Disclaimer: I don't own Lost, I just think I do sometimes...really, it's rather confusing...

Author's Note: I LOVE reviews. Really i do, I live off of them. Seriously, i eat them for dinner. So please give me reviews so i don't starve and die. If I die i can't write any more stories...You see my problem don't you...

Riding On The Wings Of An Angel

Chapter 1: Island Beasts


'How could Kate keep putting her life in danger like this?' Jack thought fiercely as he stitched up Lily's leg. One of the survivors who had slipped on some rocks by the shore and had sliced her leg open on some barnacles. She was currently unconscious from the loss of blood, so Jack was free to not worry about his patient being in pain. 'Why? Does she want me to have to stitch her up too?' Tying the last stitch, Jack covered the wound with gauze and sat back on his heals.

He had once asked Kate what she had done, but she had said that he lost his chance to know. Now he was still left wondering. 'He had doubted Kate had murdered anyone in cold blood; there was just something in her nature that told him so. Then again, maybe she was a really good actress.' Shaking his head. 'Then again…well, 'then again' had come and proved him wrong. She lied about the silver briefcase…she tried to weasel out of opening it with me. And I fell for it! She didn't want me to see what was in it.'

Gazing off onto the beach, Jack's thoughts could not be stopped. 'Then there were the guns. Had Kate used them, if not then why were the guns in there.' Next came the thoughts of the toy plane.

After Kate had removed the toy plane from the envelope, Jack had nearly laughed until he saw Kate's face. 'She looked so lost and alone.' He had been expecting something a little more…sinister. Something that screamed guilty. Something to stop the ongoing battle in his head. 'To trust or not to trust that is the question.' Jack stood up and stepped out of the tent and headed down to the waters edge. 'Kate.' His mind screamed. 'Why? You said you loved him. When I asked you what the plane meant. I pushed her; I pushed her to tell me- called her a liar. Why did I push her? Why couldn't I leave it buried in the past?

"What is it?" Jack had asked

"It's nothing." She had replied.

"What is it Kate?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"I want the truth, just this once. What is it?"

"It belonged to the man I loved."

"The truth."

"It belonged to the man I loved! —"

"—Stop lying to me! Tell me the truth!"

"I'm not! It belonged to the man I killed!"

Wiping his hands on his pants. Jack headed back to the tent. 'She said it belonged to the man she killed. So she was a murderer after all. I should be wary of her. Stop caring so much. She is a bad person. She's dangerous just like the marshal said.'

Jacks thoughts were interrupted as he reached the med tent once more to hear his patient waking up and whimpering. Pushing all thoughts of Kate out of his head, Jack plunged into the doctor routine.



The breath caught in her throat as Kate scrambled to climb a tree. She was only a few feet up and needed to go higher…her life very likely depended on it. Something was chasing her…and it wasn't human.

Thoughts of the pilot being ripped from the cockpit flooded into her head. His blood splattering on the windshield and the fear she had felt as she ran for her life was nothing she had ever felt before.

But it was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Sure, it wasn't big enough to be the monster, if that's truly what it was, but it could really be a bad thing if whatever it was out there caught her. The thing moved fast and sound big crashing through the undergrowth.

It had come out of nowhere. Sayid and Charlie had been with her collecting fruit from deeper in the valley. They had insisted on accompanying her after Jack had had a word with them. 'He thinks I am putting my life in danger on purpose. Ha!' What does he know? If he had my life he would do the same thing… just to forget.'

They needed to come back with more fruit than usual and that was Charlie and Sayid's argued to Kate to let them come with her. In truth she wouldn't had been able to stop them. 'After all they had 'orders' from Jack.' The fruit near the caves was quickly being eaten. They had just been walking and talking. Sayid was still limping but was much better. Charlie was depressed, who could blame him, and Kate had actually been glad he had volunteered to come along. Although she suspected that he only wanted to find a clue to Claire's whereabouts.

Then things had gone wrong. Sounds started coming from every direction. Mournful noises. Haunting sounds. Not the sounds that came from a jungle, but who knew, this jungle had polar bears. Sayid had shouted at them to run, and they had. But then things had gone even more wrong. Screams started to come from behind where Sayid and Charlie were. She ran back looking for them, but they weren't there. Something started to come at her and she had run in another direction blindly. Now, she was alone and didn't have a clue to where she was.

Her hands started to sweat and she slipped painfully on the bark, scrapping them. A whimper of pained frustration slipped out of Kate. Stretching she desperately reached for the next branch.

"I can do this, I can, I can. I have to!" Kate gave herself a pep talk. She reached the next branch, then the next. Moving with frenzied movements. At ten feet up she heard a noise below and the tree shuttered. 'Oh-great. It's big, it's scary…and it can climb.' Kate thought sarcastically. 'Come on you've been in worse situations than this.'

Looking down she saw that the thing wasn't climbing the tree, but it was indeed a polar bear. Kate's eyes bulged out at the biggest polar bear she had ever seen. 'Now that's just not normal.' Kate's heart started to pound as she saw it coming closer, starting to stand on its hind legs it rocked the tree violently.

Kate clung on desperately getting scratches and bruises in the process. A branch snapped from above and hit Kate on the head with a sickening thunk, throwing Kate off balance.

Still clutching the tree Kate slide down two feet, head pounding with spots jumping before her eyes. Her left leg hit something furry and she jerked it up. A snarl came from below. 'The polar bear!! I am waaaaay to close.' Kate's panic returned in full force. Gasping with fright she pulled herself up and tried to think of something else…anything to stop the panic from consuming her. 'Can't…have…a panic…attack…right…now. You haven't…had those in…years.' It almost worked. Until Kate felt the worst pain she had ever felt rip though her.


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