I am back on this cold and rainy 20 October 2004 to update the final chapter for this fic. Yes the ending has arrived! Sadly but true :( I am sorry it took me long to upload it but I have been busy with school work and also sum personal stuff in life. I am glad to see that you guys liked the last chapter where Raven kissed Beast Boy :D Yes I just had to include it!!! I decided to end this chapter with a song and that song is 'Fly' by Hillary Duff because while I wrote this chapter I was listening to that song and well it just played well with it so yeah another song-chapter so yeah. I hope you guys like it! I am really glad that I got reviews and that you guys have stuck with me till the end :) I am really happy! Thnkx guys!! THNKX TO MY FAITHFUL REVIWERS AND TO ALL OF THOSE WHO HATED THIS FIC FOR EITHER ITS PAIRING OR JUST BECAUSE YOU HATE THE WAY I WRITE. :D Thanks! I am working on sum fics right now also for Harry Potter Ive been thinking up on a lot of stuff :D I have also paused sum fics because I kept getting confused so yeah. Sorry if I am confusing you...anyways now to my reviewers!! :D

Raven A. Star - I am so sorry that it made you cry! I did not mean for it to make anyone cry but well I am sorry -hands tissue- Love is Love...: Thank you for reading and liking this story. Also thanks for you help. :D I will be checking your journal for names :) Thnkx again! I also hope to chat with you soon. Sorry that I haven't been on but ive been a bit busy so yeah...

XxRavenxX - Lol I like your new word :) Fwee hehe Lol BB is sure in for sum hurting ;) Lol I just love your names!! xD I am grateful for your reviews and thnkx for reading!

VashTheStamepede7123 - Yes this is the last chapter :( I know sad! I do hope that you like the ending -prays they like it- Oh its ok sure I know Raven and her emotions but well I just decided to write it like that :) Heck Raven needs sum love too even if its just for a lil while :D Im really glad you like my stuff. Thanks for reading and for your reviews!!

Autum Wind - Aww I am sorry that you almost cried -hands tissue- Was it really that good to have made a few people come to the verge of tears? I am glad that you like my fic it makes me happy. Thnkx for reading it and reviweing :)

Auroran-Wings - Yes if it weren't for Terra BB and Raven would be together but sadly life is not fair and not all endings end in the word HAPPY. I like your names thnkx for your help :) Thnkx!

NNY263000 - Thank you for trying to help :) I will consider what you said and I hope that it helps me out in future fics.

JesusFreak9 - Lol its ok you can throw Terra into walls anytime you want. I do not think that Raven and Beast Boy will be together :) But I do promise you more BB/Rae fics from me in the future :) Thnkx for reviewing and reading :D

Libra-Gurl 01 - I am really glad that you love it. Thnkx :)

JAkkEd-UP - I do not know...we shall find out...Thnkx for being my reviewer and reader :)

Daughter of Trigon - Aww -hands tissue- I am sorry! Was it really that good to have brought you to tears or are you just trying to be nice? :) Thnkx for reviewing and reading!

Marchwarden's Blue Eyed S - Aww Ruby I had missed your reviews!! But I am glad that you reviewed the last chapter :) I really love your names so rare and beautiful!! -smiles- Thanks! Do not worry I will not that name for a story of mine because you have already chosen it :) I want to thank you Ruby because you have been reviewing my stories and THANK YOU SO MUCH!! lol Thnkx :D

ShadowDown - I am glad you love it..it makes me happy! :D Thnkx!

Gryffindor620 - Lol I am not a BIG fan of Cy/Rae so I don't know but perhaps sumday I will read a fic and perhaps enjoy that shipping lol. Lol BB is a bum?? -rofl- Thnkx for reading and reviewing!

babisheep91 - Well I can't tell you but you can read :) Thnkx for reading and reviewing.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Teen Titans or the song Fly by Hillary Duff.

Please enjoy the last chapter and I apologize if they seem/are OOC but well it is a fanfiction and anything goes in a fanfic :)

She's Back


"Raven? Are you in there? Raven!" Robin stood outside Raven's door knocking. He continued to knock but when the pale girl wouldn't answer he begin to pound on the door. "Raven!? Open up Raven...Raven!" he kicked the door with full force and managed to kick it off the hinges once more.

Starfire ran out of the common room into the hallway where she had heard that familar noise of the door getting kicked. She stopped and gasped as she saw Raven's room clean and organized, she walked in and saw Robin holding a piece of paper. She could tell it was bad because Robin dropped his head and turned around with a serious expression on his face.

In a moment

Everything can change

Feel the wind on your shoulder

For a minute

All the world can wait

Let go of your yesterday

"Robin are you alright? Tell me what does that piece of paper say and where is friend Raven?" asked Starfire with worry in her voice.

"She is gone..She left us forever Star.."

Starfire felt her body shut down at that instant. She begin to fall towards the ground, lucky for her Robin caught her before she hit the ground.

Robin sat Starfire on Raven's bed and began to fan her.

"Star are you alright? Star?"

Starfire locked her eyes with the boy wonders mask and she began to cry. She began to shake and sobs escaped her slender form.

"Oh Robin! Why did she leave us.."

Cyborg, Beast Boy and Terra walked in and joined the couple in the empty and clean room.

"Yo where'd Rae go? Why are you crying Star?" asked Cyborg who had a confused expression.

Terra's eyes widen as she saw the note in Robin's hand. She knew what had happened to Raven and why Starfire was crying. She sat beside the crying girls side and hugged her.

Can you hear it calling

Can you feel it in your soul

Can you trust this longing

And take control

Beast Boy froze where he was and just stared at the floor. 'She is gone...she has left all because of her love for me..I should of told her that my feelings for her had never disappeared. I should of told her that I still loved her, that I love Terra but I love her as well. I should of told her before she left..if I would of known that, that was going to be the last time I would talk to her I would of told her..' Beast Boy thought as he saw Robin with the paper in his hand, Starfire crying on Terra's shoulder and Terra gently rocking her. Cyborg in the corner with his face buried in his hands. 'Oh Raven you have left us all alone now...'


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

Cuz it's your time

Time to fly


(Night before)

Raven saw as he disappeared down towards her broken window. She let her tears roll down her cheeks and she laid down on the cold roof floor. She remembered his warm lips on hers, she touched her lips with her fingers and traced them trying to make that beautiful feeling return. Sadly she couldn't she looked up at the sky once more and more tears fell down her face as she knew what she had to do, she got up and flew to her broken window. She entered her room and with her powers managed to turn on the light that was rarely used. It made her room light up and she could see the mess much more clearer now. 'I must clean up...I don't want to leave this a mess..'

All your worries

Leave them somewhere else

Find a dream you can follow

Reach for something

When there's nothing left

And the world's feeling hollow

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

She continued to repeat those words until her room was free of broken glass and objects. She organized the furniture and managed to fix the window by melting the piece of glass together making the window once more. She got all of her stuff and placed them in a small suitcase she had under her bed. She really didn't have that many stuff just her cloaks, leotards, a few books that were in good shape, her three scented candles, her intimate clothes and her herbal tea. It all fit perfectly in that suitcase, she closed it and with a sigh she looked around her room. She was going to miss it but she had to do this, she didn't want to spend the rest of her life seeing the love of her life with someone else. She got out a piece of paper and began to write the letter that would break the news to her friends, her family.

Can you hear it calling

Can you feel it in your soul

Can you trust this longing

And take control

"I shall miss The Teen Titans...Goodbye...Beast Boy...I love you..." and with that she opened the window and flew out the window with her stuff following behind her disappearing in the darkness of the night.


Robin got up and walked out of Raven's room towards the hall. He stopped and looked at the room he shook his head and walked out. 'You will always have a home here Raven..you are never alone..' he thought as he walked towards his room.


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

Cuz its your time

Time to fly

Starfire felt so much pain that she almost fainted again but she managed not to. With shakey legs she got up and began to walk out of her best friends room. She felt a big hole in her heart, she felt a piece of her missing, now she would be incomplete. She walked out of the room and slowly walked towards her room.

And when you're down and feelin low

Just wanna run away

Trust yourself and don't give up

You know you're better than anyone else

Cyborg saw as Starfire walked out of Raven's room, he sighed and got up. He looked at Beast Boy and Terra who was now getting up to leave the room as well. He felt sadness fill him because his partner in fixing the T-car was gone. His friend was gone and he didn't know if he would ever see her again. He felt his eyes begin to water and quickly ran out towards his room to shed those tears that were threatening to pour.

In a moment

Everything can change

Feel the wind on your shoulder

For a minute

All the world can wait

Let go of yesterday

Terra walked towards Beast Boy and hugged him. She felt guilty and decided that the team needed to be alone, everyone including Beast Boy. She broke the embrace and silently walked out leaving the changeling alone in the room.

Beast Boy sighed and then stared at the surroundings. He felt more sadness as he remembered the day Cyborg and him had gone into Raven's mind. His gaze continued to search the room for her but sadly no Raven, he saw the paper and began to read it.


Open up the part of you that wants to hide away

You can shine

Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

My dearest friends,

If you are reading this letter it is because I am no longer among you in the tower. I felt that it was time for me to leave and let everyone be. I felt like everyone had someone except me, I felt alone. I am sorry for all the damages I have caused but as you all know I can't really control my emotions. The pain I feel is just so big right now and it will take a long while for it to go away. I was born alone and I am to die alone, that is why I must live alone as well. I am not meant to be loved for that very same reason, I can't be with someone else because my purpose is to be alone. But do not worry I will have all of you in my heart so that when I really do feel alone ill have you guys in there. I am sorry for leaving like this but I thought it was the best way to say goodbye. I will miss you all very much, I will never forget all of you.

Your Friend Always,

Raven Roth


Forget about the reasons why you can't in life

And start to try

Cuz its your time

Time to fly

Beast Boy felt tears streaming down his green cheeks. It was going to be a hard life without Raven by his side, by their side. He neatly folded the letter and placed it inside his pocket. He got up and walked towards the door, before walking out he turned around and stared at the empty room once more. The beauty that inhabited this room was now gone, and nothing was going to come in here for a long time. As he closed the door he whispered in a very low whisper. "I love you Raven..." He closed the door and walked to his room.

In a moment

Everything can change

Ok there it was the final chapter for She's Back I do hope that you guys liked it and if you didn't I do hope to satisfy you in another fic of mine that will soon be hitting :) Once more I want to thank my reviewers and readers for reading and reviewing this fic. I really appreciate it. Thanks A Lot Guys! -huggles to all of you- THANKS! I do hope to see you all reviewing my future fics :D and if I don't see you its ok but ill miss ya!! Now im off! Bye :D
