A fight and a Story

Sakura kneeled down as Itachi appeared --Sasuke's thoughts--WHAT?!?!? Itachi he's controlling Sakura what the hell does he want with her? he'd better not harm her or else ill kill him--

Itachi smirked as Sakura stood he put an arm around her "hello my dear brother how are you this fine day? beautiful isnt she..." Itachi's eyes focused on Sakura "and soon she will be my wife" Sasuke clutched his fists "get your hands off her bastered!" Itachi grinned "and what are you going to do about it dear brother?" Sasuke's eyes began to glow in a red color he was getting ready to use his special attack known as the sharingan technique! "all that to save a girl...you've really out done yourself this time bro..."

Itachi took out kunais quickly slashing them at Sasuke before he did so Sasuke used his sharigan eyes and copied his every move up to the point where the kunais hit him but Itachi blocked the ones heading his way. "clever..but not clever enough" Itachi used his charka to charge infront of Sasuke quickly he ended up in back of him. "what scared to fight me front ways?" Itachi grinned "actually im just building up suspense" both of them tuned to quickly become fist in fist both of there attacks where canceled out by each other.

"Die already Itachi!" Sasuke blindly attacked Itachi useing his other technique Goukakyuu (also known as Grand Fireball) Itachi swiftly moved out of the way punching Sasuke right in the face as he flew back Itachi moved swiflt again under him and kicked him up then used some charka to run up a tree above Sasuke and hit him down into the ground. Sasuke was deeply covered in wounds as he tried to stand Itachi smirked "you didnt think you could beat me now..did you..?" Itachi kneeled infront of Sasuke and punched him as he blacked out he could hear Kakashi and Naruto comeing his way.

-1 hour later-

Sasuke woke up to fine himself in a bed at the infermary he quickly shot up "where the heck am i?" Naruto glanced over at Sasuke his mouth full of Ramen preventing him from talking as Kakashi put his hand on Sasuke's forehead only to have it pushed back "dont touch me what happened?" Kakashi looked down a bit "wheres Sakura?" Naruto finally finished his ramen after gaging a bit to get it down his throught "she's in the next room she hasnt woken up since i...saved her" Sasuke eye'd Naruto "what do you mean you?" Naruto smirked his same old goof smirk "well...it went something like this...."

-Naruto's Flashback-

Me and Kakashi just arrived to see Itachi and you passed out. I put his arms up to show him my huge muscels and said "ILL SAVE YOU PUNY HUMANS" I glared at Itachi and he ran off like a scared little puppy then Kakashi-sensei said "oh..Naruto you saved us all i should make you a professional Ninja my favorit top student" then Sakura woke up and hugged me saying "my hero Naruto I lo..."

-Interuption by Kakashi-

Kakashi coved Naruto's mouth "actually nothing happened that way truth is when we got there me and Naruto defended as well we could...it turns up Naruto got knocked behind the head and passed out too..i fooled him a bit with my kunais and with my sharingan and he ran off saying ill be back and junk...Sakura just fell to the floor uncontious she hasnt been awake since that moment" Sasuke stood up "im gonna go see her ok..." he walked over to the room next door and opened it slightly peeking in seeing his friend the pink haired girl laying on the bed almost motionless.

Sasuke quietly stepped in and tip toed to the bed carefuly sitting at the corner of the bed pushing some loose strands of hair out of her face looking down at her she looked so pieceful "....Sakura..." he said almost in a wisper "...im sorry you got wrapped up in all this....i never should you..if Itachi never knew about you....you would be ok" for the first time Sasuke actually felt his heart pounding like crazy as he looked down at Sakura "whats..this feeling?...why do you have to make me feel this way?"

Authors note: i know i know i should of kept going x.x well..ill continue when i get back sorry i havent updated till just now ive been super busy!!! i hope everyone enjoys it...and i hope i did everything correctly well a heres a hint of whats comming next

walking hand in hand she humms a tune to a song...i wonder why she's so attracted to me i look at her face she smiles brightly i look ahead there was the goofball of an idiot looking at us waving at us as our sensei smacks him and he goes rolling off into the ground...im actually smiling...she brings out my smile in the most strangest ways....thats why...i love her....

Author: what do you think? brings up suspense to hear about next time huh...lol ill try to get the next one on as soon as i can!