Sailor Jupiter's Sister

By: Sailor Greeny

Last Modified: 9/15/2009

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Ranma. Midori is a character I made up. I am a big fan of Sailor Jupiter, as you can see.

Sailor Greeny: be nice, this is my first fic. Just so you know, I haven't seen vary much Ranma, only read some of the Ranma Manga and the only Sailor Moon I saw was the dubbed version on Cartoon Network. I also saw Sailor Stars in Japanese just recently so I will be adding the villains and Starlights.

Time line: this will be a Alternate Universe, in Sailor Moon they fight all the bad guys up to the dead moon circus, but I will add Starlights as well at some point. Mamoru will not be going to America to study and The Inners do start high school. For Ranma; Ukyou, Shampoo and Kodachi have already arrived, Nodoka thinks Ranma is Akane's cousin Ranko and Genma her pet panda, every thing else happens the way I want it.

Note: I am revising this so ages of some people will change. Hotaru is older then I remember her being. She grew up fast.

I have been *trying* to read the manga so I have an idea of what the starlights are like. When they do show up they will NOT be males who turn into females. Also I know that Makoto, Minako, Ami and Usagi were in the same class, but at the time this was written I had yet to see SailorStars.


Ranma, Ranko: look 16

Ryouga, Akane and Ukyou: 16

Usagi, Ami, Minako, Rei, Makoto and Midori: 16

Ten'ou Haruka and Kaiou Michiru: 17

Tomoe Hotaru: 10 years

Meiou Setsuna: very old, looks late 20s to early 30s.

Chiba Mamoru: 20 years






'Panda sign'

"Telepathic connection between Ranma, Ranko and Setsuna"

-Phone /communicator-

Location; time

Chapter one: The New Girl in Town

Juuban High School: Monday Morning

Makoto was sitting in class after school had started when the teacher came in with an announcement.

"Class," the teacher said. "We have a new student today, why don't you tell the class about your self?" she said as a Girl walked in. She was a tall girl of about 16, she had long brown-black hair in a ponytail, green eyes, and She looked a lot like Makoto.

"Good morning, I'm Takashi Midori it's nice to meet you. I just moved to Japan from America," Midori said. "I learned to speak Japanese when I was little, as this is my home land. My parents died when I was little and my adopted parents lived in America," she added.

"Why don't you go sit down next to Kino-san, Kino-san would you stand up so Takashi-san can sit down."

"Hai sensei," Makoto stood up and Midori went to sit next to her.

"Ok class, we will be studying English now." During the lesson it was discovered that Midori and Makoto where both born on December 5th. The class found out and started whispering. They knew Makoto's parents had died when she was young, so apparently had Midori's. What if they were twins who had been separated?

The school grounds: lunch time

Makoto, Usagi, Minako, and Ami sat at a tree eating lunch; Makoto saw Midori and called her over.

"Hey Midori, you want to eat with us?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Hi, I'm Tsukino Usagi," said the girl with blond hair, with the odd hairstyle. Her hair was in two buns on either side of her head, twin ponytails coming down on both sides.

"I'm Mizuno Ami," said the girl with short blue heir and blue eyes.

"I'm Aino Minako," said the girl with blue eyes and long blond hair, she wore a red ribbon in her hair.

"Nice to meet all of you. I'm Takashi Midori."

"You look a lot like Makoto," said Minako, she was sitting next to Usagi under the tree they always ate under.

"Yes, I know, I think she's my twin sister" Midori said so only the girls could hear.

"WHAT?" the girls, mines Makoto and Midori, yelled.

"My parents died a long time ago, I remember I had a twin sister named Makoto that was a little older then me, by about a minute, after mom and dad died I was adopted by an American women and her Japanese husband"

"Mido-chan it really is you!" Makoto said with tears in her eyes, as she was looking at the other girls face. She saw in those eyes something she hadn't seen since the plane accident that killed their parents.

"Hai Mako-chan it is me," Midori said. She also saw in Makoto's eyes something she hadn't seen in years.

"It's been about six years," they said in unison. The others giggled at that, and then the two joined them.

"My adaptive father died about two Years ago, and my adopted mother died in a fire two weeks ago. She left a letter telling me to come to Japan to look for my twin sister, and move in with her if I find her." Midori said once they had all stopped giggling.

"That's wonderful! I get my sister back, so are you going to change your name?" Makoto asked.

"Hai," Midori said, then the girls talked as they ate their lunch. After they ate the bell rang to single the end of lunch.

Juuban high school: After lunch

"Class," said the sensei. "It seems Kino-san and Takashi-san are really long lost twin sisters who were separated when their parents died in a plane crash, so Takashi-san will take back her family name and move in with her sister." After this was said the class continued as normal

Nerima: Tendo Dojo After school

"RANMA NO BAKA, How dare you flirt with Shampoo!" Tendo Akane said as she hit Saotome Ranma with her mallet.

"Ouch, stupid uncute tomboy always hitting me for no reason." Shampoo had come over with some food for Ranma, he tried to get away but Akane saw her trying to feed him.

"That's it, the engagement is OFF."

"But...." Ranma said, then something snapped and he thought 'I don't care any more,' "FINE, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME THEN I'M LEAVING."

"Nani?" Akane said, as she hadn't expected that reaction from Ranma.

"Boy you have to marry a Tendo to honor the engagement" Saotome Genma said, he had been watching the two fight from inside.

"You WILL marry my daughter," Tendo Soun said doing the demon head trick, he was in-front of the shogi board with Genma when Shampoo came over, of course, he started to rant that his son in law was cheating on his 'little girl' while Genma was ranting about what a 'dishonorable' son he had.

"NO, I am NOT going to marry someone that doesn't love me" Ranma said

Akane was surprised by this. 'He thinks I don't love him? Wait, I DON'T love him, he's more like a brother then anything.'

"I'm not going to marry Shampoo, Ukyou or Akane and I don't even what think about Kodachi!" he said as he went to his room to pack, he was so up set he didn't see Tendo Kasumi come in the room.

"Here Ranma-kun why don't you eat something," she handed him some food.

"Thank you Kasumi," he said with a smile. All signs he was angry gone, as he took the plate of food and ate it. "This is vary good," he said and ate all of it.

"Why thank you Ranma-kun." Kasumi said. She took the plate back as she left, "Goodnight Ranma-Kun."

"Goodnight Kasumi, I might leave tomorrow, so if I you don't see me in the morning, then I'll give you my good-bye now," he hugged her and she hugged him back, then she left the room. Genma panda had gone to find Ranma, when he did find him he demanded that he make up with Akane and Ranma threw him out the window. After awhile Ranma got sleepy and decided he would definitely leave in the morning.

Juuban: Makoto's: Night

Makoto sat with her long lost twin sister Midori on the couch, talking and getting to know each other again.

"So, how have you been Mako-chan?" Midori asked.

"Ok, how about you Mido-chan?"

"Oh, I've been fine, I have been having add dreams lately, your in them too, but you look like a Sailor Senshi" she said, this startled Makoto. "I was also there, and I looked like some kind of mage." Makoto thought about it and decided she could tell her sister the truth. She was glade she did, because it seemed Midori was also her twin from the silver Millennium and had been engaged to prince Ranma of Pluto, who was Setsuna son.

Setsuna also had a daughter named Ranko, the Plutonian children were also twins, and had inherited Setsuna's green hair, but they had there Fathers blue eyes, their father was a younger prince from mercury, making Ami and her twin Akane, Ranma and Ranko's cousins, their other cousin, from their mothers side was Princess Serenity of the Moon, Queen serenity and the Senshi of Pluto had been sister-in-laws because Setsuna had a twin brother who was the Pluto mage before Ranma, Queen Serenity's husband and Princess Serenity and her brother's father.

Sailor Greeny: That's it for the first chapter. Sorry it's so short, and sorry about spelling, my computer doesn't know Japanese, Please review.

I rewrote the whole chapter, changed some of the names. That's the second time I did that.

I decided to change Mayumi to Midori, it sounds better and it's my favorite color (green, if you couldn't tell from my pen name.)

I took out some of the Japanese and the part where they speak English, I am trying to make it so the rest of the story fits with this chapter so some of the changes may seem big. This chapter is really short, but the rest will be longer.