Chapter Fifteen

Tom smiled as he pulled him into a hug, but cleared his throat to remind his son about his guests.

"Oh," Harry said "Ron, Hermione meet my dad- Tom Riddle Aka the Dark Lord Aka Lord Voldemort. Dad meet Ron and Hermione."

Tom was pale as he was introduced to the two children. He turned to the half expecting them to scream or tell Harry he was crazy, but they smiled and started to laugh at his anxious face.

"What," he half shouted "is so funny? I mean…" Harry cut his father rant off short.

"They saw Dumbledore's actions and were going to come with me no matter what. I didn't know how to tell, so I showed them everything I know. They accepted it really wasn't you who did those things, cause something I shared with them so they came without fear for you." Harry said. The three kids looked at the shell shocked Tom before leaving to explore the house.

Harry settled Ron in the room on the left side of his and Hermione to the one on the right. They sat talking about how to bring Tom out of his shell shock a house elf arrived with snacks and three copies of the daily prophet. Surprisingly their disappearances hadn't been reported yet.

"Harry," the female elf said "dinner will be ready soon. Will you tell your father, he won't answer us?" She asked.

"Of course Marernia" Harry replied easily.

"Harry mate,' Ron began "why didn't she call you master?'

"Because Ron," Harry said "we pay all of our house elves."

"Oh…" Ron said feeling slightly stupid for not realizing it sooner.

"Well since you guys came with me Dumbledore will problem declare you dead…" Harry said "So what would you guy's like for your new first names? Dad and I will have to change our public ones too. My old Public name was Jacob Knight, but Dumbledore knows that, and Dad's was Matthew Knight." Harry finished "Oh… And what school would you like to go to? Durmstrang? Beaubuxtons? Will we all go together?" Harry added

"Well we have a while to think about that. Lets go un-shock my dad" Harry said with a grin as he led the other two downstairs.