So yes, this will be a Perianca story. Why? Because it's underrated, I like it, has so much potential, and rare. So here we are. It's not a Chaos story, and no overpowered Percy, and no betrayal. If you really want that kind of story, it's really common. Don't need to look too far. This is set right after the Second Giant War.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Riordan Works (PJO, HOO, TOA, etc). If I did, this would be canon.

P.S. I do not hate Annabeth or Percabeth. But, again, I want to write something to contribute to the rare shipping, and Percabeth is everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It's canon, after all.

Percy P.O.V- 3rd Person

Percy stumbled to a stop after being dropped by Frank the Dragon, who morphed back into human and dropped off Hazel and Annabeth. The ground wasn't much less chaotic as the exploding Argo II above them. Percy hoped that everyone had gotten out safely, but he had other things to deal. A vast army of monsters stretched seemingly endlessly, two headed men, centaurs, ogres, surrounded two dots of demigods. At the feet of the Hill was the Athena Parthenos, radiating with magic, and surrounded by the First and Fifth Cohorts. The other three were still taking the brunt of the attack. Percy drew Riptide.

"You heard Jason, move it! Clear a path for the cohorts!" Percy yelled.

His friends, and a couple other demigods nearby yelled in accordance, and they charged toward the monsters. As they ran, Percy took in the scene around him. Nico was with the greeks, slashing and hacking, while Reyna sat on Guido, ordering the legion. Now where was that scumbag Octavian...

Percy crashed into a cyclopes, impaling it with one good stab. The one-eyed monster looked down in surprise as it exploded to dust. To his left, Annabeth and Hazel were turning two-headed men to no-headed corpses. On his right, Frank, or at least he supposed it was Frank, jabbed and stomped with the deadly horn and feet of a rhinoceros. Each second was another monster down, as more and more reinforcements joined them, as they slashed and hacked toward the Third, Fourth, and Second Cohorts.

Above them, suddenly, a streak of fire, shredding burning chunks of wood and steel soared through the air. Percy looked up in surprise as it disappeared below the hills.

"Percy! Move!" Annabeth yelled at him.

"Right!" He snapped out of his stupor. Like so many times before, Percy and Annabeth stood back to back, and Percy was very relieved at the familiar feeling of cutting into monsters with her by his side. In a moment, the legion was united, and the Greeks and Romans slowly pushed back enemies. Wild centaurs toppled. Wolf-men howled as they were cut to ashes. More monsters formed, grain spirits from the grass, gryphons from the sky, some humanoids with lumpy earth shells. Percy could barely see anything in all the fighting, but he knew demigods were falling. There were so many. At one point, he spotted Nico and Will Solace darting through the raging battle. Another, Jason and a couple of Hermes campers.

A group of Fifth Cohort members joined around Percy. Dakota grinned with his cherry-red lips. "What's up, Percy?"

Percy slashed an ogre across the chest. "Not bad. What about you?"

Dakota shrugged, impaling a centaur, who toppled. "Nice day for fighting."

"I know right?"

"Eiaculare flammas!" The legion followed Reyna's orders, and a cone of flaming arrows soared over the shield wall, cutting through a line of Earthborn.

"Repellere equites!" Percy heard Frank yell. The dude made an amazing praetor, and it seemed the legion thought so too. Without protest, a line of spears chewed through he monsters' ranks. "Close ranks!" A lightning bolt from the golden eagle turned all in front to dust.

"Annabeth!" Percy called excitedly. In front was the main force of Camp Half-Blood. She smiled widely, and that made everything so much better.

They rushed over, and the campers cheered with gusto. Percy smiled gleefully at all his friends. "Greeks! Let's, um," He hesitated. Ah, they were Greeks, who cares? "Fight stuff!"

"YEAH!" The force charged like a sledgehammer. More monsters bit the dust.

Percy felt good about the battle, and almost felt like they might win.

Naturally, that's when everything went wrong. Under his feet, the earth rippled and swayed. Percy nearly lost his balance, as demigods and monsters alike tripped and slipped.


The earth swirled in a cone and exploded, forming the twenty-foot-tall figure of Gaea, a dress of grass, skin like quartz, and tangled hair like tree roots.

Fools. The paltry magic your statue cannot contain me.

Annabeth gasped in horror. "That's why she wasn't here yet. Athena was protecting us."

Percy stood frozen at the embodiment of Earth, frighteningly similar to his encounter with Tartarus. It was shameful. The demigod army wasn't too faring too better, fear being very obvious.

"Stand fast!" Piper came out of nowhere, charmspeak loud and clear. "Greeks and Romans, we can fight her together!"

Gaea merely laughed at the threat. As she spread her arms, the earth stretched toward her, trees, rocks, everything. And they began to sink. Percy panicked, remembering all to well the incident in Alaska, and struggled. He could dimly see the figure of Jason soaring on the wind.

The whole earth is my body. Gaia intoned. How would he fight the goddess of-


Gaea was snared and suddenly in the claws of a huge metal dragon. Percy stared, dumbstruck, as the dragon's gleaming wings and fiery breath rose and the figure on his back grinned. Leo Valdez, that sneaky little imp. The ground solidified, and all stopped sinking.

Annabeth looked up in surprise. "That's Festus! I thought he said it was destroyed!"

"You met it before?" I blinked.

Leo yelled down. "Pipes! Jason! You coming? The fight is up here!"

Something caught Percy's eye. The monsters were digging themselves out. Percy dragged his feet out. "Annabeth!" He hauled her up. Most of the campers were still buried up to their waists, and the monsters were taking advantage of their disorganization. "No!"

Percy looked up and spotted Piper and Jason about to take off. Wait!

"Wait! Frank can fly the rest of us up there!" Percy pleaded. "We can all-"

Jason shook his head. "No, man, they need you here. There's still an army to defeat, besides, the prophecy."

Frank grasped Percy's shoulder. "You have to let them do this, Percy. It's like Annabeth's quest in Rome. This part can only be them."

Percy did not like that. He remembered too clearly the pain of having Annabeth to go alone. This was not better.

"Hey! Problem over here!" Percy turned to Annabeth, facing an incoming wave of monsters heading for the Greeks. Cursing, he ran to join her, defending the demigods as they freed themselves. It seemed like hours of chopping through monsters. The ground was littered with dust. Every so often Percy desperately looked up at Jason, Piper, Leo, Gaea, and Festus. It was horrible, and he tried to distract himself, focusing on getting rid of the monsters. The rain didn't help either, pounding down like more weight on the burden.

Percy looked up one more time, as they disappeared from his view. He wished he could be up there. He wished he could help. Annabeth put a hand on his shoulder. "I know. But you can't interfere. Focus on the problem right now."

Percy sighed. "Alright, Wise Girl."

As soon as he said that, a sling sound was heard, an unmistakable one. An organer. Who's using them now? A fiery comet soared up to the sky, gaining height every second. Percy realized what was going to happen, and by the looks of Annabeth, she knew too.

"NO!" Percy rushed forward in vain. The comet disappeared in the clouds, and an explosion turned the entire sky gold.

Percy stared in disbelief. It didn't It can't have. Not like this. After staring in stupor, he turned his anger on the monsters. His vision turned red, and nothing mattered anymore. Riptide became an arc of pure destruction, as monsters were chopped through like paper. Anger fueled his motive, and monsters went down. Percy roared in rage, and was dimly aware of other demigods warily fighting near him. He didn't care. Those monsters h-

A scream reached Percy's ear. A scream that pierced his very soul. Percy's eyes widened and his arm drooped. A scream identical to a scream so long ago, when a certain someone intercepted a knife to save him. Annabeth's scream.


Percy charged toward the sound, cursing himself as to forget about her in his bloodlust. He spotted a group of Apollo campers near a fallen demigod, and he slid toward them. It was her. Ignoring the fearful and confused looks of the Apollo children, he cradled her in his arms. A gaping wound at her stomach from a knife wound had blood streaming out of it as the healers bandaged it desperately.

"How could I have let this happen?" Tears rolled down his face.

Annabeth grabbed his arm. "It's okay, Seaweed Brain."

"You're not dying. You can't die. You won't die."

He stayed by her side even as the war raged on, and her breathing slowly became more labored. Eventually the son of Apollo stood. And mutely shook his head, and left.

Percy's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait!"

Before he could call out, Annabeth stopped him. "No, Percy. Stop."

Percy cried. "I can't live without you."

"You have to, Seaweed Brain. Don't die, please. I don't want to cause you death."


Annabeth merely shook her head, smiling sadly. "I suspected this might happen. Percy, promise me. Promise me you will live your life out."

Percy tried to hold back sniffles, to no avail. "But-"


"I...promise." He choked out. "I swear on the River Styx."

Annabeth smiled. "Remember you dream about us in New Rome?"

Percy smiled back, with tears in his eyes. "Yeah. Your face was not happy about it."

She laughed, and here eyes closed. No. No.

"Annabeth no." Percy frantically searched for her pulse. "Please, no. Don't leave me, don't leave me Annabeth! NO!"

And everything went black.

You don't know how painful it was to write this. It sucks. But I didn't want her to break up or something like that. That would be worse. Anyways, thank you for reading, I'm sorry, Annabeth fans.