At long last.

NA finally comes to an end, nearly a year and three months after its uploading, after sitting around for almost six months, almost getting dropped, nevermind starting off as a oneshot.

I've come a long way. Thank you.

Now. Enough procrastination.


Warning: Innuendos. Meh. You expected that, didn't you?

Nighttime Activities

Part 9: Plus A Perfect Conclusion


"I'm hungry," Sheik whined. He was standing beside the buffet. Malon rolled her eyes, daintily eating a canapé. Both were dressed up fancily, a sight that had made Zelda reel in shock when she'd first seen them.

"Stop complaining," Malon ordered her two weeks old boyfriend. Sheik sighed heavily, collapsing into a nearby chair as Malon came to sit on his armrest. He snaked an arm around her waist to bring her closer. She squirmed a bit in protest, but finally calmed down.

He looked around at the business elite, all dressed up with a chic that was overwhelming. He sighed again.

"So this is the world that our Zellie has joined. How nice. If she goes all uptight on us, Mal', I swear I'm going to—"

"Going to what? You know you can't beat anyone up. It's just not in your nature."

"Don't put me down. I can be powerful if I want. I'm just too lazy. But the world should watch out. I could take it by storm any day of the week."

Malon shook her head slowly, taking a deep breath. She said, "I hope no one notices that she's gone already."

"Not to worry. We were told to cover for her."

"That's what worries me."

Sheik grinned, looking up at her. "Heh, what are you afraid of? It's not like anyone can do anything about it. Besides," he added, "that guy Link is good. He'll take care of her."

"You never approve of any of Zelda or my male acquaintances. Now I'm really worried. Did he pay you off?"


"Ooh. Something sordid."

"Ew… No."

"Then what?"

Sheik smiled, but said nothing.

Link smiled.

It was late evening, and out of the darkness, flashing, bright and colorful neon tubes illuminated the nightclub. Glow sticks flitted around, in soft blue, pink and green colors.

She slipped in and out of the throngs of people, not exactly part of the crowd but not exactly alienated. From time to time, her golden tresses would go out of sight, but she'd reappear a few steps further, weaving her way into the moving mass.

His experienced eyes followed her every movement from the balcony. The club jumped with the beat, it seemed, the dance floor swarming with oblivious young people. The beat thrummed into his gut, making him bob his head to the music. It was a popular song, though he could not exactly remember its title or its interpret. He couldn't care less.

She was making her way to a back door, by the DJ's stage, and shooed away a couple, who was shamelessly making out against the pane. Slipping inside, the door shut tightly.

Link knew now he didn't need a key either.

Stopping suddenly his dancing in the club, he shoved aside a woman with light blue hair who was flirting with him again, and made his way down the narrow stairway, avoiding people who were coming up.

The crowd was no good to him either, but he was getting used to the struggle. On his way, more than a few women sent him appreciative leers.

Link knew now that he wasn't bad looking, and he had used it more than once in his work, especially the recent few weeks. He didn't pride himself on using such basic tactics, but since it had helped him to what was wanted…

The 'horny couple', as he'd grown to call them regularly, was still making out against the door. Link approached them and poked the male on the shoulder. The dazed young man turned around, annoyed at the interruption, and Link motioned that he wished to pass through the door.

The guy led his girlfriend away, unwilling to get in a scuffle with him. Link pulled the door slightly open, and wasn't surprised that it was heavy and hard to pull. It was one of those doors that were built to close if nothing held them back, the kind you unconsciously get used to.

He slipped in and pulled the door closed again, effectively cutting out the loud blast of the club. It was now quieted down to a simple beat in the background.

Link stepped onto the old cement floor, and silently walked towards another door at the end of this short and narrow hallway. There was a janitor's closet to his right. He smirked at it with a sheepish grin, averting his eyes.

Opening the next door, there was another hallway, which was much longer. It contained all the dressing rooms. He went down this corridor now, and found a door, which was slightly open. Some light poured out of the opening, and he pressed himself against the wall to listen.

All he could hear was shuffling and some light footsteps.

He held his breath. His assumptions were right. She was there.

He leaned forward, trying to distinct something in the room, and saw her moving about. Her golden hair and shapely form appeared for a fleeting second, and Link had to hold his breath so that she didn't hear him.

A long silence followed, and Link wondered at what was going on. He was about to glance down the doorway again when a sudden noise made him jump and breathe a sharp intake of air. He clasped his hand over his mouth too late. He knew she had heard him. His eyes wide, he considered running off, but decided against it.

She probably knew he was there a long time before she'd gone in.

The door swung open violently, and she looked out, her vivid blue eyes seeking out the source of the noise. They immediately fell upon him, and she smiled.

Her eyes narrowed.

Link barely had the time to react before she had pulled him powerfully inside the room, whirling him around and grabbing his wrists in a tight grip. He found himself facing the wall, unable to move. One whoosh of air came out of his throat and he could only find one word to describe the situation.


"Hello there," she breathed, mouth close to his ear. "How's the little detective going?"

"Very well now," Link smirked as she began to nibble on his earlobe, "but I'd be much better if you could let me return the—mmm, oh yeah—the f… the favor… Ugh, Zelda, please let me go?"

"You know I don't take lightly incursions into my private space."

"You sure?" His smirk widened. " 'Cause you had me confused a long time there."

She let him go, smiling, and went to finish packing her stuff for the night. "You saw me dance?"

"That," Link nodded. "And also earlier tonight when you took up your father's business. He's very proud of you, you know?"

"You would know," Zelda smiled. "He adores you."

Link shrugged, hugging her from behind. She stilled and pushed closer to him. "I don't think so," Link said, tentatively. "I think he's just glad you're alive."

Zelda turned to look at him. "What now, Link?"

Link said nothing, pensive for a long moment. Then, carefully tucking a stray lock of gold behind her ear, he said, "Well, you still have my card. I think we finally did see a lot of each other in the past couple of weeks. So what now? I'm positive we should keep seeing each other, for one, and I also think you should drop me a word or two when we're not together, matter of staying close."

"You have this figured out?"

Link furrowed a brow, smiling crookedly, unsure. "Yeah… You?"

"Not a single bit. I'm glad you know better than I do, for once." She kissed him gently.

"What do you mean, for once?" Link grinned, nuzzling her neck. She squirmed. "Are you saying I don't always know better than you?"

"Well, basically—alright, alright, you can stop that—huh… Link…"

"I'm sorry," he breathed in her ear, then continued tracing kisses down her throat, "I didn't quite get that."

"Bastard," she groaned.

"I love you too," he mumbled against her skin. "… Damn, you're addictive."


"Mind if I… Oh, ye-e-e-s…"

"Uh, damn it all to hell."

"Z-Zelda, you unzip that… the other way."

"I'm sorry, what?"

" … Ss… sweet lord—n-nothing."

"Oh. Good."


Perhaps this is a good time to say that I'm glad?

You may not realize that this story was more trouble to finish than anything else. You may especially not realize if you didn't read my rant last chapter.

But I'm glad.

I really am.

I'm glad that it ends with the beginning, that it comes round full circle without being a return to the start.

Now, if you haven't checked them out already, try out these stories of mine. If you like LoZ Alternate Universes, you should enjoy Evading Protocol; Hylian Kings; Everything She Wants; So Like Link; Nothing New; Photoshoot, or even December. Check out my profile for short summaries.

I'll see you all around.

Yours with much love,