Crystal Ball

By Jamie Day

Chapter 1

Don't own Labyrinth

When we meet

It was wrong

And when we met

It was all wrong

It could not be

We cannot stay

As we could have been

If we hadn't seen each other!

Sometimes I can't stop thinking about what could've been

You and I…

Sarah turned her radio off. That particular son brought back bad memories. She walked back into the bathroom where she had been getting ready to go out with her friend, Danny.

She was still wearing her pajamas. A belly shirt and sweat pants. She had her make up done and her hair almost done. She opened the cabinet mirror and reached for the hairspray. Just as she grabbed a hold of the hairspray she felt a burning heat on her stomach. She quickly jumped back, the hairspray falling to the ground.

She realized that she had left her still hot curling iron sitting on the sink. She looked down at her stomach. Luckily she only had a small line across the left side of her stomach but it still hurt like hell.

She grinded her teeth together as she bent down quickly and grabbed the hairspray before straightening just as quickly. She sprayed her hair before walking out into her room and changing into a cute pink skirt and spaghetti strapped shirt that she made sure covered her stomach.

She went and grabbed a pack of ice. After that she sat down on the couch to think. She was 19 now and it had been 4 years since she'd gone through the Labyrinth. However, it all seemed like it happened just yesterday. "I miss you, Jareath," she said. She couldn't count how many times she's said those words since she'd "come back."

This time though she said also the words she wished she could have said for years. "And I love you!" The doorbell rang and she dropped the ice and ran to the door grabbing her purse on the way. They were going to lunch.

She walked out the door. "Hey, Danny!" She said happily.

The other female replied, "Hey. Are you okay? You look a little pale."

"Huh?" Sarah said, still mildly distracted by thoughts of a handsome and incredibly sexy Goblin King. "Oh, yeah, don't worry. I'm fine."

As they left Sarah looked around one time before she closed the door behind her.