Reviews for Riding On The Wings Of An Angel
maria lost chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
I just want to thank you for your great job...
Keep writing of Jate please.
roberta chapter 20 . 6/9/2016
A old great crazy story,I liked it.
Jate forever,I love them!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
I liked the plot,Jack and Kate are great together:)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
I enjoyed this story,good and funny:)
Guest chapter 20 . 4/15/2013
Hiya, just wanted to say how AMAZING i thought the story was! It was sooooo well written and i was so ingrosed in it i didnt even have time to review sooner ;) guess i wanted to finish the whole thing :) so glad it ended with a happy ending and if u want any advice... WRITE MORE! Thanks for the hours of exciting reading i had and im not a great reader normally so you did well ;) love lost and cant wait to read anoter one or urs! Xxx
Whirlwind421 chapter 20 . 1/6/2007
Great story! I'm glad you were able to finish it! I'm glad Maddie and Kate met up in the end and the evil guy was turned into a bloody pulp.
Whirlwind421 chapter 19 . 1/6/2007
Good chapter! I'm glad you decided to finish it! I'm sorry it took me so long to review!
Phoenix-Talon chapter 20 . 11/5/2006
So...I'm lazy. Whatever. I don't feel like logging in, so neeh.

AW! Absolute cuteness, I loved Sayid's thoughts last chapter. "Can I punch him now? Please?" He he.. I also liked, Kate's "Get it off, get it off!" I'm sorry, but that just made me laugh out loud.

I liked the ending. Sometimes, the subtle way is the best way.

Jacey: You should talk! You had me sleep with Sawyer, you (censored)!

Ahem. Anyway, thank you for your recomendation! Now seriously, your story never fails to hook me and be all, "What's gonna happen next?" You were one of my first reviewers, way back in "What to Get the Man Who has Everything," and without your encouragement, I might've given up. (specially during that nasty bout of flamers I got during Hurley's Beach Resort)

I hope you keep writing! In fact, why not write a short Jateful story with me? It can't be humoungously long, cuz of all the updatings I need to get done, but a 3-5 chappie story would be cute. With lots of Jateness, humor and fluff, and of course...SAWYER! What do you think?

No matter what, keep on writing!

airwar chapter 18 . 8/15/2006
wow i really love this fic! Is it going to be updated? i hope it does! i wanna know what happens next!
HazelEyes18 chapter 18 . 6/30/2006
Wow, it's been awhile since I read this story. You might not remember me but it's Tabitha. I was known as Only Memories. Anyways I absolutely loved this chapter. You know I just realized we love both the same shows but different pairings for some.
XxShOrTiExX chapter 18 . 5/30/2006
Heya this is Natz from emailing!

Great story I hope you update soon!

Yay Jate 4eva!
Seriously Sarcastic chapter 18 . 5/27/2006
ah! YaY! awsome story! i've been looking for an awsome Lost story to read and I'm glad I found this one! I luv the plot, I luv how you write Sawer, I luv how you write Jack, I luv how you write Kate, I just luv the whole god damn thing! l0l. I could seriously see liek this story liek being liek . . . idk u just, liek you, hm . . . what am I trying to say? liek ok, liek it's real. liek it's deffinitly LOST! the way the story is with the flashbacks and the people and just everything! ok, I'm deffinitly not a good describer person so frgive me if i'm not making any sence but yeah. AWSOME AWSOME AWSOME! plz plz plz update soon

katiidid chapter 18 . 5/26/2006
oh wow- i just stumbled across this story and it is amazing! i love the flashbacks and especially the jateness! do update soon!
Phoenix-Talon chapter 18 . 4/24/2006

But where have you been? Have not seen any reviews from you. *sniffs sorrowfully to self*

Loved the chapter, so loverfully intriguing, m...


Sawyer: Shut up, you haven't updated yourself.

Me: Go kiss a spork!

*Sawyer walks off muttering to self*

I really like Madelynne, she is so cool. "KATIE!" Haha, that made me really laugh. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
EternalConfusion chapter 18 . 4/15/2006
Aww, yay, it's her sister isn't it? Aww, I really hope she finds Maddie! :D I'll even do my Happy Dance if she does! :D hehe. Great chapter. Keep up the good work and update soon.
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