The Game of Love

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Miho, Anzu or any of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters. I know it partially belongs to Toei Animation, I think, but it belongs to a lot of other Japanese companies too. But I alone claim Yuugi's love!

Author's Note: This is it! My first Yu-Gi-Oh fic! I love Yuugi, and I think he and Anzu go well together, but Yuugi is MINE! Well, sit back and enjoy! R and R! Oh, BTW, this is dedicated to my wonderful fan and supporter, A-Chan! *Sniffs and blows into a tissue then grabs Yuugi and wails* Arigato!

The Game of Love

Chapter One: The Game Yuugi Couldn't Beat

by Eternal Moonbeam

She was his brown haired angel. Why couldn't he get her out of his mind? It had been two years, two long years since he solved the Millennium Puzzle and was able to become the Game Master. He was the ultimate gaming master, yet she was one game he could not beat. The game of love was still a challenge to him. Still a challenge to the game master, Yuugi Mutou.

Yuugi glanced down at his science final. Oh my God, he thought. He was doodling pictures of the girl he loved in the margins of his paper.

"Jeez, I really have to get Anzu out of my mind before she totally distracts me from school and gaming!" Yuugi muttered. He ran his hand through his hair and scribbled some things on his paper.

When school was out, Jounouchi and Honda joined Yuugi. Honda had Miho at his side and they were giving each other mushy looks.

"What's up Yuugi-kun? You look so down," Jou asked.

"Nothing's wrong, Jou-kun. I guess the science final really got to me," Yuugi flashed a grin. He glanced at Honda and Miho. If it took Miho this long to warm up to Honda, how long will it take for Anzu to like me?

"You're upset," Jou stated. "And it's about a girl, isn't it?"

Yuugi blushed a brilliant red. "Iie! It's not about Anzu at all!" Yuugi shut his mouth as soon as he said that.

"Oh, so it's about Anzu now, huh?" Jou grinned down at the forlorn Yuugi.

"Hai. But you know she only likes the Game Master side of me, not little ol' shy Yuugi," Yuugi sighed. "Besides, she's taller than me."

"So? That shouldn't make a difference, tomodachi. If you love her, you wouldn't notice that," Jou pointed out. "But you know, that Game Master thing could be a problem, because the Game Master side of you only comes out when there's danger."

"Well, maybe I could force it out if I got a date with Anzu!" Yuugi chuckled. "But that'll be the day I give up gaming."

"Oh really? Well, prepare to throw away all your decks 'cuz I'm getting you a date with Anzu!" Jou's eyes glimmered mischievously.

"Iie! Jou! No! Don't! Anzu would hate me forever if she says no," Yuugi grabbed his friend's arm tightly.

"Oh come on Yuugi, it's worth a shot, isn't it?" Jou looked into his shorter companion's troubled violet eyes. "You need a female companion, Yuugi. I bet you love gaming so much it distracts you from Anzu, but you know you're lonely, deep down inside that little forlorn boy trapped within the Game Master."

"Hai. I guess you're right," Yuugi sighed and let go of Jou's arm. "But do it subtly. Try to find a quiet time to do it, like get her alone. If you can't do it, then forget it. Okay? I trust you, Jou-kun."

"Don't worry, little Yuugi-kun! She'll be yours in no time," Jou grinned.

"I hope so," Yuugi said quietly. "Bai-bai, Jou-kun. See you later." With that, Yuugi headed to his Jii-chan's gaming shop.

First chapter up! Will Yuugi win Anzu or will Jou blow it? You'll just have to find out when I put up the next chapter, I guess!

-Eternal Moonbeam