Reviews for She's Back
Blue Azagem 109 chapter 10 . 11/27/2016
sad ending ;(
Also, I am sorry for my little ant at this tragic moment but...
Raven chapter 10 . 3/9/2011
Sad story V_V Farewell BB, Star, Cyborg, Robin, and last but not least Terra. I love you BB I really do but you have Terra now you will never love me...Farewell. Happy writing and my Darkness guide you.
Wild Rose 900 chapter 9 . 10/5/2010
i cryed at the end of chapter 10!soooooo sad!
Wild Rose 900 chapter 10 . 10/5/2010
what!thats the END!is she dead or alive?that can not i repeat NOT BE THE END!KATEY900
NotOnThisSiteAnymore chapter 10 . 6/14/2006
*cry* This is only the second fic EVER to have made me cry, but it has. I loved it. Poor Raven. I hate Terra :'( It was very good and very well written except for a couple of grammatical errors, and we can all deal with them when the story is this good :')
bbxrae chapter 10 . 6/13/2006
i can belive this beastboy and raven never got together and beastboy and terra did! this is crap! u should do other chapter where beastboy and raven get togerther and terra should feel the pain raven felt!(i hate terra she is a bitch) please do other chaper! x
kool-shoes chapter 10 . 11/10/2005
great job! i ALMOST cried a little! ur a good writer! update soon please!


Rae Roth
imfromjupiter chapter 3 . 8/20/2005
Cyborg's the best! Which is why I'm always making fun of him in my stories. 'I have to go look at my feet.'

That's hilarious!
WickedWitchoftheSE chapter 10 . 7/7/2005
aw, sadness, they were suppose to murder Terra and then all would be happy...
Peggy Peggz chapter 10 . 5/12/2005
I love it! You should make a sequel where its been like 5-10 years and Raven comes back and so on )
DiamondMoonTears chapter 3 . 5/5/2005
hehe! i read to chappie three! terra's one of my fav. characters and i'm super happy she's back!

great fic. and i'm going onto the next chapter! *giggles madly*

DiamondMoonTears chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
this is REALLY good!
Gubba-Gubbacrazytaxigirl chapter 10 . 1/25/2005
so sad...but so good!
marina chapter 10 . 1/3/2005
well to tell u the truth i liked it a lot except the part where she left but that doesnt mean i dont like terra i always want terra and bb to stay 2gether but i just went with the story and wanted raven annd bb so anyways it was good]
Gryffindor620 chapter 10 . 10/27/2004
*Sniffles...hard* Damn you!

Great Story!

Update Soon Son!
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