First and foremost, thank you for Reading and giving the fic a chance.

Little heads-up, there will be some tweaks and minor changes from the current comic 616 continuity, but rest assured, this story is set in the main storylines from these characters, so I'm sure the keen readers will notice those changes but don't worry, they were made for the benefit of this story

Lastly, I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS; THEY ARE PROPERTY OF MARVEL COMICS. This story only uses these characters; however, this story is a creation of mine. With that said, enjoy the reading


Chapter 1: The Arrival

"It's all over…where will I go from here? Don't know…Don't care…Anywhere, anywhere far away from this pain…"

The sound of waves and wind begin to tumble across the small cabin. A very small, yet very bright ray of light aim straight into the eyes of a young woman lying asleep on the floor of the cabin, forcing her to react, waking her up from the long sleep she's been having for the last few hours. She slowly opens her eyes, taking a deep breath as she begins to move to the side, using the wall to impulse herself and slowly begin to stand up.

She moans as she finally manages to stabilize herself, she moves her left hand to the head, now feeling the effects of a migraine, the most common signal of a strong hangover. She looks at her right hand, seeing how she's holding on a now empty bottle of whiskey, releasing a slight chuckle as she now realizes she drank the whole thing.

"I need a new bottle…maybe two" says to herself as she begins to stumble as she walks out of the cabin and steps into the dilapidated ship she's been living.

The sun shines stronger as she is out into the daylight. She squints her eyes as the she stares into the sea, but right then a voice interrupts the moment.

"Ahoy!" a gruff male voice is heard nearby, prompting the young woman to look to her right, where the voice came from "You definitively aren't from these shores, eh?" asks the old man in old sailor attire from his boat.

"What gave me away?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"For starters, that's a very tacky suit for a sailor, you look like one of 'dem Red Jackets we beat at the Independence" replied the man pointing out at her attire, the long red coat with golden details was the highlight of the rest of her attire, a white buttoned shirt and tight black leather pants "You plannin' on stayin' for long?" She lets a loud sigh go from her mouth and shakes her head in reply.

"Not for long" says as she steps out of the small boat she calls home and leaves the harbor, walking into the gates and step into the city.

As she walks into the city, all eyes lie on the attire she is wearing, attracting strange stares, seeing how people begin to talk in whispers as she advances through the streets until she finds the place she was looking for: The first liquor store she could find in the city.

Even as the cashier and a couple of clients stared at her, she went straight into the whiskey section, taking two of the biggest bottles of Jack Daniels she could take, then she heads straight into the cashier in order to pay for her bottles.

"Having a party?" asked the senior man next to the cashier.

"If by 'Party' you mean spending night and day drinking by myself as I sail through the seven seas, then yes, I'm having a hell of a party" replies with a harsher hint of sarcasm than before while she checks the inner pockets of her coat in order to find any cash to pay for the bottles, only to find nothing but empty pockets "God dammit".

"We can take credit and debit cards" commented the cashier.

"Would you believe me if I tell you that I have neither of those?" commented the girl as she tried in vain to find anything resembling money or even a coin.

"No cash, no booze" replied the cashier as he took the bottles away from her.

"And from the looks of it, it's for your own good" added the senior man.

"Who are you to say if it's 'for my own good'?" replied with a deep glare and an angry tone in her voice, only to relent in her failed attempt of getting her load of whiskey and leave the store in frustration "Screw this, this isn't the only store in this city…wait, which city is this?" she asked out loud.

"Your head is really detached from your body, girl" replied the cashier in a deadpan voice.

"This…is New York City, so good luck finding a store that allows you to get booze for free" commented the senior man, which led the young hung-over girl to sigh in frustration.

"Great!" mumbled as she walked through the sidewalk.

"Of all the places in the world, I ended up in 'Superhero Capital', no place to go because pretty much everything in here is destroyed or shut down, unless…" An idea begins to emerge "Of course! Harry's Hideaway! A roof, a bed and all the booze I need…it's a long trek but it's worth a shot. Could take a cab but, since I got no cash, they won't let me ride…better find a Plan B".

As she walks down the city, ignoring the weird stares she is receiving, mostly because of her outfit, she enters an alley to take a shortcut and try to reduce time, only to bump into a group of four men with very shady looks.

"Well, well, well, lookee here…we got an astray in the house" mused one of the thugs, a skinny man in a hoodie while the other three begin to surround her.

"Got lost on the way to the costume party?" asked another of the thugs, one wearing a black shirt with an anarchy symbol in front of it. She sees the men walking around her, stalking her, preying on her and she only sighs in frustration, making a facepalm in response to those words.

"I am not in the mood right now…but you know what? If I can't get a drink, at least I can drain my adrenaline in another way" said as she moves her hand to her waist looking for her sword…only to find out she doesn't have it with her "Oh crap" murmurs as she realizes her sword is in her boat.

"Get her" ordered the hooded guy, but as one of the thugs lunges towards her, she just stands there as he goes right through her crashing against the wall, leaving the other three shocked in confusion "What the…?".

"My turn" she replied with a wicked smile and kicked the second thug right into the chest pushing him to the other wall. The third thug runs behind her but she punches him in the nose and then turns to connect a right punch to his jaw.

The third thug recovers and runs again towards her, and once again goes through her, stumbling as he tries to stop. Then he turns and tries to punch her only to see each move going through as if she is a ghost, leading him to show a truly scared look on his face.

"Boo" mocked in response as she punches him to his face, sending him to the floor "Alright, that's three…where is the four-AGH!"

She suddenly got hit from behind, having lost her concentration leaving her exposed to the leading thug, who is holding a metal pipe as a weapon.

"You must be one of those mutie freaks!" spewed in anger followed by a kick in her midsection as she lies in the floor "Go back where you belong, mutie #$ %&!"

The pain begins to rush in, but does nothing to quell the rage growing inside her after hearing those words, this pushes her to stand up and give the hooded thug a right hook to the jaw, and right then she walks towards him, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him into the wall, making him go halfway through it.

"Maybe I should send you where you belong, you #$%& $% scumbag, RIGHT INTO HELL!" her hand begins to tremble as she is tempted to leave him stuck in the wall, effectively killing him, but in the end she just grunts and pulls him out sending him to the floor, but her anger once again breaks her concentration, and the rest of the thugs ambush her from behind with a barrage of punches and kicks, pummeling her into submission and ready to give her the final blow.

"Oh my word!" their actions are interrupted by the voice of another woman. The thugs stop and see that across the alley is an elderly woman watching them.

"WALK AWAY, OLD HAG!" yelled the hooded thug, pointing at her with the metal pipe.

"Today's youth is very rude, they even forgot how to treat a lady" commented as she started to walk towards them, while the young woman is trying to stand up, struggling to regain some focus and see what is going on.

"Are you deaf? I said WALK! AWAY!" replied the thug with increasing anger.

"I wish people were more like my nephew, he always works on good things to help people, even an 'old hag' like myself, take for instance this little device" commented the old lady as she pulls a small device from her purse, the size of a keychain "This little thing can help me turn into anything I want, kinda like…this".

In that moment she pushes a button and she is transformed into a large hairy creature, with large fangs and sharp teeth, claws protruding from her hands and arms, and thick drops of drool coming out from her mouth, sending the group of thugs into a deep state of fear that forces them to scream and run away from the place, leaving the two women on their own.

"It never fails" comments the old lady as she shuts down the device, fading away the hologram that makes her resemble the monster, then she looks at the young woman who is still struggling to get up on her feet, rushing into her help "My goodness, those thugs gave you one severe beating, you need to go to the hospital".

"No…no hospitals…I'm fine" she replied as she tries to catch her breath, slipping in and out of focus.

"I believe we can agree to disagree" commented the old woman as she pulls her cellphone from her purse to make a call "Randy? Hi, are you at the Center right now? Good, meet me there, I'm on my way" once she closes the call she walks out of the alley and back to the street, catching up a taxi as it approaches "Taxi!"

As they get inside the car, the driver takes a peek from the rearview mirror and looks quite shocked at the sight of the beating the young woman received.

"WHOA! The hell happened there?" asked the taxi driver.

"Bad people, that happened" replied the old woman "F.E.A.S.T. Center at the West Village, please".

The young woman started to fade out while the old lady was checking on her, trying to ensure she doesn't fall into unconsciousness yet.

"Where…where are we going?" asked the young woman, with her voice fading out word by word.

"You'll be safe, you have my word" replied the old lady "Do you have a name?"

"Kate…" she managed to whisper as she fell into unconsciousness, just as the cab finally arrived at the F.E.A.S.T. Center, seeing that a young African-American man is waiting right outside.

"May?" he asked as he stepped into the cab to open the door and looks shocked when he sees she is carrying the young beaten Kate with her "What happened?"

"She took a severe beating by some thugs, she didn't want to go to a hospital so let's let her get some rest and we'll help her in the meantime, so please go get the first aid kit Randy".


Randy nodded as he helped May take Kate inside the Center, taking her into one of the beds so she can take a rest and then Randy went for the medical supplies while May stayed to take care of her.

"Need some help?" Randy asked as he approaches May

"It's alright, I have it covered, you should go home and get some rest" replied May as she puts a patch of gauze in her abdomen to cover the big bruises

"Alright, take care May" replied as he started to leave "Oh! Forgot to mention, I won't be able to come tomorrow, I have a big date with Janice"

"It's alright Randy, Fred and Peter are coming tomorrow to help anyways, send my regards to Janice and tell her I say thanks for all the help with the Center"

Randy gestured with his hand to say his farewell, leaving May to take care of Kate as she treats the bruises she received in that fight, then gently takes off her red coat and puts it in a chair nearby so she can sleep more comfortably. There'll be more time to talk tomorrow, but for now, she has become her responsibility, and she'll use her power to help her out.

I'm sure you're wondering "Isn't this a SPIDER-MAN/Kitty Pryde Fan Fic? Where's Spidey?" Don't worry, he'll show up next chapter.

Thank you for reading!