction to his confession. She silently contemplated her answer with a bittersweet smile on her face. "...I'm sorry."

Yusuke's tense expression relaxed into one of relief and boyish wonder as he focused on Keiko. Hinami watched his reaction from the corner of her eye before turning her focus back to the situation, deciding not to comment on it.

"Ah, don't tell me that I'm too late! Do you like somebody else?" He asked in anguish and surprised at his rejection, the handsome and collected air he began to fall apart.

"I do." Keiko answered with a confident smile. She excused herself and continued on her way. Yusuke's expression was rather muted but the slightest of blushes appeared. It was one of the more honest displays of emotional responses Hinami had seen from him.

"Ah, young love~!" Botan cooed joyfully, poking at Yusuke's head. "Yusuke, you're a lucky person!"

Sayaka pouted, disappointed at failing to find any fault in Keiko. Yusuke was quick to reject the idea. "Hey, you're counting your chickens before they hatch! She said she likes someone else, she didn't say who! It could be Kuwabara for all we know!"

Botan gave a yell of frustration before hitting him, "Why are you like this?! I can't stand it!"

"Stop hitting me, you sadistic witch!"

"Regardless, Keiko obviously has romantic feelings strong enough to reject that boy." Hinami pointed out before letting out a sigh in exasperation of their antics.

Luckily for her, Sayaka stepped in and stopped their fight. "Alright, I can see that both love each other." She admitted reluctantly, crossing her arms.

"Hey, don't go around and make decisions for me!" Yusuke argued but it fell to deaf ears.

At least now she can relent on this investigation and pass on. Hinami hoped this would be the end but Sayaka continued. She was undeterred by Yusuke's protest and her lack of success finding any fault in Keiko, "But the question is how deep that love is! How deep the love is very important!"

"Huh?!" Yusuke was shocked that this was still going on. While Hinami and Botan exchange looks and silently agree on their battle plan. Botan would be on the offensive to prove Keiko's worthiness and Hinami will support her with truthful observations. Victory was close, if they could get Sayaka to see that Keiko and Yusuke truly loved each other, she would pass on.

After school ended, they continued to follow Keiko who paid a visit to Yusuke's appartement. She entered the home to see a rather carefree note from Yusuke's mother asking her to take care of Yusuke while she was out. The apartment was piled high with trash and dust. Yusuke's body was surrounded by precariously stacked magazines and trash.

"Yusuke-niisan, don't you have parents to care for you?" Sayaka asked curiously.

"Mind your business!" Yusuke said, flustered at the embarrassing question.

"Wah!" Keiko yelped in shock. "Even Yusuke is buried in trash! Atsuko's level of laziness is criminal!"

A precariously tall tower of manga and ramen noodle bowls toppled over Yusuke's body, covering him in dust and dirt. Keiko shrieked and hurried to free his body from the trash. "Yusuke are you okay?! Geez, if I don't come visit you everyday you won't even have a body to return to."

She cleared the debris from him before noticing the thin layer of dust coating Yusuke's face. "You even got some dust on your faceā€¦" She gently wiped away the dust with her handkerchief, taking the utmost care in cleaning his face.

"As you can see, Keiko takes great care of Yusuke's body. There isn't anything for you to worry about Sayaka." Botan said, prompting her to relent her investigation. Sayaka couldn't say anything to refute it, silently brooding as she watched Keiko care for Yusuke's body.

As Keiko wiped the dust away from his face, she took a closer look at his features, admiring Yusuke's resting expression. Her pause caught their attention, intrigued at what thoughts were running through her mind. Lost in thought and the subconscious emotions she had hid away since Yusuke's message of his return, she slowly brought her face closer to his.

Yusuke panicked at the turn of events and began shouting. "Hey, hey, Keiko! What are you doing?! That's my body!"

Sayaka attempted to silence him, trying to not to miss what was about to unfold. "Niisan, be quiet!"

"She can't hear us anyway!" Botan added, equally invested at what is about to come. While Hinami nodded in agreement, hoping for this to be the final blow that persuaded Sayaka to move on.

Near inches away, Keiko's lips almost met Yusukes when it was interrupted by a sudden announcement. "Attention! This is the Neighborhood Watch committee! Due to the rise in temperature and dry weather, please take care of firestarters! Several fires started without cause within the neighborhood! Please take care!"

Startled by the abrupt announcement, Keiko jerked from her trance and floundered at what she had nearly done. "T-that's right, my mother wanted me to do some shopping! I'll come by to clean up later."

"Thank you Neighborhood Watch Committee!" Yusuke cheered, relieved that the situation was derailed before it became too embarrassing for himself. While Botan and Sayaka didn't look too pleased at the interruption, especially when things were just about to be interesting. Hinami simply looked amused at Yusuke's all too relieved face.

"Is that enough proof for you, Sayaka?" Hinami asked, ready for all this to come to an end. "By now her feelings for Yusuke are quite obvious and she said she would have to visit him everyday since his mother is away."

Sayaka pouted before disgruntledly admitting defeat. "I'm not too happy about it but the mood between them earlier was good."

Botan let out a cheer in victory before turning to tease Yusuke. "Ah! I know, Yusuke is still shy about it! Your face is burning up~!"

Yusuke yelled in retaliation and began chasing Botan around in an attempt to shut her up. Hinami and Sayaka watched them from the sidelines amused at their antics. The celebration was cut short when they noticed a suspicious figure donned in dark sunglasses and a medical face mask crept around the narrow alleyways between the apartments. The man fiddled with a lighter, lighting a can with a tissue sticking out of it. He slid open one of the windows of Yusuke's apartment and tossed the lit can inside before hastily running away.

Everyone watched in silence as they tried to process what happened. Dark gray smoke quickly emerged from the opened window and the distinct smell of fire filled the air.

Author's Note : Special thanks to wordsflowfreely, Zayren Heart, xenocanaan, LadyEllesmere, Ghost of Magic, and Convoluted Compassion for your reviews on the last chapter! I appreciated them very much and hope you continue reviewing in the future chapters! I have some of the next chapter written up already so I hope it won't take as long to write. I hope all of you are safe out there! Thank you again for reading!