DISCLAIMER: I sadly do not own anything. But I do own parts of the plot. Blood-of-Rage inspired this story.

Memories of a Forgotten Childhood

Part 1

Christine looked at Raoul, with warm tears falling down her cheeks. "I have to go Raoul." Raoul just stared, "but why?" Christine sighed, " this is my dream. I need to find an my Angel of Music!"

"You're father was delusional!" he yelled. Christine turned from him, walking away, and for once she did not look behind to see if he had stayed.

Let your mind start a journey
through a strange new world!

Leave all thoughts
of the world you knew before!

Let your soul take you where you
long to be !

Raoul just stood there watching, "damn you to Hell!" he cried out in tears. Then he slowly walked away, cursing the day he met her.

Christine jumped, and her eyes flared open, when she felt Erik's arm around her waist, and his grip tighten.

She gently kissed his hand and snuggled closer into his arms. Erik slowly awoke and looked down. "Christine, are you okay?" he asked her.

Christine looked up into his eyes, "I'm fine sweetheart. Thank you, for protecting me." Christine closed her eyes and sleep fell upon her once more. Erik smiled and quietly slipped out of the bed, kissing her before he left.

"What nightmares haunt now, my love?" Erik sighed sitting down and worked quietly at the new opera, which he had been working on. "This is for you." he whispered.

He was coming to the breaking point of inspiration and coming to it's climax. It was then, that he had looked to his wife.

Christine moaned, and began to cry loudly. She was dreaming of her father's death once more. He slowly walked to their bed, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

That didn't work, he slowly sat her up, and held her tightly, rocking her gently. "Your safe love. I'm here, forever."

Let me be
your shelter,
let me
be your light.

You're safe
No-one will find you
your fears arefar behind you

Erik stopped after what seemed like hours, but it was then that Christine stopped and calmed down. "My poor little love, you mustn't stress yourself."

"Erik?" she asked sleepily.

"Yes?" Christine smiled and caressed the deformed side of his face. "You will stay here with me till morning?" Erik chuckled, and kissed her hair gently. "Of course love."

Christine sighed and fell asleep once more. Erik chuckled and let sleep claim him as well. Christine awoke once more that night and ran to the bathroom puking into the toilet.

She glance back before washing her face, Erik was not in the bed. When she headed back to the bed, Erik placed hi hand on her forehead. "Are you ill love?" he asked her concern showing in his eyes.

"I should be fine don't worry." Christine replied.

"If you don't feel good tomorrow tell me!" he said before letting her and himself sleep.

Christine woke up alone, and sat up frightened. "Erik!" she cried out. "Where are you?" Erik walked into the room. "Yes my dear love?" He asked sitting on the bed.

Christine looked at him and began to stutter. "I.. I thought ...that... you... had...well you know, died or left me all... a..lo...ne."

Erik chuckled, "Never my love. I merely left the room to let you sleep and began to make breakfast."

Christine chuckled too, and took Erik's hand as he led to the breakfast that he had made.

As they ate their meal, Erik looked at Christine and smiled. "Now, I know how hard you have been working for the past two years, and I think it's time to show our managers who our new Prima Donna should be."

Christine smiled, yes Erik had been tutoring her once more in order to prepare her voice for the managers. Christine still felt a little woozy but it was nothing.

"Christine I'm worried about you are you sure you're alright?" Erik said, worried his love was deadly ill. Christine smiled and looked at the clock.

"I'm fine." she lied to herself and Erik, don't worry." she flashed him a smile of confidence.

Things were at peace now at the Opera House. Erik had apologized to the managers and Raoul left shortly after the masquerade, when she had left to be with Erik.

"Yes I suppose I should go now, wish me luck." Christine sighed as she stood up.

"You don't need luck." Erik laughed. "But I will kiss you for luck." Christine came back into the room walking to Erik, rubbing his shoulders.

"I thought you didn't believe in luck." She said teasing him. Christine then headed to the Opera, blowing Erik a kiss before she left.

Erik laughed, how wonderful it was that she stayed with him. He worried for her everyday still protecting her form any dangers. Even now he was worried, forhislove might be deadly ill.

"Christine will get the part she's meant to get, I will make sure of this." he sighed. "Christine will not be proud of me, that's for sure."

Erik stood up, and walked to his piano, to work on his opera. "First I will send my mangers a letter." Erik chuckled as he began to write to them, what fun this was.

"Let us hope you obey my orders my dear friends. Disobeying me as you know can be...disastrous."

Christine walked up to the stage but before she could reach Meg, she felt a sickness in her stomach, rushing to the nearest restroom, she puked into the porcelain bowl.

As she stood up and washed her face, she sighed. "What's wrong with me? I was fine yesterday. Wait I was a little woozy last night! Oh my God!" She then quickly rushed to Mme. Giry and told her of the past night and the accident this morning.

Mme. Giry smiled, "I'll tell the doctor in the mean time go the manager await you.


okay I've decided to make a few changes to this chapie lazy. kender helped me with this one and gave me some ideas! Thank u to her.