A/N: Bella is Jake's Sister. Avery Swan is taking the place of Charlie's daughter. No one will be imprinting on children because I think it's gross finding your soulmate in a child. I'm not sure is UCLA offers culinary classes but this is fanfiction so it doesn't really matter. Nicole Scherzinger as Bella.

Isabella Marie Black was from a small reservation in Washington, La Push. She is a member of the Quileute tribe. Her parents are William and Sarah Black. Her father is the Chief of the tribe, whom everyone calls Billy.

Bella was the oldest of her siblings. There's her, Rachel and Rebecca, the twins, and their little brother Jacob. But if anyone dared called Jake little they would eat their words. He is 6'2 and a wolf protector.

Anyway, from the time Bella was ten years old, she has known that she was the Healer of the Tribe. She has been getting dreams and visions of the future for the last few years. Her future involved shapeshifting wolves who protect the reservation and the surrounding towns from bloodsucking leeches. Better known as vampires.

Bella has just graduated from UCLA with honors in Business and Culinary. She also had a degree in Financial Management. Bella planned on opening a restaurant close to the beach in La Push.

Bella was finally going home where she belonged. She has always known her future was on the reservation and she couldn't be happier. Bella has always felt so safe and secure at home.

She couldn't wait to move into her own home. She paid members of the tribe to build her home and along with paying their wives to decorate the house. The wonderful thing about it was everyone she paid knew her when she was growing up so they knew what she liked.

Her father even had his own bedroom and bathroom due to everything being scaled down for him due to being paralyzed from a car accident. The accident cost her family a wonderful wife and mother. Her mother was the glue. She kept everyone together and the minute she was gone, she and her family fell apart for a while.

Rachel and Rebecca flew across the damn country to get away from the memories. Bella flew to the next state over, while Jake was left alone with their grieving father who was still adjusting to being wheelchair-bound.

Bella saved Jake from growing up to fast by hiring a nurse for their father to care for him during the day while Jake still got to be a kid for a little while longer. She saw from both her dreams and visions that Jake would've lost the remainder of his childhood and his teenage years due to caring for their father. Bella couldn't let that happen so she found an easy solution. A nurse.

She has changed a lot over the years due to her dreams and visions. Her best friend Leah didn't get heartbroken due to the man she was in love with imprinting on her cousin and leaving her.

She told her uncle Harry what would happen if Leah and Sam dated and he stopped it before that could happen. Now, Leah will never be angry enough to phase because in Bella's dreams and visions it ruined her life. Leah never got to have kids in her visions so now she can.

Bella also told her father that he needed to tell the guys about being wolves so they wouldn't freak out and get exposed.

None of the wolves will imprint on the same girl aside from Paul. Bella was more than happy that at least one of her sisters were coming home in a few years. Rebecca has a husband and child in Hawaii.

Bella and the rest of the family only see Rebecca on holidays, birthdays, and on the anniversary of their mother's death to celebrate her life. They all loved their mother but it hit Rebecca the hardest. Sarah was her best friend.

Enough with heavy stuff, Bella was so happy today. She was going back home. She packed up her truck and hit the road. It's a good thing she shipped everything she owned to her new home because she had a lot of stuff.

She was elated to see her father and brother again. It was so much better than only seeing them for a few days over the holidays. It just wasn't enough.