Disclaimer:  I do not make any money off of my stories about CSI.

A/N:  Here is an oldie but goody.  At least it's one of my favorites.  I wanted to post this again for those who hadn't been able to read it before or who have not read it at my site.              


            Sara Sidle came into the Crime Lab with determination written all over her face.  I have to do this.  I can't take it anymore.  She reached Gil Grissom's office door and leaned against the doorframe.  He didn't see her.  So how do I start?  She knew he was going to take it the wrong way.  "Hey, Grissom, got a moment?"

            Grissom looked up at her.  Sara had her arms folded in front of her chest and her right hand held a piece of paper.  "Actually, I have more than one.  What's up?"  Sara walked in to his office and shut the door.  Well this must be important.  He thought as she walked over and handed him the piece of paper she was holding and then she sat down with a slowness that betrayed her feelings of unease.

            Grissom's head was spinning.  He couldn't believe what he was looking at, again, although this time she entered "personal reasons" on her Leave of Absence.  He looked up at her and asked.  "Sara… I thought we had this worked out.  I thought things were better.  What's wrong this time?"

            Sara could read the misunderstanding and hurt in his eyes.  She smiled to try and reassure him.  "Grissom, everything here, at work, is okay.  It's not like last time, honest.  I…" She hesitated to gather her thoughts.  "I have something, as I stated, a personal thing that I need to take care of and I don't know how long it will take.  I thought of taking some vacation time instead but I don't think it will be long enough."

            "Is there anything I can help with?"  Grissom wasn't sure if he should have asked that but this was Sara and even though he didn't show her his feelings, he at least wanted her to feel that he was there for her.

            "No…I…uh…just need to go out of town for awhile and take care of this."  She stumbled through it.  If she didn't get out of there soon she was going to tell him everything.

            "I know I'm not the first person anyone goes to about their problems but if there is anything you need to talk about I'm here for you.  You know that don't you?"  He could see storms were brewing in her eyes.  She nodded that she understood.  Maybe if I say it again she'll talk to me.  "I mean it you know, you can trust me, no matter what it is, I won't think of you any differently.  I'm here just to listen if you want."

            More than anything, Sara wished she could believe that because right now she wanted to tell him what she was leaving for but the memory of their conversation those four years ago came back in a rush.  She couldn't risk it, not yet at least. She stood up and walked over to the door and put her hand on the knob then turned back around to face him.  "Grissom, I need to leave first thing in the morning.  The leave would start immediately, will you sign it?"

            He nodded and did just that.  She waited for him to finish and look back up at her. When he did she said, "Thank you."  Then she turned back to the door and walked out.

            He sat there in a daze and wondered what it was she couldn't talk to him about. 

            At that moment, Catherine popped her head in and saw him staring off into space.  Now what did Sara do this time?  She saw Sara leave and she had also seen the tears that had built up in her eyes as she left.  "Hey, Gris, what's going on?  I just saw Sara leave and she looked like she was about to start crying.  Is something wrong?"

            He stood up and handed her the paper that Sara had just given him.  She read it and looked back at him startled.  "You've got to be kidding.  Again?  Things seemed to be going so well between you two."

            "She said it's nothing like before but that it was personal stuff that she had to take care of.  She didn't know how long it would take, but I… I don't know.  I just get this feeling that there is more to it than that especially now that you said she looked like she was going to start crying."  He knew Catherine thought he hadn't tried to talk to her about it.  "I did try to tell her she could talk to me, you know, but she just said she had to go."

"I could try and talk to her if you want."  Catherine felt that her friendship with Sara had reached a new level and now might be a good time for some girl bonding.

            "No."  Grissom sighed heavily.  "We have work to do and since she won't be here tonight we're short-handed.  Give me a couple of minutes and I'll meet you in the briefing room."

            "Okay, I'll gather up the boys."  Catherine left it at that but knew that when she got a chance, Sara Sidle was going to have a visitor later that night.