Simply Irresistible
Chapter Five

Christian picked up the phone again. He had been calling Sean over and over for the past three days now, trying to get a hold of him.

"Hello?" a hoarse voice mumbled from the other line.


"Christian? It's five in the morning; even I don't get up this early."

"Sean, we need to talk. Please, can I come in today?" Sean sighed. Christian could hear the edge in his ex-partner's voice. "Please, Sean, you're my best friend. Just hear me out."

"Fine," Sean folded. "Meet me there at seven."

"Thanks," Christian said, before giving a short farewell to the other.

x x x

"Alright, Christian, what do you want? And make this quick," Sean said sternly. "I'm in no mood for your games."

Christian sighed. "Look, Sean. For ever since I can remember, you've always been there for me. Back before college, when I was in high school, I had a cancerous brain tumor. For five long years, I underwent chemotherapy treatments to defeat it, because it was otherwise inoperable." Sean didn't look half-convinced, but Christian clearly had his attention. "The doctors said it was a miracle I survived. I was practically on my death bed. That's why I've always lived for the moment, because I've been so close to death I understand all that 'there may not be a tomorrow' shit." Sean still looked disbelieving. Christian took a hand and thumbed through his hair. "See, look – right here: These are a few scars from scope surgery."

"Oh, my God, you poor thing," Sean said, almost tackling Christian.

"Relax, Sean, it is over." Sean seemed relieved, as if his friend had been dying right then and there and miraculously recovered all in five seconds. "It's just... it weakened my immune system, and the doctors require these check ups to see for disease and cancer re-growth."

"Christian, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You've never lied to me."

"Right," Christian said uneasily, though Sean didn't notice. "Also, I wanna come back, Sean. We're brothers."

Sean nodded. "Of course, of course. And from now on, we'll be more open with each other. No more secrets, especially one like that."

"Okay, Sean," Christian replied.

"And you're in for a real treat. Grace called in today and gave me her two week's notice. Something about you being too big a prick, she couldn't even stand working for me. You got your wish after all. She's gone."

"This is the best day of my life," Christian retorted smugly.

"We don't have anything scheduled until noon, so do you wanna go grab a bite of breakfast?"

"Actually," Christian began, "I'm going to head over to Gina's." Sean looked surprised. "I'm fixing my life one mistake at a time."

"Be careful with that one," Sean scoffed.

x x x

Gina picked herself out of bed. With all of Wilbur's crying at night, she was dead tired and completely pissed. And on top of that, the one time in the last week when Wilbur was asleep, the dock bell rings. 'What now?' she thought, cursing under her breath.

"What do you want, Asshole?" She looked disbelievingly at Doctor Christian Troy, praying to whoever-the-hell was in charge of this God-forsaken universe would cut her just one break.

"I want Wilbur to have a father," he said right out. "I know what it's like to wish for one – granted, a better one – but still. I want this kid to have someone to teach him how to play catch."

Gina stared Christian down. He was wearing a Gucci suit, as always, tailored to fit him just right, accenting the cuts of his chest and body. In his right hand, he had a dozen roses; in his left, a baby's rattle. "Get out of here."

"Come on, Gina. You don't have to live with me!" Gina stopped from walking away; turning back around to face the man she had broken away from. "You sure as hell aren't living here, but you don't have to come live with me." Gina raised an eyebrow. "I'll get you an apartment. A two-bedroom one, real nice. A room for you, a room for Wilbur. I found one just ten minutes from my office. It has a kitchen, living room, din – the works. You'll love it. It's perfect."

"I don't want your money."

"I thought I was paying for this baby."

Gina still did not believe this man, this heartbreaker, a selfish, son-of-a-bitch Asshole who had pricked his way into her life one S.A. meeting at a time.

"How about this," Christian purposed, "you spend one month in the apartment, letting me help with Wilbur, and if you don't like it you and Wilbur can come back here and you'll never have to see me again."

"Deal," Gina said, without thinking.

'Hmmm, this has been a pretty good day. A damn good day.'
