Reviews for The Tribe's Healer
Roxhall1 chapter 5 . 8/9
Please continue with this story
momma2fan chapter 5 . 6/9
I'm enjoying this. Can't wait to read more.
asia.joanna.7334 chapter 5 . 5/26
Omg omg Omg Omg Omg this is so good.I like sooooo! :)) I hope you update really soon. I can't wait to see where you go from have to update soon please, I beg of you please, maybe some time today. Plz, I will die
asia.joanna.7334 chapter 4 . 5/26
Omg omg Omg Omg i love it
asia.joanna.7334 chapter 3 . 5/26
Omg omg Omg Omg i love it. Another great chapter
asia.joanna.7334 chapter 2 . 5/26
Omg omg Omg Omg Omg Omg i love it
brankel1 chapter 5 . 5/21
lazygirl89 chapter 5 . 5/21
Glad the story is back, but how come the pairing has changed? If I remember correctly Bella was paired with Paul instead of Sam.
YaleAceBella12 chapter 5 . 5/20
Please write more.
aaksupertrooper chapter 5 . 5/20
More please