Ok another fic of mine hehe yep..This is not the sequel for my other fic 'Jealousy is Evil' this is just another story with Terra in it but this time she is good..or however you wanna see her as. I hope you guys like it and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writting it. Thnkx

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

Once more I apologize if they are OOC, but I tried my best (-.-)

She's Back

Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing in the gamestation while Raven was reading one of her favorite books by Stephen King 'Desperation'.

"Dude! Thats so not fair! My car so passed yours!" the green boy yelled to the mechanical man.

"Yo BB my car is faster than yours...thats why it passed yours and left it in the dust.." chuckled Cyborg.

Raven looked up and stared at the two teenage boys playing their stupid car game.


"Hahaha the trophy is mine!!"

"Cheater! Your such a cheater..." exclaimed the changeling.

"No...not a cheater but a MASTER!" said the half robot.

Raven glared at the two boys and felt her head want to explode. She was about to yell at the boys to shut up when Starfire walked in.

"Joyous! I have received the fashion booklet and I will now go to the mall of shopping and I shall purchase this fabulous piece of clothing!"

Beast Boy and Cyborg turned around to see the bubbly alien carrying a Teen Magazine and pointing at a skort (Skirt and short mixed together).

"Those would look good on you Star.."

The teens turned around to see Robin standing infront of the doors smiling at the alien girl.

"Do you really think this 'skort'?? will look good on me?" asked Starfire as she walked towards the spiky haired boy.

"Well yeah of course! You look good in almost everything.." replied the blushing boy.

Starfire squealed with delight and hugged Robin with one of her death hugs.

"Uuhh S-s-t-t-a-a-ar-rr..I c-c-a-a-ant br-e-a-the.."

"I am sorry Robin but you have made me happy!..do you wish to accompany me to the mall of shopping to purchase it?" she asked with a big smile.

Robin straightened out his arms and looked at her and felt that he couldn't say no to her. "Sure lets go.."

While this conversation was going on Cyborg and Beast Boy had resumed to playing their game.

Raven had left to her room to meditate in silence, that is until she was struck with 10 seconds of vision. In her vision she saw Terra and then it quickly changed to Terra and Beast Boy kissing in the roof. Raven opened her eyes and felt as beads of sweat had begun to fall down her face. She walked to the window and stared at the sky, it was clear blue. What did that mean? It couldnt be in the future because Terra was gone...well actually she was a stone statue. She had been a rock for nearly two years, two years had gone by after Terra defeated Slade and she saved the city from the volcano. Raven sighed and looked up at the sky once more 'No it can't be the future....it just cant...' she thought to herself. She drew the drapes over the window and walked towards her dresser. She looked at the mirror and saw that her hair was wet and stuck to her forehead. Why was she sweating this much over a vision, then the answer hit her "Because Beast Boy was kissing Terra" she said to her reflection.


"I am very happy that I have bought the 'skort'.." said a cheerful alien girl walking beside a spiky haired boy as they entered the tower.

Beast Boy and Cyborg looked up from the game.

"I think its time that you guys turned that off and let it cool down..besides you have all day tomorrow..." they heard Robin tell them.

Beast Boy gave a grin and then laughed evily at Cyborg.

"Yo BB you were saved by Robin but tomorrow I will surely beat your as..."

"Yeah right Cyborg! You knew I had you..."

"Enough! Turn that off..why dont you guys go do something like clean your room or work on something..."

Beast Boy and Cyborg turned around and stared at Robin with surprise in their eyers.

"Dude we didn't mean to get you mad..." Beast Boy said as he turned off the gamestation.

"Yeah.." Cyborg got up and began to walk towards his room.

"Sorry guys but..well the electric bill has been kind of high these past few days..." explained Robin at the exiting boys.

Cyborg stared at him and then nodded "Sorry we'll try to use less energy..." after saying that he disapeared behind the doors.

"Whoops...um ill stop playing too then..." said Beast Boy as he turned to leave.

Robin turned around to talk to Starfire but was saddened to see the girl had left early in the conversation. He decided to just go to his room and do something 'useful'.


In the other side of the city where the mountains were, a small noise was made. The noise of rock crumbling.

Two teens stood watching the petrified Terra began to crumble at the hands and legs.

"What is happening Zach?" asked a terrified redhead.

"I don't know..but I bet she's waking up or something.." answered Zach.

"I think we should go...It might be dangerous.." said the girl.

"Come on Roxanne..when do you see a person come out of a rock statue?"

Roxanne looked at Zach and then at Terra's statue which now showed human arms, legs and stomach. The only section left to crumble was her head and chest.

Terra felt pain as she took her first breath of air, she winced as she tried to open up her eyes and then she heard rocks fall to the ground. At the sound of that she could see light through her eyelids. She slowly began to open her eyes and gasped at what she saw.

"Zach! She's alive! Come on she might be a monster or something..." said a very frightened Roxanne.

"She's not a monster..she's a Teen Titan..it said in the plaque that was under her...I guess she is free now?" came from Zach who was amazed at what was happening.

Terra stared at the two teenagers and then looked down at herself. 'Ugh..im wearing what Slade gave me... I wonder how long ive been like this? What actually happened? Who are these two...Robin and Starfire??' she thought to herself. Her gaze once more fell to the two teens, she was about to talk when she saw the girl scream and run off.

"Roxanne! Come back she wont do nothing! Come on Roxanne!" cried Zach as he ran behind the screaming girl.

Terra stared at them and then laughed, 'Guess it wasn't Robin and Starfire' she thought to herself. She jumped off the rock where she had stood and read the plaque that was now covered with broken rocks.

"Terra..A Teen Titan..A True Friend.." she read outloud. She began to remember what she had done and how she had almost killed Beast Boy. 'Beast Boy..' she thought and then her eyes began to glow yellow and the plaque came off the rock and floated to her arms. She held on to it and then began to walk towards the Tower to find her 'friends'.


Cyborg walked into the common room and sat down down in the couch. He turned on the television but noticed that it wouldnt turn on.

"Yo what the heck is happening?" he asked as he got up to see what was wrong.

"Robin disconnected all the entertainment appliances..he says we need to let them rest for at least two days...."

Cyborg was startled and then turned around to see Raven standing there. He pouted and then smiled at the goth girl.

"I should of guessed he would of done that..."

"Yeah..but it's better like that..it's quie..." She got interrupted by the doorbell. (teen titans theme)

Raven looked at Cyborg and then shrugged. She walked towards the door and opened it, she froze and her heart stopped when she saw who it was.

"Hey Raven!"

Hehe wonder who it is?? -whistles- How was it? I hope you guys liked it hehe Thnkx to Raven A. Star for helping me with how to bring back Terra. Please Review thnkx :D

Chapter 2: Terra returns to the tower and the others are happy to see her. Will she be able to stay?