Reviews for A Question, Answered
kathu chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
tiannna chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
This makes no sense, Albus dies in the 1990's and ST:TNG takes place in like the 2300's.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 12/12/2008
A great story. Very good.
Virtuella chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
That is a very enjoyable little story. I am only vaguely familiar with the two relevant fandoms, but it is a smoothly written piece with a delightful twist. The address on the envelope is a nice touch.
q.thews chapter 1 . 5/18/2007
And to think that i choose this story in quite a random way as i wasn't going to read something in THAT universe tonight! :-)

DiogenesPaperCrown chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Hahahahah! This was very funny! You clever thing you! I never liked Weasley but I like the idea. Tee hee.
lola potter chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
i was really excited how your story would end, the question was good and then there was the envelop and the invitation to kings cross and i thought, "hah, funny, just like in harry potter" and then dumbledore... i think it was really funny and would explain the mirracles, wesley could manage in his enterprise time and he would be a good ravenclaw...

pity you dont go on, i would love to read more...

very funny and interst ending...
trekqueen chapter 1 . 1/27/2006
A TNG Harry Potter crossover? oh should be interesting and I will now have to prod you to continue even if it was mean to be just a oneshot. oneshots can really develop well! I definitely am interested in what would happen to Wesley since no one really explained what happened to him after he skipped off with the Traveller then SUDDENLY appears at Riker and Troi's wedding in Nemesis! Gah! ok I won't get started on my hate for that show but anyway...

Definitely continue this if you have the urge and want for it. Should be promising!
DBZfan4 chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
it was a good idea until you brought Hary Potter into it.
LuckieCharmz chapter 1 . 8/25/2005
heh. this made me laugh...
Blue Eyed Dragon Girl chapter 1 . 8/14/2005
I love it! Hogwarts crossover! Very cute! But isn't wesley a little old to get an invite from Hogwarts? Either way, I really loved it! Great one shot!
Paranoid Seat chapter 1 . 8/10/2005
Very interesting... make me think that it goes on after that, but I noticed it's marked as a one-shot, so I guess it's a thought-provoking fic.

Don't understand the Traveller whatsit, I haven't seen many of the last few seasons of TNG, but I can guess.

I like the twist on the new Dumbledore's name, as if the names have been passed down through the generations - Wulfric should be in there somewhere though, I reckon :)

I really like the very end, the footprints and the "hand of Fate", very interesting.
ladyro7 chapter 1 . 8/9/2005
Don't listen to that other reviewer! He or she is a cowardly moron. HP is not trivial pop culture, despite the sad amount of clueless teeny boopers who read it! HP is of the caliber of Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, Catcher and the rye etc. and the only people truly understand and enjoy ST love the classics that make you think beyond the superficial into the depths of human nature and emotion. I had a dream the other night combining HP and ST the other night. Thank you for not being an idiot by giving the crossover away in the summary. Keep up the quality writing (coming from me that's a high compliment b/c writing is only good w/o grammar/sp errors or continuity issues and requires an actual vocabulary and natural flair)!
Anonomous chapter 1 . 8/9/2005
NO! Star Trek is not about being shallow like Harry Potter. Stop the insanity. Don't put a perfectly good charcter in the realm of boybands and pink hair ties! Oh the humanity!