Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters, but I own Liara and that's it

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters, but I own Liara and that's it.

Author's Note: Hey, hey, hey! Fourth chapter here to stay! It's Moonbeam here, with the fourth installment of Star Dawning! I'm really hyper today so get ready for a super-embarrassing Jim chapter. It's kawaii, and kinda funny. But towards the end there's a lot of Jim-torture and Jim-angst. This is the last chapter of Star Dawning, but I AM writing a sequel because I believe the story should not end where it does. I love you Jim! You're such a kawaii bishounen! Oh and if anyone who was wondering, Jim is fourteen in this fic because it's three years after all the episodes I've seen, which is just about every one, maybe not all though. Just filling ya in! o.O! Oh and did anyone see Wednesday's episode? It was so kawaii when Melfina took Gene in her arms and cured him of that poison! She just held him, chanting his name, and she was holding him a bit low on the body…okay r+r!

Star Dawning: Chapter Four

By Moonbeam

Jim woke up the next day and jumped out of bed, still in his black silk pj pants and white muscle shirt. He flexed his arm muscles tiredly, and grinned, rubbing his eyes. He ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair and walked into the bathroom. He flipped on the light and looked at himself in the mirror.

~ Yup. Still the childish kid face I always had. But I guess it's distinguishing. ~ Jim thought. ~ I look like a blond Gene, though with more muscles and minus the scars and the star tattoo on his shoulder. And more kawaii, of course. ~ Jim grinned and flexed his triceps again. ~ I've certainly matured more, though I can't say the same for Gene. ~ Jim grinned at last night's occurrences. "Well, someone certainly got their freak on last night." Jim stretched again and got dressed into a blue sleeveless shirt and an old pair of baggy dark green cargoes. Then, grabbing his jacket, went out the door.

Almost simultaneously with him, Gene emerged from Melfina's room, only in a pair of gray drawstrings.

"Naughty, naughty aniki," Jim taunted. "Someone got their freak on."

Gene looked at his younger companion and nearly fainted. "Jim, were we really that loud?"

"Does Suzuka drink tea every few seconds?" Jim replied. He nodded to the room. "If Melfina still in there?"

"Yeah. I think I wore her out," Gene smiled. "Of course, I'm the ladies' man." He chuckled.

"I knew you had it in you," Jim said. "Her too. I knew she loved you all along."

"Yeah. She's great too," Gene said.

"Yo, I just hope we don't get any little ones running around. You're the only baby I want to take care of around here," Jim chuckled. "It's amazing, since you haven't grown up yet, aniki."

"Whatever," Gene retorted. "At least I'm not the one who's never kissed a girl."

~ Ouch. That stung. ~ Jim winced. "Don't rub it in!" He blushed furiously and walked off.

"That kid's growing up so fast," Gene chuckled dryly.

After Jim had left the company of Gene, he had stormed off in white-hot fury. Jim found himself in a gun supply store, in which he began browsing in a rage.

~ That Gene, thinks he needs to rub everything I did wrong in. ~ Jim thought angrily while looking at a wall of terra ion blasters. He selected one and ran his hands over it, getting the feel of the metal of the gun. ~ So what if I haven't kissed a girl? It's no big deal… ~ But still, somewhere in his mind, Jim doubted his feelings.

"WHY HAVEN'T I KISSED A GIRL?" In his anger, Jim shouted out, forgetting where he was. He blushed sheepishly as everyone turned to look at him. He quickly paid for the gun and shot out of the store.

"Oh shoot. Now I've just gone and made a fool of myself," Jim muttered. "But why do I care? It's not like there is a girl for me anyway. I'm just a low-down freak of nature whiz kid." He continued to explore the different stores in the hotel. It was mostly clothes and junk, nothing he wanted. It had the same assortment as every other space station he'd been to.

Lonely. The word echoed through Jim's mind. Gene used to be lonely. But now he had Melfina. Gene had always loved Melfina, ever since she took him in her arms and cured him of poison, holding him tight against her body.

And Suzuka. They had yet to pick her up from the space station they had left her at. But Suzuka was even older than Gene.

Aisha? No chance. The Ctarlctarl wasn't exactly fond of him.

Liara. The merciless bounty hunter wouldn't care. In fact, she'd probably kill him if he advanced on her.

A single tear slipped down Jim's cheek, marring his youthful beauty. He had to admit he really liked Liara. She was true release from his hellish nightmare. His world of solitude.

Yes! She was the love of his life! But sadly, she would never accept him. Jim turned back to the Outlaw Star, hearing Gene calling him on his wrist intercom.

When he arrived, he cried inwardly as he saw Gene and Melfina in each other's arms and the pained look on Liara's young face. Heartbroken at fourteen was not her intention.

~ It took them three years. ~ Jim thought. ~ Maybe it will take me that long too. ~ He turned away. Gene and Melfina were too perfect together. He hopped into the cockpit, and immediately placed it on autopilot so Melfina could chat with Gene.

Jim, with a heavy heart, went into his room.


Jim couldn't help but keep stealing glances at Liara. She was so pretty.

"Hey you two, do me a big favor and reload the guns, all right?" Gene called.

Jim hoisted himself up. He grabbed an armful of bullets and walked towards the armory. Liara did the same.

On the way, Liara tripped. Jim easily caught her in his strong arms. She looked at him and set about picking up the bullets she scattered. Jim helped her, and his hand touched hers.

He pulled it away sheepishly and handed her the bullets. Then he picked up his own and resumed with the task.

As he was reloading the gun, he felt soft lips brush his cheek. He turned to look at Liara, blushing himself.

"What was that for?" he asked softly.

"Just impulse," Liara said quickly. "No real reason." But Jim knew otherwise. He returned the kiss, this time more intense.

He locked his lips with hers, savoring her. She began to kiss him back, and after a few minutes, they broke apart.

Jim looked at Liara longingly. She got up and walked away in silence. Jim sighed, finishing loading the bullets and retired to his room, confused by the past events. He hoped they meant something.

Liara sat there on his bed. "Hey Jim," she said.

"What are you doing here Liara?" Jim asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask you something," Liara said.


"Do you love me?" Liara asked.

"Yes," Jim said, not believing her words.

"Good. Because I love you too," Liara said. "But sadly. I must leave."

"Why? I love you Liara," Jim said wildly.

"I must move on. It is the way of the mercenary. Things have not gone t6he way I wanted them to. I have to leave Jim," Liara explained.

"Just grant me one request before you go," Jim pleaded.

"Hmmm?" Liara's eyes were filled with pain.

"Give me one night with you," Jim said, his pain masked by a stoic expression. "Beautiful girl, aishiteru."

"Oh Jim!" Liara ran to him and sobbed in his arms.

Jim breathed into her hair, his heart breaking. He knew he should have told her sooner. He muffled his sobs into her soft hair. He loved her so much, but now she was leaving him.

He held her all night. But he knew he would never love again.

MWAHAHAHA! I'm so evil. So Jim loses Liara, but what happens when he meets her again in the sequel? Will he find love again? Will Gene and Melfina have a *gasp* baby? Find your answers in the upcoming sequel, 'Love Eternal as the Stars.' Oh and, please minna, suggest your favorite bishoujo (pretty girl) name because I need a name for my new character. ^_^=

-Moonbeam ^_^=