Reviews for Spider-Man and Kitty Pryde: A Light in the Darkness
Spidey chapter 21 . 8/9
Spiderman and kitty pryde kiss in final chapter. And they become boyfriend and girlfriend.
QuantumKakarotto chapter 22 . 8/9
And here we are at the "last" chapter of this great story. It's been a heck of a ride and this chapter really did deliver. The writing was great between Kitty and Peter, the reaction of her finding out about what Peter did for her on Krakoa was fun to read. Also reading the final part of the story with Peter and Kitty finally letting out their feelings, I had to pull up Youtube and start playing the Spider-Man 2 OST "At Long Last, Love" it fit so well with your conclusion, especially with you kinda writing in a final swing with Kitty and Peter xD

Once again, my praise cant be enough to tell you how much I enjoyed this story of yours. It was unique since it's one of the rare few that actually uses the 616 main Marvel universe instead of the Ultimate Universe, along with adding to the current storyline going on.

I can't wait to see what other projects you have in the future and where you might take your future stories...

that being said... Post Credit Scene when?
Laurentina755 chapter 22 . 8/9
We need the Bonus sequence, please ️️️
QuantumKakarotto chapter 21 . 8/9
This is probably the most overused word in the history of reviews, but their's no other way to describe the last two chapters but incredible! Loved the interaction and battle with Team Spidey against the villains. Wolverine and Emma were especially funny with the "Don't tell Scott" line. And after 21 chapters of great build up, Peter and Kitty are finally gonna confront their feelings for each other. Sad to hear the next chapter is the finale but at the same time I'm seriously looking forward to it when it come-

*notices email alert of Chapter 22 being posted*

Alright... let's do this one last time...
QuantumKakarotto chapter 19 . 8/6
And it looks like the players are all set! I gotta say, surprised you didn't go with calling Team Spidey, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends lol. Loved these two chapters once again. Loved Kate visiting Aunt May in the hospital, it was a nice touching scene along with Kate phoning her mother before the big fight.

I can't wait to see her reaction to seeing everyone aboard team Spidey coming to help her out in stopping the villains. You're right when you say this is gonna be a big one!

I can't say this enough but honestly keep up the great work, your story has been a very spectacular read so far and I'm excited for what you have enstore for us.
QuantumKakarotto chapter 17 . 8/4
Of course Peter would call out Professor X like that and end his Krakoa adventure by running from about every mutant there. That Parker mouth never fails.

Another great chapter today, loved the interaction with Storm and Kitty and it was a great emotional moment between them. Also happy to see Wolverine make an appearance, of course he'd side with his New Avengers buddy Spider-Man, the two have been through a lot together.

Like always keep up the fantastic work and cant wait to see what you have enstore for us with the next chapter.
emanuelolvera14 chapter 14 . 7/29
Uff, what a cliffhanger! You're doing an excellent job dude. Keep it up!
QuantumKakarotto chapter 14 . 7/29
Two more excellent chapters done. Loved seeing Peter and Kitty finding out about each others respected pasts and of course it wouldn't be a superhero love story without more drama added to the mix lol. Also still loving the fact that you keep bringing a lot of comic continuity into the story to make this feel more "real".
Keep up the great work and can't wait to see what you bring in.
emanuelolvera14 chapter 1 . 7/18
This is getting awesome! Can't wait til next update
Guest chapter 6 . 7/13
This story has been really well handled so far. Love how you're including alot of stuff from the comics that most people just ignore but I also love how you're able to use that to bring Peter and Kitty closer. You really have peaked my interest with this story and I hope you keep going with it
QuantumKakarotto chapter 3 . 7/6
Great Story so far. I'm enjoying the set up a lot and I can't wait to see what you have in store for Peter Parker and Kitty Pryde. Can't wait to read more and keep up the good work.
guest44 chapter 1 . 7/2
love the chapter
BlackKnight9000 chapter 1 . 7/2
This is very interesting. Can't wait to see more.