Hey everybody! So, I'm writing this to help me get over some of the writer's block that I sometimes get! I'm wanting to write another story in the style of Signs with very little direct action and more just some slice of life stuff! Hopefully you all like it! Let's get going!

The Coming Storm


It's been five years since Eggman was imprisoned, and I still can't believe that we've all just kind of moved on with our lives… It feels like yesterday we were fighting for the sake of the world or something. But with all this time now that Eggman's gone we've gotten to do other things.

I finally got to see the world like I've always wanted to. It was fun, and I'll probably do it again sometime but that's not why I'm writing in here now is it…

Sonic looked up from the journal, how did he want to put this… Eventually his pen started to fly across the pages again.

It's about Tails, over these past years, I feel like we've been kind of drifting apart… Don't get me wrong, we're still family! But I just don't feel like we have as strong of a bond as we've had in the past… I've got an idea for something though that could help to fix that. It's been a while since we've had some time with just us, so I figured we'd go on a little camping trip, like old times! Maybe he'll even feel like that, who knows?

I still can't believe he's grown up; I mean, it seems like only yesterday that he was the little kid that I'd just met... It's hard not to see that little kid every time I look at him… I suppose I've gotten a bit older too, but I still feel like my old self. Maybe I'm just overreacting...

Sonic sighed and closed the journal, he figured he might as well ask Tails about the trip once he got back. The kitsune was currently at his biweekly therapy session. It had been Sonic's idea, to help him get over everything in his past as well as help him out with any problems he had now. Having somebody that he wasn't afraid was going to judge him was a good idea in hindsight. He thought it had been working really well, the kit was much more relaxed after his meetings and honestly seemed much less bottled up with his emotions in general. Having that outlet was doing wonders for him.

"I wonder how he's doing now..."


"I've been doing great."

"That's good to hear! Did you try our exercises from last time?"

"I did, they actually helped a lot."

Tails made himself comfortable in the office. Laying down on one of the two couches, his namesakes tucked underneath him, acting as a pillow of sorts. Dr. Phiris, a female gray colored cat with glasses sat in a chair across from the kitsune. "So, what's on your mind this week?" Phiris asked, grabbing a clipboard from a nearby desk.

Tails mused over the question for a moment, his ears with their new dark furred tips twitching in thought. "I guess it's about Sonic…"

"What about him?"

"Well… I just… Don't feel like he listens to me all that much…" He responded.

"And why might that be?"

"He's… Always been kind of disinterested in anything I try to show him… I mean… Whenever I show him something new I built, he always goes, 'That's great Tails.' He never really sticks around or really hears what I'm trying to tell him you know."

"I see, well… Have things always been this way?"

"I mean… Kind of… Maybe I'm just overreacting."

"Tails, what did I tell you two weeks ago. If it matters enough to you that you'll talk to me about it, then you're not overreacting."

"Yeah, yeah…"

"So why is it bugging you now?"

"It's always kind of bugged me, but I think now that I can talk to you about it, I've noticed just how upset I am about it."

"Well, I don't think I can help too much, but maybe you can talk to Sonic about it. I'm sure he'd be willing to listen to you. From what you've told me about him he's like family to you. Maybe he just doesn't know how upset it makes you. Maybe he doesn't even realize he's doing it. From my personal experience, most problems like that come from a misunderstanding."

"You might have a point there." The kitsune mused, "I mean, I can talk to him about it."

"That's probably a good idea. Maybe we can talk in our next appointment to see how it went?"

"That'd be great."

"Is there anything else that's bugging you?"


Sonic heard the familiar noise of the door opening as he looked over. "Hey bud! How'd therapy go today?"

"It was fine."

Sonic would ask what they talked about, but he didn't want to intrude on the kit's privacy, especially since his therapy sessions were important to him. The fox had changed quite a bit during the five-year period of Eggman's absence, he'd grown taller, to the point where he and Sonic stood at about the same height, with Tails still being only slightly shorter. His fur had also darkened to a deeper brown on his extremities, such as his finger tips and most notably his ears. Inside he was still the same old Tails that Sonic knew and loved though.

"So… I've been thinking." Sonic began, "It's been a while since we've had some time together, just me and you… I was thinking that maybe we could go on a little bit of a trip together!"

Tails was taken aback for a second, "You mean, like go somewhere?"

"Yeah, like a little camping trip, just the two of us."

"That... Sounds like a great idea."

"You think so? I mean, if you don't want to go then we don't have to." Sonic responded, seemingly confused by the lack of enthusiasm at the suggestion.

"No, let's do it!"

Sonic brushed off his confusion and smiled. "Cool, if we want to start packing, we can leave first thing tomorrow!"

Tails nodded and made his way to his room; Sonic did the same. As soon as the kitsune was in the privacy of his own space, he sighed. "I guess I'll just tell him on the trip. I mean, he'll have to listen to me then, right? It's just the two of us." He thought to himself.

Sonic was also just as confused, "Why was Tails so upset?" He asked himself, as much as the fox tried to hide it, he could always tell when his little brother was upset. Why however, was a different story… "Maybe something happened at therapy?" He thought, he never bothered to ask exactly what happened at his biweekly meeting, mainly out of respect for the kit's privacy, but if something was bothering him that much then he needed to know what it was…

He figured he'd ask him on the trip, for now he needed to start packing...

Alright guys, that's the prologue, hopefully you all enjoyed, I'll be getting back to updating my other stories now, but I hope to hear your thoughts here! Until next time!