Tamora Pierce owns the entire universe.

Blame all lousy spelling and grammar on the California Education System.

Chapter 36

When Briar came out of the manor the next morning Sergeant Gij Oe and Corporal Jak Sun were standing on the steps with Captain Kuster. Briars favorite horse, Hoover, was waiting with the guards horses.

'Thought I might go along Baron, If you don't mind." Said Captain Kuster.

"More the merrier Jorge, and if you are going to Baron me all day I might get as stuffy as a city politician, I've asked you before, call me Briar."

"Somehow I don't think the Duke would appreciate my not showing you the proper respect, Baron."

"The proper respect? You know my history don't you Jorge?"

"I know that you are Baron of Green Acres." Said Kuster. "and that is all I really need to know."

"Well it seems sometimes that the Empress changed my name to Baron, the great bulk of the people who feel comfortable calling me Briar I don't want to know. Most of them want to curry favor with the Duke through my connections with Sandry."

Mounting Hoover Briar said, "Let's go."

The three guards mounted and fell in with Briar as he headed out the estates front gate.

Briar asked Kuster to ride beside him and they discussed the guards, Briar checking for problems he could do something about.

Kuster laughed, "You are always going to have personality conflicts when you get a group of men in close contact for an extended period of time but the only real problem is the fact that you and the Baroness's have created such a relaxed atmosphere here at Green Acres that when the Dukes rotation come around most of the guards would like to stay."

Briar left the road and took a short cut through the orchards, moving under an apple tree Brair pulled Hoover to a stop. Looking up he used his green magic and the limbs moved, opening a gap up into the tree, a large ripe apple dropped out of the tree into his hand.

"I thought these orchards were picked." Said Kuster.

"Every harvest misses some of the crop, sometimes just missed, some not picked because of size, any number of reasons. I once found an entire tree that had been missed, full of fruit. I like to find the after harvest fruit because when it ripens on the tree it seems to be sweeter to me."

By the time they got through the orchards Briar had found enough apples of all four of the men and their horses.

Following Briar and Kuster Sergeant Gij Oe and Corporal Jak Sun were quietly talking.

"We are guarding a good man." Said Oe.

"Yes we are." Answered Sun.

Oe said, "When I went out this morning the sergeant telling a group of new trainees, 'Today, gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. First, the good news Private Peters will be setting the pace on our morning run.' The trainees were overjoyed because Peters was overweight and terribly slow. But then the sergeant finished his statement: "Now for the bad news. Private Peters will be riding a horse.'"

"I bet that went over big with the new ones." Said Sun.

"Considering how they have be harassing Peters I think they needed a lesson and sarge decided to teach them one."

"I have noticed that even though he is fat and slow he finishes what he starts." Said Oe, "it may take him a while but he gets it done."

"Let's move up," said Sun, "there's the winery."

They nudged their horses up closer to Briar and Kuster.

Dismounting at the winery stables Briar lead Hoover into a stall, removed his tack and gave him a quick rubdown. Dropping a knife out of one sleeve he used it to cut one of the apples into quarters and he fed the pieces to Hoover while Kuster, Oe and Sun took care of their horses.

Kuster commented, "You have some obtained some good horses Baron."

"Yes, Moglee has swapped of some of the ones that look good for some really solid mounts. Give him a few years and Green Acres mounts will be great demand."

As the four of them entered the winery the Galow brothers, Juleo and Ernst, met them at the door.

"Baron Moss, welcome, we haven't seen much of you here."

""Good morning Juleo, Ernst I have been busy with the harvest, but now that it is over I thought I would spend a day rummaging around in the storage cave."

"We have moved the wine out of there and we located the body of the old vintner, we gave him a proper burial in the graveyard."

As they moved through the winery Brair commented, "You have really cleaned this place up since I was here last, it is spotless."

"Yes," said Juleo, "you need it clean if you plan to produce a good product."

As the group walked down the main tunnel toward the storage cavern the Galow brothers updated Briar on how the production and storage of wines was going.

Passing a collection of carts Briar moved over and grabbed a cart.

"Baron," Said Juleo, "there are carts at the storage cavern."

"Good." Briar said pushing the cart back against the wall.

Reaching the cavern, Juleo pulled out some keys and unlocked the door that had been installed after Tris had taken down the illusion spell and the barrier wards.

Handing the key to Briar Juleo said, "I will leave you to it, I have some work that needs doing."

"Thanks Juleo, I will see you later." Said Briar.

Juleo turned and headed back up the tunnel as Briar opened the door and he and the guards entered the cavern.

Inside the door there was several of Evvy's light sticks mounted on posts that could be moved around to light any area that needed light. There was also a rack full of a dozen of the light sticks for individual use and a box of tools for opening boxes..

The wine that had been concealed in the cavern had all been removed, leaving a large area in the front of the cavern open.

The open area was less that a quarter of the total area of the cavern. The rest was piled with crates, boxes and furniture. Lurking in the distance were large shapes that could not be made out due to low light.

Briar moved over to the toolbox, picked up a pry bar, "Grab a took men and pick a box."


Author's Note.

I keep getting remarks that the story is to long so I am ending it.

What takes place in the missing sections.

Hunter Kees and his sister arrives at Green Acres

The romance between Hunter and Tris rekindles.

The Empress arranges a marriage for Sandry.

Cassandra 124c4u leads Briar on a merry chase.

Daja meets a Trader her age who comes to Summersea because of the new trader ship/caravan for craftsmen.

Ruby the orphan girl so full of life dies in a accident while playing.

Moglee and Evvy ?????????

Glaki ends up at Lightsbridge.

And on and on...

So here is the last chapter I wrote ages ago.


The Last Chapter

He had now been part of the Emelan Nobility for almost two years and was finally beginning to become accustomed to the title.

Baron Briar Moss was sitting at the edge of a cliff by the sea, near the Green Acres fortress, while the staff and guards of Green Acres prepared a after harvest picnic. He idly watching the waves roll in and out and enjoyed the light breeze off the sea.

Two years of hard work by everyone had restored the manor, the fortress and grounds. All of the abandoned farms now had tenants and with the help of the plant magic of Briar and Rosethorn the harvest of all had been good.

Movement caught his eye and he turned his head to see a leaf, blowing in the wind, but caught by the remains of a spider's web. The leaf's turning in the wind had spun the web into a single strand up to the point where it spread out to hold the leaf and the leaf bounced and spun as the wind attempted to tear it loose.

Suddenly Briars eyes sharpened and he jerked alert.

"Daja, Tris come here."

Baroness Kisubo, who had been, relaxing under a nearby tree testing a new knife, she had made, with an edge sharp enough to split an atom, on a dead branch, stood and walked over to Briar.

Baroness Chandler, who had been standing, facing the wind, on the cliffs edge, a short way west of Briar, turned and walked over to him.

"What?" asked Tris.

Pointing to the leaf, Briar said, "Look."

"A leaf, you disturb me and Daja to show us a leaf."

"Tris it's FLYING!"

Two heads jerked back to examine the leaf,

"Goddess of the Moon, it is flying." whispered Tris.

So with the discovery of a natural kite by three extremely intelligent people the age of aviation in Emelan has begun...



A/N #1

Sharp enough to split an atom – I used an Imperial colloquium and the magic spell translated it to this.

A/N #2

Have you ever thought about what Tris could do with a hang glider????


You can skip what is left.

The lost history of Emelan.

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away a planet circling a red star exploded.

Pieces of this planet traveled through space for eons, being effected by assorted radiations and cosmic influences.

In the year 2184 these strange rocks fell on the planet earth and destroyed civilization as we know it, in spite of every attempt to prevent it.

Many of these meteorites, altered by the protracted journey through unknown space, disintegrated in the atmosphere while the larger ones impacted with the planet.

This spread the radioactive dust throughout the air and it fell with rain into the water.

The survivors of the catastrophic event breathed the air and drank the water, the dust entered the human DNA and altered it forever, Magic came into the world.

As the survivors rebuilt civilization the Living Circle religion came in to being. Building their temples in the craters left by the larger meteors where the rock existed in abundance, the priests and priestesses dedicated to the Living Circle gods used the rock to store power for the temples.

By bring talented young mages into the temples for training they ensure that if the youngsters don't become Dedicates they are at least don't oppose the temples.

Check out the TV series Smallville to see the influence of Radioactive rock on the human race.