AN/ WOOT! This is my second fan fiction I've put up on this site, and I am very proud of it! I just got a new computer this Christmas, and I've never had internet before until January, so this has been a good year for me. Gravitation is my all time favourite anime (duh), and I hope that you will read my other fan fiction on here too! It's called "Salvation in the Darkness" and if you go to the action/adventure section then you'll find it. Or just go to my pen name in the author directory, PockyMania. I hope you'll like it! I'm on the eighth chapter right now, and it's continuing! I put up a chapter of it every day and sometimes even two! I'll do that with this one as much as I can as well. I'll tell you a little bit more about myself in the next chapter here. Sank you! -

Chapter 1: I'm a Big Kid Now

"Fuuuu! I'm home Yuki!" Shuichi called out exuberantly once he slammed the door into the adjacent wall. "Na! Are you home Yuki-chan!" The boy knew that the author hated being called that name, and immediately he heard a muffled voice from the study yell…

"Don't call me that, brat!"

Shuichi giggled and hopped gleefully into the ominously decorated room, seeing his lover at the same place he always was. On the laptop.

"Do you always have to shout when you come home? Why don't you ever just walk in to say you've arrived so I can acknowledge you, not cover my ears in pain from you."

"Sorry. But it's been so long since I've seen you, Yuki!"

"It's only been eight hours."

"Eight hours is a LONG time not being able to see my grumpy ol' Yuki-san." The pink-haired punk said teasingly and came over to pinch his frowning cheeks, though the novelist grabbed his wrist before he had the chance.

"So, since you've been singing all day and wearing out your vocal cords, why don't you shut up for the remainder of today and let me work, hm?" He half smiled sarcastically and let him go, turning back around to face the humming computer again.

"Hmph!" Shuichi pouted and stomped one foot. What did that junky machine have that his precious little lover didn't? It always seemed like he spent more time with that thing than with him! So he didn't have access to the world's resources like the internet, nor could he do Yuki's work for him…… but that didn't mean Yuki could treat him less like a human being compared to his stupid laptop! And Shuichi decided he would confront the man on that matter right now!


"Well? Are you ready?" The novelist said while turning off the offending trinket.

"Huh?" The boy was utterly confused now. Ready for what?

"You weren't listening this morning were you… sigh… I mentioned to you at breakfast that we needed to go down to the grocery store and pick up a few things. But you obviously weren't paying attention earlier, so I guess we can just forget about you coming along."

"No, wait! Yuki I'm sorry! I promise I'll pay attention from now on! Please take me with yooooou!" His lover pleaded. Wasn't he supposed to be mad at Yuki a while ago!

"Okay okay! Just don't get your snot all over my pants!" Yuki growled and shook the pink thing off his leg. Shuichi sniffled and grinned with triumph.

"I'll go get changed! Oh, by the way… why are you inviting me to come with you anyway?"

"Well, didn't you run out of that nasty ass, pink candy sticks you always buy?"

"Oh yeah! Pocky! Hey… it's not nasty! And it doesn't taste like butt!"

"It is to nasty. Now stop arguing before I change my mind and leave you here."

"Okay!" The boy sped into their room and started rummaging through the closet for something less sweaty to wear, since he just got back from work.

Yuki slipped on his black shoes at the door and put on his coat and sunglasses for a disguise. The fans seemed to multiplying by the numbers these days… after fifteen minutes of waiting for his goofy koi, Yuki shouted, "Will you hurry up, brat? It doesn't take that long to get dressed!"

"Oh, you'd be surprised Yuki darling!" The ecstatic Shuichi bounced out of their bedroom wearing blue jean shorts above the knees (NOT appropriate boy wear), a white tank, and over top of it was a light blue button up shirt, with colourful rainbow trim, tied in a knot at the stomach. A new shiny choker was also gracing his slender neck, which added great compliments to his skin (though Yuki didn't notice). The author winced at the sight of his lover dressed up like he was. Was he wearing clear lip gloss!

"Who are you supposed to be, Daisy Duke?" He raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Huh? You don't like this outfit Yuki?"

"Sigh… never mind. Just untie your shirt and let's go. I still got work to do." He said while puffing his cigarette out the door. Why couldn't Shuichi be like one of the kids on those commercials that wore BIG BOY pants?

"Wait for me Yuki!" Shuichi did as he was told and followed closely behind his blonde lover, happy that they finally get to spend time out of the house together.

AN/ So far it's going good. I don't know why I started writing this. I just realized, hey… I haven't found a fan fic that has Yuki and Shuichi being held up in a robbery. How about I make one? This fic will show just how much Shuichi means to Yuki, so be checking for updates for the next few days! Please REVIEW!