Title: There's a Sock in Your Pants!
Author: Elf Asato
Written: April 22, 2004
Series: Tokyo Babylon
Timeline: Pre-evil stuff.
Summary: Subaru notices a sock in Seishirou's pants.
Disclaimer: I am not CLAMP, so I do not own.
Notes: This is a random drabble written for catesith18, who gave me the line "That's not a sock, Subaru-kun..." to work with.

There's a Sock in Your Pants!
By Elf Asato

"Subaru-kun, do you love me?" Seishirou smiled sweetly as he gazed over his teacup at the beautiful youth in front of him.

Blushing, Subaru stammered as he set his own teacup down in a hurry, "S-Seishirou-saaaaaan!"

It was always like that as they had their own tea party underneath the sakura in Ueno Park, watching...conversing...enjoying the scenery and each other's company. Hokuto-chan was out collecting specimens for a class. ...Whatever class it was, nobody knew since she tended to talk so quickly, but that was alright because Seishirou didn't really feel the need to know what class it was for.

He was just grateful that she was gone for the moment.

Seishirou smiled, his eyes glittering at the embarrassed teen attempting to look off somewhere else. "You are too adorable when you blush, Subaru-kun."

"Too adorable?" Subaru asked suddenly, bringing his eyes back to rest on the older man, almost quizzically. "How adorable should I be, then?"

Seishirou choked on the tea and immediately started laughing.


"Ah Subaru-kun," he chuckled as he attempted to take another sip of his tea and let his mind wander, "when you are older, you will know how adorable you should be."

Looking almost flustered, Subaru was about to let out another "Seishirou-saaaan!" when he noticed something. "What's that?"

"Hm?" Seishirou grunted, enjoying the sight of Subaru before him, and in his thoughts - two different Subarus entirely, for the record. One of which was sprawled out naked on red satin sheets... "What's what, Subaru-kun?"

"That bulge in your pants."

For the second time that day, Seishirou choked on his tea.

He was about to say something - he didn't know what, though - when Subaru continued, as if having had an epiphany of sorts, "Oh!" Then he leaned closer until his face was only inches away from the other's. "Do you stuff your pants with a sock, too, Seishirou-san?"

Rather bewildered - er, as bewildered as Seishirou was ever going to get, anyway - he managed to get out "Subar-" before the teen reassured, "It's okay, Seishirou-san. Because all the other guys in my class at school are so much more well-built than I am, I stuff my pants with a sock, too."

Whether or not it made sense to Seishirou at all was irrelevant. All he recognized was a Golden Opportunity.

"...That's not a sock, Subaru-kun."

"Really?" Subaru asked innocently. "Then what is it?"

With a smirk, Seishirou said, "Why don't you come closer and find out?"

And lo and behold, the sun shined brightly and sakura floated picturesquely from the trees. All was right with the world because Subaru Fell For It and was coming closer...dipping his head down to Seishirou's crotch to see what really wasn't a sock at all...

Then Hokuto came back, and as Subaru lifted his head up to greet her, the world turned into that dreary, evil place filled with perverts who liked little boys and assassins who fed trees once again.

"Damn," Seishirou muttered under his breath.


You just know Subaru did that on purpose.