Thank you for all your reviews, I appreciate your honesty, however please watch your language when reviewing. There's no reason for foul language and those reviews have been and will be deleted. I know it was a tough chapter and this one will be too. I know that many were disappointed but I do hope you stay with the story, challenges make us stronger, right ? This is still a Jamko story even though it may not seem that way. Please continue to review.

It's been five years since she's been in the city. She knew she couldn't face Jamie, even though she really wanted to, but also knew she had to now. Kara had been keeping her updated on Jamie since she's been gone. It had broken her heart to leave him even though she was pregnant with Barry's baby. She wished she never told Barry. Jamie would have helped her even if it wasn't his. They could have had a great life. She always believed Jamie was her soulmate. She had a nice life with Barry but it was never what she had hoped a marriage should be. She always felt that Barry used her and Mikey as a front, to show his bosses he was a family man. She thought about leaving and coming back to NYC to Jamie but he had gotten married to a woman named Sarah 3 years after she had left. She was happy for him, she knew she broke his heart, OK more like tore his heart out. He was devastated when she left. Kara said he was never the same person. He was almost back to himself when he met Sarah but she said there was still something missing. He had finally taken the Sergeant's exam and had been assigned to the 2-9. They got married about 18 months after they met and were expecting a baby a year after that. She knew she lost him for good and cried for days. After that, she tried to work out the issues she and Barry had. She worked very hard to be what she needed to be for Barry but Mikey was always her first priority. She had started to get back in shape so she could apply for the Philly PD when she found out she was pregnant again. She thought this was what they needed to work through their problems and what she needed to finally put her previous life in NYC behind her. She would put off her dream to become a cop again for another year or so. She could do it until Barry shocked her and told her he didn't want another child. He knew the first one was an accident and thought he wanted to be a father. It didn't take long before he realized that being a parent wasn't for him. He told her that he didn't want to be a father anymore and that he wanted a divorce. This threw her for a loop, she didn't know what she was going to do. Kara came down for a few days and they made a plan, she would move back to NYC. She was lucky that Barry made the divorce quick and easy. He had done quite well for himself the last few years as a Senior Financial Planner, moving up the ladder and making a 6-figure salary plus commissions and bonuses. He gave her 100 percent custody of the kids, signed over his parental rights and paid her a $1M settlement for her to leave him alone, this would allow her to get a nice place for her and the kids in Queens near Kara and her husband, their youngest was a year younger than Mikey. It would also give her the chance to stay home after the baby was born and until she was able to get back into shape to apply for the NYPD again. While Kara was in Philly with her, she got a call from another officer in the 2-9 with Jamie and Kara, Jamie's wife had gone into early labor and died the day before. The baby was OK, and would be in the NICU for several weeks. Kara relayed the news to Eddie and they both cried. She knew that she needed to do something for him and would make a point to try and see him when she got back to NYC. She decided to send him a fruit basket and some gift cards, knowing that he would be spending most of his time at the hospital. Her heart hurt for him, she couldn't even imagine what he was going through. She had shattered his heart and as he was finally rebuilding it, it was shattered again. She knew he would get through it with the support of his family. It would take him a while but the Reagan support system was stronger than any other family she knew.

Now, she was crossing over into Manhattan in May almost five years after leaving it. She always loved the city in the Springtime. The last Spring she was here was the best and worst of her life - Jamie had admitted his feelings to her and they had finally gotten together. Then, she found out she was pregnant. Now, she was coming back as a single mother of a 4 year old and pregnant again.

"Mommy, are we almost there?" Mikey asked, waking up from his nap.

"Almost, Baby." Eddie told him. "This is where Mommy used to live and work as a police officer."

"Are you going to be a police officer again?"

"I hope so. I loved being a police officer, but it has to wait until after the baby is born."

"Are we going to live near Aunt Kara now?"

"Yes, we're going to the new house now. We'll unload our truck and the van with our furniture should be here before dinner and you'll be able to sleep in your bed tonight."

"Will we see Aunt Kara ?"

"She and Uncle Dylan will be over with the boys for dinner."

"OK. The buildings are really tall here." Mikey noticed.

"Yes, they are."

Mikey was quietly observing all the buildings as they drove through the city until they stopped at a traffic light.

"There are lots of people walking here."

"Yes, there are. We'll do a lot of walking too, now that we're here."

"I don't know if that sounds like fun or not." Mikey stated firmly.

"It will be." Eddie chuckled. "I loved walking around the city. You will too."

Just as they pulled away from the light Eddie heard screeching tires and screamed as their SUV was being pushed through the intersection by a large box truck. By the time the SUV came to a stop it had rolled over twice and luckily came back to rest on its wheels.

"10-53 Bowery and Delancy, multiple cars involved, one vehicle reported to have rolled. EMS is on their way." Central reported.

"2-9 Sergeant responding" Kara responded back turning on the lights and sirens as Jamie sped to the scene.

"Damn, that's not good. I have a bad feeling" Kara gasped.

"Yeah, me too." Jamie admitted.

"That SUV has a Pennsylvania tag." Kara commented, hurrying out of the RMP. She knew Eddie had gotten a new car but hadn't seen it yet. "Oh no, I hope it's not . . ." Her voice trailed off as she ran full speed over to the car when she heard a child screaming. She looked into the window on the passenger side of the car and her worst fear was realized - it was Eddie and Mikey in the car.

"Mikey, Mikey" Kara called out.

"Aunt Kara, help me ! !" Mikey screamed. "Mommy's not answering me !"

"Jamie, we have to get them out of here. Oh my God, Jamie !" Kara yelled. "Eddie, Eddie"

"Eddie?" Jamie heard Kara, but it couldn't be her. He rushed over to the driver's side of the car. As he looked into the car he took one look at the woman behind the wheel and knew instantly who it was.

"Eddie, hey Eddie." Jamie called to her, tapping her lightly on the side of the face. "Can you hear me?" He got no response from her.

"Why isn't Mommy talking?" Mikey yelled out.

"She's hurt, Buddy, we have to get you guys out of the car." Jamie told him.

"Kara, she's not responding. Is EMS here yet ?"

"Two minutes out." Kara called over. "Jamie, she's five months pregnant." Kara came over to Jamie's side. "I'll look in and see, can you try to get Mikey out.

Jamie got over to Mikey's side and managed to pry the door open and cut his arm in the process. "Hey Mikey, I'm Jamie, I'm a friend of your Aunt Kara's. Can you tell me what hurts?"

"My leg really hurts and my head is feeling funny." Mikey whimpered. "Well let's see what we can do to get you out." As Jamie looked in to check his leg and discovered he had a compound fracture.

"Mikey, I can't take you out, we have to wait for the paramedics to get here." Jamie told him.

"Jamie, you're bleeding." Mikey pointed out.

"That's OK, it's only a little scratch." Jamie smiled. "So tell me, how old are you ?"

"I'm 4." Mikey said, putting up four fingers. He started going in and out of consciousness due to the blood loss and shock from the fracture.

"How's she doing, Kara." Jamie asked.

'Not good, she's got a nasty cut on her head, and her left leg looks like it could be broken." Kara started. "Jamie, she's bleeding really badly."

Just then the EMT's showed up, Elijah, the veteran EMT of the team ran over to assess Eddie's situation.

"She's five months pregnant and bleeding." Kara told him.

While Elijah worked with Kara to get Eddie stabilized and out, the other helped Jamie with Mikey. Once Mikey's leg was stabilized Jamie helped get him out of the car but ended up cutting his arm on the bent metal.

"Ouch" Jamie hissed, hitting his arm on the car again.

"Are you OK?" Tom, the EMT asked.

"Yeah, I just cut my arm on the car prying the door open."

"Looks like you're coming to the hospital too, you're probably going to need stitches.

Within the next 15 minutes Eddie was stabilized and both her and Mikey were in ambulances on their way to Presbyterian Hospital with Jamie, who needed to have his arm looked at. He stayed with Mikey in case he woke up and got scared. Kara stayed at the scene since she and Jamie were the first ones on scene.

On the way to the hospital Jamie got a text from Kara.

K - 'I'll be over as soon as I can. I'm Eddie's and I guess Mikey's emergency contact, if they need anything, call me.'

J - 'Got it, thanks.'

Once at the hospital, Jamie was sent to a room to be checked out. He ended up needing 8 stitches. Three hours later, Jamie was in the waiting room, waiting on Kara who was finally on her way.

Dr. Madison, the on call ER Dr., came over to Jamie sitting in a chair. "Sgt. Reagan ?" he asked.

"Yes." He replied back, shaking the doctor's hand.

"Hi, you came in with the accident victims earlier, correct ?" the dr. asked.

"Yes, Eddie and her son Mikey. How are they ? Eddie is an old friend of mine."

"Do you by any chance have an emergency contact for them?"

"Yes, our friend Kara is her contact." Jamie informed Dr. Madison.

Jamie was just getting ready to call Kara when he heard her calling his name.

"Any word on Eddie and Mikey yet ?"

"This is Dr. Madison."

"Hi, how are they ?" Kara blurted out.

"Well, we had to rush Eddie into surgery, she was bleeding heavily. She also had some internal injuries, in addition to a broken wrist and leg on the left side as well as a concussion." Dr. Madison told her.

"And the baby ?"

"I am so very sorry but she lost the baby, her internal injuries were just too extensive." the doctor informed them sadly. "We had to do an emergency C-section while we were repairing her other injuries."

"Oh no !" Kara gasped. Jamie put an arm around her for support.

"What was it?" Kara asked, "Eddie didn't know."

"It was a girl." Kara started crying.

"Ohh no, she really wanted a little girl."

"We had to put her in a medically induced coma to help her body heal." Kara was in tears listening to how bad the injuries were to her best friend. She was trying to start a new life and look at what happens.

"Is she going to survive?" Kara asked, sobbing.

"Yes, she's just going to have a long recovery." the doctor informed them.

"What about Mikey?" Jamie asked.

"Mikey has a compound fracture of the right leg, we need to operate so we can set it. He will also need a blood transfusion since he lost a lot of blood for a little guy." Dr. Madison continued. "We'll need you to sign paperwork for his surgery."

Kara signed the paperwork and asked, "When are you doing his surgery?"

"It will be done in the morning. We are going to give him the transfusion tonight and that should stabilize him enough for surgery tomorrow."

"Can I go in and see them?" Kara asked.

"Yes, you can go in and see them. Just remember, no more than two at a time in the ICU."

"Jamie, I know we're supposed to be getting back to the house but I need to be here with them." Kara said sadly.

"I spoke to Capt. Espinoza when I called in and explained that she's former NYPD and you and I are the only people she knows here anymore." Jamie informed her. "You have the rest of the week off.

"Remind me to thank Espinoza when I get back." Kara smiled. "Hey, will you come with me, I'm not sure I can do this by myself."

Kara and Jamie walked to the ICU, the hospital had put Mikey and Eddie in the same room.

It was very overwhelming when they walked in the room. Eddie's head was bandaged up to cover up the stitches and her face was slightly swollen and bruised. She had a cast on both her left wrist and leg below the knee. Not to mention all the tubes and wires. What couldn't be seen were the incisions to repair her spleen and large intestine as well as the c-section. Kara's head was spinning seeing her best friend like this. She just wanted to burst into tears.

"Gosh Jamie, she looks so bad." Kara whispered. Mikey was sleeping on the other side of the room. "I don't know how I'm going to tell her about the baby."

"You'll figure it out, but now isn't the time. You need to focus on Mikey right now." Jamie tried to refocus her.

"Can you be here for support when I have to tell her?"

"Kara, she made a decision years ago and walked away. I really don't think she'd want to see me." Jamie started. "I will help if you need it, but I honestly don't know how much I can help emotionally. I've been on an emotional roller coaster for the last five years that started with her and I'm not sure how much more I can take. Besides, I'm a single parent now and I have a 4 month old baby to take care of."

"So is she now . . ." Kara reminded him. Jamie nodded in understanding.

"I know you have a lot going on, and I understand your hesitance. She's been on an emotional roller coaster too the last five years. Her life wasn't good, she regretted leaving every day. I've been in the middle of you two. I know you didn't want to hear about her, but she asked me about you every time we talked. She knows everything about what you've been through."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, she didn't deserve that." Jamie sighed. "Look, how about we play it by ear." Kara smiled at Jamie, knowing she had gotten through to him a little.

Mikey's surgery the next morning went really well. He had a full leg cast and when he was released was going home with Kara, Dylan and their boys. After a long in-depth conversation at the hospital one night, Jamie agreed to help out. They had gone to Capt. Espinoza and explained the situation. He worked out a schedule to be able to work with their's and Dylan's schedules so one of them was always there for Mikey. He wouldn't be able to take care of himself for a while and even when Eddie did wake up from her coma, she wouldn't be able to take care of him or even herself for a while. He started to wonder what he got himself into - a 4 month old baby, a 4 yr old boy with a broken leg, and the woman he loved more than anyone, at one time in his life. What could go wrong ?