Disclaimer: Not mine.

Wesley Crusher sat watching the moonrise over the Mano di Fate Sea on Caldonia IV. The weather was perfect- a slight breeze, a cloudless sky. The past three years had been incredible. He and the Traveler spent the time exploring the galaxy and he learned so much more than he could ever have imagined sitting in a classroom at Starfleet Academy. Yet with everything he had learned, there was still one question that plagued him, a question that remained unanswered. Were there other humans like him? It was a question the Traveler was unable, or unwilling to answer. As Wesley sat on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the calm sea he pleaded to the emptiness.

"If someone out there knows what I am, now would be a good time to tell me."

No answer came. The only sound that could be heard for kilometers around was the crash of the waves against the shore.

"Thanks a lot," he said to no one. "I'll just have to find out for myself."

He stood and shook off the sand from his clothes and was about to walk back to the village he was visiting when he heard a faint popping sound. Wesley looked around to find the source of the strange noise and spied what appeared to be a folded piece of paper. Wesley prided himself on being a very observant individual. He knew that the paper had not been there a moment ago. He looked around quickly and decided it wouldn't hurt to check it out. To his great surprise, he realized the envelope was addressed to him.

Mr. Wesley Crusher
Large Rock Outcropping
Mano di Fate Sea, Caldonia IV

The addressed envelope and the letter it contained were written in an elegant script. Intrigued, he began to read.

Dear Mr. Crusher,

I am pleased to inform you that I have the answers to the question you are asking as well as many more you have yet to think of. I hope that in time we will explore those questions together. If you are interested in finding some of the answers you seek, please arrive at King's Cross Transport Station, London, England, Earth at 10:00 hours in three days time. I will send someone to meet you on platform 9.

I hope to be seeing you soon.

Best regards,

Percival Fredric Albus Dumbledore, headmaster, Hogwart's School

A school headmaster? It has been a long time since I've been home, thought Wesley gingerly. What have I got to lose?

With that, Wesley Crusher vanished from the shore of Caldonia IV. The only proof he had been there were the tracks he left in the sand. To those who would visit the peak the next morning it would appear as if the person who made those footprints had thrown himself to the Hand of Fate. They had no idea how right they were.