I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever, please don't hate me. I've been into my other work and ugh, its just so annoying these days when you procrastinate on one thing, and lose focus and…well here…

Fast forward seven years...

The Afters

Chapter 24

To Ron's and everyone else amazement, Kim did not get worse. She had a few memory glitches every now and then and sometimes needed help doing things, but there was nothing that showed she was getting worse. She was now in her later forties and still a beauty to see. Her red hair had been like her status, showing no sign of getting worse, for it was still as bright as it was in her youth. Ron can still see the same spirit inside her eyes. Ron was still a skinny, tall person. His hair has lost some of its shine but it was still blonde. No signs of balding, for which he was extremely thankful for.

Andrew had changed too, his bright red hair had changed to a dusty brown similar to his uncles'. His blue eyes were still the same color as his grandmothers. He decided to ditch the complete mathematics profession to become a doctor. He was given several scholarships for his medical schooling and was one of the youngest people ever to be offered an internship the moment he stepped on the campus. He now worked besides his grandmother at the Middleton Hospital only he preferred not to go into the operating room, but more so lab work and research.

Holly was now a college graduate and attending Journalism graduate school. She wanted to become a reporter on television. She enjoyed giving interviews and was very inquisitive, so she figured being a talk show host or a celebrity interviewer. People could mistake her for a celebrity to be honest. She had shoulder-length wavy bright blonde hair, and a tall skinny figure like her fathers (only feminine.) She had become a woman, and lucky her a beautiful one, and now she has a handsome fiancé to go with.

That's right, Holly was getting married, to her long time best friend Jacob. He had now grown into a handsome man and seemed to want to become a professor. He loved Holly so much to the point where people would think he'd chop off his own head willingly to save her. She loves being loved by him and could never dream of anything more. Jacob proposed to her in a much more traditional way than how the previous generation had, he had a billboard posted at Holly's favorite soccer team championship game. But instead of having the words "Holly will you marry me?" it was done in a more movie like flashback. Including scenes from their first play date, to Holly's soccer games or dances. After several heart pounding minutes for Jacob, and mind bending moments for Holly, words spun up on the screen with the soccer players on the field standing in awe at the screen, the crowd on the edge of their seats, Holly will you marry me. It only took a minute to revive her, and a second for her to say yes.

Jacob was very fortunate to have met Holly, especially after the tragedy of his future. A few weeks before their planned date of matrimony, Sarah had suffered a heart attack, and was pronounced "dead on arrival" when she arrived at the Middleton hospital. The news shocked everyone, for Sarah was so healthy, she often tried to change others eating habits, even at restaurants. Exercising daily and always at the doctors office making sure she's in tip-top shape. Some said she was heart broken, her only child was getting married, and her ex-husband, whom she had still loved, was as well. Jacob was absolutely devastated, losing focus on several occasions, including when he tried on his old tuxedo, only to find it was too big.

Ron was concerned, "Jacob, have you been eating alright?"

Jacob shook his head, "Mr. Stoppable, I can't eat, sleep or do anything without thinking about my mom." He hung his head, "I feel hollow, even when I'm around Holly."

Ron, who was overprotective of Holly, felt disappointed on hearing that. He wanted his dear daughter to be happy; she had every right to be. But looking at the sorrow in his forthcoming son-in-laws eyes, he felt, maybe her uttermost happiness should be postponed, until he is ready.

"Maybe you should, dare I say, postpone?" Ron spoke in a whisper.

Jacob picked up his blue eyes in confusion, "Why would I do that?"

"Well, maybe it is for the better if you had more time to, you know, get over these past few weeks."

Jacob, who was trying to hold back the force of anger and sadness, looked right into Ron's brown eyes, and spoke, "I love Holly too much for anything to block our wedding day Mr. Stoppable," he gulped, while trying to hold his ground. "It is what my mother wanted, and it is what she will get."

Ron, who felt Jacobs words touch him, placed a fatherly hand on Jacobs shoulder.

"Your right Jacob, I'm sorry I suggested it."

"You were just trying to help." The young man wiped his left eye casually.

"I know." He was quiet, but then spoke again, "There is another matter…"

Jacob looked like a confused puppy, "Huh? What?"

Ron chuckled, "Your going to need a new suit."

Alright, I know its not much, but I sort of need more time. I promise I will take forever!