Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer, I don't own Outlaw Star, I don't own any of the characters, I only own my ideas, please don't sue me

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer, I don't own Outlaw Star, I don't own any of the characters, I only own my ideas, please don't sue me. Though I wish I owned Gene…^_^= Gene Starwind rules and rocks the house down with his bishounen-ness! And Jim's the cutest kid to ever grace any decent anime!

Author's note: This will eventually be a romance between Gene and Melfina, but first, this is the first chapter. It's kinda a/u, and I made up some things, like my character Liara, but that's only because the series isn't too far along.

Star Dawning: Chapter 1

By Moonbeam

Stars. They were always so pretty. Gene Starwind gazed out a window of the Outlaw Star. He was always so lonely, even with Jim. Jim was always so perky. All he felt was darkness. Death was everywhere. First Hilda, and pretty soon him. With Aisha Clanclan on his tail, he couldn't do anything. She'd show up anywhere, that nasty Ctarlctarl. And the enigmatic Melfina just puzzled him more.

Yes, Melfina. She was pretty all right, for a bioandroid. But there was something more to her than just a naked-chick-in-a-box. Gene grinned a crooked grin. He ran a hand through his flame red hair. Anyway, back to work. There was a lot to do, and he was pretty sure Jim was tired of piloting. The kid was a genius, but he was still a kid. And he was always comforting Melfina, like she had a problem. Gene remembered Jim saying Melfina was confused about her past, but what past? He'd help her find her past, however way he could…

"Gene!" Jim yelped, banging his fist on his older companion's head. "Is it just me or are you sleeping in there?"

"No-nothing," Gene said, gazing off into space again. "Just thinking."

"Oh." Jim looked at Gene, puzzled. "You know Gene, you may be the ladies' man, but you sure are acting pretty lovestruck. And the only girl on the ship would be Melfina, unless you like that Ctarlctarl girl."

"Aisha? Are you kidding? She's scary!" Gene sweatdropped. "But Melfina, she's so intriguing, ya know? So mysterious."

Melfina walked in just then, silent and solemn as always. She glanced sadly at Jim and Gene, and sat down.

"Hey, Mel, what's wrong?" Jim asked. The blond boy looked concerned about the sentient female bioandroid.

"Nothing," Melfina sighed. "Just tired, I suppose. And I guess I'm sick of hearing Gilliam so many times. He just won't shut up, will he?"

"Not that I know of," Gene chuckled.

Gilliam heard him and scowled, in any way a ship's computer could. "I am SICK of the insults! Why? Why? I'm only a simple computer!"

"Simple computer with a big mouth," Gene retorted.

"Wait a minute now. Are we docking in Chiron Blue now or what?" Jim asked Gene. "We need supplies, and since we chucked Fred off the ship, we need a new armory expert, who's not gay!"

"You got it buddy," Gene said, and took control. Off they blasted to the port called Chiron Blue.

Once docked, the three walked off to get some food. Gene basically chowed down everything, Jim got sushi, and Melfina got some ramen noodles and mishima beef.

"Yumm," Gene murmured, downing a giant bowl of ramen in one gulp. "Man, that was good. At least we didn't have Aisha to leave nothing for me!"

Jim and Melfina stared at him. "How can you eat that fast?" Jim asked.

"I dunno," Gene said, and glanced at Melfina, who looked disgusted. He quickly wiped his mouth and sat quietly for the rest of lunch. Just as they were cleaning up, Gene felt a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around, and saw a pretty lime green-haired girl decked out in full arsenal, her gun pointed at his head.

"Who're you?" Gene snarled.

"I am called Liara Pikaro, the weapons expert of Chiron Blue. I am in search of Gene Starwind, the pilot of the Outlaw Star. I heard he needs a weapons expert," Liara replied, her cold gray eyes flashing dangerously.

Gene glanced at Melfina, who looked rather intimidated. "I'm Gene Starwind."

"So, I guess this makes us partners," Liara said. "Your ship needs outfitting."

"That's true. How do we know you don't work for the Ctarlctarl Empire or for the space pirates?" Gene asked, looking a bit wary.

"Just trust me."

So? Do you guys like it? Of course, this will be continued if you guys like it. This is my first ff. on Outlaw Star, but I love Gene. No flames please, I don't play with fire. Thankz minna!
