AN: All my Trek readers please read, I think you'd like this fic. Oh and this chapter is revised I added more events at the end of this chapter.

Amorous Tread

Chapter 8 (Revised)

It was the next morning after Logan and Ororo's date, 10:30 a.m. on a Saturday. Most of the children were up but still lounging in their pajamas lazily watching television and waiting for their late Saturday breakfast.

Several people were helping Ororo in the kitchen, including Jean, Rouge, Kitty, and Jubilee. Ororo briskly moved around the kitchen with an air about her that Jean had not seen in years. Jean's eyes discreetly watched Ororo as she dwindled on what could have caused such a quiet but obvious happiness in Ororo. Others who did not know Ororo as long would not have noticed the difference, but Jean knew better.

"Jean, please pass me the spatula." Ororo asked as she stirred the huge pancake batter.

"Sure." Jean passed the spatula, and just then Logan walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." Logan greeted the kitchen.

"Morning." They all greeted.

Before heading to the fridge Logan discreetly walked behind Ororo and grazed his hand over her lower back.

"Morning, Ro." Logan said softly in her ear.

A warm sensation crept up Ororo's spine. "Good Morning, Logan."

Their faces were dangerously close to each other, almost coming in to kiss one another. But they snapped out of it and Logan continued his way to the fridge.

The interaction was no more than a few seconds, but Jean caught it all. She was in a slight state of shock of what she just witnessed that her hand stilled on the fork that she held to beat the eggs.

"Jean? Are you alright?" Rouge asked.

Jean slightly shook her head to snap back. "I'm fine," Jean answered quickly with a smile. "Just thinking."

Logan exited the kitchen, but not before brushing his fingers against the soft hairs of Ororo's neck, which was responded with a fleeting smile from her.

Jean would never admit it but she could be a truly nosy person, discreetly of course. And she knew now that her earlier suspicions of Ororo and Logan becoming oddly close was true. And Jean would be paying attention to the pair intently.

The grass was soft against Ororo's bare feet as her and Logan walked in the forest. After breakfast Logan was making eyes at Ororo, communicating to her without saying a word that he wanted to be alone with her. So eventually their silent flirting around the mansion led them outside, where they most likely would not be bothered or seen.

"You seem nervous, Ro." Logan finally broke the silence.

"I am not nervous." Ororo answered lowly, but knew she could not trick Logan.

Logan grinned. "The funny thing is, you know I know yer lying."

Ororo smiled coyly, as Logan crept closer to her. The truth was Ororo really didn't know what to make of their newfound attraction to each other and she had doubts.

Logan's brow furrowed together as he sensed her uneasy energy. "What's wrong Ro, really?"

Ororo sighed gently and bit her lip. She might as well let him know. "I am not sure what to make of our new attraction to one another," Ororo now looked up at Logan. "For the past few months we have become close friends and I am truly grateful of that, but this… this is something I wasn't expecting–"

"Neither was I, Ro," Logan cut in. "But it happened, and I like it… I like ya." Logan said as he drew closer to Ororo's face.

The heat radiating off Logan's body was a little overwhelming to Ororo in the most primal way, she could tell the rise in his temperature was because of her.

"I like you too Logan, but…" She was starting to trail off, Logan was dangerously close and running his fingers through her snow-white hair.

"But what, Ro?" Logan asked. He knew she was losing her train of thought.

Ororo inhaled deeply. "What about Jean?"

Logan's fingers stilled in her hair. "What about Jean?" He asked a little gruffly.

"We all know that you deeply cared for her, Logan… even loved her," Ororo's eyes dropped from Logan's. "I do not want you to mistaken attraction for me, to actual genuine feelings. For all we know you still might have a thing for her…" She raised her eyes back up at him, with a sternness in them. " I do not want to be anyone's replacement."

Logan's eyes softened. At first the mention of Jean's name naturally made him defensive, but now he understood Ororo's concerns.

"Look, Ro…" Logan held her face between his hands. "I would never make you into anyone's replacement. And I understand how ya feel about the whole Jean thing, but I don't feel that way fer her anymore. Don't get me wrong I'll always care about her, but I'm not in love with her."

Ororo exhaled slightly, it was a strange relief to hear those words from Logan's mouth. But Jean was her best friend, and in an odd way she felt like she was betraying her, but that was a ridiculous notation because Logan and Jean were never actually together.

Logan continued to speak. " Besides she belongs to One-eye. And in a way, I kinda pursued Red just cuz I knew it would be a challenge to Scotty, and then it turned into something else," Logan made a sheepish face. "I guess you can call it the pig-head in me."

A soft smile came across Ororo's face. "Well you can be pig-headed, that is for sure."

A nice rumbly laugh came from Logan. "Can't catch a break with ya, can I, Weather Witch?"

"No," Ororo said unhesitatingly, with a broad smile.

Logan pressed his forehead against Ororo's, looking almost… lovingly in her eyes. His fingers trailed down to her waist, lightly touching the soft skin under her shirt, then slowing wrapping his arms around her waist pressing her closer against his frame.

A shallow breath escaped from Ororo's lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his untamed silky hair.

Theirs lips met, Logan immediately nipping at her full bottom lip. Ororo latching her tongue to his. Their kiss was becoming desperate as if they thirsted for one another. Ororo hadn't felt such a stir within her in years.

Logan unexpectedly lifted up Ororo in his arms forcing her to cling her legs around his waist, as he dropped down on his knees in the soft grass to become more comfortable.

It took all Logan's strength to stay respectful and not grab Ororo's rear. She was already having doubts, the last thing he wanted was to scare her away by being too aggressive. With time he trusted that their intimacy could be more, but for now he would be grateful to be as close to her as she allowed. Not to say Logan wouldn't be… well Logan and get frisky, too see how far Ororo would allow him.

His fingers sneaked their way underneath the hem of her shirt, going further and further up till they reached the soft skin just bellow her left breast, grazing the tender skin. Ororo gasped softly, she wanted to tell Logan to slow down but the words were not coming out. The only thing she could manage to say was his name in a desperate sigh.

"Ok, ok. I know. Too much. Sorry." Logan said, pressing his forehead against Ororo's.

"You like to test the waters, don't you?" Ororo said with amusement.

Logan laughed. "How can you tell?"

Logan and Ororo were about to resume kissing when they heard the professor call out to them.

~Everyone, Mr. Ramos is here today again to learn more about the facilities. I want you all to go about your day as normal, do not let his presence be a bother. But as always be cautious.~

"Just great we gotta have that pretty boy, walking around today." A low growl was rumbling in Logan's chest.

Ororo patted his chest softly. "Be easy. Xavier said to go about the day normally and that is what we shall do. Right?" Looking up at Logan through heavy lashes.

"Yes Ma'am." Logan said as he nuzzled Ororo's neck, electing laughter out of her.

Ramos was walking with Xavier and Jean as they strolled the grounds.

"I hope you have a better understanding so far of us, Mr. Ramos." Xavier said in his deep voice.

"I certainly do," Ramos said with a reassuring smile. "But please call me Joshua, that goes for you as well Ms. Jean." He said with a blazing smile.

Jean laughed coyly and accepted the offer. In the distance through the glass doors, Ramos could see Ororo and Logan hand and hand coming back towards the mansion from the forest. Before the two arrived Ramos wanted to ask a question.

"Where did you get the beautiful Ms. Monroe from, Xavier?" Ramos asked. "She seems to be a great asset to your team."

Xavier squinted his eyes slightly at Ramos. "She surely is. She's African. I first meet her in Egypt." Xavier wasn't going to disclose more, but it did not go unnoticed Ramos' interest in Ororo.

"A dessert beauty." Ramos said under his breathe that Logan heard before he opened the door for Ororo.

"Hello everyone. Mr. Ramos." Ororo greeted the three.

"Where have you two been?" Jean asked bluntly but sweetly to hide her nosiness.

But Jean wasn't fooling Logan. "We were taking a hike, Red. Which you should be –"

Ororo lightly elbowed Logan in the stomach to stop his sentence and change the subject. "How are you today Mr. Ramos?" Ororo asked.

"Please call me Joshua. And I'm quite well, thank you." Ramos' eyes trailed over Ororo as she went into the kitchen to get something to drink. He had never seen a specimen quite like her.

It was taking all of Logan's might not to punch Ramos in his clean-shaven face. Logan observed how shamelessly Ramos openly eyed Ororo and the primal dominate side of him said to put the man in his place.

"So Ramos…" Logan began.

"Joshua, please." Ramos offered.

Logan raised a brow. "Ramos," he ignored the offer. "Having fun with your observations for your science project?"

"Logan!" Jean scorned, with wide eyes.

Ramos laughed good heartedly. "No it's alright. You all are protective of one another, so when an outsider like me comes in, it can be unsettling."

"Unsettling is an understatement, Bub." Logan's eyes had grown darker.

"Come Joshua, let us talk in my office." Xavier said, he knew how things could get out of hand when it came to Logan.

Ororo had already come back, behind Logan rubbing his shoulder to calm him. Which agitated Jean slightly.

"I hope to see you next time and talk to you more Ms. Monroe." Ramos said with a backwards glance.

"Must you always be so territorially, Logan!" Jean said before storming away.

Logan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Ororo who was looking at him expectantly.

"I don't like the way he looks at you, Ro." Logan answered her unasked question. "His focus on you is too steady. Like he wants you for something more than what he's here for at the mansion."

Ororo might have giggled and told Logan that he was just being jealous, but the seriousness in his voice and eyes made her see that there was something more to what he was saying.

"I admit, I have noticed his attentions on me. And there is something about his stare that…" She trailed off and Logan saw something in her eyes that resembled fear, and he gathered her in his arms. Ororo took a breath and started again "there is something in his stare that is unnerving and strangely familiar."

"Familiar?" Logan wasn't expecting her to say that.

Ororo nodded softly. "I do not know how else to say it." Feeling the shift in mood, she changed the subject. "I am hungry. Want to go out and eat?"

"Sure, Ro. Anything you want." Logan said with a smile. He would drop it for now, but Logan really wanted to delve deeper in what Ororo meant. The more time he spent with her the more he realized there was more to understand about her.

"Calm yourself, Jean." Xavier watched as Jean paced across the room.

"I just don't understand why Logan has to act like that!" Jean threw her arms in the air.

"I don't understand why you're so surprised, it is Logan after all." Xavier said.

"Yeah but this time it's different." Jean responded.

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "How is it different, Jean?"

Suddenly Jean realized that she put her own foot in her mouth. "Nevermind, I just –"

"You just what Jean?" Xavier pressed. "You can not fool most, especially not me. You've always relatively tolerated Logan's territorial traits," Xavier took a pause before continuing. "This wouldn't have anything to do with Logan and Ororo's newfound relationship would it?"

Jean snapped her head back to look at Xavier. "They really are together?" Jean clapped her hand over her mouth after saying it.

Xavier chuckled softly. "It would seem that they have taken a genuine interest in each other, yes. They're clearly not talking to anyone about it because I'm sure they simply want to take their time with it. Which is why none know of it."

"How do you know of it then, Charles?" Jean asked.

"Over the months I've noticed a strengthen bond in their friendship, easily turning into something a bit more. It's the little things that count when observing the two." He answered.

"I feel like an idiot only noticing it now." Jean responded.

"Why does it matter to you Jean?" Xavier asked.

"It doesn't." She denied.

An almost disappointed look came across Xavier's face. "Jean I know you're use to being the center of attention, especially male attention, but you must not let you're jealousy get the better of you. And if I may be so bold Logan was never yours to begin with, so if he can find real happiness with Ororo and visa versa, I should think you'd be happy for them. That includes you staying out of their business." Xavier wheeled away leaving Jean to her thoughts.

Jean sighed. She knew what The Professor said was right, but her pride was having trouble digesting the truth. In her mind she knew she should just leave the whole thing with Logan and Ororo alone, but that was going to be a hard habit to break.

Chapter 9 Coming Soon...

AN:Please read Trek fans