Reviews for Her
Mary chapter 20 . 6/23
Sorry it. Was a good story but the end have a cliff. Hanger for a ending..l just. Hate that
aninom chapter 20 . 9/23/2016
I really liked this story! Loved Laredo!... It would be great to get a sequel... Thanks for sharing:)
Sandrene09 chapter 6 . 7/1/2010
Hi :D nice story, I really liked it and I like the concept. :D

BTW. you're the daughter of Grissom and sara, SURPRISE Haha :D
karagrace chapter 20 . 9/15/2009
I have read this story before and was very remiss in not telling you how much I enjoyed it. Very sweet.
Kay Isles chapter 20 . 6/20/2007
This is one of my favorite stories :-D
JuanseyLio chapter 20 . 4/17/2006
really nice, i wish you would think about doing a sequel!
ReveredGeek4GSR chapter 20 . 4/15/2006
Awesome, heart-warming story! Bravo! All I care about now is... When will we get to see the sequel? Please keep up the awesome work!
El Gringo Loco chapter 20 . 4/9/2006
Excellent reasonably paced, well written if a bit idealistic. Does beg for a sequel.
geeklovegirl chapter 20 . 4/9/2006
AH! I love this story! Do you have any plans for a sequel? This is definantly a story for my favorites list!
Juanita chapter 1 . 6/2/2005
This was a beautiful story. Can we expect

maybe one or two chapters on their new life

The Phantom26 chapter 13 . 5/26/2005
OMG! you're going to HAVE to keep me in touch with this one. I can't believe she actually did that...wonderful story! Keep it up! _
CSIwannabe chapter 13 . 5/26/2005
That little girl is so cute. the whole thing can mbe summed up in one word: Aw
Wiccamage chapter 13 . 5/25/2005
Oh goddess! Did she really just do that. You know you have to update rapidly now so I can find out what happens next!

upinthevioletsky chapter 12 . 5/14/2005
*sighs happily* This is a GREAT plot...I love it! Several sections in your fic are a /little/ choppy, but other than that, I hope you'll keep updating!

BTW: My friend and I were arguing on how to pronounce Laredo's name. Is it La-RAY-do, La-REE-do, or La-RED-o? Or another way...


Saskiamq chapter 12 . 1/28/2005
Wow love it that the girl is so cute i hope u do more, wonther why Sara so worry something will happen to her and did Gil already had the surgery?
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