Reviews for A Crime in the Making
Yaoifangirl128 chapter 5 . 1/22/2013
HAHA! I did not see K coming! That was coool!
Yaoi fan girl 666 chapter 6 . 4/29/2012
AWESOME FIC! Ur fic's make me happy please do more!;)Xxx
Lucia 'The Crimson' Desire chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
capricorn2645 chapter 6 . 7/17/2008
aw that was awesome! u should write another one like that
enchanted nightingale chapter 6 . 2/9/2008
This one was nice!

It had action, fluffiness, the air of the anime and most of all Yuki and Suichi!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/10/2008
Very good. The whole story kept me entertained the entire time. This has got to be the most fun I've had while reading a story in a long time. And the comment at the end, "a tight fit" I could so imagine that. You kept the characters in character the whole time. That was very good and its also one of the hardest things to do wile writing fanfiction. Thank you for a great story.

The Meta chapter 6 . 10/31/2006
lol. this was a great story. i realy liked it. and no, i dont see many stories like this out here. it was great the way you found a way to put K in too! hes cool!
Mawariah chapter 6 . 10/20/2006
*lol* Really, really funny story! Thanks for the laugh!

Gotta say.; you nailed K perfectly! One of the best “Ks” I’ve ever seen and I read quite a lot of these stories. Nicely done!
Gosen the Saiya-Jin chapter 6 . 5/31/2006
OMG! THAT STORY RAWKED SO MUCH! XD! The ending made me laugh so freaking hard, i scared my family XD "no matter what size" XD! That was PRICELESS! 3 Wonderful story! You kept me hooked Very full of action and suspense! Keep writing! You're very good at it!
Shaylo Gatomon chapter 4 . 5/18/2006
okay, I haven't finished but...why would Yuki turn his back on the robber? Yuki of all people would know better. He had the robber down why would he give up that advatange? What happened to the robbers gun and knife? Yuki's used a gun before, whether he'd like to use it or not. Why didn't Yuki just pick up the gun and hold the robber hostage? The clerck could have opened the door and they could have moved on.
shu-chan77901 chapter 1 . 2/22/2006
Hey, you've been very nice to me in reviewing my story so I thought I'd be nice to you. I didn't realize until just a little bit ago that I've read almost all of your Fanfics. I love them. They're awesome. You have a knack for writing fanfic. I loved a crime in the making. It was one of the first fanfics that I read, and in a way it inspired me to start writing fanfics. I'm going to be an author when i grow up. I'm fifteen right now, and Neko is the main character in all my stories. I love him so much. anyway i just wanted to tell you that i've read most of your fanfics and i enjoyed them.

Invader Ran chapter 5 . 1/17/2006
I have to say, I practically swallowed my tongue whe K-san entered the picture...

Anywho, I love this story lots! -faves-
angelicakes chapter 6 . 9/3/2005
FINALLY! A Gravi fic worth reading! God, this has to be my favorite! Your style is irrisistable and keeps the reader interested, and it paints the picture well. The plot and storyline was excellent, and it had just the right amount of fluff. :X Also, you did their personality right. Damn! I couldn't stop reading it! I need to see more of your work! WHAT A CUTE STORY!

Aw, no sex scene! XD Oh well, that doesn't make a story great... besides, this isn't AFF, is it? Exactly. Keep up the good writing! *Checks every square at the bottom*
Quack says the duck chapter 6 . 8/29/2005
i hate school too, you poor person

but i go back on september 5th. ONE WEEK!

but my best mate's in wales... she's ditched me... *cries*

cool story. i liked ur author's note at the end lol. u cudve had shuichi say 'it's a bit big, isn't it?' n yuki scowl at him
DatenshiBlue39 chapter 6 . 8/28/2005
Oh, goodness gracious you little terd! That was very... how shall I say this?... Interesting. Yuki's helping Shu try on his birthday clothes... ack~ I'm really scared now. No, I'm just kiddin'. Fun chapter.. It's last one! HEY, I GOT A CELL PHONE! And you don't have one, hahahaha, LOSER! hey, i accidently put lover instead of loser up there, cause i hit the wrong key on the keyboard, boy that woulda been funny if I hadn't caught my error. GO REVIEW MY STORIES!
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